katybirdy95 · 12 days
Do you have any favorite sentences about Edward IV that you can share?
Hey there!
I had to think about this as there are many facts about Edward IV I find interesting, but as you specified sentences, I will attempt to stick with that.
Philippe de Commynes who was a Burgundian and French diplomat when first encountering Edward IV in 1470 and was struck by how beautiful he was, stated, “the most handsomest prince my eyes ever beheld”.
It makes you wonder how handsome he actually was… an interest piece of information was when Edward IV was gathering money to fund his war with France, a widow provided him with a loan of £10 and to thank her for the generous amount, Edward kissed her, which lead to the widow giving him £20 instead.
This quote always makes me smile with the amount of times “KIND” is used in it, but this was written by Thomas More about a mistress of Edward IV, Elizabeth Lucy who was thought to be the woman he had been preconstructed to marry before Elizabeth Woodville, instead of Eleanor Butler.
I don’t know how accurate it is as Elizabeth Lucy appears to have not existed, but instead the Mistress Lucy in question could have been Margaret FitLewis, Lady Lucy who did exist during the Wars of the Roses and could have had a daughter by Edward also called Margaret who went on to marry Thomas Lumley.
Anyway, I’m babbling, here is the quote: "his grace spoke such loving words to her, she verily hoped he would have married her, and if it had not been for such kind words she would never have shown such kindness to let him so kindly get her with child."
I hope this was what you were looking for anon?
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katybirdy95 · 17 days
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After her last speech, all shred of hope she might have held on to slowly left her body and soul as she kneeled down and prayed to God one last time. The act itself by the swordsman was swift and smooth— God did take mercy on her after all. Anne Boleyn, the woman who had changed the course of history, was now dead. Despite Henry's efforts to destroy her reputation, she would forever be immortalised, in all her intelligence and strength, in the injustice of her death. —  Thorns, Lust, and Glory: The Betrayal of Anne Boleyn, Estelle Paranque
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katybirdy95 · 17 days
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↳ anne boleyn + her necklace
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katybirdy95 · 22 days
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Carlos Rey Emperador
Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
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katybirdy95 · 11 months
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katybirdy95 · 11 months
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edward & elizabeth in britain’s bloody crown.
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katybirdy95 · 11 months
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katybirdy95 · 11 months
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Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn for my Six Wives of Henry VIII project. These portraits have taken a lot of research to get them to look as accurate as I can get them without access to a lot of academic texts in America. Both portraits are based on contemporary, or near-contemporary copies of lost originals, especially in the case of Anne.
For Catherine’s portrait, I intended to illustrate a younger queen about a decade before Henry started looking into annulling their marriage. For Anne, I wanted to portray her life as a courtier and musician, since she excelled at both. Her instrument is called a rebec, which was kind of like a premodern violin.
This project is part of a broader theoretical series into archeologic illustration. I’ve uploaded the process of painting Catherine over on tiktok with a bit of history of her life. Anne’s vid to come soon!
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katybirdy95 · 11 months
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Next two of Henry VIII's wives: Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves!
Putting a little explanation for these designs under the break:
Both of these women were painted by Hans Holbien, and their portraits by that artist played a pretty vital role in how I wanted to depict these women. For Jane, I decided to stick as close as I could, because I think Jane gets the most artistic interpretation than any of the other wives. She's a blank slate to a lot of directors in Tudor adaptations. This is brought on by the very scant records we have of what she was really like in life. We do know she loved quail while she was pregnant, and encouraged Henry to treat his daughter Mary better, which ultimately ended in her being welcomed back at court. Her family has kept samples of her embroidery through history, so it's fun to imagine her working on something in between breaks for her portrait.
For Anne, I went the complete opposite. Her Holbien portrait is extremely famous, but I feel like it creates the misconception that Anne never changed during the rest of her life in England. The portrait also has been used to cast doubts on her appearance (and whether or not her looks are exagerrated). In reality, Anne was dressed in typical English court digs when she arrived in England, and was noted to be very pretty. It wasn't until after Henry cast doubts on her appearrance, and even her chastity, in order to get out of the marriage as quickly as possible. I wanted to give these back to her, as white symbolised purity and chastity in this period. Anne lived a good life as Henry's sister, and outlived all the other of Henry's wives. She was known for being kind to her staff, and loving to pair cards with a good drink.
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katybirdy95 · 11 months
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Last two of Henry VIII's wives, two more K/Catherines! I'm all finished with this project!
Katherine Howard was Henry's fifth and youngest wife, and second to die by execcution at her husband's hand. She was cousin to Anne Boleyn, and like her, rose to the king's favor as a lady in waiting to Anne of Cleves. Her age at the time of their marriage being speculated to be between 15 to 21-- her husband was 49. The crimes levied against her at her arrest were primarily to do with two alleged affairs that the king was not aware of at the time of the union. History has not been kind to this young woman. Thankfully there has been recent retreadings of her story, and more scruitiny has been called upon to the older men who claimed to have loved her. She reportedly loved to dance, which is why I painted her mid-step. I also wanted to show off some Tudor era garments, so the lift of her dress is greatly exagerrated.
Katherine Parr was Henry's final wife. At the time of their marriage she had already been widowed twice, and was in service to Mary as a lady in waiting. Katherine was a staunch Protestant, perhaps even more so than Anne Boleyn, as she fervently supported the Reformation, and even spoke to Henry about finishing this work (at this point Henry himself lived as a quasi-Catholic, and was comfortable in the state of limbo he left his realm in by not defining Anglicanism further), which famously almost cost her her head. Katherine is actually quite notable for being the first named female author published in England, and she has three works credited to her. After Henry passed, Katherine made a swift marriage to her one-time lover, Thomas Seymour, which caused a great deal of scandal and pain to her step-children. She died after giving birth to a daughter only about a year after Henry. The dress she is wearing is based on a Tudor portrait by an unknown artist. It seems to be depicting the queen in a more relaxed attire than formal court attire, but, I have to say, I wish I had chosen a different outfit. Since making this design there has been a brilliant discovery of another portrait of Katherine, and if I ever will return to Katherine, I'd like to base her on that one. The portrait I referenced in this picture is dated to the late sixteenth century, but Katherine died in 1548, so I can't help but wonder if the dress is innaccurate. Curiously, there is also speculation that she had originally been painted wearing a French Hood for the piece, which was painted over later-- but it's only a theory.
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katybirdy95 · 1 year
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Amy James-Kelly as Anne Boleyn
Blood, Sex & Royalty 1.02 (2022)
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katybirdy95 · 2 years
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BRIDGERTON 2x06: “The Choice” (2022)
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katybirdy95 · 2 years
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katybirdy95 · 2 years
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The trial was over quickly and was covered by every newspaper in the country. And the woman who’s only ambition in life was to be noticed, found herself the most famous murderess in American history. And while she knew that infamy was not the same as glory, Alma found, if she just squinted a bit, the two blurred together quite nicely. Even the jeers of the crowd crying for her blood sounded to her like the cheers of adoring fans. Yes, on the day she was sentenced to die, Alma got what she had wanted her whole life. People were finally looking at her. And each one of them knew her name. And for a middle-aged woman who had gone unnoticed for so long… it was truly a happy ending.
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katybirdy95 · 2 years
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Becoming Elizabeth (2022-) costumes vs portraits 
Elizabeth Tudor // Catherine Parr // Jane Grey // Robert Dudley
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katybirdy95 · 2 years
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katybirdy95 · 2 years
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Just keep looking at me. No one else matters.
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