eggtroll ¡ 5 days
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the idea of multiple people having crushes on both civilian and hero form is too enticing for me that i drew the concept twice. i still wholeheartedly believe miraculous ladybug has the making to be really gay, even though it's kinda not ( only a wee bit ).
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eggtroll ¡ 5 days
Teeth are bullshit. What do you mean you’re decaying. Get a fucking grip. You’re a bone now act like it. You don’t see my finger bones decaying from jerking it too much now do you
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eggtroll ¡ 12 days
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hello gwoey nation
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eggtroll ¡ 21 days
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I fuckin get it girl
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eggtroll ¡ 24 days
did you think I forgot about the Dad Villain AU. surprise
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eggtroll ¡ 25 days
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It makes me happy when they listen
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eggtroll ¡ 1 month
At some point in your life, you were taught that being slightly annoying is an unforgivable sin. Maybe it was by your parents or a teacher or a friend or a bully or an older sibling. But someone taught you that being slightly annoying is a crime punishable by death.
You must unlearn this.
You must accept that all people will be annoying at some point or another in their lives, maybe all of their lives, and that this is okay. It is okay for strangers on the bus, it is okay for children in the grocery store, it is okay for people on social media, and it is okay for you.
If you ever want to truly love your fellow humans, if you ever want to truly love yourself, you must have forgiveness for being annoying.
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eggtroll ¡ 2 months
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eggtroll ¡ 2 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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eggtroll ¡ 2 months
The remake reboot prequel sequel industrial complex is killing me but the good thing is I don't have to watch any of that. I can just think "that sounds boring or otherwise doesn't interest me in any way" and do something other than watch it
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eggtroll ¡ 2 months
the sims 2 for the ds (2004) had everything… a creepy hotel simulator, the backrooms, a nuclear reactor with rods you pick up with your bare hands, queercoded goth cult leader girl, organ harvesting, bigfoot, meat you can punch in a walk-in freezer, the quote “have you ever caught a meteor with your bare hands? it takes time to get used to the heat and the pain, but it’s a good cure for loneliness,” a subplot in which you deliver a bomb to the mayor’s office in the stuffed head of a cow, put out the fire in said office, and then bury a wiggling trunk in the desert and the mayor is never seen again, a secret superhero lair where you dress up as a rat and fight evil robots, aliens that literally break the game if you try to change the system clock, an art studio, a social system in which you talk people down from lustful/drunken/outraged trances by spamming the same three responses, a milf, an arcade game called sisyphus in which you can’t win and you just roll a rock up a mountain, the only meter for wellness on the main screen being “sanity,” special agent dana scully, and more.
the only thing it doesn’t have is same-sex relationships, but romance is optional anyway. and i totally had a thing with misty waters and no one can convince me otherwise
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eggtroll ¡ 2 months
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u go gorl
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eggtroll ¡ 2 months
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Oops! by Hisashi Eguchi, 1989
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eggtroll ¡ 2 months
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When we came to Lucky Junior High, we looked funny, we dressed funny, we walked funny, we built cocoons around ourselves, until we could figure out who we really were. We made friends, we lost friends. Transformation is never easy, but it made us who we are today… butterflies. All of us here today, are butterflies. We come in different shapes and colors, (including cola number 5), but we all have one thing in common, we stand here today, poised to spread our wings and take flight. According to Native American legend, you can tell a butterfly a wish and it will take that wish up to the heavens, and grant it for you.
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eggtroll ¡ 3 months
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combat boots bffs
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eggtroll ¡ 3 months
I hate Yul but him calling Tom a pig was funny as fuck srry
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eggtroll ¡ 3 months
“broken builds” this. “use the orb” that. you fools. the true best strategy to beat honour mode is to encourage safer and smarter decisions throughout your adventure by roleplaying as none other than faerun’s central authority on occupational safety and workplace accident prevention legislation
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