esotericsnape · 4 months
Please help keep this wonderful site going!
Donations for Potions and Snitches site renewal
Hey, fellow Severitus lovers!
Potions and Snithces, THE archive for Severitus fiction, is due for renewal this year, and is in need of your help!
If you have a knut to spare, or a moment of your time to reblog, please consider giving it to P&S. To me, the archive opened doors to worlds I had not previously known, and cemented my love for Severitus. Dare I even say, I wouldn't be in fandom still. Heck, I'm not sure I'd have ever posted my first fanfic, not to mention all following fanworks.
I, for one, am grateful to all the contributors, especially mod @jan-aq who gives all her spare time - and, if I had to guess, quite some of her money - for maintaining this archive.
If you feel similarly, please consider donating and/or reblogging. You can find all the information on how to financially support P&S here:
Thank you.
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esotericsnape · 7 months
And I'm happy to help in any way!! Can't wait to see this baby fly.
Come join friends, it will be fun!
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Welcome, @esotericsnape, to the mod team!
<3 <3 So happy to have you!
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esotericsnape · 7 months
My Severitus people! Come contribute! Or just share the word!
Coming 2024: Severitus Big Bang and Reverse Big Bang!
Happy news from @serenaew:
I am going to host a Severitus Big Bang and Reverse Big Bang next year!
... Setup in progress...
Fill out this interest poll, and follow this blog if you want to participate!
Looking forward to your responses!
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esotericsnape · 10 months
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“Do either of you know what house you’ll be in? I’ve been asking around, and I hope I’m in Gryffindor, it sounds by far the best.”
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esotericsnape · 1 year
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Breaking in the new tablet aaannnndd HOLY SHIT I’M OFF TO BED. 
  4 hours of sleep i said, it’ll be fine i said, fuck you past me fuck you
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esotericsnape · 1 year
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esotericsnape · 1 year
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POV: You’re Albus Dumbledore, and you just told your resident Ex-Death Eater that Harry Potter will be returning to his abusive relatives for his “protection”.
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esotericsnape · 1 year
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Finished The Goblet of Fire yesterday. That scene in the potions supply cupboard 👌
I needed more Snape scenes tho 😭
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esotericsnape · 1 year
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A Severitus take on the Second Task in the Tri Wizard Tournament.
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esotericsnape · 2 years
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Good night
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esotericsnape · 2 years
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Dear reader, if it looks like a trap…
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esotericsnape · 2 years
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“No one else is going to die. Not for me.���
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
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esotericsnape · 2 years
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esotericsnape · 2 years
I am in need of a beta reader for Sevitus/Severitus fic. Mostly to help correct tense changes and grammar/spelling mistakes I miss. Direction with plot and whatnot is not a must, but opinions are appreciated. Ah, and pokes to keep me writing are sorely needed. 
For an idea of my writing, please read below: 
It was unprecedented. Unfathomable, yet the results could not—and did not lie. The Potter brat was capable of being good. In the sense of obedience of course, it was undoubted he stood on solid moral ground. No, his surprise was in the unlikely compliance of The Boy Who Lived when given something very specific in the stead of insults and scathing commentary. One would think it obvious that praise would precipitate good behavior, however, Severus had been under the impression that the brat would be in no shortage of doting upon and any compliments would be unheard if not ignored. 
The internal turmoil had begun shortly after a standard Slytherin and Gryffindor class. Potter had made a passable potion and had kept his head down and out of mischief for an entire two hours. Severus had felt the need to commend the boy's performance and, with some sarcasm, tell the boy he'd done an adequate job and if he continued in this vein—might actually pass the class with more than an Acceptable. Potter had flushed like he'd inhaled pepperup and dithered for a moment before giving his thanks. With the "sir" attached! 
The moment may have been passed by and forgotten if not for Severus' own inability to poke at something that disconcerted his steady beliefs in what was what. In a following class he found himself encouraging the brat to, "do as you are, good." And once again there were those reddened cheeks and quiet thanks. Potter seemed even more inclined to do well and created quite the well made potion. Then vivid green eyes had held his beseechingly, too obvious in their quest for approval. Why was he desperate for praise? And such minimal, paltry words at that? Not to mention from Severus Snape himself—his most hated professor. 
This called for research. Experimentation. He needed to see how much could be accomplished with this newfound trait.
second example:
“Don’t you get snippy with me young man. I’ve known you for how many years? And yet you refuse my care time and time again. Do I have to bind you here with some form of a containment spell?” The woman hardly spared a breath as she continued on. “And with injuries like these. You are lucky to still have control over your extremities!”
“It’s nothing,” came a quiet whisper. “I’ve been dealt much worse.”   
"That's not helping your case at all, Severus."
Harry fluttered uncomfortably, hands unsure in their purpose and face flushing with some emotion he could not name. Listening to the muted movements, he guessed that his embittered professor was settling into a bed and conceding to the matronly tending. Severus. The name seemed to echo in his head. His voice alone had not been enough to identify him—low as it was, but there was only one person he knew of with a name like that. How he had unknowingly allied himself with his hated professor was a query he had no wish to delve further into. 
He'd always hated Snape. Loathed him even. But there were worse professors, Harry could readily admit. Lockhart was useless and it had been very satisfying to see him tossed tail over teakettle when Snape dueled him. Moody or Crouch, the two were indefinitely intertwined in his mind now, had traumatized him and his classmates in a way even the sly, scathing remarks of their Potions Master hadn't. And now there was Umbridge. He would gladly trot right up to Snape and hug him where he stood rather than spend time with that overly pink toad. 
While Snape had a penchant for imagining all the wrongs the Boy Who Lived had committed, he had never denied the truth of Voldemort's return. In fact he had come to his defense on multiple occasions. Something he could never see Umbridge doing even under an Imperius curse. The disparity in their conduct was not enough to endear the dour man to Harry though, it was one thing to be better than someone terrible and it was another to be a person worth knowing. Snape had never tried to present himself as someone worth the effort. Which in a way made him more honest and reliable than the scores of people who tried to ingratiate themselves into his life.
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esotericsnape · 2 years
severitus, basically
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esotericsnape · 2 years
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esotericsnape · 2 years
enemies to lovers? no thank you, i prefer enemies to father/son relationship.
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