Well...öhmmm...hello? I Just wanted to say that i really Love your Story of Poseidon x Reader - Chan. Sooo uhmm...ganbare on the next chapter!! Im Sure you have a Lot of Work to do and Not Always the time to write...but im really looking Forward to a new chapter. Because... Idk...your writing Style...its so comforting and easy to read...it really feels Like the Person Who reads it is the actual reader-chan..a-a-anyways..!!! Ganbare!!!! Your amazing!!! 🙇🏻‍♀️🥰🙈
Hello! I really appreciate your words. Thank you so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story so far. 
I already started writing the next chapter but I still have to work on it and organize some ideas. I wish every day that the inspiration, motivation and time come to me to be able to write and share this story with all of you, the readers of As Untamed As The Sea.
Thank you again for your words!
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As Untamed as The Sea info
Hello to everyone that is reading the fanfic. I know I haven’t updated it in a while, my mental health has not been the best in recent months. However, I intend to start writing again this weekend and hopefully post a new chapter soon. 
So, for the story I wanted to ask the readers something: do you like the story point of view? Right now the story is written in the first person point of view, with I as the pronoun. But if readers feel better with the second person point of view; being addressed as you throughout the story then I can change it without problem. Just let me know in the comments or by message, whatever you prefer.
With all of this being said, I must say thanks to everyone that already read the 3 chapters of this story and are in waiting for more to come. It is my wish to bring chapter 4 as soon as possible so I'll try to write in the following days the continuation of the story.
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As Untamed as the Sea
Chapter 3
A Poseidon x Reader Fanfic (Record of Ragnarok).
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 4620 words. 
Here it is Chapter 3. I hope whoever reads this enjoys it. Also I’ll try to post more regularly. My job consumes a lot of my energy that’s why I hadn’t posted a new chapter sooner, I didn’t have the motivation nor creativity but I’ll try my best to update at least one chapter every week. Maybe on Fridays. Not sure yet. 
Anyway, enjoy the chapter. Comments about what you guys think about the story would be nice. 
From now on there will finally be more interactions with Poseidon and with the gods that live in the palace!
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I was sitting on the floor while crying. I had to get out all the frustration, anger and disappointment that I felt had accumulated in me in one day. I heard my father speak in the background and some screams from my mother but I didn't understand what they were saying. My attention was on taking out everything I was carrying inside so I didn’t pay attention to them at that moment.
I couldn't understand why my mother had decided to sell me to the Gods as if I were some simple commodity— Although in reality if I could understand it because her ambition had no limits. I felt like another pawn in a game where I didn't know the rules or what my goal was. I was disoriented but above all I felt terribly betrayed by the simple fact that it was someone in my family who came up with this whole plan.
Despite everything I felt, I knew I had to calm down in order to clear my mind and go in search of answers. My mother was the source of them.
Slowly I calmed down until my crying became soft moans and hiccups. Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up, I saw that it was my father. He was kneeling next to me while he took my shoulder as a consolation.
“It's all over. Calm down.” He told me in a whisper. I knew that was a lie, everything was just beginning.
With delicacy I removed my father's hand from my shoulder and stood up so I could face my mother—who a few seconds ago was looking down at me and my father with a frown. Immediately my father got up and continued to be at my side.
I tried to swallow so my voice wouldn't sound so scratchy once I started talking but even that was hard to hide from my mother's searching gaze. “Well? Are you going to start explaining to me why you decided to sell me like an object just because? Or will I have to wait for the Gods to explain it to me themselves?” I tried to make my voice sound plausible but I couldn't help but let out a slight break in it at the end.
“Don't be so dramatic. You talk like it's something especially horrible for you when it really is the best thing that's ever happened to you, and thanks to me. You should thank me; I've secured your future and—”
“Is it true then? Have you sold our daughter?” My father cut her off and I swore I heard a note of anger in his voice. Rarely could one find my father angry. There were few times of having seen him really upset. Apparently, this was going to be one of those occasions.
My mother didn't seem to like that my father chose to follow my logic in this matter instead of hers. “Don't see it as if I’m selling her. I'm just looking out for her future—”
“You offered me and some stupid thing in exchange for ascending to godhood! You think that's not selling me? Or maybe you see it as a gift or offering to them. Well, that doesn't matter, I feel like merchandise.” I angrily interrupted my mother. I couldn't believe that she didn't even accept what she had done.
Suddenly I saw out of the corner of my eye how my dad approached my mother slowly. My mother put her full attention on him.
“Dad?” Timidly I took his arm to stop him from moving forward. This seemed to work as I watched as he stopped and closed his eyes, then inhaled deeply and after a few seconds exhaled as he opened his eyes again, focusing on my mother's face.
“I'm waiting for your explanation.” Was the only thing my father said before my mother turned her eyes to the side. The environment felt very heavy but at the same time calm. Like the seconds before a storm begins to descend on the city.
“Selling her is an exaggeration of what I did. I simply asked that someone be willing to marry her. And if the marriage doesn't work out in the end, she's free to come back.” my mother replied serenely, as if she wanted to calm my father.
“And why did you decide that on your own?” My father's voice sounded more and more serious and contained.
“What's wrong with it? This is like a simple blind date. I already said that she can come back if—”
“But your daughter didn't want any of this! She didn't even know what she was going for and she finds out there that she's going to marry someone we don't know. How will I know if he treats her well or not? How is she going to defend herself before a God?” I saw how my father's face went from anger, to shock, to disappointment and along with that his voice.
My father had put aside his anger to make room for his disappointment. But I was getting more and more angry after hearing my mother speak.
Hermes had said that my mother had something they wanted. Maybe if I found that thing and gave it to the Gods before she did, I could free myself from all this. I could give them what they wanted in exchange for at least forgetting about the marriage thing. I had to try; it was my only option now.
“What did you promise them in exchange for my marriage and your ascension?” I curtly asked.
“Something that doesn't concern you.” My mother answered in the same way.
I was about to lose what little patience I had left when my father intervened again.
“Is it that whip and bag from the other time?” I heard there was a bit of mockery in his voice.
She gave my father an incredulous look. “What?”
“I guess you should have been more careful when you tried to hide them.” My father gave her a half smile.
“Did you take them?” she asked with suppressed fury.
My father turned and started to walk out of the room. He motioned for me to follow him and I did. I didn't want to spend another moment in there. I also didn't know whether to feel angry or disappointed. My mother had always been firm with us, she had high expectations for me and my brother. She demanded to the both of us to be the best in everything we could and did not forgive us for a second place.
It was rare when she gave us tangible love demonstrations, but my brother and I knew she loved us. She showed it in other ways. She protected and defended us from anything, including ourselves. As if it were magic, she always had something that made us cheer up when we were down, and she always knew exactly what could help us. Things like that usually made up for her indifference.
We never really felt like we weren't loved. I think my father has been a big factor in this. He always leveled everything. He was the one who generated balance in the family. Some days, when he saw that my mother was being especially harsh with one of us, he would calmly intervene and appease everyone. Then he assured us that everything would be fine and that he and my mother did indeed love us.
Now he was going to have to work very hard if he wanted to generate that calm in the family. As much as he tried to reason with my mother's actions, he couldn't come up with an answer.
I heard my mother coming up behind us.
“Stay out of it Y/F/N.” She threatened. “There's no way to turn this back. The less resistance on our part, the better, so don't even think about doing anything stupid.”
“The only stupid thing here was what you did.” My father stopped and turned to face Mother. “Don't you see what this implies? It is the safety and happiness of your daughter! How can you be so calm?” 
“That's exactly why I included her! She will have more security there. There have been several attacks, Y/F/N. You know who they're looking for.” At this my heart began to race. What attacks? To whom and what did they have to do with us?
I turned to where my mother was and looked at her as if asking for an explanation. Surely all my doubts were showing on my face as she sighed and began to speak.
“Look, I didn't want you to know this to save yourself from worry. There have been reports of attacks all over the world on possible people with divine descent. People with divine descent are very few and most of those who have been hurt have been ordinary people but rumors said they had divine blood. Bad for them, they suffered for nothing.” She answered slowly and paused as if she was giving me time to process the information. “I understand that they haven't caught someone with true divine descent yet. I don't know why they are looking for people like us but it must not be for something good. For this I decided to make a deal with the Gods. That way not only you, but also your brother, your father and I will be safe.” Saying this, she turned to see my father. Who saw her with a frown, something unusual in him.
I didn't know if she was telling me the truth or if it was a story created by her so that I would accept the situation and stop bothering her. She also used to do that from time to time and after a few days she would come to me with a plate of my favorite ice cream and she would tell me the truth. I was hoping that this time my mother wasn't lying because if she was, I would feel more betrayed than I already felt.
I had a lot of questions, but just as I was about to start talking, my brother came down the hall. Well, he didn't have to know about this. There was no point in worrying him, not yet. So, I stayed quiet and we all watched him.
“Ah, uh…sorry. I was wondering whether or not to interrupt you, whatever you were talking about, but there is someone at the door. Well, there was because I invited him in.” I saw out of the corner of my eye how my mother frowned at him. She didn’t like that we would let anyone into the house. My brother felt her gaze and became nervous. “Ah! H-he's in the living room, he said it's urgent…” My mother kept looking at my brother. “Don't look at me like that, mom! I think it's something important! that's why I let him in! Also—.” My parents immediately passed my brother leaving him with the words in his mouth. I saw that they headed towards the living room, where this person should be.
“Hey, go to your room, okay? It's me who's in trouble. You go.” I said to my brother, trying to make my voice sound normal despite the fact that my nerves were on edge.
He just laughed. “What did you do now Y/N? Well, whatever. I left a game in the middle.” I saw that he went in the direction of his bedroom.
When I heard the door to his room close, I immediately went to the living room, where everyone else should be. Going in there I didn't expect to see him again.
Hermes. He was standing in the middle of the room. My parents were in front of him looking at him expectantly. Apparently, he still hadn't said anything to either of them.
The God turned his gaze towards me and spoke to me severely.
“Bring the basics with you. We're leaving now. And be quick, we don't have much time.”
I had just returned from Valhalla and they already wanted me to go again? He was supposed to come for me tomorrow. I would have time to get in order with myself, and say goodbye to my family. Even to buy my favorite snacks so I could take them with me, I didn't know when I would be able to return to the mortal realm.
“Tomorrow is when you would come for her, what is the meaning of this?” My mother asked dryly, surprising me when she directed one of her annoyed looks at the God.
Hermes just ignored her and kept looking at me, like he expected me to move just like that.
“Tik-tok, time is running out.” He told me with a slight teasing tone.
Something within me made me move. I went quickly to my room and in my suitcase that was on my bed—surely my mother would already been packing my things—I began to put my pajamas, a pair of simple slippers, and the first pants, blouses and some basic dresses that I saw in the open closet. Then I almost desperately stuffed underwear. 
I ran to the bathroom to get my toothbrush, and back to the bed to throw it into the suitcase. Finally, I took a notebook and pen that were lying on my bedside table, and my cell phone with its charger that were right next to those objects. I also quickly put them in the suitcase, closed it and went back to the living room to face the Messenger God again. 
If what my mother had told me was true, then our best option was for me to take the deal. I would do it for my family, only for them would I endure it.
When I got to the living room, I noticed how Hermes was already on his way to the main door of the house. I ran towards him and just when he was going to grab my shoulder, I stopped him.
“Wait, my family is coming with us. If there is something that puts them in danger, they will also come to where they are safe.” I looked at him defiantly. I needed to see myself firm for him to notice the seriousness of my words.
“It won't be necessary, once you're in Valhalla your relatives will be offered immediate protection.” He answered.
I knew I couldn't trust him just like that. That I should insist more until he agreed to bring them with me.
“Go Y/N. We will be fine. The word of a God is Law. If it has already been said that they will give us protection, so it will be.” I heard my mother say suddenly. “So go, we will see each other soon.”
I stared at Hermes and he looked back at me. “You promise? That nothing bad is going to happen to them?” I felt my voice crack at the end and cursed for it.
“I assure you. Until they can go to the celestial realm, they will have protection in the mortal.” He answered in a softer way. I didn't like it at all. I thought he felt sorry for me and didn't need that right now.
I turned around until I was completely facing my parents. They came over and hugged me. At that moment I burst into tears. I didn't want to leave them, I didn't want to leave my house and walk away from them, from my life in this realm.
“Everything will be fine.” My father said. His voice sounded weak.
“Darling, we'll see each other again soon. I promise.” I felt how my mother hugged me more tightly and I also increased my crying.
I heard how Hermes hurried me, so I separated from my parents and went towards him so that he could transport us again. “Tell my brother that even if I’m not here, he can't touch anything in my room.” I said out loud towards my parents without turning. At that moment Hermes touched my shoulder and the dizziness returned.
I was back in what I remembered was Poseidon's palace. The place was immaculate. Even in a photograph it would not be able to fully appreciate the beauty of the place. Thinking that this would be where I would have to live made me uncomfortable. The place was perfect, I was not. We humans will never be, but it has always been the interesting thing about us, our imperfection.
I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind as Hermes motioned for me to follow him. He walked through the halls as if he knew them all, as if he knew every turn by heart, every door to go through and which doors to avoid. Well, he was the messenger of the Gods, it stood to reason that he should know thousands of ways to deliver his messages on time.
I just followed him trying to keep up with him. He was fast and didn't seem to want to slow down just for me so I just had to try not to lose him while I struggled with my suitcase, which despite not having so many things inside, was heavy enough to slow me down.
After several turns in the corridors, we arrived at a huge door, it was white with gold decorations. The God opened the door and entered the room. I followed him and behind me the door closed.
It was a very spacious place; it could hold 200 people without any problem. The ceiling as well as the door had golden decorations, but in addition to gold there were more colors: red, blue, light blue, green. It was like a complicated Renaissance painting that was above us. There were large windows on the sides that allowed us to see swimming fishes? Of course, Poseidon ruled the ocean, obviously his palace would be at the bottom of the sea. But how could I be breathing?
I instinctively put a hand on my throat and this seemed to amuse Hermes as he gave a light chuckle in my direction. I stared at him, waiting for him to say something.
“If you didn't drown the first time you were here, you probably won't now either. Unless, of course, Lord Poseidon decides so.” He told me.
I decided not to answer him and focus on my surroundings. Just when I put my eyes to the front of the room, I saw him. He was sitting on a throne with gold frames and red cushions. He had his face resting on his fist, as if he was bored with what was going on around him and had something else better to do. He didn't even look at Hermes or me. Well, apparently, I wasn't the only one who didn't want to be here.
I stared at him for a few more seconds before realizing that there were two women behind the throne of the God of the seas. One was the dark-haired Goddess who had called me a weakling in front of all the Gods. The other was the golden-haired Goddess who intercepted me and Poseidon when we just arrived at the God's palace not long ago.
I could notice the looks of disgust and fury in those two Goddesses. If their looks could kill, I'd already be dead. Did they dislike humans that much? Or was their hatred only towards me? If that was the case, I didn't know why. But I guess I was going to find out one way or another.
“Lord Poseidon, I have brought the human back, as you requested.” I heard Hermes said at my side. The God of the Sea did not answer him. “If that is all, I will retire.” I saw how the messenger bowed and went on to leave the place.
I didn't turn around to see if Hermes was gone, but I heard the door close behind me again. I stood in the middle of the huge room, neither doing nor saying anything. Simply waiting. 
Suddenly the God stood up and the two Goddesses turned to see him. I was glad that I was no longer the center of attention for both of them.
“Proteus.” The Lord of the Seas spoke.
A humanoid with fishlike features emerged from a doorway almost to the far right. He seemed older than all the Gods I had seen before —perhaps not as old as Zeus's appearance— and he wore a butler's outfit almost like Hermes'. I noticed that his ears were like fish fins and under his eyes he had marks that went down to his cheekbones and cheeks. Then I looked and saw another mark in the middle of his forehead, it was like a diamond with elongated spikes.
He quickly approached Poseidon and when he was a few meters away from him, he bowed towards the God of the Seas.
“My Lord.” Was the only thing said by the individual with ears in the shape of fins.
“The human will be living in the palace. Take her to her room and make sure she has her own servants.” Poseidon replied firmly.
Proteus brought a hand to the left side of his chest and bowed again. “Yes, my lord.”
Behind him I could hear the gasps of the two goddesses. I saw that the blonde was opening her mouth to say something but the imposing God shut her up before she said anything.
“I don't want to hear complaints. Thetis, Amphitrite, you’re dismissed.” Having said this, both Goddesses left the place, leaving only Poseidon, Proteus and me inside the room.
I waited for the Lord of the Seas to tell me to leave too. At this point I felt exhausted and discouraged. I longed to be able to sleep and sleep, and not wake up. Or maybe yes, wake up from this nightmare.
I still didn’t accept everything that had happened, the change in my life in such an unexpected way. I still hadn't assimilated it.
Suddenly I looked up and realized that now Poseidon had his famous trident in his hand. I didn't know when he had taken it. He definitely didn't have it when he was sitting. I also didn't understand why he had it now. Had he had enough of all this farce and had he decided to finish me off? My body started to go into alert mode.
“She can't die. Finds someone who promises her safety.” I didn't expect what he said. Was he taking care of me? I didn't know, but what I did know was that I didn't need someone to take care of me, I could handle that alone. I always had.
“I don't need a bodyguard.” I replied to the God.
I guessed that the Ruler of the Ocean wasn't used to being contradicted or answered back as I saw him grip his trident tightly when I did.
“You're weak.” I looked as if he wanted to say something else but he stopped himself. It seemed as if he was thinking of what to say. “You're going to obey what I say if you want to survive.” He sentenced. He then began to walk towards the large door that Hermes and I first entered through, without turning back to Proteus or me. It was obvious the conversation was over.
I bit my tongue not to say anything else. I didn't have the energy to fight him. For the time being I would let what he said go by. I needed to sleep so I could recharge and try again and persuade him that I didn't need someone to take care of me.
“My lady, if you could please follow me. I'll take you to your room.” Proteus suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I followed him immediately. I couldn't wait to get to the room and lay down.
We walked without saying anything and that was fine by me. I had nothing to say either way. Then Proteus turned and looked at the suitcase I was dragging with me.
“My sincere apologies. I overlooked that My Lady were carrying her belongings. Please, let me take them.” Before I could say anything to him, he took my suitcase and effortlessly carried it to continue walking. I decided to keep quiet and went back to follow him.
We passed several corridors and climbed some stairs. The entire palace seemed to be in the same immaculate style with gilt details. It was a place that definitely screamed opulence. On some walls there were paintings and on others there was nothing but pure marble. I scolded myself for paying attention to those details instead of noticing every turn we took, how many stairs we climbed, or the number of doors we'd already passed. That information could be useful to me. The decor in the hallways was not. In case things got ugly I needed to know my surroundings and escape routes, not whether the walls had pictures on them or not.
I was in an internal debate when Proteus spoke.
“This will be your room, My Lady.” He said at the same time that he took out some keys and opened the door. “There is an order for everyone in the palace not to be able to enter here if My Lady don't want them to.”
I entered the room and was amazed by the size of it. Like the palace, the walls were white and decorated in gold. It was so subtle that the sight of the room didn't bother me at all. In the middle was a large bed with ivory curtains around it. Opposite the bed was an exquisite dressing table in the same color, with a large gilt-framed mirror. I looked further in and noticed a large double glass door at the end of the room. I walked towards it and felt how Proteus walked after me and left the suitcase on the side of the bed. When I got to the door, I saw that it was a balcony, outside there was a small table and two large chairs, one on each side of the table. I turned to see Proteus.
“And what if someone still breaks in?” I asked. One thing was that there was an order not to enter and another that everyone followed that order.
“Lord Poseidon would punish them himself, of course.”
“Why?” As far as I knew, the Ocean God didn't like me enough to punish someone just for entering my room.
“In here no one disobeys an order from our Lord without having a consequence.” He answered bluntly and something told me that his answer had another hidden meaning.
He probably hadn't liked that I answered his Lord about the bodyguard thing.
Seeing that I didn't answer anything, Proteus excused himself but not before telling me that the next door led to my private bathroom. I thanked him for bringing me to my room and he was soon gone, leaving me alone inside the huge place. It was late and I hadn't even eaten all day, but I was so tired that I didn't care. I kicked off my shoes and then threw myself on the spacious bed. It was very soft and comfortable.
Quickly sleep came to me and I decided to go to sleep without changing into my pajamas. I didn't have the strength to get up and change my clothes. So, I let myself really relax for the first time that day. I needed to rest for tomorrow. I fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
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If everything goes right within the day, I’ll be able to post Chapter III today
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As Untamed as the Sea
Chapter 2 
A Poseidon x Reader Fanfic (Record of Ragnarok).
Warnings: anxiety attack? (but controlled). 
Word Count: 4373 words.
Here is the second chapter of the story. I hope you enjoy it. Any comment is appreciated. By the way, my main account here is cuniculus-tenebrarum, so if I reply to anyone it will be from that acc. 
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“Oho, our guest of honor,” said an old man who at first glance seemed quite weak and something about him made me too uncomfortable. Still not knowing what to do, I paralyzed. I felt a tightness in my chest and began to try to breathe more deeply so that I could get rid of the sensation. My pulse raced and my vision blurred for a few seconds. Suddenly I felt nauseous and... “Introduce yourself to everyone,” said a woman who was next to the old man. She was very beautiful, but just like my mother, she seemed to have an intimidating aura about her. Her brown hair with touches of copper was tied like a crown, giving her an elegant but imposing image. She was wearing a long royal blue dress that looked like it was made with chiffon and it fitted her figure very well. Her skin was fair, but she looked slightly tanned, making the dress she was wearing more prominent. I quickly swallowed my nausea and focused completely on that woman. Then I took a deep breath in an attempt to regulate my breathing and mentally began to relax the muscles in my body. When I felt more stable, I straightened my posture and put on me the mask that my mother had taught me to use since I was little. So no one could see through me. Doing that I gave the impression that I was better than everyone around me. I didn't know if it would work so well for me in this case, but it was my best defense mechanism at the moment. I put on a straight face and let everything flow. “Good morning to everybody. My name is Y/N L/N. I don't know what I've come here for but I honor you with my presence,” I intentionally put on a haughty face, just like the one my mother used to put in front of everyone to demonstrate her authority. I saw that they were all serious looking at me, again, and I felt that my facade would soon be broken, until I heard a delicate laugh and turned to see where it was coming from. “Ahh she's adorable,” said a woman's voice. When I found out who was the owner of the voice, I saw a very beautiful woman, with blond hair, blue eyes and prominent breasts. I deduced that she would be Aphrodite from her beauty and her bright aura. “Is she the one everyone was talking about? I was expecting someone different. She is clearly a weakling,” commented with a malicious tone another woman next to whom I assumed was Aphrodite. Her hair was a shade between navy blue and black, it was long and loose in waves. She had white skin that made her turquoise eyes shine. The woman was wearing a dress the color of her eyes, loose and with a single strap, I noticed that it was a bit transparent but nothing really was showing. At her waist was a golden bow that enhanced her figure. I didn't know who she was, but something told me that it was best to stay away from her. Her eyes showed danger and I didn't feel like invoking the wrath of a Goddess. However, her publicly calling me weak had annoyed me. I felt a tingling creep up my back as I tried to calm myself down. I would gain nothing by confronting her. Also, I assumed I was no match for her. It was best to continue without making a scene with her, or with the other Gods. “Careful Thetis, remember why she has been invited and also why you are here,” I heard a deep voice speak. I turned around a bit and saw him. He was one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. But before getting a better look at his face, my gaze immediately fell on something that covered his right eye. It looked like a patch but he also looked tougher than one. I wondered why he would use it, maybe he lost his eye in a battle. “Of course, Lord Hades, but I don't consider her worthy of our respect nor time. She is a mere mortal. She’s weak and imperfect. I really don't understand how everyone agreed to bring her,” the so-called Thetis answered. I felt the gaze of the God Hades on me and unconsciously held my breath. As if that made me invisible to his eyes. I looked back at him still without breathing and suddenly I saw a slight smile on the corner of his lips. Soon I felt the blood rush to my head and I didn't know if it was from that smile or the lack of air. He looked away and turned his head as if he were addressing someone. At that moment I was able to breathe out. “She looks like a good option to me, don't you think, Poseidon?” Hades spoke aloud to his right. I turned my gaze to the God on the right, whom Hades had spoken to. And suddenly I held my breath again. Hades was handsome, but this other God was without a doubt the most attractive man— God of them all. The beauty of him was beyond my words to describe. I wouldn't do him justice. His golden hair fell over his face in light waves. He had eyes the color of the ocean, so clear and deep at the same time that I felt I was lost in them. A straight nose and full lips, both had the perfect proportion for his face. I noticed that said God was looking to the side and I felt a hint of disappointment knowing that he had not looked at me. Hades referred to him as Poseidon, so I knew he was the King of the Sea. I lowered my eyes a little to stop seeing him directly and I noticed that his outfit exposed his chest and abdomen. I could see every hardened muscle and I felt the blood rush to my head again so I abruptly turned and faced the old man and the woman from the start again. I saw how the old man looked me up and down and I felt the nausea return. Apparently, the woman herself realized this because she glared at the old man. “Heh he, of course it's a good option. In fact, I wouldn’t understand if Poseidon will at least refuse to give her the opportunity, I think she can at least help him to keep him happy in bed—” “CAN'T YOU HOLD YOURSELF FOR AT LEAST ONE DAY?” The woman yelled annoyed—. “Zeus, I swear that if—” “Easy Hera, I wouldn't do anything to her. She is already reserved for my fearsome older brother, isn't it, Poseidon?” He said playfully as he turned to see the King of the Sea. Poseidon made no reply, nor did he move. He seemed more bored than anything with everything that was happening. Suddenly I registered in what Zeus and Hera said. They were treating me like an object. An object that apparently belonged to Poseidon. And according to Zeus' insinuations, I… No. I was not going to allow myself to be treated like this, I was not going to be. I started looking for an exit but apparently the door through which I entered at the beginning was also the only exit from the place, and the door remained closed. Hermes was in front of it as if protecting it. He gave me another of his mocking smiles. Well, there was no easy way out of here. I turned around and saw how Hades got up from his seat. “Thanks to your comments out of place Zeus, and your null reaction Poseidon, I'm sure what Miss Y/N most want right now is to get out of here,” he said as he walked towards me. “Poseidon, remember what we talked about,” he put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him. “Pathetic,” I heard the voice of the Sea King for the first time. It was deep but not as much as Hades’ voice and I thought I heard a touch of scratch at the end, “all of this is useless, a waste of time.” “Oh? Well, if you really don't think you need her then I'll take her away,” Hades replied. I felt his gaze on me and how he pressed a little more where he was holding me. “Oho, where are you taking her?” I heard Zeus say. Hades didn't take his eyes off me when he started to speak. “To my realm.” I immediately felt again the same dizziness that I had when Hermes took us to Valhalla. Before I could do anything, the dizziness stopped and I felt like Hades let go of me little by little, as if he thought that I would fall without him stopping to grab me. When I felt balanced, he walked away and he motioned for me to follow. I started walking behind him. We were in a hallway with dark marble walls. Suddenly I got cold. “I would like to apologize for everything that happened a few moments ago. My brothers have some… unique ways of treating others.” I did not know if I should answer, although he was the only one who didn’t make me feel uncomfortable and less than everyone in that place, he was still a God, and not just anyone, he was the King of the Underworld. I knew many stories about him where he was completely ruthless and enjoyed being so. “Heh, I'm not going to bite you. You can tell me what you think. I promise no one will hurt you in here,” he told me, interrupting my thoughts. I had to speed up my pace since he advanced very fast, of course, he was very tall and his steps were longer than mine. “Why did they bring me to Valhalla?” I asked him with difficulty trying to keep up with his walking pace. Apparently, he realized this and slowed his pace. “To know you.” An answer that didn't tell me anything. “What did they want to meet me for?” “Who is she?” I heard a voice behind and when I turned, I saw a woman standing a few meters behind us. Hades turned as well, and I felt his hand rest on my shoulder. At this the woman narrowed her eyes as if the act bothered her. I watched her. Her hair was a golden hue with light pink highlights, reaching below her shoulder. Her eyes were jade green and I saw that all her features were delicate. She wore a dress up to a little before the knee and with a V-neckline. And finally, simple heeled sandals that made her legs shapely. “She is Miss Y/N and she will be our guest for today, my dear Persephone,” Hades replied. I almost choked on my own saliva after hearing that. Persephone. Hades' wife. The Queen of the Underworld was in front of me, and her husband kept holding my shoulder. I tried to get away, but Hades tightened his hold on me. Suddenly her face was playful and she started walking towards us. “Ahh, she’s the one who they were looking for. I understand. But what is she doing here? Don't tell me you stole her from him.” “No,” he said and started walking back to where we were supposed to go from the beginning. “Poseidon was unmoved and the others were making her uncomfortable, I decided to bring her here to calm her down. I could feel her nerves every time they spoke to her or when she saw someone new.” I blushed at his statement. So, I didn’t quite hide how I felt. Still, I was grateful that he got me out of that place. “I see… well, how about we have fun together for a bit?” Persephone commented and I could hear some malice in her voice. Hades stopped and turned to look at his wife as if warning her. “Don't you ever touch her, darling. I promised not to hurt her. Also, I'm sure my brother will come for her and I don't plan on taking responsibility if something happens to her.” “But we won't hurt her, we'll just play and—” “Persephone,” Hades said in a stern tone. Persephone pursed her lips, turned around, and left. I didn't move, but I felt the need to say something. “I'm sorry, because of me your wife is upset. If you tell me the way to return home I will leave as soon as possible,” I commented trying to see if I could finally return to my home. Hades just looked at me. “Hmm? Don't worry, it wasn't your fault,” he said in a nonchalant tone and kept walking. I decided to follow him without mentioning anything else. We soon came to a door which Hades opened. Inside I could see what looked like a simple room but with furniture and decorations that would surely be worth more than my entire house. Everything about the room was in bleak tones but it looked elegant. “Rest. No one can enter here so you will be safe. Dinner will be served in a few hours. I'll send someone for you to have dinner with us,” he told me and before I could answer him, he turned around and closed the door delicately. It seemed like I had no choice. I went to bed and lay down. It was very soft and the sheets were silk. I took off my heels and settled onto my side. Suddenly my body felt tired and little by little I fell asleep. I woke up scared and sweat ran down my body. I didn't have time to process what I had dreamed of when I heard screams outside the room where I was. No, they were not screams, it was just someone speaking out loud. As if it was giving orders. My curiosity made me jump out of bed and open the bedroom door. In front of me was a hard chest and a scent like salt came to my nose. I looked up and saw Poseidon's face. This time he was staring at me. He was frowning and I wondered what had pissed him off. Or who. “We're leaving, human,” he said dryly. “Heh? Where are we going?” I replied with some agitation. To be frankly, he scared me quite a bit. Hades was in the middle of the corridor, as if that would prevent Poseidon from passing him. “Poseidon, stay for dinner. I asked to make a special menu thinking that you would be joining us.” “Move, Hades,” he answered. Hades sighed loudly and made room for him to pass. “Fine. But treat her well, in the palace everyone—” “She'll be fine as long as she doesn't decide to get in trouble or be a nuisance,” Poseidon interrupted as he walked unhurriedly. I knew that was my cue to follow him so I started walking after him when I noticed I wasn't wearing my heels. I wanted to tell Poseidon to wait for me to put them on but suddenly he was next to me. He took me by the waist and for the third time in a day I felt the dizziness that the transfer of The Gods provided. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I saw that we were in another palace. With gold, blue, white and some green ornaments. It was beautiful. I saw how The God was ahead of me and I ran until I caught up with him. “Where are we? Why have you brought me here?” for a moment I thought he was going to take me back to my home. At this point, I just wanted to go back. Poseidon did not answer me and continued walking into the corridors of the palace, with me only a few steps behind. I was about to tell him to take me home when a voice stopped me. “What is she doing here?” Said an angry voice. When I turned, I saw a tall woman with golden hair. She had blue eyes fuelled with anger, high cheekbones and her lips were slightly turned down, obviously her face told me how upset she was. Poseidon didn't stop to answer her and kept walking. Again, I had to run to get to where he was. At that the woman got angrier. “What is she doing here?” She asked again but now in a higher tone. The God stopped and I also along with him. “Amphitrite, watch how you speak,” he said to the Goddess as a warning but didn’t turn around to face her. Suddenly I saw a hint of concern pass over her face and I was pleased to see her reaction. “My apologies, My Lord. I was surprised to see the human in this place, infecting it with her disgusting mortal dirt” she spatted and I saw her gaze fell on mine and noticed her hatred towards me. I clenched my fists and bit my tongue to avoid responding to something that would likely raise her anger. I noticed a haughty smile from her side and saw that she was looking down at me, as if I were someone inferior— which I technically was because she was a Goddess and I was mortal, but her seeing me that way generated a wave of fury within me. “Come, human,” Poseidon said and I had to force myself not to answer anything to the Goddess. I turned around and kept walking. Soon we came to a room with double doors that The God opened without having to touch them. Divine magic, I supposed. I saw him come in and followed him into the room. When I entered, I looked around and it seemed as if we were in an office. There was a large white desk in the center, it looked as if it had glass in some places. Behind it was a huge chair that at first glance gave the impression of being very comfortable. In front was a large low table, in the same style as the desk, and around it were several chairs just as comfortable as the one at the desk, but smaller in comparison. On the walls were shelves with books, some paintings, and everything seemed to be in perfect order. Above us lay a golden chandelier with white and blue crystals adorning it as if they were cascading down. The God sat in the large chair behind the desk and took a couple of documents out of one of the drawers. He started reading them while I was still standing by the door. I felt ignored, but at that moment I would rather be ignored than have the full attention of the man in front of me. “Your mother sent the documents. However, until everything agreed is delivered, the deal will not be closed,” he said without turning to look at me. I didn't know what he was talking about, why would my mother send them documents? What kind of documents? I was completely lost, and apparently this was the fault of some feat of my mother. “Pardon me, I don't know what documents you are talking about and I'm not aware of any deal either, could you explain?” I asked him with some fear towards the answer, and towards his reaction. Apparently, this God didn’t usually have a good mood. I got no response from him. He kept going through the papers and I kept standing not knowing what to do. I started to feel my pulse race. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and seconds later it opened. Hermes entered where we were and the door closed behind him. “Lord Poseidon, I have come to take Miss Y/N back to her house. We agreed to return her in the evening. She will be back by tomorrow afternoon.” I was relieved when I heard that I was finally going home, but my heart fell to my feet when I knew I would have to go back. That was not mentioned by my mother. “Why ... why do I have to come back?” I asked on a whisper. At this, the God dressed in black looked at me and gave me one of his smiles to which I had already become accustomed. “Because that was the deal that was agreed with your mother,” he replied maliciously, as if he knew it would affect me. And he was not wrong. “What deal? I'm not aware of anything, explain it to me” I said quickly. I felt a swirl of emotions under my skin. "My, my. And I thought you were just like a scared kitten. Very good, I'll explain quickly. Pay attention that I'm not going to repeat it, human,” I prepared myself for whatever was to come. “Your mother has something that we want, in exchange for it, she asked us for you to be married with some God and that she also be allowed to ascend as Goddess and enjoy the privileges of us,” Hermes explained. It was something easy to understand but my brain couldn't process it. I refused to believe everything I heard. “So, do I have to marry someone here for you all to get whatever my mother has?” I asked to make sure I understood correctly. The part of my mother did not matter to me, if she wanted to be one of them was up to her. But getting me into this was... “Hmp,” Hermes agreed with a nod. “I guess you know how to use your brain after all.” I ignored the last part. "But why should I be in all this? I didn't ask to be married to someone,”— I remembered what I jokingly told my father before I came: or I can get a husband. I figured words do have power. “I don't want to, I refuse.” “Human, you are in no position to argue on this. Everything is agreed. Be quiet or I'll force you to,” I heard Poseidon say. I felt my blood boil and turned to face him. “I don't have to follow your orders!” I said aloud. I saw his eyebrow furrow and decided to take a deep breath to calm myself down a bit. “You also have no right to tell me what I can or cannot do. You are nobody to me. I don't care that you're a God at all,” I told him as I lifted my chin and looked down at him. That did not seem to please him because he gave me a cold look. “Oh, but I think he is indeed someone to you,” I heard Hermes say behind me. “What do you mean?” I replied over my shoulder. “Of course, he's your fiancé after all.” I was speechless. I didn't know how many times this day I had stayed like this. I looked back at Poseidon and noticed that he was staring at me, like he was studying me. Then I saw how his gaze traveled over my body. I didn't remember the dress I was wearing. I had the urge to want to cover my breasts but forced myself to stay still, upright and keeping my gaze on him. I assumed he was studying whether I was good enough to be his wife, although that didn't matter to me at all. I didn't want him as my partner. It was clear that he hated me and I was only afraid of him. Then he looked away and focused on a specific point to his right. I felt tears of helplessness fill my eyes. “I don't want this,” I said pathetically. “It is what it is, human. Accept it,” answered the God of the Sea without looking at me again. “Many would like your place Miss Y/N. Feel lucky,” Hermes said, “besides, there's nothing you can do now. Your fate has been sealed. Now come closer to me so I can take you home.” Without more to say and feeling defeated I approached him. While I couldn't do anything in front of them, that didn't mean I couldn't create chaos once I got home with my mother. I wanted to make her clear that I would not lend me to her tricks. That I was not a tradeable item for her benefit. Once I was close enough to Hermes, he took me by the arm and again transported us from one place to another. Suddenly I saw the door of my house. I walked over to it but felt like he was still grabbing my arm. I turned and Hermes was still in his place. “Tomorrow I will pick you up again in the afternoon. Your duty is to be ready without making a scandal” he warned me and then released me. I didn't say anything and walked to the front door of the house. I rang the bell as I didn't have my keys with me. I still felt the presence of the God behind me but I refused to turn around. I heard heavy footsteps on the other side of the door and knew it was my father. He was the one I saw once the door opened. At that moment I stopped feeling the God behind. I walked inside the house and before my father said anything, I was ahead of him. “Where is my mother?” “In the bedroom resting. It's late so we had dinner without you, but I saved a portion for you. It’s on the table,” he answered to me softly. I did not wait any longer to go to my parents' bedroom, I opened the door with a bang and saw how my mother looked at me threateningly as if telling me not to start anything with her eyes. “Why have you sold me to the Gods?” I asked her. At that moment I felt tears fall down my cheeks and I couldn't take it anymore; I collapsed and heard my father's footsteps behind.
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There's chaos in water; much more than you can imagine...
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冷たい心 ꧇ 𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗜𝗗𝗢𝗡.
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As Untamed as the Sea
A Poseidon x Reader FanFic (Record of Ragnarok).
Warnings: very slightly body sh aming in a conversation? If someone detects a warning for me to say, please go ahead and tell me. 
Word count: 4054 words.
This chapter is kinda introductory, in the next one things will get more interesting with the Gods. Also, it is my very first time writing and also in english (my native language is spanish) so if you detect any incorrect grammar please tell me so I can correct it. This is my first story so i’m learning at the same time i’m writing. Also, I don’t know how many chapters this will have, let’s see how the story goes. 
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I was on my way home when it all started. My mother called me questioning how much time it will take me to get home and that I must hurry. She had the habit of calling me by the time I should be at home, however, this time her voice sounded agitated and with urgency which caused a hint of concern in me. I decided to increase the speed of the car to get to the house as soon as possible. My mother also had the habit of starting to say something on the phone, but she never commented on it about what was really going on, so the only way to understand her agitation was to get home. After parking the car and walking quickly towards the door of the house, it opened and my brother received me with a teasing but nervous smile, which surprised me since he never usually welcomes me, not even looking at me once I arrive at home. “My mom is angry because of you,” he commented, holding back his laughter and giving me room to pass. “Good, let me see now what I did,” I replied as I walked towards my mother's bedroom, which was where I thought she could be. Inside the bedroom my parents were talking in whispers and when they noticed my presence, they immediately stopped talking and turned to see me. My father looked at me with sad eyes, but his mouth was outlining a smile. No, rather, he was trying to make it a smile, but it really did look like a grimace. Despite his age, my father used to look young and generally radiated a vibe of optimism that infected everyone, yet now as he looked at me, he looked how old he really was and I felt suffocated just by looking at him. My mother on the other hand used to have a stern image, but she had a beauty and security that stole the glances of those who were close to her. Now, it seemed that she had been frowning for quite some time and what I wanted the most at that moment was for her to stop looking at me. “Y/N, close the door and sit down,” my mother said as she pointed to a place on the bed. I closed the door and sat where her finger indicated. “If this is because of the spell I tried to cast in the morning, drop it. Either way, it didn't work,” I replied as I looked away to one of the room's windows. I felt her furious gaze on me, but before she said anything my father intervened. “This is not because of that, although you already know that you should not continue with those practices, someone might find out and...” “But they clearly already found out!" exclaimed my mother. I had never seen her that angry. “This is something that was going to happen sooner or later.” My mind was thinking so fast trying to find the cause behind my parents' distress. I looked at my mother and noticed how she took a deep breath before speaking to me again. “Your presence is required tomorrow in Valhalla.” “What?” I couldn't process what I had heard. “Why? I don't understand, why would they want a human there? They hate them—us. Besides, I have nothing to show them. I don't excel at anything and...” My mother seemed displeased at what I said. “You are more than any other human you know simply because you are my daughter. That must be precisely why they want you to go there. Although perhaps if you had not continued with your practices of magic, we could have avoided all this,” she commented and immediately clicked her tongue “it does not matter. Somehow, they found out about you and it is your obligation to go.” “I don't want to go,” I answered bluntly. “You have no right to decide on this. Tomorrow you are going there, you are going to behave well and if everything goes well, you will be back by the night.” “What if it doesn't go well?” My father asked, obviously nervous. My mother quickly looked at him “it is going to go well, she's our daughter after all.” It all seemed like a joke to me, it was absurd. It made no sense that from one day to the next The Gods decided to pay attention to a mortal, less to someone like me who had neither wealth, nor titles, nor... “Enough. Do not fill your mind with trifles. Tomorrow you will show them who you are and why they should respect you” my mother told me. “But that's the problem, even if I show them that I am worthy of their respect, they still are not going to do so, simply because I was born mortal,” I commented angrily. Is not that being human bothered me, that didn't matter to me. What annoyed me was knowing that for them we would always be less than trash. Weak, stupid, and graceless. That is how they saw us. Although, I had to admit that there were exceptions. According to my mother's stories, some Gods empathized with the human race, they were few, but according to her there were. My great-grandfather was one of those few. He was a minor God who fell in love with a human and decided to resign his position to live in the mortal realm. It was not that he stopped being a God just for that, ichor still continued to flow through his veins after all. He simply ceased to have divine authority and rights. My great-grandmother was a mere mortal who mastered the dark arts and had a classical beauty. My mother told us that when my great-grandmother passed away, my great-grandfather disappeared along with her. She used to joke that they are both together in Helheim. Be that as it may, it was thanks to my great-grandparents that my mother, my brother and I had a little divine blood in our veins. We were not considered demigods due to the generations, but we still had a small amount of ichor within us. That has never been a benefit to us. We really seemed like ordinary mortals, except that we had a knack for practicing magic, real magic and not cheap tricks. Although this did not help us much since we were prohibited from practicing it. More than the things anyone else could do, we couldn't excel at it. We could risk being discovered. “Will you go with me, mother?” I asked her. “No. They have been clear that they only want your presence.” “But what if they want to hurt me? Perhaps now that they know about us, they want to eliminate us out of resentment at what the great-grandfather did.” “Don't be silly, if they wanted to eliminate us, they would have done so already.” It was bothering me by not having a reaction in my favor from my mother when a knock was heard on the bedroom door. “Are you all going to eat or can I start eating first?” My brother asked on the other side of the door. “We're all coming,” my father answered. “Now that everything is settled, let's eat, okay?” I looked at him in disbelief. “But dad! nothing has been settled, I don't want to go and...” “Everything has been resolved, tomorrow you are going there, you are going to give them your best image and represent us with dignity,” my mother interrupted. “They won't do anything to you, at best they'll offer you something. At worst they will banish you from Valhalla. Although I don't think that will affect you, it is not your place there” she looked down upon on me. My father intervened “that's enough, just leave her.” “You spoil her too much” she replied to him. I got up and left the room. “Are you going to eat?” My brother asked, but I was so angry that my hunger disappeared and I decided to go to my bedroom. I changed into my pajamas and lay down to rest for a moment. I felt tired despite not having done much during the day. Things at my work were very calm but the conversation with my parents drained my energy. I closed my eyes and suddenly fell asleep. I felt someone move my arm. It stopped and then it shacked me again. I opened my eyes and tried to orient myself, I looked over my shoulder and saw my father. He was the one who moved me to wake up. “You didn't eat and it's already night, I brought you cookies and tea. For you to eat that at least.” “Thank you,” I replied as I sat up in bed. “I know you are upset, but nothing will happen. Your mother wouldn't send you to a place where they would hurt you,” he told me as he handed me the tea and the cookies. I snorted “wouldn't she?” “Of course not, she's your mother and she loves you and your brother.” “Mmm…” “Look, I really don't know why they are calling you and especially now, but look at the positive side, maybe they will offer you something that suits you or you can make a friend over there.” I decided to play a little with him, “or I can get a husband,” my father pursed his lips at that, “I'm kidding, you know that getting married is not in my short-term plans. And about making friends, I doubt very much that they want to be friends with a mortal.” “Well, anyway, see it as an opportunity that not everyone gets.” “Not everyone is interested,” I intercepted. “I think most of the people want at least a sign that a God hears them and the Gods themselves are offering you to go to Valhalla. I would suppose you lucky.” I was done with this conversation “Yes, I'm lucky but only because you make the best tea to only me.” I watched as my father got up and walked towards the door of my room. “Rest, I understand they'll pick you up early tomorrow.” “Ah… what about my job? Will I be missing just like that?” “Report yourself sick and have one of your friends cover for you” he closed the door behind him and I was left alone in the room. After finishing my tea and cookies, I went to the bathroom to remove my makeup and brush my teeth so I could go to bed early. I lay back on the bed and before going to sleep I texted my best friend Rachel to do me the favor of covering for me at work. Two weeks ago, I covered for her, so she couldn't refuse this time. I didn't wait for her answer and I went to sleep. The next morning my mother woke me up to get ready. After taking a bath I went to my closet to think what I should wear, after all, it would be my first impression in front of The Gods, I should give them my best image. My mother suddenly came into my bedroom with several bags in her hands that she left on my bed. “Could you knock before you go in? You know it bothers me when someone come in like this without a warning,” I told her. “Please don't be so modest.” “It's not modesty, it's privacy,” I replied feeling the anger rise to my head. “Privacy for what? I know everything you have and everything you do,” she commented to me as she looked at me from the bottom up. “My, my… look at you, you gained weight, right? That is not good, you are neglecting your image. You will have just one cup of tea or coffee for breakfast today.” I felt a wave of fury in my whole being, I wanted to tell my mother not to interfere, that in fact I had been working on maintaining my weight. Besides, it was not like it noticed that much on me. But of course, my mother always noticed the small changes in one. Before I could say anything to her, she kept talking. “Put on what's in the bags. I think it will fit you perfectly and will hide any flaws you have for today.” Despite my anger I decided to keep it to myself to avoid a fight so early and I chose that it would be best to ignore everything my mother said for today. “Good, but get out while I change. I'll go to the living room when I'm ready,” I replied with my tone that reflected that there was no room for discussion. My mother pursed her lips and without saying anything she left the room. Suddenly the atmosphere felt lighter which comforted me. I went to the bed where the bags were on top and took out the contents of them. A red silk dress so soft I felt it would break to the touch was what my mother had given me. It had a plunging neckline that I thought was over the top for me. With an open one on the leg that went up to the thigh. It was a dress to seduce, and while it didn't bother me to dress like that, I didn't think it was an appropriate dress for a visit in Valhalla. Then, inside a box were some high-heeled shoes in gold, with ankle strap. The rest were apparently hair accessories and jewelry. I was about to put the dress on when I saw my reflection in the large mirror next to the closet. I stared at my figure in the mirror, inspecting my body, noting every imperfection and every quality. While I didn't have a model body, I couldn't deny that I was attractive. I had a balanced body, with good curves but not exaggerated. Still, I noticed that I should get back to exercising. I hadn't exercised for months and I could already feel the consequences on myself. Without the need for my mother to emphasize them, who has always had a good eye to notice the imperfections of her children. I used to think that my mother said those things to us because of her resentment at not being able to live as a Goddess, and that every time she saw us, we reminded her of what we will never become. My grandmother told me that my mother always wanted to ascend as a Goddess, and she did everything possible to make The Gods to notice her. Of course, all her efforts were in vain. She later met my father and they got married, then she had me, and then my brother. One would think that by now she should have forgotten her dream of being a divine being, but every time she saw us, I noticed in her eyes a longing for something, as well as an emptiness. I started to put the dress on at once and found that it was open back. On the back there were only a few ties that prevented the dress from falling. I thought it was a pretty risky dress, but I liked it. It was the kind of dress where you couldn't wear a bra, so the fabric fell gently over the breasts. I noticed that on the part of my torso the dress was perfectly snug, then it became looser and the fabric across my legs felt like if a breeze was hugging me. I didn't know where my mother got it from, but it seemed tailor-made for me. I decided that the heels would be the last thing I would put on so I sat in front of my hairstyle and started putting on makeup very naturally. At that I heard a knock on my door and my mother entered. “Let me help you put your makeup on,” she said. “It's not necessary, I'll do it quickly,” I replied. “I insist, you need to make up according to the dress,” she didn't give me time to answer when she turned me around to face her. She started putting on my makeup and I just had to resign myself. “I don't want a heavy makeup; the dress already shows a lot,” I told her. “The make-up is a fundamental part of your image; you must make a very good impression today. It's how they'll remember you,” she replied as she closed my eyelids so that she could put on the shadows correctly. “Today you will look like a Goddess.” "She doesn't need to look like a Goddess because she already looks like a Queen," I heard my father say from afar. That brought a smile to my face. My mother continued with her task of putting on my makeup, I only felt the brush strokes on my eyes and face. I was about to fall asleep when she ordered me to open my eyes to finish. She put false eyelashes on me, mascara and at the end she painted my lips a bright red. I still couldn't see myself in the mirror so I just couldn't wait to see the final result. Once she was done with the makeup, she proceeded to do my hairstyle. She made me some soft waves in my hair and for a moment I thought that she would let it loose, as I used to wear it but she suddenly started to tie it softly and, in the end, it seemed as if I was styling a loose updo hairstyle. Short ripples fell on my face and I felt like mother was putting several pins in my hair. My mother finally turned me around so I could see myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My dark circles and some imperfections that I had on my face were no longer visible. I looked like I had velvet skin, like a baby. The brown with gold and glitter makeup highlighted my eyes like I would never have imagined. My lips were fuller and the eyebrows were in place. The hair that fell on my face served to outline it even more. In my hair I wore golden accessories that made it seem to shine even more. I felt ethereal. I almost wanted to cry, but before I could do anything my mother placed a long golden necklace on my neckline, so exquisite that it seemed a part of the dress. Then she put some gold earrings that surrounded my forearms, and finally some gold bracelets on my left wrist. I really couldn't take my eyes off me. My mother turned my arm and put my heels on. I got up and stood in front of the large mirror to see myself entirely. I definitely felt like a Queen. My mother nonchalantly sprayed perfume on me. “Well, you only need the crown,” said my father who was on the sidelines of the door. I didn't realize when he got there. “She doesn't need a crown, she already has everything to bring everyone to their knees,” my mother said satisfied as she watched me. “But I don't understand why she is dressed like that; we really don't know what they want her there for. Don't you think it’s too much?” My father asked. “It never is too much to make a good impression wherever you go,” my mother replied. “Enough wasting time, it is almost time for them to come for you.” “Ahh... you need to have breakfast. I'll make you something quick,” my father said as he ran to the kitchen. I went downstairs with my mother to go to the kitchen, but before I could enter it, the doorbell rang. My mother went to the door to open it. At the entrance was a tall man, perhaps over five foot eleven, wearing something similar to a butler's suit. When I looked at his face, his eyes caught my attention, they were almost a crimson color but what prevented me from taking my eyes off him were some rare tattoos that he had above his left eye and below his right. I wondered what they meant. He gave my mother a very fake smile. “Good morning, I'm here to escort Y/N to Valhalla.” “Good morning. Indeed, we were expecting you,” my mother replied. I looked away from the man to rest my eyes on her. How did she know that he was the one who would escort me? He hadn't even introduced herself. Again, I began to get angry at the ridiculousness of the situation. “I'm sorry but who are you?” I asked the guy at the door dryly. “I am terribly sorry!” my mother told him, then she looked at me angrily. “Talk to him with...” He then ignored my mother and looked directly at me. “My, my. I apologize, it was disrespectful of me not to introduce myself. Let me do it properly. My name is Hermes and I am one of the 12 gods of Olympus. I have come in my power as a messenger to take you where the gods await you, Miss Y/N.” At this point I was not surprised that he knew my name. Apparently, my mother had no doubt about the identity of this certain Hermes, so I assumed that she was the one who gave her information about me. “Stop standing there and go to Lord Hermes,” my mother told me as she still looked at me angrily. I started walking out of the house where he was still standing and just when I was beside him, he took me by the waist and I felt a horrible dizziness that made me cling to his suit. From one moment to another everything happened. And fast. “Now you can stop grabbing me, Miss,” he said in a mocking tone. I quickly walked away from him. If my mother did not feel distrust in him did not mean that I did not distrust. After all, God or not, he was still a stranger to me. Suddenly I saw something out of the corner of my eye and turned my gaze around me. It was breathtaking. It looked like something out of a fantasy story. We were inside what looked like a castle... or maybe it was a temple. The walls were adorned with gold, marble and I don't know if what glittered were gems or more gold. They had Renaissance alike designs that I had only seen in photos on the web. The floor looked like pure gleaming marble and there were several columns several meters high that supported the ceiling. And the ceiling, oh my goodness, was so high but I could see the art above, every second I saw I found new shapes and colors that blended so gracefully. “Shall we continue? Everyone is waiting in the main hall,” the God interrupted my thoughts. I was so excited admiring the art of the place that I forgot who was accompanying me. I fought with all my might not to show any blush on my face from embarrassment. “Yes, guide the way please,” I replied to which he gave me the same mocking smile from a while ago. “Please, do follow me.” I immediately followed him so as not to be left behind. I didn't want to go through another embarrassment in front of him, or in front of anyone. After walking around and around we came to a huge white double door. I thought that a door of such size would be impossible for me to open it, but Hermes didn’t even flinch when he opened them wide. Apparently, it was lighter inside that room, or where we were it was very dark. The God stepped aside and I felt that I should go by myself into the new room. I entered it and when I was able to adjust my sight to the light of the place, I realized that around me there were several figures with their attention focused on me, as if they were studying me, judging me. I felt powerless at that moment and didn't know what to do, I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
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𝗗𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘆𝘀𝘂𝘀: I really hate drama! Why can't we just be nice to each other?
𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮: *happens*
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PSA: hating this god doesn’t make you cool. It makes you look like …Um..that one god. Addy.
Poseidon:…You mean Adamas.
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I guess I’m going to start a new fanfic of Record of Ragnarok about a Poseidon x Reader story, just because there is not enough content of him on the web. 
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