enhagvrl · 2 days
peeps im so sorry for the delay, im actually attending this youth camp out of the city rn and i feel so uncomfortable typing on my phone instead of my laptop :( i'll surely post within the first week of june im so sorry yall forgive me i really want to write but being out of home and not having my laptop is not helping.
thank you so much for your patience and im really sorry once again. i hope you understand :< summer is the only time for all these activities so please dont hate me for disappearing from time to time
will you do a part 2 of enha's words upsetting you?
yes yes i will be uploading it within this week :)
i just came back from a one week trip so forgive me for the delay 🥺i'll be posting the new one's within the end of this week
thanks for waiting guys <33
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enhagvrl · 2 days
can i req for a drabble of enha accusing y/n of cheating bcs someone told them (they have no proof they only hear it from other people) but y/n never actually cheated at all and they regret lashing out on y/n??
*GASP* MY FIRST REQUEST AND ITS MY FAV GENRE - ANGST?! OF COURSE I WILL DO IT!! actually i have so many scenarios of how this could be cause im a hardcore angst fan i kid you not ;)
thank you so much for the request. I'll make sure to upload it next week after i'm done uploading pt. 2 of words hurting you
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enhagvrl · 6 days
will you do a part 2 of enha's words upsetting you?
yes yes i will be uploading it within this week :)
i just came back from a one week trip so forgive me for the delay 🥺i'll be posting the new one's within the end of this week
thanks for waiting guys <33
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enhagvrl · 13 days
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en- when their words upset you
a/n: the part two of all members will come out next week since I posted three posts within one week :) also i honestly have no idea how to potray the two biggest rays of sunshine in an angst fic so please don't mind this :,(
rest : pocketz fifaz 02z
 “ as if anyone would believe you.”
Since your childhood, you were the rebel kid who would always lie to her parents and friends about so many things - partying outside, hanging out with certain people et cetera. This led you to not develop many deep bonds with people. Your life was absolutely dark, until this huge and cute ray of sunshine came in and changed the whole trajectory of your being - kim sunoo. He was the one who knew that you were more than just a liar and traitor people assumed you to be. The years of mistreatment you got from people and deep down those insecurities which had always eaten you from inside seemed to disappear the moment sunoo walked into your life. Which led you to go blank hearing these words from his mouth.
“ You know I would really like to see you try and win the trust of all the people around you. Since, you had acted like such a headache in your teenage years.” he said, going back to making silly tiktoks for his fan following. 
You knew he meant it as a joke as it is very normal for the both of you to have regular banter exchanged. But maybe, this time you could not take it as a joke. You felt those ingrown doubts getting out from your gut and spreading through your body. 
“Yeah…right…I was…a headache for sure back then.” you let out slowly, taking deep breaths. Not bothering to hear his reply, you quickly got up from the floor, saying in a rushed tone -
“Don't you think the weather today is so hot? I’ll get us some mint choco. Wait here.” saying this you disappeared into the kitchen downstairs, gulping down a big glass of cold water to calm yourself. 
 “ What do you know about leading a group anyways?”
You had been chosen as the troop leader for a camping trip your class would be going to for a week. You did not have major doubts on your skills as a leader, being an elder sibling but the problem was your class - the most mischievous and notorious class in your whole batch. If they did not cause any problems today, they would surely cause double the problems tomorrow to make up for tomorrow. The whole school knew it, even the teachers, that this one class was absolutely hopeless when it came to controlling them. Which brings you to your boyfriend, Jungwon - the only person you can get some advice from regarding leading a big group. 
“And you know, there's this guy named Wooyoung and I swear he’s not even human. Like, why would you go around biting people you don’t like?! I’m so scared about what to do with him when I cannot even get into his five metre radius……” and you went on about the different troublemakers and how you think you could handle them for a week, when those words of Jungwon made you pause.
“.....what do you mean not knowing how to lead a group?” you questioned, sitting up straight from your lying position on the bed, feeling irritation creeping up on you.
“No, I mean, I get it. You’re the elder sibling of your house so you kinda have some idea when it comes to handling babies but of course you’re gonna be inexperienced when it comes to leading a big group of grown ass adults.” he said, very casually, continuing to reply to his fans on weverse.
“maybe you should pass on the duty to someone else you know. Someone more capable of being a leader and someone who will be taken seriously by the people.” 
There. The damage was done. 
“So you think I'm some sort of pushover who people don’t take seriously? Huh. I'm starting to doubt if YOU take me seriously or not. All those efforts were for nothing.” 
Saying this you grabbed your hoodie and cellphone, heading towards the door. Ignoring maeumi’s barking, you went out - jungwon’s words replaying in your head making you breathe a sigh and look up towards the trees swaying furiously in the wind, indicating it was going to rain soon. 
© enhagvrl on tumblr, 2024
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enhagvrl · 14 days
do you guys mind not looking at him? Hee's mine. Please, refrain from taking a glance at him too. Evan is mine. Always has been
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enhagvrl · 16 days
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en- when their words upset you
a/n: consider this a small experiment as I want to see which members grasp the most attention. since I'm aware some of the people here are die hard solo stands. also a small spoiler in Jake's part about another draft of mine planning to be posted in june 👀
rest: 02z pocketz fifaz
“ as if anyone would be willing to listen to your constant chatter” 
If someone were to share any secret with you, it would somehow get out of your mouth without your knowledge. You were the chatterbox friend who never knew of a surprise or event, until you were at the place. This led you to have trust issues with everyone and also be insecure about yourself. Over the years, you practised how to keep your mouth shut and not start yapping at any given occasion. That’s when you met Jay, the only person who never hated you for yapping his ears out - he was always sitting there with a small smile on his face listening to every single word coming out of your mouth. You always thought he was the one for you, and that he loved your continuous random talks. But now you were doubting that, that maybe you had been annoying him all this time and he did not want to tell you that just to not hurt your feelings.
You got quiet as you continued stirring the soup, and the sudden silence did not go unnoticed by Jay. He gave you a side eye trying to figure out what happened, but seeing your expressionless face he just concluded that you were trying to focus on cooking. 
Later that evening, both your guys' parents came over for a monthly catch up and meeting with each other. The night went very quickly, with everyone enjoying the evening with each other - everyone except you. Jay was quick to catch on though, noticing you had not uttered 10 proper words since you guys were preparing the dinner. 
After your parents said their goodbyes for the night, the house again went quiet - the both of you cleaning up. Jay tried coming close to you but you would only get away from him to throw away the garbage or clean up this soup stain on the table.
“Baby, is something bothering you? You have not even opened your mouth for the last three hours. You know you can tell me anything, right? I’m always ready to hear you out.” he said, blocking your way by standing in front of you and trapping you in a corner.
You could only scoff at his statement. Pushing him out of the way, you went to do your night routine and took your pillows and an extra blanket, making yourself a comfortable sleeping palace in the living room like kids do, except this one was not for playing. 
Jay could only watch you silently, and breathed a frustrated sigh realising he might have done or said something and that you needed some time to yourself. He went back to your guys’ bedroom - going over all his words and events of the day to figure out what he did wrong. Sleep far away from him. 
   “You can’t even walk properly without stumbling over yourself. What makes you think you can play soccer?”
Being the girl who grew up with a father who regularly watched F1 races and other sports on the television, you had always loved playing sports and being active on the field. You were aware there were a few things you cannot be good at but it did not hurt to try them out, did it? Well certainly it did not before those words left your boyfriend’s mouth. 
“Huh?” was all you could let out, trying to clean the dirt on your knees you got from falling due to your open shoe laces. 
Jake only scoffed in return and rolled the ball along with him, going over to the goal post and scoring a goal. You could only watch him, sitting on the field. After a quick two minutes of just trying to register his words in your word, you also let out a sarcastic smirk and got up from the ground and walked towards the benches. 
“Ay ay, were you not going to score a goal right now? Let’s gaur! The bet on the ice cream still stands, you know that right?” Jake uttered excitedly, running up to you and passing the ball towards you. 
“Not anymore. I’m tired. Let’s go back, I’ll buy us the ice cream.” You said, getting ready to leave the field, leaving Jake all confused with his lips pulled into a small pout and his eyes big with confusion and worry on your sudden change of demeanour. He could only watch silently, as you packed up your towels and shoes, swinging the bag on your shoulders and walking towards the exit, not sparing a glance behind to see if the puppy-looking boy is coming along or not.
 “ let me fcking breathe for a moment now, will you.” 
You had one issue - too many interests. Not being able to decide what to do at what time. There are just so many things in the world and it would be a shame if you don’t experience those things at least once in your lifetime. You never tried to be good at whatever you were doing, just doing it for the thrill and fun. Sunghoon knew this - despite being the big introvert you are, you liked living your life to the fullest not giving a damn about anyone else, even though people would always be surprised or doubting you at times. 
You were telling Sunghoon about how you had booked a ticket to this wonderful bungee jumping place next week for you guys since he had just gotten back from a tour and you guys finally had some time to spend together.
 “ i mean we could book a pretty lodging somewhere and just stay indoors-” “ can’t we      just stay at our own house for a second, gaddamnit. Why do we even have a roof over our heads if we aren’t staying in it for five seconds also.” he interrupted your sentence before you could even complete it. 
Hearing this, you realised you might have just crossed the line. Saying these words, Sunghoon turned towards his side - going to get the much needed sleep and rest he yearned for so long after god knows how many months of those tiring concerts and travel. 
You could only look at his back, thoughts flooding your mind and self doubt creeping up on you as you closed your eyes to drift off to dreamland - making a mental note about cancelling the trip and spending bonding time with your boyfriend. 
© enhagvrl on tumblr, 2024
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enhagvrl · 21 days
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en- when their words upset you
a/n: I'm backkkkk!!!! keep your eyes upon cause im currently working on a long sh fic and a series for niki. thank you to everyone for being patient with me and don't hesitate to send in your requests!!<33
rest : fifaz pocketz 02z
“ Well I’d be damned if my girlfriend was actually as crazy as people call her to be.” 
You have always been a quiet kid, keeping to yourself most of the time. But someone managed to watch you get into a fight with a stranger on the street. You were simply trying to defend yourself from being harassed by some perverted stranger when you kicked them too hard in the side of their stomach and broke one or two ribs.
Since then rumours had been going around the campus that you were a brutal little shit who had gotten into a lot of fights which made you the target of other people’s gossip and just messed up your whole school life.
But at that time, heeseung was the one who really did not give in to those rumours -  he hung out with you and made you feel all sorts of giddy feelings you have never experienced with anyone else before. 
But right now was not the case, as you were left alone in your thoughts about heeseung maybe believing all those rumours about you too.
“ Baby, you okay?” heeseung asked, voice laced with concern over the sudden quiet atmosphere which took over the room within 5 seconds
“ huh? Yes? Yeah. I’m okay. Sorry, what were you saying?” you asked, your voice devoid of any sort of emotion which made heeseung wonder if he said something wrong.
“No you went silent all of a sudden so just got worried. What’s on your mind? Tell me.” hee said, turning his whole body towards you to make it known that you have his entire attention now. 
Not being able to take in the sudden change in the atmosphere, and the obliviousness of heeseung to the effect his words had on you, you muttered a quick “ sorry. I’ll be back.” and rushed out of the house leaving behind a confused heeseung who had not got a moment to register your apology properly before you already disappeared from his sight.
“ Of course you wouldn’t be able to get in with that body of yours”
You had been trying real hard auditioning to get into this big dance team in your city which will be performing in SDC, one of the biggest dance competitions out there. But no matter how many routines you showed them, they still did not approve of you joining the team and told you to stay back in the studio. You were clearly aware that the reason they were not taking you in despite your excellent dancing skills was because of your body. You did not have a slim dancer body as other dancers have and SDC heavily depended on judging the figures of the dancers participating. But in hopes of changing that, you were constantly trying. 
“Bae, you good?” you snapped out of your trance, hearing your name being called. There stood Niki, breathing heavily and the track humble by kendrick lamar now softly playing in the background. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asked a second time, noticing your eyes were distant and how you stopped rambling about how unfair the world is to people like you. 
“....yeah…yeah yeah I’m fine…nothing…just kind of zoned out.” 
“ oi, don’t think too much about it. You couldn’t get in, you could not. That’s fine. You just have to work on your body more. You know competitions these days heavily depend on how well it looks executed and for that you are required to have a perfect body, as they call it.” he says, turning up the volume again and getting back to practise for his artist of the month performance. “Don’t ponder about it too much,  and just get to work with your body if you want to get into those big contests.” 
Instead of taking his constructive criticism as motivation like you always do, you felt tears welling up and ran out of the practice room. The music had stopped and quick footsteps could be heard behind you, but you ran without looking back.
© enhagvrl on tumblr, 2024.
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enhagvrl · 25 days
Haii Rony!! How have you been? Imu ☹️🫶🏻
The heat is killing me tbh like I want to die rather than suffer this 🥹 it's like 43°C and it's not even the highest😭😭
Hope you had a good time in your break🩷
hiii yoonieee i miss you too <333
i know the heat has been so intense these days but it rained last night and this morning and i have never been more grateful for it. I hope you get some cool on your side too :)
Sunday I went to the baptism of my lil cousin and we met like after almost 8 years or something so I had a one day trip...reaching in the morning and leaving at midnight so I'm still feeling a bit tired kind of.
Other than that, my results came out yesterday and i passed with good marks but I honestly could have scored better if I spent some more effort into studying that's all. I was totally bummed out the rest of the evening yesterday, while my friend was tryna cheer me up with his no bs talk which kinda helped.
My only concern at the moment is where and what I'll be studying next. Other than that, I've been getting numerous ideas for writing also so its like a whole loop going for me rn with me finishing one writing and then watching something on youtube and immediately having another idea and writing it down lmao its kind of fun honestly
dont worry, since enhypen's comeback is nearing so is my return to your timeline. You won't be disappointed by my upcoming works for sure I can say hehe
Thanks for checking up on me btw, I really appreciate it a lot :)
in that case, yoonie please recommend me some good angst fics you liked...like arguments and all cause i'm just a teenage girl who likes imagining herself in difficult situations for some reason.... *sigh* real delusional ain't i....
love you <33
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enhagvrl · 30 days
need someone to love me the way jay loves jungwon
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enhagvrl · 1 month
fic recs
rich en- pinning on you - @wonryllis
이희승 (lhs)
the parent trap - @117luv
who r u? - @jlheon
박종성 (pjs)
cofessing to his mute crush - @j4ygyu
심재윤 (sjy)
camping trip - @nar-nia
pinky ring - @songbirdseung
박성훈 (psh)
more than friends - @novathestarrygalaxy
cat dad - @vampirehoon
kiki the cat - @jlheon
my stupid birthday - @jaystardust
김선우 (ksn)
operation : be your boyfriend - @stariikis
니키 (nk)
my name - @palajae
soccer captain - @blisym
always forever - @angel1kisses
you're my red string - @ghostiiess
how to get the girl : a lover's guide - @ihrtsevyn
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enhagvrl · 1 month
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hoon luvrboy
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enhagvrl · 1 month
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enha hyung line with kids
a/n: my first fic after returning to tumblr. PLEASE reblog and feel free to leave your thoughts. It's been a while since i wrote so I'll probably improve as time goes by. till then please tolerate me lol
note: I'll post the maknae line only if this one does not flop
inspo: jay and jake sunghoon heeseung
would be so giggly istg
acts more like a kid then the kid itself
brings around all the plushies and toys he gave to layla to play with
will follow the baby everywhere it goes
would always be petting the baby (like a dog as we have seen), or wanting to have some physical contact with him/her to ensure its safety at all times
will baby-talk the whole time
is very gentle to the kid
would get out all his toy story figurines and legos spreading it out in front of the baby
would start explaining the kids how to assemble each toy and what all characters are there
he just might take the kid out for a walk to a kids playground and run along with him/her
will hold their hand at all times
have some ice-cream together
would be very attentive
cook something delicious for the kid and makes sure it eats well
will probably play whatever the kid wants to do honestly
the kid wants to put makeup on his face? he'll sit quietly throughout not moving at all
would be looking at him/her with so much love oh goodness (i wish someone would look at me like that)
if the kid feels sleepy, he will surely carry him/her in his arms and lull the kid to sleep by simple humming any random tune
he's just very observant
if the kid wants something, he'll definitely go and get it immediately
would treat the kid as if its a fragile thing (anti ti ti ti ti-)
will always have a smile on his face looking at him/her (omg i i can already see those fangs showing in a cute smile!!!)
will take the kid to the ice rink and hold their hand the whole time while reassuring that they're fine bcos he's there
if they do fall, he'll also fall down with them making the kid laugh at his chapstick comedy (which makes him proud fs)
© @enhagvrl on Tumblr. Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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enhagvrl · 2 months
HAI RONYY how have you been? Imu :((
It's been so long since we talked :o how's life going for you?? Mine is too boring currently :T
I miss all my moots too but after my exams got over I've really just been spending a lot of time with family and friends which feels so good yk :)
Other than that, I haven't written a lot of new stuff so I need ideas to get me through cause study finished so brain functioning also finished somehow :(
Other than just being outside my house everyday, nothing much is happening in my life too but life does not always have to be very lavish for you to enjoy it. The small things like the evening breeze in summers and the ice creams in this heat are more than enough for me to appreciate my life right now. Although I wish i travel around a lot more.
Tell me more about how you're doing and don't forget me. I'll be making my comeback soon with enha 😉
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enhagvrl · 2 months
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‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. enhypen and your favorite flower ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ୧⍤⃝💐
note: when the enha members bring you your favourite flower ୧⍤⃝💐
theme: bsf!enha x f!reader
a/n: I'll be using jasmine since it is my favourite flower :)
❀ lhs (이희승)
your guys class was on a trip to the local greenhouse for a biology project
everyone was busy finding out their research subjects and discussing with their partners/groups
you were going around the place on your own trying to find more plants you could take up for your project
when all of a sudden, heeseung aka your best friend and also your project partner, appeared in front of you out of nowhere
" here, you like them right?" he said handing you a few jasmine flowers
" How did you know?" " i'm your best friend for a reason idiot"
with a hue of pink and red on my face, i accepted the flowers while the both of us continued to look at the plants
❀ pjs (박종성)
you guys were out shopping for grocery since your friend group will be gathering later
there was this whole bigass mall you guys went to for buying groceries... because it's Jay ifykyk
you guys went your separate ways and agreed to meet at the counter 30 minutes later
you went to the counter after 30 minutes, but got a text from Jay saying he's already paid for his stuff and is waiting at the parking lot
you didn't think much of it and paid for your stuff going to the parking lot after that
he was there standing there in front of the passenger seat door
you went up to him while he opened the back of the car for you to put your part of groceries in
going back to the front, you are met with your best friend standing with a bouquet of jasmines in his hand
" I saw them while coming to the car so I just got you some since they're your favourite. Hope you like them~ " he said with his infamous smirking smile
you accepted it with a lil amused look on your face which made Jay chuckle while he stood holding your side's door open for you
❀ sjy (심재윤)
it was a fine evening going on a walk with your two puppies (jake is a puppy in a human form i will not let anyone disagree)
jake was running around with layla, playing with her, while you were sitting on a bench eating one of the ice creams you got for the three of you
suddenly layla came running to you with a eager look in her eyes
you understood and told her to sit feeding her her ice cream
soon after jake came running too taking a seat beside you breathing heavily from all the running around
you passed him his ice cream while you simply watch the beautiful evening unfolding itself in front of you
" pretty flowers for my pretty best friend " he said holding a few jasmines in his hand
" ...... oh thank you " you said after registering his words
" ayyy did I make you blush? Look at her Layla, she's blushing!! "
I turned my head away from him and looked at Layla who was very knowingly giving me smile
❀ psh (박성훈)
you guys were out in the ice rink cause of the scorching heat which was symbolising the arrival of summer
the music piece from chopin ringing through the roofs and walls of the entire rink
Sunghoon had just finished practising his routine for the upcoming championship and went to change into comfy clothes while you skated around the rink to the smooth melody playing in the background
Just as you were about to get out of the rink, he rushed inside the arena with both his hands full - one hand holding two drinks, which you guess was for you guys while the other held……flowers?
He put on his skates and skated to you holding out one of the drinks
“ oh these? I was just getting us something refreshing when I spotted a person going about selling bouquets. Jasmines are your favourite right? So I thought of getting one for you. Take it. “ he said, noticing your eyes constantly drifting to the bouquet held in his hands.
“ you…got me…flowers?” you questioned, slowly accepting the bouquet from him
He just nodded quietly, turning his head while sipping his drink acting all nonchalant 
But you could easily spot his red ears which made you smile to yourself
you thanked him by pinching his side and skating away
" aish this little- come here!" he screamed as he chased after you
❀ ksn (김선우)
You guys planned to go to this new cafe which had opened across the street 
Sunoo said he had to wrap up a few things at the agency and will reach around 10 minutes late
You did not really mind and got a table booked while you ordered drinks for the both of you
There were a few books displayed on the counter, one of which you picked up while collecting your drinks
You were busy reading the book when suddenly something covered your eyes - more like someone’s hands
“ yaa, I know it's you. No one has softer hands than mine other than you.” You said, as he took off his hands from your eyes, pouting a little. 
“ fine, you caught me but you could have at least pretended to be surprised...you know just to kind of delight me” he said, whining while settling down his bags 
“Eh no thanks.” you replied, to which he could only roll his eyes while taking a sip from his drink
“ anyways, I got you something on the way” he says handing you a small bundle of jasmines
“ oh damn where did you find them? I don't remember seeing any florist shop nearby here?” you said accepting the flowers, your tone a bit higher than usual trying to hide your flustered and blushing state
“ nowhere near here. I got them from near the agency. I was exiting the building when I spotted these on the window of the florist shop so I got them for you!” he said with his shy smile and rosy cheeks
You muttered a quite thank you, while changing the subject to your guys’ lives, making a mental note to get him something the next time you guys meet up
❀ yjw (양정원)
The yang siblings were play fighting again when his sister said something about getting gifts for her on her birthday and it hit Jungwon that it’s been a while since he spent her birthday together as siblings due to him being busy with his trainee activities
Hence you are sitting in his living room trying to help your best friend before he gets himself killed by his sister 
“ How about getting her favourite flowers? You said she’s never received flowers before so as her brother you should be the first one to do the honour.” I said  while trying to take my hand out of the vicious maeumi’s mouth
“ not bad ig…I should probably ask mom what her favourite flower is and get it. Do you wanna come?” he said, taking out his phone to dial up his mom’s number 
“ Nah i’ll get our ramyeon cooked by the time you return so hurry. Go!” you said to the boy who went out the door while simultaneously being on a call with his mom
“ I SWEAR TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE YUKI TSUNODA THIS DOG IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME!!” I yelled loudly realising that maeumi’s playful bites were almost tearing up the stitches of my sweatshirt 
I yanked my arm off his mouth, heading towards the kitchen to cook up the ramyeon
A few minutes later, jungwon pops back into the house with a few brown bags probably holding the flowers and some more 
“ OKAY I got her favourite flowers as my mom said and I was just coming back when I remembered that there’s nothing in the fridge to drink so I also got some drinks and a few treats for maeumi. Oh and these ones are for you.” He concluded his talk making me turn my head at the last sentence
There lied a bouquet of jasmines on the counter of the kitchen table which jungwon referred to in his last sentence
I felt my cheeks heat up a little at the small gesture and turned back to serving our ramyeon and drinks - not forgetting to thank him for the gift once he comes out of the shower
❀ nrk (西村力)
“TIME OUT! Get yourselves a little rest. We’ll go over the formations for the last time then you all are dismissed.” your coach said resulting in the whole volleyball team to plop down on the ground, the court filled with the grunts and moans of pain coming from each one of your teammates including you
“ I know I say you look dead all the time but it really looks you’re about to die right now, dude” a deep voice said from above your face, for the source of which you didn't need to open your eyes to know
“Shut your japanese ass up and get me something to drink” you groaned while sitting up and moving to the stairs to take a seat
“Already got it dude. Such a caring best friend aint i?” he says handing you a cold lemonade
 “ shut up” you pretended to spit some of the drink towards ni-ki making him stumble a little
“ someone’s having a hard time today, I see. Anyways, i'm done with my practice so just came over to tell ya i'll be waiting at the gate for you to get done with yours……unless you want me cheering for you, then i can stay back and bust open my lungs for the dearest gi-” 
“ Shuck off! I’ll get to you in 15 mins so just go and wait while I try not to get myself killed.” you said slowly getting up and beginning to walk towards the court 
“ Oi! At Least wipe your sweat properly before you go.Nobody wants to be near a stinky shortie” ni-ki said, throwing your bag on your face while making a run afraid of you chasing him 
You shook your head in disbelief of the kid and zipped open your bag only to find a small bouquet of jasmines sitting on top of your extra jersey and towels with a note beside it saying ‘finish up quickly. Your boring ass is the only thing that’s entertaining to me’ 
You chuckled slightly, taking out the towel, wiping your sweat and throwing it back on top of your bag before running towards the net reminding yourself to tease the dork later when you guys walk together 
written by @enhagvrl, 2024
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enhagvrl · 3 months
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Bf!Riki thoughts...
a/n : I still have like 5 exams before I'm officially done with all of them! I hope you guys haven't forgotten me :(
here's a short drabble for my cute crush whom I LOVE with my whole heart I'm not kidding y'all I'm so delulu for him it's concerning (he's only 2 yrs older than me and I want to marry him fr fr)
Bf!Riki who will pull you back to bed with his strong arms when you try to start your morning
Bf!Riki who will whisper sweet nothings in your ears with his deep ass morning voice as if his voice wasn't already deep
Bf!Riki who will back hug you and put his chin on your head and silently hold you while watching you do your work
Bf!Riki who will take you to dates where you two are just letting out your competitive sides and fighting as crazy teens
Bf!Riki who'll order you some hot soup and cuddle with you when you fall sick, trying to make you smile with his funny faces
Bf!Riki who will bring you to look at a new choreography idea of his and ask you to review it just so he can make changes and improvise it
Bf!Riki who will make sure you guys have a lot of dance dates where it's just you two dancing your asses off to all sorts of music you come across
Bf!Riki who will try and help you with your uni work .... although he won't be much help, his presence is more than enough
Bf!Riki who will go on ranting about his favourite team in this sport unaware of the fact that you are too lost in his smile and his eyes which are currently holding the whole universe in them
Bf!Riki who will cuddle you to sleep with his head in the crook of your neck leaving small kisses
Bf!Riki who will blackmail you to give him kisses by showing you silly pictures of yourself which he took secretly
Bf!Riki who will act cute to lighten your mood after a bad day even if he hates acting cute but you're an exception
Bf!Riki who will hug you tightly when he has to go for tours and caress your hair saying he'll leave selfies and texts everyday and that you should not miss him too much even though he'll be the one missing you more
© written by @enhagvrl ,2024
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enhagvrl · 3 months
the lack of jay fics on this platform really speaks....
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enhagvrl · 3 months
Wait you're indian? Me too😮‼️And we're also the same age!
Massive good luck for your boards (i was put in school earlier so ive already passed boards) !
Also we are mutuals now 😋♡︎
I present you, coquette niki 🎀
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Thank you so much dude :,) I'm literally not studying at all with everyone around me telling me to do well but I hope I'll still do well hehe
ALSO I was JUST scrolling Ni-ki's hashtag and you sent me this pic! *gasp* are we...connected? *pun intended*
I'm starting to have second thoughts about Ethan as my bias cause literally everyone looking so damn fine to my eyes these days ~-~
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