emmettsin · 6 days
i like a shadow monster, I like the idea of something being invisible though, so I guess a ghost is more my style
that's fair! i also really like the invisible ones :)
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emmettsin · 12 days
i have come across so many centaur biology discussions. The most important one to me, how many organs would it have, would it have 2 hearts/livers for example?
that's a great question, and i have no idea xD
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emmettsin · 12 days
my freakiest for monsters I get is a shadow monster tbh
i could see that 👀
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emmettsin · 12 days
Back with 8 trillion dollar's worth of questions. On, you guessed it, monsters. :D
(I gave up with the "yes/no", but that's just what trails after everything. It's just a whatever comes to mind first a yes or no when you think of them as a concept.)
-orcs, yes/no?
-centaur, yes/no?
-spirits (includes ghosts)
-slime monster
-robots (i think it can count, but its not necessarily the thing I'd think of when thinking about the topic.) I can see fuck machines kinda counting.
-momsters with lots of muscles
-monsters with little muscle
-horned monsters
-hybrids between human & a monster
-monsters with sharp teeth
-dog girls/boys/etc...
-monsters with short tounges
-dream monsters
-monsters with lots of hair
-nightmare monsters
-monsters with long tounges
-monsters with a cloaca
-monsters with scales
-stone fish
-cat girls/boys/etc..
-tentacle monster, ranges from a shadow being to a octopi thing.
-Plant monster, like a buncha vines
i tried to cover all I could think of with some wilder ones i've seen before such as a stonefish like creature.
honestly, if the only specification is 'whether yes or no comes to mind when you think of them as a concept', i'd say yes to all of them; any concept has the potential to be interesting.
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emmettsin · 15 days
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emmettsin · 15 days
this blogs fun, I like bouncing back and forth between your blogs and Ao3
awww thanks! :D
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emmettsin · 15 days
what do you think of monster fudging/fucking tumblr? /gen q
i've never heard it described as fudging, but i'm all for monster fucking :) don't think i've been on that specific side of Tumblr though? my monsterfucking tastes are very mild lol
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emmettsin · 22 days
would deregan ever do anything with cnc? Otherwise I want to see how Derek gets off when he's alone please :)
yes, they would! this takes place in the Angel on the Wall AU, long after Logan's recovered enough to speak and he and Derek have had time to rekindle their relationship.
CW: explicit NSFW, CNC (consensual non-consent), blow jobs, blindfolds, bondage, references to past abuse and captivity
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“Stop,” Derek said, for all the times that he couldn’t. 
Ten years. Ten years of suffering in silence, holding his tongue while the angels abused him. Ten agonizing years of holding onto his pride while the angels tried to break him down, with chains and whips and the blood of his brethren on his hands. But not anymore. 
Now, it was ropes instead of chains binding his arms behind his back.
(He knew he could snap them easily.)
Now, he couldn’t see because of a blindfold over his eyes, not because the cage they locked him in as punishment did not allow any light to come through.
(It was a silky blindfold too; Logan thought it looked pretty on him.)
Now, instead of a whip flaying his skin, there was a hot mouth around his cock. A tight, wet heat that was hard not to thrust into, but Derek kept his hips down. He wasn’t supposed to want this with his captors. He didn’t want this with his captors.
(He wanted it with Logan though, and that made it okay.)
“Please,” he begged, not hiding his desperation anymore. “Please, don’t do this, I don’t want this–”
A low moan choked off his pleas, torn from his chest when his cock touched the back of his captor’s throat, and it fluttered around him. He could have sworn there was a softer moan in response.
(He wondered if Logan was watching him, eyes lidded and shiny with tears.)
It went on like that for some time, his captor sucking him off while Derek’s pleas went ignored. He expected them to, of course. He knew his captor wouldn’t listen–
(That’s what they agreed on, after all.) 
–but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that the demon could say no. He could cry out and come apart instead of numbing himself to the humiliation, refusing to ever let himself cry knowing he was being watched at all times. He could fight back. He could struggle against his binds–
(Not too much, or else he’d ruin Logan’s rope work.)
–and let out all of those pitiful whimpers that he would have rather died before letting any of the angels hear, or the other demons in the same predicament as him. Derek Bornachi was a proud demon, but right now? He was allowed to be a victim.
He ended up finishing in his captor’s mouth with a strained cry, shaking with the intensity of his orgasm. As the high wore off and the fantasy faded away, he slumped against the chair while the ropes were untied. When the blindfold came off, he saw the face of an angel who was once his captor. Who he once called Master.
Derek called him my love now, in many different ways. 
Logan’s face was flushed, a pretty pink that complimented his amber eyes. Sure enough, there were tears in the corner of them from taking all of his boyfriend’s sizable dick in his mouth, and his voice came out as a soft rasp. “Feeling okay?” 
Derek smiled before kissing him. “More than okay,” he said, pulling the angel onto his lap. Logan must not have gotten off at all; he was hard where his dick rubbed against Derek’s belly, and Derek could feel how wet he was between his thighs. “How about you? Want me to take care of you now?” 
“Mmm…I dunno.” The angel was teasing him, rolling his hips in a clear yes. “I’ve gotten into character now. Wouldn’t be very captor-y of me to let you do that.”
The demon smirked. “Well, if you want to keep up the roleplay,” he said, settling his hands on Logan’s hips, “we could always do the reverse.” 
Logan grinned. “I can work with that.”
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my writing x my whump x angel on the wall au x ko-fi
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emmettsin · 22 days
Would you ever consider referencing another wip au within another au? Like, an egg chair, for a reference to all the egg preg. in another au. [Did that make sense? Idk how to phrase it, tbh.]
i guess if it made sense to i would! i typically don't reference AUs within AUs but maybe as a little easter egg (pun unintended) i might
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emmettsin · 28 days
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there are, unfortunately, no vegan options on that menu
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emmettsin · 28 days
what do you look for quality wise when you're deciding to post a chapter or not
has it been edited? are there any typos, grammatical or spelling errors, things that need to be fixed? things that could be reworded better or maybe could be cut out entirely?
this one's just my OCD but...does it look good? i can't stand it when there are awkward spaces or one or two words hanging off the end of a paragraph. i will edit things and retype sections until it doesn't make my brain scream.
the biggest one of all: do i enjoy it? is it something i want to reread? did it put a smile on my face, or make me feel anything? do i feel like it accomplished what i had in mind? does it make me want to keep writing?
the toughest question of all: do i actually like it, or am i just trying to get a chapter out? because if the answer is the latter, i shouldn't bother posting it at all.
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emmettsin · 29 days
do you think while traveling on a train, the characters use a random dice as foreplay dice is a good prompt? /gen q
sure! i think that could be interesting depending on the dice and what each number means for the game. could also be fun exploring that in a public place like a train. :)
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emmettsin · 29 days
i am back to forced amnesia, I got tired of colors. I am all colored out, I now need to write
good luck with your writing! /gen
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emmettsin · 1 month
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The door is open for Loden and his platypus friend. They are sharing nine chicken nuggets and scrambled eggs.
this will probably be my last Loden NSFW for a while, now that i've exhausted pretty much all of my ideas. but i really wanted to give him a platypus friend at least once and i'm happy with how it turned out.
comment or DM me with a 🦆 if you would like to see! i will only respond if you are a legal adult and a follower of my blog.
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my art x emmettsin x ko-fi
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emmettsin · 1 month
forced amnesia is hard, I now am listing themes of colors to songs instead. 😔
oh rip man sdhfjdshfg
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emmettsin · 1 month
i keep...being dumb as hell and watching twilight while tryna write. Umm, umm, ah, kjnklenkldenkl I live off vampire brain rot with a new obsession. Fae.
Fae-> Intimidating
Vampire-> Sensual
It's a great whump combination, in my opinion.
god that's so valid anon 😔 <- also enjoys Twlight
oooh yeah that could be a good combo! i like the possibilities you can explore with a fae's mischievous nature and a vampire's seductive cunning. :)
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emmettsin · 1 month
Perhaps something with Loden undergoing Greenie "training" to be prepared for Golds?
oooo i'll have to think about that one... /pos
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