drnotreallystrange · 1 month
Couldn't agree more. All those clueless idiots in the west shouting "genocide" annoy me more than anything. From the arabs I expect nothing else, but the moronic westerners really should know better.
You can really tell that the people who criticize Israel do not have a clue at all what it is like to live in a country currently at war - scratch that, in a country that has been in what is essentially a constant state of warfare for decades.
And a war they didn't start against a people that will stop at nothing until they are wiped out.
Everyone calls on Israel for a cease fire and Israel has agreed to cease fires multiple times but they never work because Hamas keeps violating them.
No one who is criticizing Israel for "committing genocide" or "killing civilians" has a clue what is going on and no one should listen to them.
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drnotreallystrange · 2 months
the way 90s flash show had viris for ONE episode and then they were like "is she really necessary?" and forgot about her completely to put barry with a character whos a way better fit to him
90s Flash had smart show runners and writers with a vision, something the CW Flash lacked.
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drnotreallystrange · 4 months
Told you so
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Told you so. It's a character thing.
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drnotreallystrange · 6 months
Just saw an IW stan on Twitter saying saying that "She carried the shows popularity" WHERE???? LMFAO
In that special bubble consisting of deluded, racist “black women”™, that is undoubtedly true. For them, everyone else, including Barry Allen, was supporting cast.
Personally, I skipped most of her scenes post season 4.
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drnotreallystrange · 9 months
Yeah, the writing bothers a lot, like, the savitar thing, for example. In a earlier season ep there was a time remant that died, and barry's friends cared about this remant (well, caitilyn did, like she got sad bc he died, i don't remember the others), and savitar was the only remant that survived yet they excluded him from things, or something like that, and i even saw some peole arguing that the friend's behaviour towards him makes sense bc there was already the original barry, and savitar wouldn't be able to do thing as a regular person, such as getting a job, because of it...
Yet it doesn't make sense, like, as i said caitilyn wouldn't do it, and about two barrys and the living normally thing, getting a job... isn't joe a cop and his adoptive father? even barry himself is a csi and friends with many cops... so like one of them could just tell savitar to pretend some mental illness and not having memories, go to registry him by using a excuse like "oh, well, I was walking in a park from a countryside city, then saw this young man that looks exactly like my son, begging around, and both of my son's bio parents are death, and none of them had contact with extended family, I asked him his name but he doesn't answer, my son also has no idea about him, and we did a dna test and they are identical twins", then go to the shitiest doctor just to get any diagnosis to kinda justify the lack of answers, give him another name, and done! barry just got a twin brother with documents and whatever....
The writers did it without checking previous episodes, it was done in a way in which shows barry's friends and family don't actually care about barry.
And about i/ris / barry relationship it was in my view more somthing like she going in a relationship with the flash, not barry himself, since in episode 1 when barry in in the emergency room and someone is pushing her out of there she says "i am family" which means she used to see him as her brother..............
Yeah, all good points.
Good writing is hard, of course, and maybe the original show runner had some sort of incest fetish, I can't otherwise explain the adopted family thing, which they kept referencing right up until the end of the show. It's so weird, why would you do that.
Apart from a few glitches (*cough* waste-allen *cough*) the first two seasons are very good, and parts of 3, 4 and 5 and even 6 are sort of good, but all in all the series got really bad.
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drnotreallystrange · 9 months
I am kinda late in flash fandom, watched it only until season 4 when it was airing, already saw several spoilers as i don't intend to watch the next season, but i was searching around and saw someone mentioning that i/ris said she didn't care nora was working with thawne right in barry's face, i went to watched parts of the ep, then in the end HE says that HE was wrong.......
I mean, idk if nora was aware that thawne killed her own grandmother, but in barry's head it is like: "my kid is working with the guy that killed my mother. As my kid is my kid, she must know how my mother died, and she is working with her grandmother's murder. If she is capable of working with her own grandmother's killer, that means she doesn't care about he own family and might even be capable of harming her own relatives..."
Like couldn't Iris get that? it is so simple. and he still said he was wrong, he wasn't! poor thing, I have the impression that if i/ris tell him to shove an entire arm in his ass, at some point he would do it and apologise for refusing at first
Flash writing is very weird and frustrating... They seem to be setting up one thing, but then they fail to follow through. And the Barry/Iris thing is totally stupid from the get-go by setting them up as quasi siblings. You are spot on with the Nora thing.
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drnotreallystrange · 9 months
you are so obsessed with candice and iris go appreciate your fave instead of wasting your time hating on someone
Please go and count posts about C*ntice vs posts about things I like, instead of making unfounded assumptions.
I’m not “obsessed” (lol), I just sometimes like to observe things and have a good laugh about that stupid twat C*ntice, and see how everything we “haters” said about her come true.
It’s my blog. Deal with it in whatever way you wish, or just fuck off.
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drnotreallystrange · 10 months
LOL So JR posted CP a "Birthday" post to his IG stories but she's a million feet away wtf LOL does she think we won't know!? He labeled "Queen Day" 😂😂😂CP really out there trying to "hide" from us and acting like this isn't just embarrassing - ymskywalker
hahaha, what the fck is this?
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
Why WA sucks and was written to suck
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Not a bad list, talking turd anon. But, you forgot
  * Barry moves in with Viris as a kid. Barry and Viris call the same man “dad”. Joe and the show promo materials say several times that Barry is Joe’s adopted son. Wally is his “brother”. Which makes Viris his sister in all aspects except the biological one. Icky.  * Their toxic arguments, for example the one in Season 5  * Viris many times talking badly about Barry and disrespecting him and his feelings.  * Reverse Flash hyping them up and encouraging Viris to “forgive” him, because he wants to hurt Barry  * Viris being a shitty mom (early to mid Season 5)  * Zero on-screen affection shown for several seasons(!)  * Eric clearly preferring the idiotic Allegra/”Chuck” thing over them. OK, Eric is a mostly shitty writer/showrunner, but still ... etc etc One of the worst TV “main couples” I’ve ever seen.
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
The Flash is over. :( Snowbarry didn't happen.. -ymskywalker
At least Caitlin returned (according to the one clip I’ve seen so far on youtube haha) in the least surprising way ever. So, there’s always the possibility that Barry finally ditches his bloated sisterwife ahahahaha. Yes, I am a deluded snowbat for life.
What a shit show, thanks for nothing Eric.
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
Talkingtramps are hating on GG for posting a pic of his wife and kid topless but defended CP when she flashed a bunch of kids wearing no underwear 🙄😒 - ymskywalker
I also remember when CP posted a pic of herself as a kid, naked in the bath tub. No problem there at all. But a pic of LAs back, they lose their single-brain-cell minds.
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
Bro is that CP in JR'S story third to last standing in front of the bridge? Quick see it before it's gone. -ymskywalker
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Yes, that's her. Ah, so sweet!
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
Bro https://www.instagram.com/p/Crv4k44ougx/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂WHAT EVEN - ymskywalker
Awwww... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
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She seems happy.
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
Which one of these two is married with two children?
Which one of these two will have a job post-Flash?
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
CP's pathetic nature and loser behavior are finally being showcased to the world. Can't say we didn't warn 'em. -ymskywalker
We sure did warn them.
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drnotreallystrange · 1 year
Ahh, true love will not be denied
Damn Candice really killing the post-Flash megastar look here, with her ex NBA star boyfriend by her side. Can’t wait for those big auditions and great roles to roll in.
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Really, it took me a while to recognize her. She looks like crap. I don’t like to compare (it’s not fair), BUT Danielle had two kids and--- I mean, look at her...
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