errors-rp-haven · 4 years
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Quickly done warm up sketch of El. May draw more today and see what comes out.
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errors-rp-haven · 5 years
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hello yes!! christmas commissions are here! as in, I have time to draw again so I can start taking commissions again haha. As always, I’ll draw for any fandom, and am happy to draw oc’s as long as you can provice a reference! I do however not take nsfw commissions. 
if you’re interested shoot me a message or contact me at [email protected]
half body:
sketch - 5$
lineart - 12$
lineless/flat colors - 15$
full shading - 20$  
full body:
sketch - 10$ 
lineart - 18$ 
lineless/ flat colors - 25$ 
full shading - 30$
visual guide: 
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additional info: 
+5$ for any additional characters
I can do lockscreens as well, the price will be the same as whatever style of drawing you’re asking for
please specify if you have a specific background you want, or if you want it to be transparent 
I haven’t put a set price for icons but if you’re interested we can figure something out! 
This all sounds super serious but I’m pretty flexible about pricing, again if you have any questions or issues just talk to me and we’ll figure something out
 I prefer to do payment via paypal 
thank you!
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errors-rp-haven · 5 years
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Been drawing more in my art books but for now I’ve started a new book which I want to fill with more sketches and wips to try get me more into doodling and freeing up my poses than they are atm.
Error is the first two pages but so far one side is done.
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errors-rp-haven · 5 years
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Tonights Doodle. Error has taken over the mass of Izzys I have been drawing XD so here she is. I WILL finish this one as I really like it, just need to work out what im doing with the clothing. 
Error is my oc.
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errors-rp-haven · 5 years
Hi Would u be interested in roleplaying with me? I have three naruto ocs
Hiya. I’m always open to meet more OCs. If you dm me we can chat and see how our OCs get on.
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errors-rp-haven · 5 years
Please reblog if you're an active naruto rp blog!
I’m looking for people to follow and possibly get a chance to rp with!
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
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I always doodle while working on commissions. it’s something to do while I wait for the commissioner to reply. tonight “doodle! took over and is a full piece. 
Error Does like to sleep but can be annoyed if woken up unnecessarily. so here is an annoyed sleepy head.
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
oc questions
💅 What are some things they have strong opinions about?
💋 What traits do they like in other people? What traits do they not like?
💖 Do they have a significant other? If so, who?
💞 What’s their friend group like? What role do they play (leader, mom friend, etc.)?
💄 Do they care about their physical appearance? What’s their routine like?
👓 Do they have any physical or mental disabilities?
🔫 What would they die for? Kill for?
🔮 Do they have any magical powers or abilities? If it’s a realistic world, what religion do they follow?
🎉 Do they celebrate any holidays? How do they celebrate?
📚 If they were the protagonist in any book series, what series would they choose? Alternatively: what would be their favorite book?
🎲 Do they have any vices?
🎤 Do they play any instruments?
🎪 What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be?
🐇 What animal would they say best represents them?
🍸 How do they act when they’re drunk?
🍯 Which era of history would they most like to live in?
🍰 What’s their favorite food?
🌹  What songs remind you of them?
⛄ What’s their favorite season and why?
🌙 Which D&D class would they play as?
💫 What’s their favorite expletive?
🔥 What’s their favorite candle scent?
⏳ How do they feel about death?
💐 Do they collect anything? What’s their most prized possession?
⚾ Do they play any sports?
🌊 What one place do they really want to visit and why?
🌵 What languages do they speak?
🍒 What are some items they always carry? What weapon do they favor using if they exist in a world where weapons are necessary?
🍑 Which emoji would they use the most?
🍄 What fantasy race would they be? If they already are one, pick a different one.
🍼 Do they want to start a family? If they already have one, describe it.
🐝 What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into?
💳 What one thing that they don’t need do they waste the most money on?
👠 What kind of shoes do they wear?
👻 Do they believe in ghosts, aliens, and the occult in general?
💉 Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue?
🃏 If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, what would it be?
😊 What do they consider to be their best quality? What actually is their best quality?
🙁 What do they consider to be their worst quality? What actually is their worst quality?
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
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more commissions for the darling @samby-chan !
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
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Here’s everyone’s OC’s from the OC project! You guys all rock, hope you like the drawings! :D
Let’s do this again sometime ;)
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
Featured are: @samby-chan @daisy-uzumaki-chan & @chococustard
This is the last video of 3, thanks everyone for participating! I love all of your OC’s, they were so much fun to draw! :D
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
For rpers: reblog if you are 18+
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
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@samby-chan‘s very pretty oc, Kazuna!
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
[Sent : Gaara] Some plain. Some with chocolate bits. Once I've cleaned I will head to you.
@errors-rp-haven | errors-rp-haven:
[Sent : Gaara] Sounds like a Idea.
[Sent : Gaara] Got English next but dun want to go over the same old things with the sub teacher. Its the boring guy too.
[Sent : Gaara] Just finishing my HomeEc, Makein’ cupcakes so I can sneak them in with me.
[sent : Error] What kind? Bring some to the library if they’re good
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
[Sent : Gaara] Sounds like a Idea.
[Sent : Gaara] Got English next but dun want to go over the same old things with the sub teacher. Its the boring guy too.
[Sent : Gaara] Just finishing my HomeEc, Makein' cupcakes so I can sneak them in with me.
[ Error Y📲 • sms ] —— hey where was you today?
text starters
[sent : Error] At the library. Gym class had the mile run today[sent : Error] Still here, if you want to come by
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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errors-rp-haven · 6 years
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More of @samby-chan‘s wonderful OCs, Isolda and Izzy! They’re so pretty and fun to draw…
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