emperor-of-blood · 4 months
Do you think you could find a classpect for the immortal snail? Also hi, been a while since your last post, how are you?
Hello! I've been good! Very busy with life. Got my first big kid job after grad school, got a girlfriend, life is going well! Just very busy lol. How're you doing? It's also been a while since I've gotten an ask from you lol.
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So. The Immortal Snail. This has got to be about the hypothetical Snail that is immortal, out to get you, and instantly kills you if it touches you, right? I think there's a few different variations of this scenario but they all involve that + some instant reward in exchange for taking on this assassin, right? I feel like I've heard one version that includes the snail periodically teleporting too.
But anyways this is a pretty simple character to analyze, which always makes me lean towards an Heir. Not to say that Heirs can't have nuance of course, but more that if you boiled each class down as much as possible, I think Heir is probably the most intact at that final stage. If that makes any sense. I'd also consider a Bard here, or maybe a Prince.
Light is a pretty obvious aspect here, but I'd also consider Void. Bard of Void is pretty interesting. I think I like that!
So Bard of Void:
One who invites destruction through [Void]/one who lacks [Void]
Popping into existence from nowhere, and as a snail of all things. It brings along with it great wealth, which ties into the absence of Void part. You suddenly live a very wealthy life! How exciting. But then one day, it suddenly ends. No warning. It's just over. Because a snail touched you! You really thought you sealed that jar well but apparently, something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Nothing you could notice anyways.
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emperor-of-blood · 4 months
hey read some of your analysis’s on diamonds droogs, spades slick and clubs deuce but couldnt happen to find a hearts boxcars one so. id love to see one ^_^
Hi! I had to do some digging to find it but I knew I did him and I was right!
Here you are my good friend:
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emperor-of-blood · 4 months
have u done a diamonds droog classpect analysis yet o_O? asking for a dd kinning friend :}} -♠️
Hi! Yes I did that one... oh god a few months ago. Time flies.
Your friend sounds awesome. Very cool character to kin.
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emperor-of-blood · 8 months
nobody saw that
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emperor-of-blood · 8 months
How do you handle classpecting characters you aren't really familiar with? Do you just go through the wiki or do you judt not cover characters you can't find enough information on?
I ask because I want to request a character but they're pretty obscure so I'm fairly certain you're not gonna know who they are when I ask.
I'll go thru the wiki regardless to refresh myself but I like to check stuff out. I've done it more than a few times, most recently The Devil Wears Prada and Godzilla were things I had to go out of my way to watch. If I can't find it I'll usually just push it aside and come back to it later once I get a chance to read/watch the thing said character is in.
Feel free to shoot it over anyways. Can't promise I'll get to it right away or that I'll have already seen whatever you're talking about but at the very least there isn't much harm in sending an ask in. Worst case scenario it sits in my inbox for a while.
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emperor-of-blood · 9 months
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Time to finish off this ask with, last but not least: Diamonds Droog.
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Mr. Droog is a classically classic guy. Smooth, efficient, polite, and calm. He knows what needs to be done and does it; or gets someone else to do it if they need to. He’s got some good character defining moments to look at. Egging Aradia on to kill Vriska, egging Tavros on to kiss Vriska, oh- and let’s not forget the long history of violence; take your pick as to which one you like best.
Unfortunately there isn’t a ton to say about him beyond that. I mean he’s cool. But at the end of the day he’s kind of a.... quintessential member of the Midnight Crew.
So with that out of the way, Diamonds Droog is a......
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Maid Of Mind
(Why won’t tumblr let me make that bigger.....?)
One who serves [Mind]/is void of [Mind]
A Maid of Mind is going to be mostly concerned with making things happen around them. Someone who pushes things along because the alternative is that nobody does anything. This also comes with the added point of being separate from the aspect themselves. That might be a little confusing when talking about Mind though. DD isn’t mindless after all, so how does he fit into that part of the role? 
He does in... well a few ways I suppose. He is a little mindless in that he just wants to see shit happen. I’m thinking of when he was coaching Aradia and Tavros here. He didn’t know the full story and he didn’t come up with a plan for them. He just kind of... wanted it to happen. For them to do stuff for the sake of it. Funnily enough I think he takes the “Mindless” out of “Mindless violence” in most of his encounters though. It’s certainly where he goes first but it’s also usually because he’s trying to get something done.
I think that’s about if for the final member of the Midnight Crew! Thanks for reading :)
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emperor-of-blood · 9 months
What’s Godzilla’s classpect?
Hello request from July 20th, 2020. Hope I didn't keep you waiting!
Godzilla has a long running history and has changed a lot as it has passed between the hands of different writers. To be most consistent I think I will specify that I'm talking about Godzilla as he was in the original conception: Godzilla (1954)
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So a quick recap, the original incarnation of Godzilla was a big monster at the bottom of the ocean, whose slumber was disturbed by the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan in WW2. The whole radioactive part of the monster is just a side effect of the bombs in the first place. He was something of a manifestation/personification of the fear of nuclear weapons.
So with that out of the way, what is he? Well how about.....
Muse Of Doom
One who is dominated by [Doom]
That's right bitches, I actually am using Muse despite the many previous bashing. Basically, I think I've finally settled on a definition- For both Lord and Muse, really. A quick tangent that I can expand upon later if anyone is curious; maybe I'll just update that part of the FAQ.
Lord: One who dominates [Aspect]
Muse: One who is dominated by [Aspect]
Caliborn/Lord English dominates every timeline, removing every other influence other than himself including even ghosts.
Space players are duty bound with the creation of the new universe typically, but Calliope doesn't get that opportunity. Calliope-Prime makes space in the body for Caliborn in every timeline (save for one), dying in the process. The one that doesn't happens to be in a doomed timeline and literally just sits there and waits, her sole purpose being bringing the end of Lord English and preserving existence.
Back to Godzilla.
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Godzilla is, well, not human. Pretty obvious but I'm just making sure we're all on the same page. He doesn't have some grand motivation or really even a concrete goal. He's an animal. He was sleeping at the bottom of the ocean. He got disturbed by the nuke and doused in radiation. So far, I don't think we can really call him anything other than a victim. Even when he starts to rampage I don't think we can really classify him as a villain.
He's a lizard. If you hit an alligator bit you after you hit it in the head with a hammer a villain? No. It's a fucking lizard. To really analyze this we have to focus largely on what it represents: Fear of nuclear devastation and the trauma associated with being nuked. Doom as an aspect represents death, endings, failure, cycles, and acceptance. And the whole concept of Godzilla was really just a way for the Japanese people at the time to process their trauma.
I think that's mostly it for this one. Hope you enjoyed!
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emperor-of-blood · 9 months
have you ever seen the devil wears prada? If so: What's your take on Miranda Priestly's classpect?
I have now! Really good movie.
Now, time for me to be more active on here.
(I hope)
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Miranda Priestly
So for those of you unaware, Miranda Priestly is one of the main characters in The Devil Wears Prada. She is the head of one of if not the most prestigious fashion magazine around. She's known for having the only say that matters in the fashion world. Her job is her life and she loves it. She's knows exactly how important she is and isn't afraid to sling it around. She has a reputation as a Devil bitch and has run off many highly dedicated fashion student interns with her insane orders.
She got where she is by a few methods:
Being incredibly knowledgeable and competent in her field
Stepping on anyone who gets in her way
Stepping on anyone if it means advancing her career
With that out of the way, let's dive into it. Miranda Priestly is a.....
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Knight of Rage
One who exploits [Rage]/protects with [Rage]
Knights and Rage are two of the more explored (By Hussie) parts of the classpects we could ask for. Knights exist in sessions rather lacking in their aspect, take what little they can find and stretch it out as far as it'll go. One of the most interesting things about the movie is that I don't think there's a single character, expect possibly her daughters, that doesn't explicitly HATE Miranda. This is, of course, because she's a massive bitch. Again, to the point that nobody can stand her. The lady is fucking crazy. Her flight gets cancelled because of a hurricane and because the main character Andy can't get a new flight she gets all pissy. And to punish her she says that Andy needs to get the still unpublished Harry Potter book for her kids to read within 24 hours. A pretty obviously impossible task given for the sole reason of having a good excuse to fire her. Andy of course, succeeds, marking a turning point in the story where Miranda actually starts to like Andy. The task was designed to break her, but it didn't.
Miranda failed.
Remember, Rage isn't just the obvious. It's also destruction, change, and truth. Here we see Miranda breaking Andy down and the molding her into the new person that she needs to stand by her side. She does that by throwing every challenge she has at her. Andy has to change to survive. She realizes that Miranda really is all that, and despite being something of a genius herself, Andy just doesn't compare. She's in Miranda's world and she has to play by her rules. Andy even starts anticipating Miranda's insanity, thereby protecting herself and others from her wrath. Miranda has surrounded herself with people like this; and that's exactly how she can keep her fashion empire standing.
The real kicker comes at the climax of the movie. Andy finds out that Miranda is going to be fired, and at this point Andy has destroyed her own personal life to satisfy Miranda and has even come to respect her. So she does everything she can to warn her of the incoming event.
To no avail. Miranda won't talk to her. It turns out that she already knew this was happening. Her solution is to sacrifice another main character and one of her assistants, Nigel, to keep her position and eliminate the rival who was to take her job.
She's constantly stepping on people, even while already at the top. She sees the truth of her situation and strikes decisively every time. It doesn't matter who it is, if there's an obstacle, she'll remove it and even maintain the following she's built up, even it it means knocking them personally down.
That's all! I hope it was worth the 3 year wait.
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emperor-of-blood · 9 months
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Yeah I set myself up for that one didn't I
quick question, do ya do session analysis?
Not really, it's usually a lot of work and I'm just not active enough on here to justify it. If you've got a character you'd like to see classpected feel free to send it in tho.
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emperor-of-blood · 9 months
quick question, do ya do session analysis?
Not really, it's usually a lot of work and I'm just not active enough on here to justify it. If you've got a character you'd like to see classpected feel free to send it in tho.
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emperor-of-blood · 9 months
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emperor-of-blood · 10 months
Sorry for the 2 asks in a row ^^'
It's pretty outside your line of work, but what do you think about having the 7 deadly sins and 7 holy vertues replacing the Classes or Aspects in a session?
Lol no problem. I think it could be interesting if a bit confusing. Are players assigned a sin and a virtue each? In that case I think it would be kind of interesting to say that each of them is sort of a merge between a class and an aspect. Like how the class affects how the aspect is interpreted/manifests each sin/virtue stands for something (self-explanatory) but also influences how the other manifests.
To throw out an example off the top of my head:
Sloth and Humility
Sloth players are followed by their virtue and surrounded by it but don't really embody it particularly well.
Humility players are very representative of their sin but usually suppress it.
In this case Sloth is probably most comparable to the Heir class and Huumility is probably most comparable to a Bard?
Pulled out of my ass but I think it could be interesting. There's a lot of stuff from Sburb that I think is really fun if applied to other systems (Or vice versa).
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emperor-of-blood · 10 months
Hi man, just read about half of your analysings(?) and i find it cool how you do it in a character basis instead of generalising the whole thing
Anyway. I thought your "Rogue of Mine" was fun but what do you actually think minecraft Steve's classpect would be? Kinda hard since he's "whatever the player wants him to be" but it might be doable
Heyo! Glad to hear that you've been enjoying things, I should really get back to this blog.
I think you're right, Steve should be doable. I guess the first thing is that Steve is more or less all alone in this world. What Steve does can be boiled down to a few distinct things:
Exploring the world
Building stuff
Ender Dragon Stuff
It's a gross oversimplification but bear with me for now. I think there's a lot of.... whimsy maybe? fucking around at the very least, included in the first two points there. It's kind of hard to really get more specific than that as we start wading into player-specific-waters.
but it might just be enough
Steve from Minecraft is a.....
Lord of Mind
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Lords are mainly defined by a few things, the first being solitude. Lords only ever appear in solo sessions. Minecraft at its core is a single player game and even when it's multiplayer, by default it's still just a bunch of Steves. Steve's collective will amongst all the different players can be summed up as trying to have fun I think.... That looks pretty different for everyone but comes down to exploring, building, and/or fighting. The only thing that each separate Steve really has in common is that he exists in the game Minecraft, that is to say, Steve as a "character" is limited and defined by the scope of the game.
Another reason I chose Lord vs, Muse for example, is the active passive shenanigans. I must've mentioned it before that I don't really like the "Active vs Passive" descriptions for classes.
This as good of a time as any to elaborate on that I suppose. I'll try to keep it short tho. So traditionally, Lords and Muses main defining feature is generally agreed upon as being the most active and most passive classes. One quick example of how this is a flawed description comes to alt. Calliope. She sits around and does nothing for a long time, until of course, she does something. Opening a black hole and sucking in ghosts and all that nonsense that happens at the end of Homestuck is pretty damn active. So what is it just that they're passive until they're not? John was more passive as an air in that regard. The wind just helped him without even his knowledge. As a hypothetically more extreme version of that it's weird that we don't actually get any sort of comparable effect or anything.
Anyways, the point is that the Lord class is pretty up in the air. We know they're supposed to be strong and solo and you could say that they're active I guess. Maybe Calliope is just a really bad Muse.
Which is actually very possible. In which case Lord is supposed to be very active by comparison and the Minecraft world only changes when Steve takes action, and usually it's changing a lot.
The Mind part of the classpect, comes from the meaning of Mind being pretty literal; Actions, thoughts, decisions, and logic. Steve is the ultimate tool to change the Minecraft world, being the vessel for every player of the game. This is also technically true with most video game player characters but Minecraft has such a level of freedom that it goes to another level.
I could be persuaded to assign Lord of Space maybe, but I just don't think it fits quite as well.
That's it for this time, hopefully I'll be back again soon!
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emperor-of-blood · 10 months
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emperor-of-blood · 1 year
Happy 4/13. stay silly folks
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emperor-of-blood · 1 year
what happened to the luffy classpect you did? i cant find it
Ignore that I answered this ask 6 months after you sent it. -_-
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emperor-of-blood · 2 years
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Doing my part
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