edencardoso · 4 years
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edencardoso · 4 years
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
[hayden is typing for a while]
hayden: can i come over
hayden: i dont want to be alone tonight
eden: ok. spend as long as u need
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
hayden: okay yeah you're right, i'll mssg yote
hayden: for you?
[there's a pause, a few minutes go by]
hayden: every time i do anything for anyone i just end up feeling used and empty
hayden: so don't say that unless you'll stay.
eden: i'm not here to use u
eden: i don't have anywhere else to go
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
[several minutes go by]
hayden: idk, i just want to sleep and do nothing and be small
hayden: i need to fix my schedule this week before coyote or cj fire me
hayden: but i can barely leave bed in the morning
hayden: it's stupid i know, idk eden, i'm just sad
eden: u can do that for now, have ur shitty triple S time - be sad, small, n sleepy
eden: just be transparent w them while ur layin low
eden: it doesn't matter when exactly, as long as u get up some time. u gotta
eden: like if u don't wanna then idk how to make ya
eden: do it for me?
eden: or whatever
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
eden: it's not the same when you aren't around
eden: it'll pass, just hang in there. ok?
hayden: it's not the same when you aren't around either
hayden: i'm trying v hard
eden: so stick around then
eden: would anything else help? what do you need?
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
hayden: obviously
hayden: i don't even like having me around right now
hayden: anyway i am just being silly :) it's really nothing
eden: it's not the same when you aren't around
eden: it'll pass, just hang in there. ok?
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
hayden: you like having me around?
hayden: what if usually i can rock my own world but right now i can't?
eden: you have doubts, blondie?
eden: no pressure. world can relax a bit
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
eden: impressive. without injury too or...?
eden: it's fine. we all get busy and whatever
eden: as long as you're feeling better, that's all that counts
hayden: for the most part, i really ate it right in the impact zone but thats my fault!
hayden: whenever you end your sentences with whatever i know you are not actually thinking it is very fine
[after several minutes]
hayden: i actually haven't been feeling very good, i am very confused and i hope it passes
eden: be careful. nothing wrong with spending more time on land, y'know
eden: i do think it's fine tho... just weird, i guess? i got used to having u around and stuff
eden: i get it, i've been there
eden: like a lot happened super fast. u gotta play catch up
eden: remember if no one else is gonna step up to rock ur world rn it doesn't matter, u just gotta dyi
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
hayden: great! i mastered the handstand on a surfboard yesterday!
hayden: sorry i haven't been by the diner lately, or anywhere you usually find me
hayden: i really meant it when i said i didn't want to lose you as a friend. im sorry if i haven't shown you that
eden: impressive. without injury too or...?
eden: it's fine. we all get busy and whatever
eden: as long as you're feeling better, that's all that counts
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
hayden: not yet! need a change :)
hayden: might look elsewhere, idk, LA might not be my thing you know???
hayden: how have you been?
eden: that's cool
eden: alright, you?
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
hayden: oh yeah, guess i've been busy
hayden: trying to sell my van rn i guess it's harder than i thought
eden: oh yeah? what's the rush? u find a place to rent elsewhere?
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
hayden: here, there, anywhere :)
hayden: where u hiding out these days
eden: usual places
eden: where u usually are
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edencardoso · 4 years
✉️ eden → hayden ⛅
eden: hey
eden: where u hiding out these days
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edencardoso · 4 years
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legacies fav quotes | 1x05 
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edencardoso · 4 years
H A Y D E N .
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Although Hayden had geared herself up for the inevitable disappointment, she had been hopeful that Eden would tell her otherwise. That she did want her, and liked being around her. The answer never came however because both were interrupted by a man who reeked of alcohol. Hayden, always a little too friendly for her well being, smiled and said hi. Her friendliness dissipated rather quickly when the man introduced himself as Dave and began talking to Eden. “You’re quite the pretty thing, wouldn’t mind taking you out for a spin.” Hayden gripped her empty beer glass, a tight smile on her face as she made eye contact with Eden. “We were just leaving actually,” Hayden said quietly. The man turned and faced her. “Oh sorry babe, am I not paying you enough attention?” With that the man threw an arm around Hayden and pulled her into his chest. He reeked of B.O. and alcohol and Hayden tried to gently push him off with no success. 
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         As far as Eden was concerned, Dave had overstayed his welcome from the very first second he made himself known. Meeting his affronting versions of compliments with a blank expression, opting to wait it out until he got bored and left, her façade showed signs of faltering the instant he strung an offensive arm so indelicately over Hayden’s shoulders. ”Hey, I think she’s good,” she interjected, a flare of heat surging up the back of her neck as he peered over to send a wide toothy grin towards Eden’s antagonistic attitude, “Awww,” he sneered, jostling Hayden with a squeeze of his outstretched arm, “your friend doesn’t like sharing? That’s not very nice...” Eden cringed, upper lip curling at the potent whiff of him that radiated into her space, too close for comfort. “Maybe I’m not a nice girl,” she snapped in a mutter, attentively shifting her gaze to Hayden’s face, noting the unnaturally tensed composure of her facial expression. Another issue was the last damn thing she needed on her hands. Eden’s hands, however, were perfectly empty and clean. Wiped dry on the thighs of her jeans, to be precise, before she clenched one into a fist and channeled every muted mounting degree of infuriation into throwing her knuckles squarely at the soft base of his throat. The contact made pronounced thud upon impact, in turn causing an entirely different type of warmth to shoot up her arm. Ignoring what would surely ache later, Eden wasted no time pushing up from her seat, as much as she wished to linger and observe the satisfying aftermath of the impulsive swing— mister creepy stranger’s hands flying up to cradle the assaulted area of his neck as he stumbled back, spluttering like an idiot. All she could truly afford to notice was the spaciousness suddenly back in place around Hayden, interrupted only by Eden reaching out for her (with the hand not currently throbbing), “Let’s get out of here.”
hayden + eden || surrender at discretion
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edencardoso · 4 years
H A Y D E N .
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The other girl sliding her glass over was a welcome reprise to Hayden’s own internal monologue. She untangled her hand from Eden and then downed the drink presented too her just in time for the refill to come. Within seconds that drink was gone to and Hayden made a face. Maybe she needed to slow down. “I’m great,” she breathed out, though the shaking of her legs would have given away to how close she was to actually losing it. “You don’t want me, like that, right? You and me, we’d never be… anything, right?”
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          Eden kept her attention trained on the blonde with quiet scepticism, not completely sold on the claim yet equally invested against intervening. There was little she could think of to do but wait for the pitiful wave to pass; for a more worthwhile distraction that could steal Hayden’s focus away from all the recent events weighing on her mind. It was Eden’s turn to shift around in her seat, taken off guard by the question and swishing she had stomached some alcohol while she had the chance. Maybe in such an alternate case there wouldn’t be a gnawing feeling planted in her stomach at the directness of her question. “I d—” Too engaged in trying to think of an answer that gracefully skirted around the unsatisfactory truth, in the end it didn’t even matter when she found herself cut off by a sudden jarring impact against the side of their table. The projectile? One clearly inebriated man, perhaps in his 40s, all clumsy arms and off balance footing; topped off with a beer saturated beard and ratty t-shirt. Eden blinked rapidly, eyes stinging against the strength of the odor reeking from his breath when he spoke: “Two pretty faces, hey? Y’got room for one more?”
hayden + eden || surrender at discretion
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