espinozairis · 8 months
Modern history
In ancient times they used heat, sunlight and copper to purify water. Cloth, sand, and carbon filtration was also used to capture other contaminants. The purified water is then stored in clay pots. This enriches it with minerals and increases its alkalinity, improving its bioavailability.
Ancient civilizations built water supply systems using two basic hydraulic principles to avoid pollution: "water flows downhill" and "water finds its own level." The first Roman engineers supplied water through their extensive hydraulic aqueduct system. They used the inverted siphon, a hydraulic structure that creates a pressurized flow in a pipe, to overcome gravity and transport water through the valleys. An efficient supply system means that a civilization spends less time and energy transporting water, allowing it to grow and become more complex.
A more effective water management system means more free energy for a civilization. In mountainous landscapes, what they did was stop the water from irrigating the terraces, in order to take advantage of the rainwater and capture it for irrigation. Terraces create long, complex paths for groundwater flow, giving crop root systems the opportunity to absorb water in dry mountainous landscapes. In Lebanon, almost 3,000 years ago, natives divided terraced fields into small, shallow basins to irrigate the famous cedar forests. The ancient Chinese and Incas, in South America, also built terraces in their mountainous fields. Today, the 'Djessure' irrigation technique in Tunisia is still widely used, allowing olive trees and other tree species to grow in areas where it rains less than 250 mm per year.
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espinozairis · 8 months
Literature for english
3rd Post_Water conservation/ Essay
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The essay tells us about the importance of water, what we can do with it and how essential it is for our lives. But it also talks about interesting facts about how to take care of water to conserve it and not waste it, as well as to take advantage of it, such as rainwater, and how to take care of this resource in general.
In the essay we can learn some advices of taking care about water like how to use the washing machine in a way that you dont use too much water, how to wash the fruits and vegetables or how to brush your teeth or the utensils.
I think that the information that we got in this essay is very important and useful for the information that is redacted, becuse it teach us more about how to preserve in a better way the water.
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espinozairis · 8 months
Literature for english
2nd Post_ Water/ Poem
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"Water" written by Kate Coombs, a writer who shows us through this literary work how water can be with us and how it can disappear so easily, which teaches us about the importance of water conservation since in this poem it is very relevant because it tries to convey to the reader of this poem how important it is to start thinking about what will happen when they are at home and one day there is no water to drink, the importance of water conservation should be a priority around the world if We want to keep it safe since, in reality, water is a big problem all over the world, but especially in countries like Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia and many more that are not so fortunate.
The poem portrays water conservation as something important, although it is not explicitly mentioned in the text, but we can understand that the poem invites us to stop being so unconscious about this great problem of water and start being more rational by conserving it. Water is represented as a naturally clean and fresh resource, which lives in both rivers and ponds, which means that water represents something vital within the poem, as mentioned in great detail in the part that talks about this resource. , it could simply cease to exist at any time only if nothing is done about it. Or maybe it could represent the flow or the way it might start coming out of a pipe.
The author's message on water conservation is that we must all continue to take steps to ensure that water is not wasted unnecessarily. The poem invites us to become aware of how much our daily lives would be affected if we used water unnecessarily; In the long term, water consumption could affect us to such an extent that this resource would probably become a privilege that only the richest could acquire or even not even that. What it means is that it wants us to understand, through various metaphors and other literary figures, the importance that the resource has for living beings in general. The author's perspective in the poem is very concise since she not only focuses on water conservation as such, but she also tries to tell us what would happen if we do not act quickly. The author does not mention any cultural or historical aspect in the text, but surely she is referring to those African places where water is not enough for everyone when she mentions that the water is drying up, since it is something that occurs today in that community.
Some of the key tips she would recommend to avoid unnecessary water consumption are as follows
*Avoid drinking extra water when your body does not ask for it, this way the drinking water in your home would not run out so quickly.
*Do not use the toilet as a garbage can to prevent the water from being contaminated with food remains or simply garbage.
*Use environmentally friendly cleaning products that do not contaminate water.
In conclusion, the poem teaches us in detail and with some linguistic elements how water is very important to us, however, we never take the time to consider if we are making good use of this resource. There are many people around the world who do not have access to water because water conservation is not encouraged in a larger percentage of the population, which is a big problem among the people who inhabit this imperfect world. However, it is possible to solve this big problem simply by following some of the advice circulating on the Internet on how to prevent water from ceasing to exist. And in this way, take advantage of the technological resources that we have today. In my opinion, this poem perfectly reflects and conveys the essence of water conservation.
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espinozairis · 8 months
Literature for english
1st Post_ To Be A Water Protector: The Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers / Story
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To Be a Water Protector: Rise of the Wiindigoo Slayers is a work of broad and provocative engagement with issues that have been central to his many years of activism regarding water conservation. In this book, Mother Earth and her teachings are honored while detailing indigenous-led global opposition to the slavery and exploitation of land and water. It analyzes several elements of a New Green Economy, but focuses more on one of the most important resources that exist in the world, which is water.
According to what I read in this book, the author wants to convey to the reader about the preservation of our natural resources that we are lucky ones to have in our lives. But most of the time, the author focused their story about the preservation of water and how to use it in a responsable and correct way, so in this way, we can take care of the water to not be contaminated or wasted. Also, the author talks about the ways that she try to take care about the natural resources by making protests, campaigns, blogs, and giving basic advices of how don't waste water.
Most of the advices that the author gives are:
Don't spend a lot of time taking a shower, washing the dishes, brushing our teeths and all of the activities that are related with the use of water.
Don't pollute the rivers or the natural fonts of water.
If it is within your reach, get a water purifier to have a better quality of water.
To conclude this analysis, I would say that what we were able to learn from this work is that you do not need to do much or have large and expensive resources to be able to take care of the most important service we have, and that it is just a matter of committing to not waste it. and use it wisely.
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espinozairis · 8 months
¿How did I save water yesterday?
I save water by don't spend a lot of time taking a shower. I tried to don't use too much water when I wash the dishes or when I brush my teeth, wash my hands or my face. I didn't spend too much water for wash my clothes or give my pet a fast shower. I don't waste water for taking care my plant or flowers neither.
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