dreaming-twist · 5 months
inanimate objects and generic minions -> characters
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I was rereading a March 2023 interview where Yana talks about the process of creating for Twisted Wonderland! I believe I previously mentioned how I appreciated the eclectic yet pragmatic design sense of the outfits in TWST; this time, what caught my attention was how Yana came up with characters from what are minor henchmen and inanimate objects associated with notable villains.
She says that it was a challenge to come up with characters based on the card soldiers and the poisoned apple. (It’s very different than basing a character on the Queen of Hearts and the Evil Queen, who are both very iconic women with defined personalities and powers.) Yana put herself in the shoes of those original Disney counterparts and then used those feelings as a basis to work with. It’s really cool to think about how she was able to pull four different perspectives for the card soldiers. There’s Cater the spectator, Trey the reluctant bystander that eventually comes around, Deuce the rebel, and Ace the other rebel instigator.
I’m especially interested in how Yana conceived of a concept for Epel, who is one of the few in the main cast who is twisted from an object rather than a character. She describes the poison apple as being innocent; it was just a normal apple that had no intention of becoming poisonous or being used in the Evil Queen’s nefarious scheme—yet it was forced to become a poisonous apple against its will because this is the form which will be the most advantageous to the Queen. And indeed, that’s pretty much the nature of Vil and Epel’s relationship. Book 5 is about Vil shaping Epel through stringent training (which Epel actively resists) into someone who can weaponize cuteness to take down Neige. The idea made it all the way to the final product—it’s great to see the payoff of the creative process 😌
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dreaming-twist · 5 months
“Were you looking for me?”
Some she/her reader/prefect x Jamil short fic...
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The prefect and Grim had gone to accompany Deuce to the basketball court, in order to look for Ace. Deuce had finished with his club early, and was looking forward to getting some rest before dinner time. That's why he called his two friends, and also hoped to have Ace with them.
Upon arrival, Ace seemed to have finished showering and was totally ready to leave. When he saw them, the boy raised his hand, although what he said did not accompany the gesture.
"You wanted to see me in action, huh?" he said, smiling mischievously. "A shame, because I'm done for today."
"...The three of us should've left without him" Grim concluded in response, looking at the girl and Deuce, who nodded at the answer.
Ace frowned.
"Hey, don't ignore me!"
"AH! If it's Koebi-chan! ~"
A voice from further away interrupted Ace. It was Floyd, who was still half wet from the water from the shower, but luckily he was dressed. He had a huge smile on his face.
"Umihebi-kun, come, come!" he said, approaching them but looking back.
Everyone was a little confused by that call, but then they saw that Jamil was walking behind him, with wet hair, at a slow pace. The prefect looked out and could see how Jamil was putting up his hair with both hands while he held a scrunchie with his mouth. Once he tied his ponytail, he looked forward. She looked away, her heart trembling a little. Two seconds later, he also arrived where they were.
"Oh, hey. You're a little late to watch, training is already over" Jamil said to the group.
"We came to look for Ace" Deuce clarified. "Thanks for... putting up with him, at the club."
Deuce said that as he bowed, and his friends ended up doing the same. Ace was getting pissed again.
"Why does it seem like I'm your son?" he asked.
"Come on ~ Kani-chan is super fun. We had a great time with him, didn't we, Umihebi-kun?"
Floyd turned to Jamil, who ended up smiling a little, although not exactly sweetly.
"He's very easy to tease."
Everyone laughed except Ace, who ended up grabbing his backpack and starting to walk away alone. Deuce began to chase him along with Grim, and the prefect, before leaving, bowed again to the senpai.
"Er... good job. With the club, that is."
"Ah, Koebi-chan, you're so cute... it makes me want to hug you..." began to say Floyd, taking a step forward from her, ready to hug her. But then Jamil cut him off.
"Floyd" he said sharply. Then he looked from him to the girl, a smile in his face. "Thank you."
She looked into his eyes not knowing what to say. Jamil's gaze was deep and cold most of the time, but it didn't contain even a bit of malice. The girl then remembered Kalim. That boy was the complete opposite: his eyes denoted happiness at any moment. The only thing they both had in common was that with their gaze they were able to envelop you and not let go, like the sands of the desert.
After a few seconds, Floyd moved his hand in front of the girl's face.
"Is there anyone at home...?" he asked.
She composed herself immediately, and looked away from Jamil. She sure was red, so she turned around and started to leave.
"E-Eh... Well, see you."
"Come back soon, Koebi-chan! ~"
Floyd and Jamil stayed looking at her until she was quite far away from there, and Floyd then looked at Jamil out of the corner of his eye, with a little smile.
"Heh... Umihebi-kun, you sure are popular."
"Have you used your power on her?" Floyd asked, curious. Even though the Unique Magic were a secret, due to everything that happened in Scarabia he already knew what it was about.
"What are you taking about? I haven't used it since... then" Jamil said.
"Eeeeh ~ I see... ~"
Floyd turned around and went to get his things. Jamil stayed, lost in his thoughts, watching the girl walk away from them.
The next day that club activities were scheduled, Deuce, the prefect and Grim went back to the basketball court to look for Ace. That day, however, they were caught in the middle of a training match. Ace tried to make his way, but Floyd, who was playing in the opposite team, blocked him whenever he had the opportunity. At one point he saw an opening and slid to the other side, but in the blink of an eye Jamil took the ball from him, ran to his basket and scored a point just before the whistle sounded announcing the end of the practice game. Ace gritted his teeth, though he and his teammates exchanged affectionate pats on the back and words of encouragement. Floyd gave Jamil a very simple high five. It was obvious that they were used to working as a team.
The prefect and Deuce applauded at the end of the match and that was when the three of them became aware of their presence. Floyd's eyes shone again.
"Koebi-chaaaan, you're back! ~" He ran up to her, but when he was going to give her a hug, he stopped himself. "Oops... sweat. I can't hug you"
The girl laughed a little and then she looked at Jamil, who was tying again his ponytail, since he had messed up his hair while playing. He immediately noticed her gaze, and she ended up quickly turning away from him.
Ace approached them, and began to speak very loudly.
"Aaaaah, we were so close to winning..." he said, pointing out how tired he was.
"I may be wrong, but it says on that scoreboard that you've been beaten, Ace," Grim pointed out.
Indeed, the score marked a difference of at least 20 points between one team and the other. Ace growled and when he reached Grim's side he kicked him.
"Stealing the ball from you was very easy. You have to improve your technique, Ace” Jamil said, who had arrived next to them.
"Yes, Jamil-senpai..."
"Well, to the shower! ~" Floyd looked excited and began to leave after waving goodbye to the others.
Ace shook his head and looked at his three friends.
"I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?"
"Don't be late" Deuce asked.
"Mimimi, I'll do what I can..."
After watching him leave, Deuce also stood up.
"I think I'm going to go get something to snack on while Ace arrives, because I think that shower's going to take a while... Do any of you want something?"
"Ah, some chips for me, please!" The girl asked, with a smile.
Grim stood up as well.
"I'm going with you Deuce. You wait for us here, huh?" He said, looking at the girl. She nodded. Ace was a mystery, sometimes he finished early and sometimes too late, but the best thing was for someone to stay waiting for him.
When the two boys left, she sighed, and looked at the empty basketball court. Although... Now that she thought about it, she had seen Ace and Floyd leave, but not Jamil. She had lost sight of him for a second and she no longer saw him. Would he have gone ahead to the showers...?
She craned her neck to look at the side of the gym, somewhat hidden, when...
"Are you looking for someone?"
A voice sounded too close to her, and the girl jumped up, so suddenly that she almost tripped. However, a strong arm grabbed her and pulled her towards her seat before any unfortunate fall occurred. The girl, who had closed her eyes in shock, opened them again, finding the boy with dark skin and dark eyes whom she had, in fact, been looking for.
"J-Jamil... Thank you very much..."
"No problem."
Jamil kept his gaze and jumped from the seat he was sitting in, over hers, to the one right next to her, without letting go her hand. She was tremendously embarrassed by the ridiculousness she had made. And in front of Jamil, no less.
"...If I let you go you won't try to jump, right?"
"Ah? N-No! L-Let go of me, no problem..."
Despite his joking tone, the boy seemed genuinely worried that he had scared her and almost caused an accident, but seeing her out of danger he finally decided to let go of her hand.
Although he didn't look away from her.
"... So? Were you looking for me?
The girl was speechless with that question. She couldn't even look at him at that moment... But Jamil was making it difficult for her. There was something about him that attracted her, very much. It was impossible to ignore him...
Her eyes rolled to his, slowly, and she saw how he watched her carefully, while she smiled sideways, mischievously, as if that situation amused him. She could swear her face was closer than before, and closer than he had ever been to her.
"...Yes, I was wondering where you were" she said, to the boy's surprise. But she no longer had any reason to hide it, if Jamil had said that it was because he had clearly caught her.
Jamil seemed to be amused by how she had confessed, and he raised an eyebrow as his smile deepened.
"... You are really interesting."
She held on for a few more seconds, but soon she suddenly stood up again, this time stiff as a rock.
"I-I forgot to tell Deuce something! I'm going to look for them."
Jamil leaned his back against the backrest while he watched the girl pick up her backpack, bow with her head —without looking at him— and run out of the place, following in the footsteps of her friends minutes before. He stared at her until she disappeared from his sight, and then he couldn't help but smile more than he should.
He got up, ready to go to the showers. Maybe he had to ask Ace a couple of things.
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
2. WEB
Some random oneshot for TwstOBer ~ Enjoy please xD
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“Sebek, you need to find some other hobby. Do you want to try playing with my PC?”
“Human inventions that have nothing to do with magic? Hmpf! Sounds disappointing.”
“Well, well, at least give it a try, okay? It maybe surprises you.”
“... If you say so, Lilia-sama...”
That was how it all began. A simple proposal from Lilia had been his first and until now last contact with that world. And he still didn't know how he had gotten to the point where he was right now.
That day, in Lilia's PC, he found a program on the web that caught his attention. "Pass on your thoughts or knowledge!" It said. Sebek arched an eyebrow, and ended up creating an account outnof curiosuty with the first nickname that came to mind (Best Bolt) until he came across a recording function. Then he realized what this must be.
“I understand. It should be something like a journal, but instead of writing it by hand, you speak directly to it. Interesting invention, not bad for humans...”
And then, after clearing his throat and hitting the 'Record' button, he began to speak.
“... Hello? ... I don't know how this works, but I will try to adapt. This is my first time using one of these... inventions. It's interesting, but... Hm? Wait, why is there a light that is blinking on the side? Okay... I'll try to fix it. I don't know how the recording is turned off...”
Sebek began to investigate what happened to the computer, and in that time he wasn't seeing suddenly the counter of 0 that appeared on the side of the recording screen went up to 1, then to 2, and thus it began to rise. increasingly.
Once he finally fixed it, he returned to his starting position.
“Done. It was not a problem for me. What could I talk about today... Huh?”
As he was thinking, he suddenly saw an alert glow red on the screen, next to a speech bubble. Sebek brought the mouse to it and opened it, finding the words: "You can talk about anything you want."
“I understand. It even gives you suggestions... What a useful program... I'll talk a bit about myself in that case.” Despite this, Sebek decided not to speak the names of anyone he named... for his own sake. He didn't want to be embarrassed later if he listened to his own diary... “Right now I don't live with my family, so to speak. It's not that I get on badly with them at all; I went away to study and to fulfill my duties and my work. So now I'm living somewhere else, surrounded by... ahem, people. However, the ones I am closest to are... the family of a person I have known since childhood.”
He leaned back in the chair.
“One of them treats me almost as if I were his son, and sometimes I think he cares too much about me and pampers me too much. He has taught me so many things, and I feel that every day I learn a little more from him. I respect him a lot... although he sometimes takes advantage of me and plays practical jokes on me. I don't know if he wants me to feel comfortable and enjoy all of this despite being away from my family... or he just wants to play with me. He left me all this... equipment to test it and 'have fun'. Hum. I think once again he was right. His advice is always helpful.”
He made a mental note that he should thank Lilia.
“And then there is... the one who is the only person my age who has always been by my side. He is a very decisive... person, and too calm, I'll say. That is what makes him fail so much in many things. However... he is the person I have been with the most since children, and despite his failures and the fact that we argue so many times... he is very important to me. We do not consider ourselves nor have we called ourselves 'friends' before, rather it is that in addition to being one of the same rank as me, he is my rival and someone I like to continually surpass. I think he may feel the same way.”
For some reason he was saying things that surprised even him. He had never spoken so openly about Silver. How was this happening? Was he so comfortable talking to himself...?
“And there is someone else, who is who I am doing all this for and for whom I strive every day. He is the most incredible being I have ever met. Always correct, with the greatest power I have ever seen, diligent, perfect... It is directly my reason for being, I am SURE of it. I want to become stronger for him and be by his side to serve him whenever he needs me. I'm lucky that someone like him recognized my worth. He is my role model... Although...”
He bit his lip.
“... I think I'm not good enough to help him, protect him, and still be worthy. But I will be. Not because I started showing results later than others am I going to give up. That is something I am not going to do. I want to make the world see that I can become the best in my course... No; the best ever. And prove that he was not wrong with me. It doesn't matter where you come from, whose son you are, or if your power came to light sooner or later... WHAT REALLY MATTERS IS YOUR PASSION, AND STRIVE EVERY DAY TO KEEP WALKING!”
After blurting that out with a big smile and clenched fists, he soon realized that he had lost his composure a bit. He returned to his starting position, clearing his throat.
“... Ahem. For now I feel like I'm on the right track to achieve that goal. The first step is to be the best in my course. Or so I think. The people I... hang out with, from the same course as me are... peculiar. There is one who seems to be pursuing the same goal as me. But he still has a lot left. I notice conviction in his words but I don't see any improvement in his studies. However, he is stronger than I expected at first, and he excels at P.E. There's another... thing who wants to become the best too, but... I'm not even going to talk about him. That one is a lost case. There are two more who instead appear to be quite normal, but one only seems to have an interest in one thing, and the other... honestly, I don't know what to think of him, but he's very strong. And besides the four of them there is a... person who does not seem to want to improve on anything at all. Or rather, he doesn't seem to have an interest in it. But he is not an idiot, rather he seems like one, and I have learned from other sources that when he proposes it to him, he is capable of being the best student in his class. Perhaps he is the most suitable to call him a 'rival' among them. Although as long as he continues to seem so bored of everything that comes his way, there should be no problem... He also shouldn't like me too much. Although he keeps talking to me. He is an interesting guy.”
Sebek then took a breath to talk about the last person he was missing, after talking about Deuce, Grim, Epel, Jack and Ace.
“And lastly there is this… ahem, person, that came along all of a sudden. They doesn't have the capacity to be here, but they somehow got in and we're on the same course. When I learned of their existence, I felt that I had tried very hard to get here, while they had a special ability, although not the one that everyone else possesses, was able to enter without problems. It was unfair. I have ever thought that they were making fun of everyone.” He paused. For some reason, even though he had blurted it out, he didn't feel good about himself... Was that the whole truth...? It was then that he recalled certain moments that he spent with them from then on. “... But they are very clumsy. I feel like I have to be there to hold them if they falls. Studying with them is not unpleasant, they are capable to follow my advice and understand things quickly. I do not dislike those who strive to achieve their goals...”
Another notification appeared on the side of the screen. Sebek stopped speaking, a half smile adorning his face, and looked at the message, taking advantage of the stop in his monologue. Would it be another suggestion from the program...?
“How beautiful is love.”
The boy jumped.
“WHAT?! NO!!” He yelled at the screen, totally flushed. “H-How can a program say these things?! This is a joke?!”
The notifications came out again and Sebek managed to read some.
“Program? What are you talking about man?”
“Hey, there is nothing wrong with you liking someone, I support you!!!”
“Is Story Time over? I was really enjoying listening to you, Best Bolt”
“I have become a fan of yours! Will you talk about more things another day?”
“Your words are very inspiring!♡”
“Best Bolt u r the BEST!”
Sebek began to check the screen, and saw that next to a symbol that represented an eye appeared the number "5000".
5000... eyes?
“Hey. Did you listen to Best Bolt the other day on this popular app with podcasts that premier live?” Ace asked, as he ate his burger.
Sebek stopped eating when he heard that.
“No, but I have heard people talk about him to class people. He seemed interesting” Said Epel.
“I had listened to podcasts, but few that talked about personal life... And he spoke so calmly and in such a sincere and focused way... I wish I could do something like that” Deuce commented. Epel smiled at him, he felt the same way.
“I don't know who you're talking about” said Jack confused. (Y/n) and Grim were just like him.
“He cut the recording suddenly the other day, something may have happened to his PC... But hey, if he comes back I'll let you know for sure.”
Sebek ate without saying anything, next to them, who were talking so happily about Best Bolt, until...
“Sebek, youuuu... well, I don't even know why I ask, in Diasomnia you all are very old-fashioned, right? You don't use technology much... except Lilia-senpai.” Ace started to say, looking at him.
Sebek tried to avoid him as best he could.
“HUH?! A-Ah... No, n-no, I don't have interest in that kind of human-made things...”
“Heee... Well, I'll let you know when Best Bolt comes back anyway. Maybe it surprises you.”
“Y-Yes, okay, thank you” He replied, looking away... where he met the watchful gaze of (Y/n), quite close to his face.
“Sebek, are you okay?”
That was the last straw. Sebek quickly rose from his chair.
And with that said, the boy ran towards the exit, while everyone else looked at him.
“... Hey now that I think about it, doesn't Best Bolt look a bit like Sebek? That way of speaking, and everything he said...”
“Ha, ha. Good one, Deuce.”
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
I want to make some TwstOBer oneshots but here I am without many ideas about "Trick" xD Tomorrow will be a new day
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
TWSTOBer 2021
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The leaves have changed colors, and the breeze has become more crisp. Autumn has fully set in, and with it comes the return of TwstOBer (a TWST themed set of Inktober prompts! The OB in the name stands for “Overblot”)!
If you’re looking for a challenge or something to keep you preoccupied for the month, feel free to try this out! Oh, and remember to use the #TwstOBer tag to share your art and writing pieces with the rest of the fandom!
(The prompts for TwstOBer 2020 can be found here, if you’re curious!)
Good luck, and have fun!
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
Hello! ♥ Can I request headcanons or oneshot (whichever is easier) about how the twst boys react when they discover that MC is a girl, because they thought MC was a pretty boy, someone like Epel, when an unexpected rain happens during flying class and they can see the silhouette of the breasts or the vibrantly colored bra under the wet T-shirt 👀
At some point they all go : “My expectations for you were low , but holy f ”
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Riddle Rosehearts
Class 2 E had to take Riddle who crashed the ground from the 20 meter height to the nurse office afterwards
His pe grades were already horrifying and with those two tips of something he saw under your wet clothes , it isn't really strange to end up in bed
Thankfully he doesn't end up with a broken leg , but that seemed way better than having this broken sanity now : (y/n) is a girl...?
He gets red but not of any anger , instead embarrassment . He has been treating you too casually good lord , he is never the same with girls
Riddle doesn't talk to you for a few days because he now realizes how lame your relationship may seem ; many things he should have done , many things he shouldn't have done
Would things still be the same ? Well it has to be he , thought . After all you didn't ever hide anything or lie about your gender , it was his misunderstanding
Well now , maybe he wants to treat you a bit... softer ?
Trey Clover
He isn't terrified by the gender , he is terrified by the way he saw it : Wet clothes , squishy big things under your shirt with a visible color...
He sweats at even saying it by word he wasn't ; he wasn't expecting that at all
He tries to hide his blush but that doesn't really work ; everyone knows that Trey isn't one to blush easily
He decides that it's better to skip the class now ( His eyes need some fresh air) . Just a few hours away , and he seems to be already used to it
He has to admit that it's somehow creepy to see the guy who you always liked having around is actually a girl , but he decides to pretend that he already knew it
Male or female , you're the same to him . The lovely and adorable (y/n) you always were
But still , this got him thinking...does he need to treat you like a girl sometimes ? Stuff that just girls do , say or like ?
Cater Diamond
He... notices the big deal when he's taking a rainy day selfie with you . He is making sure that you both look good but suddenly his eyes lay at the sight of your chest through his phone...
His eyes grow wider and he doesn't notice when he presses the button : The sound of his phone's flash almost made him drop it
You ask if he's alright but Cater just gives you a nervous laugh and say that the phone just slipped for a second . He neither shows you the pic you just took nor agrees on taking a second one when you ask him to
He leaves in pretext of picking his umbrella up but instead , runs to a corner where you couldn't see him : He brings that selfie from his gallery and zooms on your chest . He wants to make sure of what he just saw
Which one's worse ? The neon pink bra under your T-shirt or the... clearly visible tip of your nipple under it ? Damn you are laying your breasts on his hand in the pic...
He quickly saves it though his private albums . On the second thought , he sends all pictures he had from you to that folder as well
Well , he'll get used to it right? Perhaps he can now flirt more comfortably with you knowing that you're actually a girl . The only important thing for him is too make sure that no one ever finds out about photos he has on that private folder ; the one he keeps specifically for you
Deuce Spade
"E-eh??" Remember what happened with Eliza ? This is the second version of it . Even during his rage days ( Wild yellow hair and random fights with others) he lacked the ability to even say hi to a girl . And here he is now spending all those days together without knowing that you were a girl !??
His whole personality almost cracks for a second . All those dirty stuff other first years had shared about girls flashes before his eyes . He wasn't damn prepared -
He couldn't be any more thankful that you couldn't see the horrifying scenes and sounds through his mind at the moment- He just leaves before you could even see him blush
Ace doesn't stop teasing him though , late at the night inside Heartslabyul's , Ace is walking on his nerves asking him to tell what's wrong . Ace isn't the only curious one ; soon all his classmates too keep asking Deuce to say what is bothering him
Deuce has decided to keep his mouth shut until he comes over this fact on his own , and he's strong on it . There's no way that he'd let anyone recognize his anxiety with women
He knows his friends better than this and doesn't want to be dared to steal your underwear or poke your breasts in another round of truth or dare
Let's just...hope that things will soon get better for him or , perhaps you can be his chance to overcome his lack of skills with women ?
Ace Trappola
"Holy sh-" He then gets fired from the pe class for his impolite usage of words- ( School rules , right ?) Not that he cares though
Comparing to Deuce , he's a lot better and more experienced especially because he has been in a relationship before... which is both good and bad
The last time he got this close to any girls before you was with his ex-girlfriend ; and to be honest even that relationship didn't brought them as close as you two are now . The thought of going through similar things with a new one even though he no longer thinks about his ex ... that kinda hurts
Maybe he would've died to tell Deuce what he found out if old memories didn't haunt him . He isn't an awkward realizing your gender like Deuce is , but he can tell that it's kinda hard for him to deal with it . Mostly because of how close and dear you are to him now...
He finally realizes that he doesn't deserve carrying the shame and anxiety on his own and tells Deuce ; well at least calming Deuce down will make him pay least attention to his own problems
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Leona Kingscholar
He almost chokes- He was standing in the corner without a single drop of water on his hair while you got too wet as if you took a shower with your clothes on
He is teasing you likr always again until he realizes a second color under your white clothes ... no . please don't be
He prefers to imagine that you're a guy having the kink of wearing feminine underwear . He isn't ready to accept that you're a girl and he still denies it after seeing the vibrantly visible bra with his own two eyes
God...he teased you , kicked you , laughted you off and literally stepped on you ; that's what he usually likes to treat others so..? But not a lady , never . He is raised better this to end up neglecting a lady's great level and worth
Now considering how he's been teasing you so far , what did you think of him..? Do you consider him an asshole who has no respect for women due to how he treated you ??
He is really stressed out and doesn't know what to do , he just takes off his own jacket and quickly comes to you , wrapping it around your wet body and hair and taking you to a warmer place . He keeps asking if you're alright ? Didn't you catch a cold ? Do you need a doctor ?
Leona doesn't know if your fascinated gaze means a yes or no , and it isn't going to help
He isn't going to explain himself right now , maybe give it some time ?
The only reason he treated you this casually was because he was comfortable with you and it was all...a way of showing admiration ?
Maybe it gets better when he explains himself
Ruggie Bucchi
His mouth drops open when he realizes the bra as you two were drying yourselves after the rain . (y/n) is a she...!?
He doubts , he would doubt it again if he even takes a closer look . Suddenly his body feels warmer and his cheeks get red . No way...
Ruggie barely talked to any girls other than his own family and even skipped conversations when girls were brought up , he isn't mentally prepared for it !
But now he is changing with you at the same room ?? Wait wait wait- He might act like a brat but he isn't a jerk
He leaves because he's sure that you need some privacy ; all though he still refuses to believe that you're a girl...
You never ever mentioned your gender in front of him and he never asked , but did anyone else know it except him ? He just wouldn't dare to ask
Well girl or not , he doesn't stop teasing you in general ; but also learns not to go too far since it's still hard for you to be wrapped in an all boy school...you need more support
Jack Howl
He doesn't mind going blind after seeing those nipples under your wet T-shirt . He first thought that they were a bit too big for a boy but...he soon realized that they weren't even for a boy-
He had to take a small look between your legs because he couldn't resist- he had to make sure . And NO ! He didn't see what he wished to see there
He still can't make sure ?? Those things usually proved someone being a girl but still , there is no way to make sure unless he asks you ; but how can he ? No way , he'll just melt down
He doesn't mention anything in front of you but tries indirectly bringing the issue of your gender up with Ace and Deuce : Didn't (y/n) tell you two about her schedule today?
" Her...?"
Well great , now Ace and Deuce have joined him on the ‘terrified of your gender’ army . The only way to make sure is either asking you or... stealing something that could prove it . Someone has to get inside your room but which one of them now...?
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Azul Ashengrotto
He is vibing with the pleasant rain as it made today's pe sessions a bit better for him . He asks you to join him
He just takes his glasses off for a second to dry them and- BANG
The color of your bra was too visible that he could even see it without his glasses on
He immediately puts them on and takes a better look , well great now he can clearly see your breasts closely . How bad he wished that he went blind for a second...
You don't get why Azul seems to be studying your chest so you ask if something's wrong?
Azul is pulled out of his thoughts and embarrassment takes him over because you realized what he was staring at : Pathetic
Azul excuses himself telling you that he has to take his pills before he returns to his Octopus form and disappears
How dumb he could be not to realize it till now... Beside that - Why the hell didn't those two tall sticks ( a.k.a Floyd and Jade) realize it either !?
God God God...he keeps swallowing his eyes at the thought...
How can he get over the fact that he was being with a girl all this time...?
Floyd Leech
Well of course he is shocked , Shrimpy was supposed to be a guy but he actually is a little girl ? Meh , what a disappointment
Well , body is body to him so he isn't really shocked or freaked out to see , well , those things under your shirt
He might not be that fascinated , but still has doubts . While you two are taking a walk back to Ramshackle dorm , he just doesn't stop staring at your chest and doesn't mind you noticing him either
To be honest , he now seems to be liking it . You were just a kiddo he always enjoyed teasing but now that you're a girl...? How different would things be ? And would the way he treated you make you possibly... have those girlish feelings for him ? Sounds fun
While saying goodbye at your door he stops for a second to say something . You don't quite get what he asked but he knows better himself : " Random question but- are those seriously soft to squeeze ?"
Jade Leech
Just as Floyd , he doesn't mind you being a girl . He actually appreciates you even more now. Night Raven College isn't a place for weak people and still , to think that a small human girl like you could last this long here... Farewell , human beings can be really interesting he can tell
He gently offers you his coat and escorts you to a warmer place , telling you to change into something dry before you catch a cold
Well the first day is nothing different or weird , but the upcoming days prove how creepy he can be...
He doesn't mind popping up out of nowhere to tell you to choose underwears with a less noticable color at school and it just makes you melt ; not just because it's embarrassing to be told so but also because it proved that Jade is watching you
He does do some research on surface females to get to know the differences between what he expected you to be and what you really are better ; not that he has a complaint though
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Jamil Viper
He exactly knows what he just saw there and - He can't help but to feel ashamed . For once he leaves without taking Kalim with him , he just forgot him a the moment
He now feels... angry . You never ever shared your gender but it's not like he ever expected you to be a girl . He feels lied to ; you didn't ever tell the truth but didn't lie either ; that bugs him even more because he doesn't know if he's mad at you or not
Well he now knows when someone you thought you know ends up being something totally different ; like the way Kalim saw who he really is...well that's really annoying to think of
Jamil ignores you for a few days until you come to ask why he's avoiding you . He insists that it's nothing all though it's obvious that it is-
Alright , a few days until he cools down . He wants to keep the distance till then
Knowing your gender often makes him feel ashamed of how casually he's been treating you . Well a lot of things are different when it's an all boy school , right ?
He doesn't know if he should act cooler with you from now or pretend that he never saw anything , he needs time to make up his mind
Kalim al Asim
He was giving you a towel to dry yourself when he recognized your clothes . He was actually thinking of bringing you some dry ones when he saw what he wished he didn't saw- Aaah why would you wear such a recognizable bra : " (y/n)..??"
He quickly pulls back and apologizes ; not that you know what he is apologizing for
He returns to Jamil and tells him to leave , he just can't face you right now
There at Scarabia , Kalim tells Jamil everything since he really needs to share some feelings . He asks Jamil if he knew about this and he certainly didn't
Kalim now keeps wondering... how hard might it be for you ? A girl sorrounded by all guys out there , do you feel safe ?
He now has decided to look after you more than he already did , he just doesn't want you feeling any sad or lonely because of your current situation
He always hated loneliness and that's why he needed Jamil around , now it's your turn to have Kalim around so you'll never be alone
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil is well familiar with all beauty materials - including feminine underwear - so he quickly realizes both the unusual size of your chest and the vibrantly colored bra under your clothes . He wishes he hadn't
Bearing the fact that he was having a girl beside him all this time is already hard enough , but what makes it worse is what a terrible female he thinks you are now
You seriously do need a start over ! You are no girl if you're this ignorant toward your appearance even as it makes you look like a guy
He spends all night thinking of what he now should do with you . He does know how to manage guys but girls ? That won't be called something he had much experience on
He isn't feeling as comfortable as before with you yet , he decides to give you some lessons to at least pull you out of your non feminine self
He doesn't mind telling you that you have to do a lot more for yourself as you are a girl ; and he says it as if he knew it all this time
He isn't going to turn you into a princess , it's safer for you to remain something between male and female as you are stuck between all these untrustworthy guys , but it doesn't hold him back from giving you some chance to see your female self. He brings you wigs and puts on your makeup , telling you that you sometimes need to show up like this
He still needs some time to feel as comfortable as he used to with you , but spending time with you trying to have a start over is actually helping him to like you even more than he used to
Rook Hunt
Well congrats , for so long no one had ever succeeded to shock Rook like you did ! That's an improvement . He always makes sure not miss a single detail about those he has his eyes on ; yet he failed to even recognize your gender correctly until now
A bit of fascination won't hurt , right ? After all having a boy like Epel beside him makes it really confusing to specify male and female sometimes
To be honest , he now finds you pretty fragile and helpless : Bunny between the beasts
If a hunter like him didn't know it so far , then probably no one else knew it either . So that's his little secret now
This place's a considerably dangerous zone for a lady to step on , and Rook isn't planning on exposing you like this . He isn't a monster after all...
But having Rook of all people knowing your secret is already enough of torture , isn't it ?
Epel Felmier
I-I thought we were the same...???
This can't be true , this shouldn't be ! Please don't be , please , please , please
Epel looked up to you bot only as a reliable and strong friend but also as someone who goes through similar appearance problems as Epel himself did
You made him feel better that he wasn't the only one having problems with looking too similar to girls ; seems like he was wrong
Epel wasn't ever comfortable with getting close to girls , along becoming a friend of them . He even kept you closer than his other friends since the too of you could relate a lot he thought ; now what should he do ?
He is too embarrassed to even look into your eyes now , he even skips classes you two share and in summary , does anything to avoid you for a while
That is said that girls and boys can never be just friends and... that's frustrating
Now , could the two of you ever be as close as you used to be again?
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Idia Shroud
Which is worse , realizing that he's been spending all his time with a girl over the past few months or seeing her wet breasts during the class ?Man , that looked just like those anime hentais one would find online...
Beside that , having your gender exposed makes him feel a bit unsafe about his relationship with you ; if even a simple thing such as gender could be different from what he was expecting you , then what greater differences would your reality have from the (y/n) you were into his eyes ?
Idia hardly ever gets to fully trust anyone and now he isn't sure if he could trust you anymore . Well yes gender might be no big deal compared to the fearful thoughts he is having at mind ; but it's enough to send him into his safe zone and stay away from you
His face turns red and hot whenever he thinks of that scene even when he's all alone in his bedroom , God he wasn't prepared-
Ortho finally forces him to tell what's bothering him and when he confesses , Ortho gets really excited . He keeps telling Idia that as a friend , he has to stay by your side specially because you may feel lonely being a girl all on your own . He reminds Idia of the fact that this is what friends do
He now feels sorry for abandoning you like a coward , but he has to admit that it's a bit hard for him to return the old friendship you two had . Well maybe just texting you instead of face to face interaction would be better ?
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Malleus Draconia
uh..? A girl...? Child of man caught in an unknown world and... That's a female . You keep fascinating him over and over ever since he met you , it's just another surprise he can tell
He kinda loses all his focus during the pe class after he accidentally notices the unusual knobs popping under your T-shirt ; are you wearing something wrapped around your...chest ?
He first thinks that it may just be somewhat of a brand new clothing trend to wear feminine-like stuff ; but remembering how you never clearly stated your gender , he now understands how wrong he was
He thought that he had you under his watch pretty well , but he even failed to realize your gender correctly ; perhaps he should learn to do it better
Malleus isn't about to treat you any differently just because you ended up being a girl , all though he has to agree that it was a bit shocking . But in general , nothing about your relationship really seems to be gender related
You don't know his name and he didn't know your gender until now ; is this how karma works ? Well that'd be a bit unfair , gender was rather worthless compared to the fear his real identity might bring you
The only thing that may change now is him being more protective over you ; not that he underestimates you but rather because there's no way for you to be totally comfortable in a school filled with rebellious guys . He wants to make sure that his currently favorite human being won't get in much trouble because of that...
Lilia Vanrouge
Eh ? Through out his hundred-year life this would be the most shameful thing he got to face . You might think that he found it to be a disgrace to his long lasting life which is filled with honor and pride ; but in that case you may like to get to know the old man better
He doesn't like being thought of as a pervert ; but it doesn't mean that he didn't enjoy himself either. Naked figures or seductive girls aren't something he gets overly excited about , same goes for you . Well accidents like this can happen everyday , right ? But this one had something rather fun along with it :
From the direct yet neutral gaze he gave your chest , you immediately realized what he was looking at and you pulled back . Lilia didn't expect you to notice it so quickly , but the embarrassed face you gave him afterwards , that was priceless
He giggles softly at the thought , a shy and cute little girl . He isn't really a fan of boys that are overly cute or childish , but when it comes to little girls , that's another story
You had already caught his eyes by being the only human being caught in this school on your own . Well , to see how feeble and shy you sometimes could be , that reminded him of Silver
Now now , what should he do ? Playing the role of a small girl's parents or something ? Doesn't sound that bad
Sebek Zigvolt
He's about to lose his mind - he feels like he has saw you totally naked or lurked into your privacy , he feels awful
He runs to another corner to cool down from what he saw - Damn- That scene doesn't get away from his eyes for a second
Well then , take deep breathes , it's cool , it's fine - it's gonna be fine
Sebek wouldn't dare talking to you for sometime after that . His cheeks get warmer whenever he sees you around , making him change his direction to avoid you
When you finally get him to talk to you , he breaks off- He starts apologizing . He swears not to ever peek on your body again and that he won't say a word from what he saw
You probably don't know what he is talking about , but you say okay to calm him down
Sebek isn't used to having girls around but now that he does , he should be really careful . He doesn't want you to think of him as a antisocial chick when it comes to women and he tries his best to be a gentleman in front of you . Man...he really does take it seriously
A... girl?... Silver's first reaction would be nothing different from blushing and turning back ; what else would you expect him to do ?
He's a simple guy , he doesn't overreact but doesn't feel totally comfortable either
He didn't ever even think of the possibility of you being a girl , he just isn't used to having anyone else than boys in NRC around . You did always look too cute for a guy but still , he didn't see this coming...
(y/n) is a girl...A girl , this thought gets looped inside his brain . He can't stop freaking out over it . It feels like he's been building a sand castle on water all this time and now he's watching it sink . His whole expectations of you seems to be ruined
It gets even worse when the figure of you dressed in a long beautiful dress , holding a brilliant crown of your flowers on your long silky hair haunts him on his dreams - Why on earth do you have to be so beautiful (y/n)..!?
Silver refuses to accept , but he's pretty soft when it comes to girls . He's pretty shy but to have a girl he has been liking for sometime close...his inner self is getting teased - in a pleasant way
He doesn't show up in front of you for a while , but he just can't get the thought of you out of his mind . From reality to dreams , seems like you're always in front of him . As if you really walked with him once upon a dream
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
Random Twst Headcanons #01
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Well, since I had the idea to do the Loading Screen Headcanons requests a while back.... why not do some random headcanons inspired by loading screens I get?
These will be short and themed randomly
Here goes!
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In a gift exchange, what do they get you?
Epel would gift you something cool: a badass jacket, a studded bracelet, or a cool patch of a skull/poison apple/crow/whatever cool imagery you like to iron onto a piece of clothing
If you like more self-made gifts, Felmier is glad to carve an apple in the shape you love most. He will gift it to you along with a small bag of your favorite candies
If you've ever commented on how you wish you could have a proper skincare routine or proper makeup products.... He's glad to gift you some of his! After all, he's not the most fond of beauty stuff, better let them be used by you than have Vil bark his ear off at how he uses them incorrectly
Cater goes for something trendy: a new phone case and anti-scratch screen protector, sparkly necklaces or rings, velvet scrunchies or an embroidered baseball cap in your favorite color, or a new shirt with something allusive to the Queen of Hearts printed on it
But I can see him giving something useful, too: a nice bag to carry your books in, an insulated water bottle for those P.E. classes under the harsh sun, cute pens and pencils, a new notebook with a flashy cover
Otherwise, he may opt to treat you to a trendy café that serves Magicam-able food
It's only if you're a true friend of his when he offers to hide away under the canopy of red curtains around his bed to watch your favorite movies and share some snacks together
Deuce is at a loss
Unless you have explicitly stated you want/need something, he doesn't know what to get you
Maybe he can get an idea if you share interests
But a couple of your favorite candies and chips can never go wrong
That or he offers to buy you one of the deluxe items in the cafeteria
Ace I see as someone who gifts jewelry
Yeah, it may be "fantasy" jewelry, but he always knows what to pick for your beauty to be accentuated
He also likes to keep an eye out for bargains about anything you really really wanted, or something related to a hobby/like of yours (e.g. a keychain of your favorite character, pattern books for your crochet or stitching adventures, that fidget toy you kept mentioning, secondhand copy of a book you wanted, etc.)
Ace is someone who really cares to know his friends and their interests, it's no surprise he does an amazing job when gift giving (the way he can somehow read other's feelings... something tells me this boys holds his friendships dear to his heart)
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Me: I'm on break
Not complaining much, but will keep relaxing and unwinding ~
Hope you enjoyed!
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
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G-Fantasy (Oct.2021) Twisted Wonderland Manga PROMO ART ~Episode of Heartslabyul~ Happy Halloween
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
Hey there! Are you going to prepare a TwstOBer prompt list for this year too? ~
[Referring to this challenge!]
Yup, yup! ^^ I’m coming up with new prompts and I’ll post them towards the end of September!
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
This Epel plush goes out in two days and I'm still thinking if I really need it or not but
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
How would the first years of twst confess to their crush? If u've already done this feel free to ignore it! Lol
twst first years confessing to their crush
pairings: every first year x gn! reader
warnings: grammatical errors, i might have cussed
notes: i got a bit angsty on epel’s part ehe… thank you sm for waiting and i hope you enjoy!
edit 1: your home boi was sleepy making this thus i made a error. but dw its fixed!!
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the shy type
we all know sometimes he can become an ass
but when it comes to confessing- he can get shyand flustered
it becomes so hard for him to talk to you
“y/n- i- i need to tell you something!” he says. you look at him “well, what is it?” you asked
oh my, he grows pink! he avoids every eye contact with you- he gets so shy and tense.
“ace?” “I LIKE YOU VERY MUCH-” ace exclaims
at first you were like “huh? impossible!” but he explains it more
yes, he does genuinely like you
so proud of himself that he confessed and you accepted his feelings
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gifts/letters type of dude
cool- he’s shy too so he leaves gifts
also little notes that say “i hope you have a great day” “eat well!” etc
ace tease him about this because well- its his first time seeing deuce this sweet and compassionate
it came to the point wherein he had to cnfess
he’s the type of yolo dude so he takes risk
“y/n!” he calls and you approach him “what’s up?” you asked him. oh and you see a boquet of flowers in his hand
“are those flowers- the ones you’re holding” you pointed out. oh wow he blushes “oh.. they’re- they’re for you!” he shyly says
you actually got flustered “i- i really like you, y/n.” duece struggles to say
awww- you accept the flowers and actually said you liked him back
omg happy boi :((
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the one you have to pry him out so he could confess-
knowing jack- he isn’t that expressive
although he’ll be expressive when correcting but yk— you get the gist
well- you liked him for a while now and so did he
basically you guys were on a topic of like crushes
you were nosy as fuck so basically you were prying on him
“please tell me who it is!” you groaned “i’ll do anything if you tell me- i won’t tell anyone.” you added
jack was flustered by your words making him shy
“i- y/n.” he says “so who is it?” you asked
boy got nervous if he should tell you or not
“fine… its you.” he mutters
u were just shocked tbh—
SO ANYWAYS- you reassured him that you feel the same way for him
boi did he wanted to scream after 😃
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“because i love you” type of dude
well… you’ve liked epel for a while and he did so too
like he really really likes you sm
dont break his heart pls he’s bby :(
anyways- you caught up in a argument with him because of his instead gush of worry for you
“epel, look! i’m not even hurt nor was i even touched. stop being emotional about it- why is it a big deal for you?” you kinda went overboard abt it so he gets offended and snaps at you
“because i love you, y/n!” epel raises his voice at you. you were suddenly stunned when tears actually fell from his eyes.
you just pulled him into your embrace “i love you too, epel.” you tell him
:(( ok now make him happy wth
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the dude who accidentally says it-
pls this prideful cabbage
you guys were literally having these playful like debates
you guys seemed like the enemies to lovers trope
yes you guys like each other- but anyways sebek was complaining about humans
while you were showing the good side of it (humans are cruel mans)
“no but except for you. you’re a special human for me. you’re probably the human that i only love.” he says
realizes what he said “forget that i told you anything!” he exclaims
you tell him that you actually like him back
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dreaming-twist · 3 years
Kabedon-ing MC
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Requested by anon
“Hello! Im not sure if this is where u send requests but oh well lol. May i request the first years kabedon-ing their male s/o? I would prefer if it was done on purpose but if u want to write it as accidental thats okay too :)”
First Year Gang
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