eevee-haze · 1 year
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hiiais interact
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eevee-haze · 1 year
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"the diamond of ALKALOID. Out of an idol unit of underachievers, he knows the ins and outs of the industry better than anyone else. Wise, collected, and paternal, people recognize him to be a brilliant idol and overall, a saint. However, no matter how white his garments may appear to be, all he sees in his own reflection is sin. Stained and crippled from the inside out, Tatsumi lives as a man of sorrows, looking to correct a rebellious past and a trail of long-lasting destruction…
( Also, his family misses him sm ;; )"
OUR CURRENT ENSEMBLE STARS CAST INCLUDES: Hiiro Amagi, Aira Shiratori, and Mayoi Ayase.
*Apping a requested character gets you a little RA (our site rank-up currency) bonus from the start!
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eevee-haze · 2 years
🦋 and 🕯️ for ink! and 🎱 for sans? 🌈 for akutagawa?
Okay I'mma put this under a read more because holy wow this got long. But hi hello, I'm Icey/Vesper and I love my boys
What would your character consider to be the most important lesson they’ve ever learned?
For Ink the most important lesson he's had to learn is that the people he interacts with aren't just characters. They aren't just set dressing to the stories the Creators want to tell, and even moreso in Denny since he can't even read Denny's script. The way he came to this conclusion was rather upsetting and would likely require some trigger warnings so I'll hold off on that until he eventually talks to Sinestro about it, but. Suffice to say he's had several run ins with the cracks in that philosophy, so it was a matter of time until it broke. Unfortunately for him he sort of had to stay numb to his job somehow so he clung to the pieces of that ideology until this happened. It's gotta fuckin suck to have it turned right around on him.
What secrets does your character keep from others? Strangers, friends, family?
Generally speaking Ink is a fairly open book. He'll tell people a lot of personal stuff with very little prompting. This is actually done by him on purpose as it gives the impression of having nothing to hide. It makes him approachable, trustworthy, and most of all it generally keeps people from prying into his past. Granted those who know he's a doppelganger created by the Hanged Man put zero stock into his past, but to him it is still very real. Among the things he's hesitant to tell anyone are: his first memories and the lack of memory prior to them, The XEvent just in general since he was very much the villain in that situation regardless of his reasons, the fact that he is physically linked to the wellbeing of his multiverse, Anything and everything to do with Bliz, and to a lesser extent, the existence of the mirror room.
If your character could ask a genie one question and be guaranteed a truthful answer, what would they ask?
There would be two he wants to ask. Naturally the first option would be to ask "Will the time loop ever be broken?" Because at this point he doesn't care if it's broken with everyone dead or everyone alive so long as it stops repeating. Knowing which would be nice so he could prepare for it, but it's not necessary information.
The other is the more inherently tragic of the two and it's more Denny specific as well. It's "Will Spyro and I end up in the same world?" Because he's come to love his boyfriend more than most people from his home world with the exception of his brother. And given how long he's been away at this point it would sting to be permanently taken away from Papyrus, but he would be able to adjust. He'd also just feel infinitely guilty if Spyro were torn away from repairing his relationship with his friends just to be trapped into a possibly infinite time loop, so he'd prefer to end up in the Skylands.
It's part of why this whole plot with the hanged man's illusions hit him so hard. It was the ideal scenario for returning home.
What is one important thing your character has yet to discover about themselves?
Okaaay so this is probably going to sound cliché as shit, but he's yet to discover his own potential. Dazai and Atsushi in his own world both saw it and tried to guide him toward it in their own ways, and now on Denny Chuuya and Khun have been doing the same. He's been moving towards it, but he still hasn't quite grasped it because his mentality is so deeply rooted in his being a weapon- in existing to further the goals of others and not his own. His worldview was solely that the strong survive and the weak perish, but his agreements since joining Denny have prevented him from doing much with that, and so his views have subtly changed over time to be a bit more flexible.
He likely won't realize just how much good he can do for a long while, but he's doing better.
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eevee-haze · 2 years
“who did this to you” is a marriage proposal
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eevee-haze · 2 years
well, hes a fine young man. if you overlook the atrocisties
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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a rough digital ref sheet for Vesper, who is essentially the sona I use as a stand in for drawing myself. The purple heart on his shirt is a tongue in cheek reference to the fact my friends have told me I'd most likely have the perseverance soul trait.
I also didn't bother drawing his feet since he doesn't wear shoes, but the colors of his toes match his fingers. Also the shirt is meant to be oversized like that, since I like comfy clothes.
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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This is not a farewell my friend,
this is the promise that I will
meet you once again
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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Old art ft. A fluffynight fan kid I never let see the light of day. His name is Cano.
Ccino belongs to black-nyanko and Dream belongs to jokublog
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eevee-haze · 2 years
Hi, hello, I'm in my vapordance brainrot state of mind, have some old art
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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Practicing making glowy things :]
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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What do you give to a person who can make pretty much anything he wants?
Easy, a memory.
This is my contribution to Day 6 of @squidiotslittlevoid 's Errorink week. Ink's birthday marks the next-to-last day of it, so fittingly that was the prompt for today.
Personally I've always felt the gifts and cake and stuff were never Ink's favorite part of his birthday. Sure he appreciates it, but I feel he likes spending time with the people around him more. Its reassuring in that they're showing that they care for him (and he's doubly happy if a gift is hand-made) but after the first few birthdays Error probably got tired of adding to Ink's disaster area of a home and started to give him presents that weren't really physical objects. Generally things that are rare from him but also don't push past what he's comfortable with. As such a lot of their relationship milestones happen on birthdays.
Ink belongs to @comyet and Error belongs to loverofpiggies (CQ)
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eevee-haze · 2 years
"Don't worry Glitchy, we've got all the time in the world."
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Day 5, "Baby steps"
Man this looked so much better in my head. Well, anyway. As per the prompt the idea here is that Ink and Error take baby steps, both with Error's phobia and in their relationship. Frankly I'm of the opinion the whole thing is a work in progress. The feelings are there, but neither one knows how relationships really work. Particularly Ink who is often surrounded by the idyllic version of love often showcased in media and/or the other extremes like it. They need time to find their rhythm and thankfully neither has to rush it.
If anyone is curious about the strings, the idea there is that Error can sense touch through his strings, but in a muted way that doesn't affect his haphephobia so badly, so it's his way of having physical affection when he wants it, but can't manage it.
Ink belongs to Comyet and Error belongs to loverofpiggies (CQ)
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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Day 4 here we go.
The prompt here was "It's a workout" and personally I feel like that's how they look at their jobs. At least in regards to each other. I don't feel like either would budge on their values, and frankly they probably like the challenge the other poses when they spar.
Obviously they wouldn't be aiming to hurt each other, but "first to catch the other gets the AU" sounds like a very them thing to do. I'm sure their friends are probably very confused by it at first though.
Ink belongs to Comyet and Error belongs to loverofpiggies (CQ)
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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Alright, Day 3 of @squidiotslittlevoid 's errorink week was "First contact" and while realistically they would've first touched/met while fighting, I was feeling soft and wanted to draw Error overcoming his phobia juuust enough to hold Ink's hand for a little bit.
I absolutely feel like they work on Error's haphephobia at his pace, and Ink is supportive and keeps his hands to himself for the most part (barring the odd time he forgets.) Regardless by the time Error can actually manage something like this in a non-combat scenario it's likely after a lot of work on both sides and I love that for them. Ink absolutely would be proud of him too.
Ink belongs to Comyet, and Error belongs to Loverofpiggies (CQ)
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eevee-haze · 2 years
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Day 2's prompt was "Mistakes are sometimes made" and the first thing to come to mind was my headcanon about Ink letting Error rip up or otherwise destroy any personal projects or pictures he wasn't happy with. Who says he can't get art blocks like the rest of us? Might as well let Error get some fun out of it.
I also feel like he uses Underfell Sans's bedroom as his personal garbage can in these instances.
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