estoysugoi Ā· 13 days
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This genocide is not just Netanyahuā€™s creation. This genocide is a state-funded terrorist machine propping up American imperialism and Israeli ethnosupremacy saturated by religious imperialism.
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estoysugoi Ā· 24 days
Update: North Gaza Women's Project!
Mahmoud Abu Salama is doing an amazing thing in North Gaza! He is starting a project to help Deaf Palestinian women use their pastry making skills while also distributing food to families in need. This is helping both the women make a bit of a living and feed the hungry in the North.
By donating, weā€™re helping Mahmoud hire more women who take pride in helping both themselves and their communities! So please feel free to donate if you have a few dollars to spare, or spread the link if you're unable! Any little bit helps!
HelpGazaChildren Notion Site || #helpgazachildren tag
GoFundMe Link
[Quick ID: Video of Mahmoud Abu Salama speaking to the camera with women sitting on the floor behind him as they put together packages of pastries. We then get a closeup of the women who sign to the camera.]
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estoysugoi Ā· 1 month
while you were studying girls i was kissing the blade
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estoysugoi Ā· 1 month
Since this account is ā€œdeadā€ im vomiting some spicy brain stuff here (deleting later):
I feel fucking boarderline fucking devastated i havent seen my friends in WEEKS, im afraid to reach out bc i feel like i did smth wrong or im not being a good friend but if i ask if thatā€™s the case i risk making things awkward and/or upsetting them somehow and i dont want that and my brain is being spicy with bad thoughts and im constantly digging my finger into myself for not meeting my expectations as an artist AND a full grown ass adult thereā€™s so many things i need but i feel overwhelmed about what to do and asking people i know for help feels like im burdening them and taking valuable time out of their busy schedules and they may not even be able to help me in the first place, which is one of the reasons why i barely ask my dad for help since heā€™s always busy and the rest of my immediate family either have their plates full or canā€™t actually help me for whatever reasonable reason so i need to learn how to do things myself i just dont know where to start or what resources to refer to. We live in an age where information is act ur fingertips and I STILL cant push myself to look for a simple tutorial i dont know whats wrong with me my brain is fucked up and im worried that i have some kind of executive dysfunction i dont know how to go about it outside of just setting good habits, like how we develop hygienic rituals everyday, i just need to put in the effort to build some kind of well planned schedule or something maybe then i can get a fucking grip at improving my life let alone my skills as an artist i keep taking so fucking long to do what feels like mediocre work and i want to improve so bad but for some reason i do all this thinking and imagining and planning ideas out but my body can never move somethingā€™s wrong with me and i dont know what to do i sometimes get scared if im not bottleing up anger towards myself as i just sit there and vegetate im just so tired of being tired and not doing anything worthwhile with my life i just want to be better i want to feel better and i just need to do better i dont know i just dont know how else to go about it aside from vomiting words like this there needs to be some kind of outlet for all this noise its almost like gossip through old walls with peeling wallpaper and i hate it i hate that i keep imagining the worst situations like im trying to prepare to feel ready and making plans for what i could do in hypothetical stressful situations. I think thatā€™s just a by-product mechanism i developed after losing my mom suddenly, i kept thinking that she would be ok and come back from the hospital but things just got worse and more machines and tubes and wires filled her hospital bed until she couldnt take it anymore one day. There have been days where i could even feel what she experienced while being trapped like that its terrifying and im scared to think about it even if it comes from a habit of trying to understand others by placing myself in their feet and dont get me started what i imagined what my dad went through and my brother and my momā€™s sisters and brothers and her mother i dont know how things didnt get worse than they did. Ok maybe things still turned sour but i guess thinking it couldā€™ve been worse is just me excusing the circumstances that a part of me feel did me wrong like some kind of injustice i didnt deserve to go through all that and neither did my family. But i think whats worse was the divide that formed im part to blame for that but i dont know how to connect with people that are like 40 years older than me i dont know their past that well and they dont want to burden me with their pasts so im just left to pick up hints and pieces. But how can i find the help i need when im still overcome with an old desire im trying to let die finding a romantic happily ever after was never in the cards for me to begin with im not conventionally attractive enough for my type to be attracted to me nor am i in a good place to be dating or risking my heart to get broken again i just dont think i can bear that pain of loss in another form i fear it woul break me so now im-
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estoysugoi Ā· 2 months
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How zionists talk about the murder of 4, 8 and 10 years old children
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estoysugoi Ā· 2 months
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Found Max Mittelman's (Itto's VA) singing voice from "A Fine Kind of Day" and been listening to it almost everyday šŸ¤­. Here's a fanart inspired from that.
Im begging hoyoverse to let Max sing in future events or something ToT
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estoysugoi Ā· 3 months
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estoysugoi Ā· 4 months
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estoysugoi Ā· 4 months
So many Palestiniansā€™ lives will just never be the same. Even on the chance that a ceasefire is declared, which even that isnā€™t forthcoming, it will not undo the trauma of having your home destroyed, of having the cafe you dwelled every day destroyed, of your loved ones you had to dig among rubble to see one last time, of living in makeshift encampments that are bombarded by airstrikes day and night, of the sheer fucking trauma that came with experiencing a live genocide. Those people have seen things they never speak ofā€”and still we have people chalking it up to ā€œexterminating Hamas,ā€ to ā€œArabs being terrorists,ā€ to ā€œboth sides are in the wrong.ā€ The least we owe these people is a free Palestine, but itā€™s far from the last thing.
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
Bisan's recent post. I think it's important for you to read it. Tonight 03.12.23, journalists in gaza share their last messages. There are no words to describe the horrors unfolding in gaza right now.
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I no longer have any hope of survival like I had at the beginning of this genocide, and I am certain that I will die in the next few weeks or maybe days. I have been sick with severe viral infection for days and cannot move from the mattress!
I suffer from nightmares that are so closely resemble reality that I no longer differentiate between reality and dream.
I live in a world other than the one I claimed to be building! I am a community activist who lived on the fantasy that the world was free and just, and I sought to bring rights not only to my people, but to many men and women in third world countries!
I was shocked that I was not from the third world! Indeed, we are the most humane and moral! Yes, because the world approves, supports, and finances the genocide we are being subjected to, legislates it, and gives reasons for for 58 days! While we are a people who have been living on occupied land for 75 years and are still searching for our rights and communicating our voice to the world!
My message to the world: You are not innocent of what is happening to us, you as governments or peoples that support Israelā€™s annihilation of my people. We will not forgive you, we will not forgive you, humanity will not forgive you, we will not forget, even if we die, the history will never forget .
A Message to friends: Thank you and the supporters around the world. You have been compassionate and very strong. We ask you not to lose hope, even if the world seems completely unfair and your efforts have not yet resulted in a ceasefire.
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
"A Childā€™s View from Gaza" was an art exhibition showcasing drawings created by the children of Gaza.
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"The captioned illustrations were created by Palestinian children who lived through the Israeli bombardment of Gaza in 2008-09. The pictures were drawn as part of an effort to help children deal with the horrors they had experienced. A Bay Area nonprofit, Middle East Childrenā€™s Alliance (MECA), arranged to display a collection of these pictures at the Museum of Childrenā€™s Art in Oakland, California. However, under pressure from the Jewish Federation of the East Bay and other organizations, the museum backed out of the agreement at the last minute."
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
i am not joking we need to force teach cooking in schools. like. it is an essential thing for survival. do you know how easy it is to make things if you know even the bare bones shit about how cooking works. we need to teach teenagers how far you can take an onion and some other veggies it''s sad that people grow up not knowing how to prepare literally anything. and i'm not talking about oh this home ed class taught me how to make chicken nuggets at home i'm talking about learning the balancing of sweetness and acidity and saltiness and bitterness and shit like that and techniques and oil temperatures and how meats cook. it needs to be taught because it's literally not even that difficult and it matters so much
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
I'm reading about how Israel, in the immediate aftermath of the 1948 Nakba, deliberately replaced olive trees and other indigenous flora with European plants. This ecological disaster, which is now proudly hailed under the banner of 'making the desert bloom,' was done to 'de-Arabize' the landscape, and to cover up - often with fast-growing European pine trees -the ruins of Palestinian villages that were destroyed by Zionists forces.
And I just need everyone to read this passage from PappƩ, because the symbolism of what happened to those European pine trees in the desert speaks for itself:
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan PappƩ (2006, p. 227-228.)
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
Fucking hell, what a tragedy. He has an incomplete spinal injury, meaning he still has sensation, so maybe itā€™s possible he could walk again after rehab? Still, just awful
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estoysugoi Ā· 6 months
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