enigmaticmystic · 9 months
How would you meet your future husband / wife - Based on Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart Pt. 1
[P.s. Please follow me on Instagram! @/Stellar.Sagittarius I post even more astrology content on it and it's a business I'm trying to grow. Your presence means a lot to me ❤️.]
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(If you are looking for a man, check your Jupiter Persona Chart. If you are looking for a woman, check your Venus Persona Chart)
(Disclaimer: Don't be fixed on this reading! Always have an open mind because the Universe works the best when you have trusted and let go of expectations! Also, the chart won't tell you the exact place or time or how you would feel about something, no one can do that. What it WILL tell is the theme that can be the most prevalent during that event, and how the event can play out.)
Step 1 - Go to Astro.com -> Horoscopes drawing and data -> Extended chart selection -> Select chart type 'Persona Chart' -> Click on 'Additional Objects -> Manual entry '1585'.
Asteroid 1585 is the Union asteroid. It can show how you can "meet" or "come together" with someone.
Fun fact: I checked this Union asteroid in my composite charts with my friends, siblings, my mobile phone, my boyfriend, colleagues, and everything fit so well like puzzle peices.
What we will look in the Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart is the Union asteroid, it's sign, house, and the placement of the ruler of it's sign.
For example, in the composite chart of my phone and I, Union is in the 7th house of Aries, and the ruler of Aries (Mars) is in the 6th house of Pisces. When I went to buy my current phone it was an impulse decision, I was with my father. We were returning from my college (he picks me up everyday, so it's our little routine (6th house)). We were driving (Mars theme) and I was with someone (7th house). He said, "Why not let's go and get you the new phone?" Very unusual of my father because he is very slow and thoughtful person. And just then we went to buy it. It was an impulse buy.
And this is just one of the many examples.
Let's get into reading the Union Asteroid in your Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart.
Union Asteroid Through The Houses
Union in the 1st House -
The first house is all about "yourself". So think of you initiating something. Perhaps you approach this person, or you are the one who initiates the conversation. You could be the center of attention, or you catch the attention of your partner, whether it's your looks or personality. "You" are the focus. This is related to a place where you would stand out or play an important role with your mindset/ideas. They could even approach you, simply because they are interested in getting to know you. If Union asteroid in your chart has a 11th or 3rd or 9th house connection, then they could come across your "profile" on social media.
Union in the 2nd house -
The second house rules our values, possessions, beliefs, our body language, resources, personal finances, etc. There are plenty of situations related to this, going for shopping, while making a purchase, at a restaurant, taking part in some workshop to improve your skills etc. This is a situation where you are focused on your resources, and your skills. This could also be at a bank or shopping centers. Maybe this person changes your beliefs in your first meeting, or perhaps you meet them because you saw their car, and you absolutely loved it so you wanted to ask what model it was. You could have made some changes to your body when you met them.
Union in the 3rd house -
3rd house rules communication, locality, processing information, short distances, siblings, it rules personal communication and also the "media" part of social media. So you could first come across them on social media, like seeing them for the first time. You can meet through siblings or in your local areas. You can meet in high school as well. Some places are news stations, broadcasting companies, daily newspaper/magazine supplier, a bookstore, stationery, elementary school, through blogging or vlogging, through writing. Perhaps they write you letters or leave you notes. Or since you met them, you both talk nonstop/sharing information 24/7.
Union in the 4th house -
Our 4th house is all about home, privacy, security, comfort, our deeper emotions, family, the part of ourselves that we don't show to just anyone, could also depict the people very close to us. So think of meeting this person "through the comfort of your home", good for introverts! This is giving social media, because you don't have to go out somewhere. They just slide into your DMs or your slide into theirs ;) . Internet is a good example because we can use it at our comfort. We can do so much by just being at our home through the internet. Other examples is meeting through your family, perhaps your mom introduces you to them. Or maybe they are a delivery person, an electrician or a service worker who comes to your house to like fix the AC or something! This meeting would feel very cozy. Perhaps getting to talk with each other takes some time!
I have this in the composite chart with one of my best friends. Union in Aries 4th House. She is extremely introverted and shy. We met through the internet, she just randomly slide in my DMs. I was at home chilling in my PJs, and received her message. She had this "other account" through which she messaged me, due to her "privacy reasons". But she just overcame her overthinking and made the first move (Aries energy). Lol I still wonder how brave of her was to text me, she is super introverted! Oh, and also, the ruler of our 4th house is Mars, in 12th house. So the account that she texted me on, was an account that didn't have my real name or picture, it was a little self care niche account. Plus her own pfp was of only her eyes. So kinda sus energy lol with the 12th house.
Union in the 5th house -
Fifth house is all about creativity, pleasure, joy, having fun doing this or that, sex, hobbies, children etc. Places associated with the 5th house are amusement parks, art schools, cinemas, theme parks, movie sets, waterparks, nightclubs as well, etc. Think of pursuing a hobby or doing something solely for the pleasure it brings you, you could meet this person through that. This is also giving collaboration, for a creative project. Shared interests and hobbies! It could also start off as a one night stand or perhaps you both are very flirty with each other from the start. Every couple flirts ofc, but yours is emphasised! So think of teasing or being very playful with each other! Could indicate meeting through children! Perhaps you met at a kindergarten, aww!
Union in the 6th house -
6th house is ✨️That Girl✨️ house. It rules, routines, organization, health, fitness, pets, work ethic, the physical self care, the material realm, getting your life in order, etc. Think of going to run errands or going to the gym and bumping into this person. Perhaps you are out taking your dog for a walk, or going for a run, and you meet this person. This house rules all the mundane, daily life stuff. Perhaps they ask you for the directions when you meet them. This also rules parking lots, roads, vehicles, hospitals, daycare, salon, the vet. This is very routined. Perhaps this is someone you see everyday while going to work, but never got the chance to say hi.
Union in the 7th house -
The 7th house is all about others. It is more one on one, than a group. So think, when you meet them, the focus will completely be on getting to know the other person. Like completely immersed in the conversation, totally focused on each other's company. Someone else can introduce you both. This is like the definition of "meeting". You met, and now you both are genuinely interested in each other. The places could be anywhere you would directly approach them, instead of seeing them here and there or having something else as a focus. Dating apps is a good example, but only if your focus is on them, rather than other people on it.
This is in the composite chart of my bestie and I. I was talking to a friend, and my bestie just approached me. And we got to know each other just like that. It was in high school, about 5 years ago. We just became friends right away!
Union in the 8th house -
8th house is about what you share with someone else, transformation, secrets, bonds, joint resources, marriage, sex (as in bonding with someone, and not necessarily pleasure), other people's stuff, etc. The places associated with the 8th house could be banks, someone else's house, private clubs/bars, private offices, VIP lounges, etc. Someone else could play a part in this meeting or you can meet through some sort of joint collaboration. This is also giving, "Oh you left your diary at that coffee table a week ago, I had to give it back to you!" Somebody or something will help you come together. You could also bond with each other pretty quickly! Wingwoman/wingman energy!
Union in the 9th house -
9th house represents travel, long distances, foreign, higher education, other cultures, languages, adventure, universities, philosophy, spirituality & religion (the philosophical/moral/practical aspect of it), etc. So meeting your s/o through travel or while you are exploring something. Perhaps while you are in college/university. Meeting them through religion or shared spiritual interests. Perhaps a course where you are learning about other cultures or languages. Classic travel meeting. Could meet on an airplane or a long distance train. The relationship itself could start out as long distance. If this has 4th house or Gemini/Cancer connections, then meeting online/at your comfort, but being long distance!
Union in the 10th house -
10th house rules our public image, our career, the part of ourselves that shines the most. It rules buildings, workplaces, companies, public parks or public places. This could also represent our public profiles online, such as for work or businesses. So yes, meeting through your work is significant. Could be a business meeting at first. If there are relations to 5th and 8th houses then it could be to collab on something creative! You could meet through your boss. And keeping the work aspect aside, if you are someone with a public profile online just because you want it so, it's also a 10th house thing. An aspect of your public image will be highlighted! Your work and career will be significant.
Union in the 11th house -
This is the classic friends to lovers placement, no matter how slow or fast it is. 11th house rules communities, friendships, social groups, hope and ideals, long term plans/visions, "social" part of social media, being an influencer or having an audience, networking, building your career, etc. This is a very social house and this meeting will have a focus on networking, becoming friends etc. Perhaps this is a meeting through friends, or meeting at a networking party. They could see you online or be intrigued at the work you do. Perhaps they want to work with you.
Union in the 12th house -
Twelfth house is the house of unconscious, mysteries, theories, conspiracies, hidden, mystical, fantasies, imagination etc. Everything to do with the mind, and not the things that are practical or "material" enough. This is the spiritual realm, the realm of unseen. This also rules isolation, mental health, heavy contemplative states. It rules prisons or hospitals (in a way that you are isolated). Meditation retreats are ruled by 12th house as well. Places that are far away and where we take the journey alone. So yes, meeting when you are alone, or even an account messaging you where the owner is hidden (not saying talk to strangers, but you get my point). This meeting could start out as a secret or won't be apparent to other people. You both could meet at a place where you both are alone, etc. You both could connect over the matters of spirituality and mysticism.
This is it!
You can book a reading with me, text me, I'll respond. I just made this blog so I'm yet to create an official post regarding booking readings!
Stay tuned for the next part!! ✈️✨️
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enigmaticmystic · 1 year
🌈🌈Astro Tingz Masterlist🌈🌈
🍼Natal Chart
🦋Back to Basics
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enigmaticmystic · 1 year
Fashion & Astrology, Gemini Edition👯‍♀️💛-Sun, Moon , Rising ,Mercury & Venus
💛💛Gemini, the 3rd sign of the Zodiac wheel. Gemini is a mutable Air sign & is 1 of 2 ruled by Mercury. You will know someone has Gemini in their natal chart by their eccentric, sociable, playful & airy/light presence🍭
🐝Geminis are undeniably the funkiest fashionistas in the fashion industry.
🍌 Like Aries they are not scared to break boundaries in the industry & try new things!!!Always living in their authentic truth!!
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🔅CHILD-LIKEEEE, it's adorable... that's all I have to say.
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🍋Buttons idk what it is but if there's buttons, a Gemini gonna wear it
🌝BAGGY CLOTHES!!! Geminis need something to be a lil loose on them, & they kill that look!!! I mean I feel this definitetly eludes to their need for freedom
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⭐️I just know ya prolly already pree how Geminis LOVEEE jackets, like idk if its a layers thing, but they gonna add another layer ok?! 📒Don't get me started on how these BEAUTY QUEENS brought eccentricity & playfulness to the 90's aesthetic
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🌼 Honorable Mention: Normani, the true manifestation of a Gemini Sun bodying the signature yellow, while stopping the show. I mean who else could effortlessly master Y2K fashion but the timeless Gemini!!!
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enigmaticmystic · 2 years
Connecting Astrology & Media: Bratz Edition
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Which Bratz Doll are you? 🐰Sasha🐰- Aka Bunny Boo
Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising, Virgo Mercury, Virgo Venus, Cancer Mars
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👑Yasmin👑- Aka Pretty Princess Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Pisces Rising, Leo Mercury, Leo Venus, Cancer Mars
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🐈‍⬛Jade🐈‍⬛- Aka Kool Kat
Scorpio Sun, Gemini Moon, Aquarius Rising, Libra Mercury, Libra Venus,Aquarius Mars ,
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👼🏼Cloe👼🏼 Aka Angel
Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Rising, Taurus Mercury, Cancer Venus, Gemini Mars
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This was just a cute little analysis based on their personalities, along with their interests, its always fun to see how characters & astrology align!! Growing up who wasn't a fan of these intricate fashionistas💕
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enigmaticmystic · 2 years
Fashion & Astrology, Taurus Edition🐂🤎-Sun, Moon , Rising & Venus
🤎🤎Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac wheel, is a fixed Earth sign & is 1 of 2 ruled by Venus. You will know someone has Taurus in their natal chart by their elegant, grounded & graceful presence.🤎🤎
🥥Taurus have been consistent in naturally bringing calm flexes to the fashion industry🥥
🤠If it’s one thing Taurus are going to look like they’re ready to ride a bull.
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👜Taurus’ are consistently bringing the Doll aesthetic look to life. Taurus’ are quite literally either vintage dolls, holding irreplaceable nostalgia👩🏽‍🍳💋
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🤎🤎Or Life Size Barbie Dolls🤎🤎
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🤎Brown, Earthy tones & the Bohemian look are owned by Taurus'.
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🦦Let's talk about how Taurus' are the embodiment of the Jessica Rabbit aesthetic, true believers of appreciation for the Vintage look.
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🦫& don't get me started on the way they're not afraid to experiment in grunge fashion.
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🤎🤎I wish I could fit more pictures , but Taurus' do lean towards a more comfy, elegant or classy & casually sporty look as well.🤎🤎
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enigmaticmystic · 2 years
Fashion & Astrology, Aries Edition🐏❤️‍🔥Moon , Rising & Venus
❤️❤️Aries is the 1st Zodiac sign ruled by Mars. You can spot an Aries by their fiery, bold & daring fashion sense.❤️❤️
🍒Aries is a Cardinal Sign, so it’s no surprise that they are KNOWN to be fearless pioneers in fashion!
💋Aries can be seen wearing various materials, seeing that Aries are known for confidence- they have the ability to try new things.
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DENIM!!! Aries 🤝🏽 Denim , Aries can go for a more casual look & kill it in denim!!
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🌹Red & Black emphasize the intensity & passion of an Aries, & red lipstick is undeniably iconic in Aries fashion!!
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🌶LEATHER!!! Need I say more?! It's always a look for an Aries❤️‍🔥♈️
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💥Bold & Bright colors are something an Aries cannot resist!!
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🍄Fearless in fashion, they are leaders will not hesitate to wear funky/eccentric patterns. I'm convinced Lupita Nyong'o is the QUEEEN of patterns!!!
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🌹SEQUENCES!!!! Sequences are just 1 out of the many eye-catching ways for an Aries to set themselves apart from all. Which essentially is an Aries’ goal, absolute individuality🥰🥰
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enigmaticmystic · 2 years
Tropical Moon Phase & Sign: Waxing Crescent in Sagittarius♐️🌒
This Moon phase emphasizes expansion, freeing your mind , indulging in things that bring you happiness, having fun, music , walks , culture & spirituality. The Moon in Sagittarius is a time of no limits, the slate is clean & your potential is just waiting to be expanded!! Plant your seeds, because the Sagittarius Moon is bound to allow growth🌿.
The number of today is 3. The number 3 represents- Creation , expansion, child-like energy , abundance, wisdom & self expression. 3 is also represented by Gemini, i.e the 3rd house of siblings, short trips , early learning & neighbors .
A little bit about me!!
Tropical Big 3: Virgo Sun 5th house , Aries Moon 12th house & Aries Rising!
Heritage: 1st Gen Jamaican-American & Italian descent
My biggest goal is to create a platform where I can post my content - freely & confidently , everything from my beats , Sims & spiritual content .
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