dwarvenhobble · 28 days
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dwarvenhobble · 1 month
Also am I the only one who finds it ironic they picked the Men loving women as the one with an animal using their tongue and not women loving other women??
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dwarvenhobble · 4 months
When the Doctor Who writers decide the show still needs to go in a new direction.
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AKA me totally misreading the headline and thinking the new series really was going off the rails for a moment there.
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dwarvenhobble · 4 months
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i fucking hate everything.
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dwarvenhobble · 4 months
Today A.I. porn, tomorrow, your slash fiction.
I'm amazed at just how much furore there has been over the Taylor Swift AI porn. There's been porn fakes for years and this is just the newest tech. I mean you going to ban people from using photoshop too?
What about the weird celebrity porn fiction out there? Nah the issue isn't this shit existing. It's people sending it to the people involved and deliberately making them look at it. You think this will end with images? Nah mark my words this will go further and I bet plenty of people on the "Ban this sick filth" / "Men are awful for doing this" train will regret it when it comes for some Markiplier x Jacksepticeye slash fiction shit or something.
I forget who it was but it was a youtuber guy who said before he was skeeved out by this stuff and just don't send him the stuff you make. Only for him to get bombarded by thousands of angry people because of it........... Funny how the tables have turned
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dwarvenhobble · 5 months
And the Schitzo troll is back....... great
Free of this guy for months, but seems like he's back for 2024. I ain't dealing with this shit this year. I'm done being nice and concerned I might make this whacko more ill somehow by my actions. Just a warning to anyone who ends up dealing with this guy he's not right in the head and will just keep this shit up for days. I'm done with him, I rarely use the block function but dude has earned it and if it makes him more ill somehow, I don't fucking care anymore.
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dwarvenhobble · 6 months
Some-one should tell the IDF to stop creating battle plans after film night.
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dwarvenhobble · 6 months
Why Google ads is making me consider ad blocking now.
Dear hypothetical google developer or executive reading this possibly because a developer or some-one else on break found it and it went up to the chain to you, I really have tried to be good and help support creators somewhat by keeping ads on and not blocking them with ad block. I don't mind some ads if it keeps the service free and gets people paid. What I do have issue with is what finally happened today. I had the 50th advert this week for one of those crappy mobile games and it was the normal crappy mobile game style of advert (the one where the hero has to fight enemies of the right level to level up, you know the ones). Now earlier this month I started getting these and it was fine for a bit, ok not had any of these for a while so I'll endure a few. Then it was more and more apparent they were AB tested adverts. For those who don't know AB testing is when companies put out a number of different adverts with minor changes then keep iterating to get the advert that gets most engagement (E.G. does having the character in red trousers Vs blue make a person more likely to click the advert). So after a few days I started blocking the adverts using google system to tell google I didn't want to see those ads anymore. But because they're AB tested ads I blocked the A ad so then got the B ad then got the iteration of the ad so got the C and D version. So I blocked them too. Then I got the E and F versions. This carried on until today. I got another ad, pressed to block it as not being interested and Google ads options wouldn't let me block the ad. That's right I've apparently blocked so many of these shitty mobile game AB testing ads Google won't let me block anymore so I can't escape them. Google you're meant to be one of the most advanced tech companies out there, how can you still not get what ads I actually want to see with all the data you've collected? I've even literally gone through the selector system to choose ad categories I'm most interested in and you still get it wrong. Why the hell should I be good and keep ad block off when even telling you what ads I want doesn't work and when I block ads using your own system it don't just results in more of the almost exact same ad for the same product but it results in you then stopping me blocking ads because I've blocked too many according to your system or some such crap. Sort your shit out.
Maybe ask people what ads they want, hell I'd love a selection of film trailers for movies big and small coming out but no I have to get 50+ crappy mobile game ads that are literally misrepresentative of the games themselves to begin with.
Yours sincerely, A person you've literally made consider turning his ad block back on for youtube.
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dwarvenhobble · 6 months
Please let people have to a break from caring about [current thing in politics]
So up front, I'm not American and a department store funded parade isn't something I care particularly about. That said I've seen a lot of reaction from people online about how awful it was people chose to boo protestors who blocked the Macey's day parade to protest about events in Gaza. This is part of an annoying trend I'm seeing of activist groups seemingly being unwilling to let people have a break because said activists seem to be acting like the super hardcore evangelical Christians of old and seem to think it's their duty to convert people to their faith recruit people to their cause and somehow if they recruit enough regular people with no major power it will fix the issue. Or they have to recruit everyone and are worried some-one might not know. Every few months it's a new thing that's demanded we care about and many of them still ongoing. But also these groups offer no solutions, no actionable stuff like say "Hey guys try to recycle when you can" or even these days a petition to sign or anything. It's just "Join us and perpetually push for the cause by trying to get more people to join" seemingly. People who work 9-5 jobs and are worried about the cost of living and other rising costs and expenses want to have some downtime. Be it going to a parade, going to an event, watching some show to let them forget the awful state of the world for a bit. It doesn't make them bad people it makes them human because everyone needs to recharge their proverbial emotional batteries sometime. No-one can and does perpetually care about all the issues all the time no matter what some activists may claim. If they did the sheer existential dread and horror of the world would drive a person mad.
"Oh but the people involved in [current thing] don't get to have a break so why should you?"
is the general reply and to that I say, they probably wish they could, people there take any moments they can to try to forget and have a break and likely wish they could. So we who can do that should appreciate what we have and can do and be able to enjoy things for those who wish they could too, even if for a little while. Because you can bet many people would in said situations would want help but they'd also not want people to not live their lives and spent their whole time miserable.
If people care for an issue they'll come to such groups who care for it to. This is why I dislike groups trying to push a "With us or against us" kind of narrative to try to pressure people into joining. Do they have so little conviction and belief in their own cause and message that they don't believe people would join them otherwise?
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dwarvenhobble · 6 months
Deconstruction vs Demolition
Ok so I've seen a lot of people talk about how certain media is a "deconstruction" of a property and or subverting expectations and how "real fans" understand that and get it while claiming it's only "fake fans" mad because they "don't understand why it's genius". So I figured I'd write something about this and why I believe there's two distinct things happening and the issue isn't the things being a deconstruction because they're not, they're a demolition. So the best way I can illustrate my point is with an example. A show I love. Farscape. Farscape is a deconstruction of Star Trek. A Human out in the far reaches of spaces dealing with alien races and cultures while often trying to share an idealistic set of moral and cultural values and fix things.
What makes it a deconstruction is this fails, not all the time, not every time but it fails often enough and deconstructs the Star Trek ideals by introducing the idea of things going badly. How maybe those ideals have to be more flexible sometimes but are ultimately good ideas to try to use. Demolition is when a new creator has come in and the property doesn't have any reverence for it's past and openly mocks it as stupid. Taking core ideas and making them always fail. Bringing back beloved characters of the franchise's past only to humiliate and trip them to laugh at them.
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dwarvenhobble · 6 months
It's fine, we hate you holier than thou Players™ too.
I hate gamers™ it's not even funny anymore
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dwarvenhobble · 7 months
Wait you lot are still doing the whole "we're going to change the world by forcing media to change" shit? It's been nearly 10 years and the world is arguably more shit than ever because in an attempt to lecture us plebians about how stupid we are or whatever pet issue most of the fun is being sucked out of many media properties. All while you lot pat yourselves on the back thinking something has been done while the world continues to crumble more. Then you get mad because we're not patting you on the back for it too and calling you lot out that if you actually gave a shit you'd be doing something not expecting everyone else to. You're the equivalent of the celebrities who flew in private jets to attend the London climate protests years ago demanding everyone else cut their emissions and live greener lives but then got right back on those private jets and flew off again round the world when the protests ended.
*mantra I'm just repeating to myself all the time on this website* there are fewer things that are more, literally, "beneath your pay grade," given what you teach and what age group, than explaining media analysis 101 and why "fiction affects reality" is usually not a nice neat 1:1 thing and why "good" people can enjoy media about "bad" things, to someone under the age of 25 whose blog description says something like "proshippers DNI"
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dwarvenhobble · 7 months
You "Made" nothing but a simple collage that any-one could really do with even basic photo editing skills. well done you. Oh and "Women of colour have always existed in both history and nerdom" yeh no shit. Problem being the history and aspects of nerdom you're referring to are mostly medieval themed and were implied to be parts of Europe so the POC there would more likely be Romanian than black African. We want stories from different cultures to be made and it's kind of telling that you're here defending just lazily inserting characters to make a property seem more diverse rather than arguing for those different cultures tales to be told.
So, since Castlevania: Nocturne is making Gamergate/Comicsgate/The Fandom Menace i.e The Manbaby Brigade mad for all the RIGHT reasons, I made this:
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To the same manbabies who complain about this being a "pointless woke desecration of a beloved franchise" because, according to them, "women and black people don't like video games", I have a friend to say the exact words I'm too polite to say: Logan, do the honors.
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Women of color have ALWAYS existed in both history AND nerdom. Cry hard about it.
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dwarvenhobble · 7 months
I'm fed up of the attitude: "You as a creator have a platform and so must use it to speak up for X issue"
I don't have much of a platform to speak of to begin with but the last thing the world needs is me talking about some topic when I could be making fart jokes already "But you talked about [other topic]" Yes, because I didn't see my take being echoed by anyone really and that was me as a person choosing to talk on it not as a creator. If a creator doesn't want to talk on an issue it's their choice they may not feel they have all the information enough to talk about it or they may just not want to because they want to help create an escape from the rest of the world and help people forget for a little while.
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dwarvenhobble · 9 months
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dwarvenhobble · 9 months
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Been playing Brutal Legend again and I forgot just how cool the game looked.
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dwarvenhobble · 10 months
Because before then everyone was still working under the idea the Storm Troopers with Jango Fett clones still somewhat (hence Luke stuck out as small as a Storm Trooper) and Rey ended up being insanely powerful with no actual training. The whole "Well 9 out of 10 times calling them bigot is right" is hilarious in the face of you pointing out companies doing token diversity to work as shields. You are just admitting you happily hold the shield up for them and protect them from criticism for the very thing you claim to dislike them doing. You are the reason they do it because you make it work for them to do lol. As for "You haven't provided examples". OK fine. Picard Season 2 where they go back in time to help deal with the climate crisis and fight totally not ICE. HBO's watchmen making the 7th Kavalry up to be villains basically as a "Fuck all those who think Rorschach was right" 99% of Vagrant Queen as a whole series. Homeless AntiFA captain America. American Chavez being from Utopian Parallel the perfect dimension because it doesn't have any men and all the women there are harmonious lesbians. The whole "America Chavez's girlfriend at the all Latino University is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe now" followed weeks later by "Moongirl is now the smartest person in the Marvel Universe". Captain Marvel was basically being mind controlled by a dude and totally was insanely powerful always it's just he was keeping her down. The many MCU variations of the "Girls can do it to" kind of trope that was so bad The Boys mocked it on screen.
Changes for many Disney Live action remakes.
I'm not Starfire. Superman's Bisexual son being in activist marches (yes the guy who is insanely powerful and could make a huge difference to things decided not to do that but walk about with a placard). The changes to Wheel of Time such that the Dragon reborn who is meant to be insanely OP to the extent it concerns everyone and it's part of the plot having one of his first big moments replaced by 2 of the female leads. Oh and the casting for it because the entirely point being the person who is revealed as The Dragon Reborn stood out like a saw thumb in the town due to having red hair, doesn't work well in an adaptation when the rest of the town is like the Burger King Kids Club. The whole thing with Michael Burnham in Star Trek. Basically her whole character and impact on lore as a whole. Chibnall's Dr Who changes with the whole first doctor no longer being the first one and the doctor was originally a black girl who the timelords exploited to gain the power of regeneration.
A sad thing about getting immersed in the leftist worldview is how much media I enjoyed as a teenager is completely unbearable in retrospect. Like for example, when I was 15 and I watched Highschool DxD I was like "hehe boobies". But now I think about on it and the MC literally doesn't see women as human beings, sexually assaults women enin every other episode and his character arc is going from a pathetic mysoginistic pervert who gets beaten for peeping on girl to being an extremely powerful mysoginistic pervert who is now in position to indulge any desires he has. It's just so wild, one of the first major antagonists is basically what the MC wants to become - a powerful devil who has a harem of girls he can fuck whenever he wants and the show treats what he does as wrong, but not because he rapes women. No, he's evil because he's rude to his sex slaves.
It's absolutely fucking wild to me how full of shit like this the anime I watched as a teenager is in retrospect. And it's even wilder how when I watched that as a teenager I didn't see anything wrong with that. I was fucking lucky to go to a university that was like 95% female students and got to know that women are literally the exact same people as I am and then stumbled into online left.
But not everyone is that lucky, a lot of people watch that shit in their formative years and then carry that for the rest of their life. What media you consume as a teenager has enormous impact on your worldview. This is why the chud mantra of "don't bring your politics into our media, just let us enjoy our games/comics/anime" is bullshit. They don't want to keep media apolitical, because it already isn't. They just don't want their politics challenged.
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