dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
Kit Connor and Joe Locke in São Paulo🍂
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
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@aliceoseman That's a wrap on Heartstopper season 2! It's been an incredibly intense few months on set with many new challenges for the cast and crew, but everyone rose to those challenges with such passion and skill and determination. Huge thanks to every single member of the cast and crew - everyone has worked ridiculously hard and given it their all, and for that I am eternally grateful. This season is going to be so magical and I can't wait to get started on post-production! 🍂🌈
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
When Kit includes himself talking about bi representation. He feels so comfortable in this conversation. It was terrible that he was forced to out himself but maybe he’s more relaxed in not having to self-censor?
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
Adore how Kit spent his whole time fanboying and then called himself a prick for leaving Joe to say the proper thank you’s 😂
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
real people being partially closeted or ambiguous about their own sexuality while making Gay Art is not queerbaiting
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
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credits: itsheartstopperquotes on instagram
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
What an amazing drawing
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
i’m sorry but Nick saying “I always thought i just really admired him” while talking about his first crush on a boy is very bisexual of him
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
I love their friendship and holy crap, GQ Men of the Year?! They’re crushing it!
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
Alongside Kit Connor, i feel so fucking bad for Alice. They worked so hard on heartstopper for so long and she created something beloved by the world, and this is what happens to it. They took something amazing and just trashed it. If you were one of the people who bullied kit connor into coming out, im letting you know that you dont deserve to even watch the show or read the books because you learned nothing from it. Whats the point of it if you didnt learn anything then? Im a teenager, and when it was a hard time in my life i found heartstopper. It meant everything to me. (As dramatic as it sounds, its true and i think i can say the same for a lot of people) im so angry. Im so angry that you ruined my favorite thing ever. I hope youre fucking proud of yourselves.
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
Still thinking about Eddie and those three chairs on the beach.
Eddie sitting alongside two empty ones. Eddie watching Chris play in the water, conquering his fears. Buck's absence nearly as loud as his presence may have been. Because Buck is literally running across town to make a family for someone else.
Eddie talking about Shannon (again!) without shame or guilt, just acknowledgement of his past pain. Eddie talking about the tsunami and not letting fear control Christopher's life. Something about the stark contrast of how much Eddie has grown in his relationship to himself, with how Buck is running in the opposite direction. But as much as Eddie has healed, the more they show us how much he's healed, the sharper the emphasis on the emotions still locked in that box. The lingering, all-powerful fear that comes more and more into focus.
I'm rambling, but the more healed and grounded Eddie is, the more obvious the Things That Shall Not Be Named (the shooting, the will, the in-love-with-Buck) become. Buck and Eddie on parallel tracks at the moment. On tracks that appear parallel, but are in fact on a collision course, set to converge. It's just a matter of time...
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
I'm so FUCKING OVER that small but loud population of queer youth who refuse to view anything outside of their own personal narrow range of experiences.
Look. It's great that so many of you have grown up in environments that are safe for you, queer or not. BUT THATS NOT EVERYONE'S EXPERIENCE.
Just because YOU are in a safe position to come out, and understand your own identity enough to come out, and don't have to fear repercussions from coming out, and are happy and eager to come out, DOES NOT MEAN THAT EVERYONE IS.
NO ONE has to come out before they are ready. Being ready might be waiting until you've moved out of home. Being ready might be sitting privately with a label for a year or two or three to see if it fits you before you start telling people. Being ready might not be until you're an adult. Being ready might not be until you're financially independent and can handle the loss of your queerphobic family.
I'm so fucking over the queer youth who think that you're only a "real" queer person if you're Out And Proud, or who think that all other queer people owe it to society to walk around with their labels tattooed onto their foreheads.
Fuck you if you think that anyone owes you their sexuality. Fuck you if you think that the only "real" queer person is one who is out to everyone in their life. Fuck you if you think that someone else's sexuality has ANYTHING to do with you.
It's great that you personally have had only good experiences with being queer, but NOT EVERYONE HAS and NOT EVERYONR IS READY TO COME OUT. Good God, when will y'all start listening to people who know more about this shit than you do?
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
I mean this in the nicest way, but if you knew someone had had a terrible week, why would you not give them space?
Do people think now is the right time to go up to Kit and ask for photos when he is out for the evening, after everything he has been through? Maybe read the room. Just a suggestion.
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
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requested by anonymous
Congratulations to the Heartstopper Cast and Crew for *nine* Children’s and Family Emmy nominations! 
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dude-comma-im-gay · 2 years
you know what let the cast join tumblr. it’s better here.
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