reds3 · 2 years
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche (via d-i-x-i-t)
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reds3 · 2 years
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reds3 · 2 years
prompts:  I wouldn’t worry. she’s tougher than both of us.  //   andor s1 sentence starters:  ep1,  kassa  // @ofsquadrons​
 ❛  i’m not. ❜  he quips,  a little more defensively than intended.   greasy palms making a quick wipe to the beaded sweat lacing his brow area,  already being at work for hours to no end.   he might have been an ace back home in anchorhead,   racing skyhoppers through canyons but with those t65bs he was still getting used to their mechanics.  sure,  easy on the eyes but with thrusters hard to anticipate.  biggs had washed out during their routine patrol earlier in the hour that had made a few little technical wirings that he now needed to resolve,  he insisted on being hands on in spite of the mechanics protests.   antillies -----  a veteran of his craft was quick to notice his displeasure at having to wait out the repairs  to ensure that his next fly out was a smooth one.    he shouldn’t be so hard on himself.  he had flown TIE’s back during his academy days,   they were agile but very easily spun out of control if the instruments weren’t properly checked.
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  the other pilot was waiting for more clarification ;  wedge meant well but biggs’s own personal reservations at this point in time naturally made him want to withhold as much as possible.   his time with the alliance was still fresh & while red squadron’s induction had been swift,  he was starting to feel a little homesick.   ❛ if I break something,  I fix it.  I know what i’m doing. ❜ 
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reds3 · 2 years
prompts:  you’re gonna get us both in trouble.    //   andor s1 sentence starters:  ep1,  kassa  // @ofsquadrons​
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  ❛ --- with who? your uncle? yeah that’ll probably be another score to add to that record. ❜  the wry grin on plastered on his face oozed with acts of defiance.   he shouldn’t make light of it,  he was already on a winning streak with owen.  the man emphasized how much their activities were not by any means safe or that he liked luke venturing far off into town.  beru was more kind about it.   made many dinner offers against her husbands own wishes & the times biggs would accept,  the scowls across the table grew increasingly more acute.  just maybe he would say the yes tonight.  he could never really deny the enticement of a good meal.  
the overhead of the jundland wastes were a sight to behold at the peek hour,  they came here often. whether it was chasing down womprats to just finding an isolated spot to talk for hours to no end.   biggs always making sure to keep track of time before the local sandpeople started making their daily rounds.  they had to keep a close eye,  if it wasn’t the sandpeople then they laid waste to the local sandstorms or biting desert nights.  he always had it under control for luke’s sake.  in moments like these everything between them was laid to bare.  they’d find some secluded rocky point to get an overhead of the mountain ranges & expose themselves wholeheartedly about anything that was going on in their daily lives.  whether that was owen’s farm, news on residing locals or the daily banter about someday leaving this deserted rock.  the routine was a repetition but a welcomed one. ​
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reds3 · 2 years
🌙  *  ―  𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐑  𝐒𝟏𝐄𝟏:  𝐊𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀  ( sentence starters from episode 1 of Andor. feel free to change pronouns & wording as needed. )
❛ Don’t even think about it. She’ll send you home cryin’. ❜ ❛ Looking for something special tonight? ❜ ❛ Is there something amusing? ❜ ❛ You keep looking over here like there’s something funny. ❜ ❛ Oh, that is a hard look for a little thing like you. ❜ ❛ I’m not moving. You want it, you take it and I walk away. I don’t need any surprises. ❜ ❛ You didn’t mean it. He fell. We had a misunderstanding, and… We’ll go in together. ❜ ❛ We played too hard in hitting, and you didn’t understand it. He tried to grab you, and… and he fell, and he hit his head. ❜ ❛ If it’s not important, why not tell me? ❜ ❛ ___ said you were out ruining your health and reputation with friends of low character. ❜ ❛ Don’t tell anybody you saw me. Don’t tell anybody you know where I am. ❜ ❛ Stop! And I don’t mean just the talking. I mean stop. ❜ ❛ I want you to conjure a suitable accident. ❜ ❛ I suspect they died rushing to aid someone in distress. Nothing too heroic. We don’t need a parade. They died being helpful. ❜ ❛ Don’t put your feet on my desk in my absence. ❜ ❛ I can’t wait that long. ❜ ❛ You said he wanted to meet me. ❜ ❛ You’ve been holding out on me. ❜ ❛ No, no. The answer’s no. ❜ ❛ Just promise he knows nothing about any of this. ❜ ❛ Now, go fix your face. ❜ ❛ I wouldn’t worry. She’s tougher than both of us. ❜ ❛ I’m getting tired of hearing that. ❜ ❛ What, not happy to see me? ❜ ❛ I’m not one of these losers gonna let you float until they forget how much you owe them. ❜ ❛ I’m gonna do us a favour and not mention this happened. ❜ ❛ You’re gonna get us both in trouble. ❜ ❛ I was gonna ask if I could borrow it again tomorrow. ❜ ❛ No. We’re done. No more favors. No more deals. ❜ ❛ I don’t want to know what you’re doing or why or where you took this thing last night or any of it. Finish up. Get out. ❜
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reds3 · 2 years
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the fear—which I know will last till I see the winged eyeball silhouette of TIE fighters tearing headlong toward me through black space—metastasizes in my gut as dodonna’s briefing comes to an end. but there’s another feeling, the same that I felt before the mutiny on the rand ecliptic.  peace.  a feeling of serene completeness, as if the nomadic path that took me to the imperial academy, to my first post on the rand ecliptic, and to my subsequent defection to the alliance, has brought me full circle.  as if, parsecs from tatooine, billions of kilometers from tosche station and the moisture farms of my family, I’ve found home again.  //   independent,  private + selective biggs darklighter from star wars’s original trilogy,  portrayed by astor.
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reds3 · 2 years
lieuthazard​,  𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚎 "𝚖𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔" 𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕.
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@fliestars​  said,   i’ll believe it when i see it.
oh,  this  old  thing?  i  could  still  run  rings  around  you,  biggs.  ─────  i’ll  believe  it  when  i  see  it.  maverick  looks  up  ahead  and  spots  biggs’  x-wing,  allowing  himself  a  chuckle  in  confidence.  he  may  have  drawn  the  short  straw  and  been  forced  to  fly  the  older,  slightly  clunkier  predecessor  to  the  t-65b  but  it  was  the  pilot  that  counted.  not  the  starfighter.
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“  humans,  droids  and  other  unidentifiable  creatures,  brace  yourselves.  ”  maverick  announces,  smacking  his  helmet  firmly  onto  his  head  and  gripping  his  control  stick,  “  biggs  darklighter  has  himself  a  bet.  ”
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they could be written up for this.   relieved of active duty,  be in charge of clean up rounds or the active reports ;  dries could think of numerous ways to fit the punishment.    hotshots were not so uncommon among the many ranks one held within the starfighter corps & they were usually the first to go.  the life for most of them was a minimum of several months before being shot down in the name of service.  maverick however was already something else,   while training drills were only a glimpse into a pilot’s future in the grand scheme of things,   the newfound ace’s test scores were already high above to match the ego he paraded around back on base.   ❛ whoa! slow down rookie,   we haven’t even discussed the wager.  ❜   biggs’s smirk mirrored the other x-wing’s assertive maneuvers,  his own fighter coming around into it’s own formation.  he liked a challenge.  while maverick’s outgoing persona could at times be galling,  biggs couldn’t deny that what set him & other pilots apart was their lack of surprises.  good ones were hard to come by.  
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reds3 · 2 years
the celebrating party after numerous cheers of triumph started to finally dissipate.  it had only been a couple of moments,  but the way the crowds had energized with their widespread grins of laughter & gratitude.  biggs started to wonder when they would ever leave.  while annoyance spread,  so did his own smile that was coated with pride for the two boys of tatooine who together had taken down the empire’s mass super weapon with the help of a scoundrel who he had now gotten to know by the name of han solo.  the other man in question stuck around for a few more moments,   luke himself being engrossed in the conversation with the princess herself in rear view? the three of them spoke as if they were connected,   familiar in a sense.   biggs had been too occupied on other worlds to wonder how luke might have been doing if he was to be honest with himself.   he hadn’t thought about a reunion or the slightest chance that they might be standing on the same ground together.  he had braced himself for that with the personal guilt that now overcame his mind.
 luke reminded him of a lot of things he had to leave behind,   the simplicity of running his family’s moisture farms,  the thrills of racing the latest skyhopper model,   his own brash recklessness.  things had shifted by a ton since then,  especially when he was under oath to serve the rebellion.  all he had time for was duty which was prolonged to how long one did survive out there like today. the majority of his squadron was gone now. it would be in no time that alliance officials would be putting out a new batch of recruits to thrust into the same cycle of desperation that had been at the helm long since the alliance was formed so while grief was at the center of all things,   it had to be done measurably.  
with the princess & solo out of sight,   biggs with impulse jumped in to wrap his oldest friend in the tightest embrace he could muster,  everything that he was feeling interlaced within the hold,  urgency,  relief & an overwhelming sensation of jubilation.   ❛ it’s been too long kid, ❜   he said, the usual laid back demeanor that skywalker knew him for replaced with something more among the lines of necessity,  thankful to the skies above for allowing another chance.  stepping back,  the gravel under his boots scrapped  as he pulled himself together.  wet eyes holding back his own sorrow & gratitude that they were able to be here in this moment. 
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❛ so –  since when are you & the princess close? ❜  his sentence strung out the words carelessly.   of course whispers had gone around that princess leia organa,  a high profiled name of the cause had been rescued by some farm boy & some smuggler.  he didn’t believe it at first,  luke had never even considered stepping foot off that dusty old rock,  which stirred up a few of his own personal thoughts of his own.   ❛ you got a lot of explaining to do. ❜   just like that,  his own witty composure that most knew him for was back in full swing, internally processing what story his oldest friend had laid out for him.    // @dualsuns​
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reds3 · 2 years
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them boys ™
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reds3 · 2 years
vicioushope​,  𝚓𝚢𝚗 𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘.
john wi.ck starters / @fliestars​​​ : you want a war?
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of course she doesn’t –– the question is ridiculous and she opens her mouth to tell him just that, eyes blazing and retorts on the tip of her tongue…but then stops as a realization washes over her, prompted by the alcohol on her lips and in her stomach. 
she has never lived in a galaxy without war. 
her fingers curl tighter around her cup, holding it with a white-knuckled grip. there have been nights where she’d wondered how her life would be different if the empire hadn’t existed. would she have grown up with her parents on lah’mu, happy and healthy ? but those thoughts are always quickly dashed –– there is no turning back so there’s no point on day-dreaming about the what-ifs. in this life, she’s a soldier. 
but in another ? 
she’s much too drunk to be thinking about this but now that darklighter’s posed the question, she can’t stop thinking about it. what happens when the war ends ? either they will or the empire will, but it’ll end one day. if the rebellion wins, will there be a place for her ? in that new, peaceful society ? her hands are made for war, calloused, scarred, always stained with blood. there’s a sinking feeling in her gut that tells her the answer. as terrible as war is, as much as she wants it to end…fuck, at least she has a purpose here. 
“ what kind of nerfherder question is that ? ” she counters with one of her own. “ do you ? ” 
biggs’s eyes scrutinized at the response,  watching the girl intently with a thoughtful expression in tow.  the question hadn’t been intended to come out as a declaration,  or some way to insert some smug persona which became noticeable to those who had gotten to know him by name when closed into a cockpit.   he had just gotten word of mon mothma’s  disapproval of sending out alliance forces to help capture imperial plans to their super weapon,  dries had filled him in earlier.   his commanding officer showcasing evident disdain but ultimately resignation over the proposed idea to stay put.  was this what he signed up for?  to wait around for the imperials to react with their forces?  it was only a matter of time until their location wasn’t in the clear anymore,  & that they’d have to find another system to relocate on.  for the first time since joining the alliance,   biggs felt hopeless to do anything.
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 war was something he had only begun to know ;  exposed to in a fleeting but crucial few months during his time among the ranks of the rebellion.  since then,  the concept of dying hadn’t even been something to ponder over.   in just those few months,  names,   people he had come to know weren’t around with their warmth or wise words of insight & it was only going to grow.  the stirred up anger,  that desperation to jump into a fighter at his own impulse ...  at least he would die with the notion that he had done something with his life,   something that his old mom would be proud of,   that his friends back home would have to say about the life he had chosen to lead --- even if he was star systems away from them.   ❛ it’s not so much of a question more than it is a reality, ❜  regardless of his collected response,   he felt dread for the imminent future that was reliant on the next choice of protocol.    he shook his head,  pursing lips with his gaze now turned towards the horizon.   ❛ we can sit here & argue about what not to do but all that really matters here is our own survival.  the next few hours just makes that more imminent. ❜  
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reds3 · 2 years
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche (via d-i-x-i-t)
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reds3 · 2 years
when you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in, that’s what this storm’s all about.
believe in yourself, you are braver than you think.
what could be worse than getting to the end of your life and realizing you hadn't lived it?
i discovered life sometimes has a way of giving you what you need, but not in the form you expect.
people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
no matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories.
listen to your instincts and ignore everything else; ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it.
don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind, be led by the dreams in your heart.
we've got everything we need right here, and everything we need is enough.
only the dead have seen the end of war.
instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.
sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.
happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them.
pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped.
the trouble is if you don’t spend your life yourself, other people spend it for you.
hiding how you really feel and trying to make everyone happy doesn't make you nice, it just makes you a liar.
sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are the ones your soul needs most.
we cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.
if there's a single lesson that life teaches us, it's that wishing doesn't make it so.
the greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.
just like there's always time for pain, there's always time for healing.
you don’t have to like someone, but you have to treat them as you wish to be treated.
i've learned, that being kind is more important than being right.
you cannot control what happens to you, but you can control the way you think about all the events.
be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow.
people always suddenly miss you more once they see how much happier you are without them.
the moment you put someone on a pedestal they will look down upon you.
dignity will only happen when you realize that having someone in your life doesn’t validate your worth.
i learned long ago that loss is not only probable, but inevitable.
discipline yourself and others won't need to.
all your miseries will be forgiven when you will be dead.
you think you know someone, but mostly you just know what you want to know.
some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.
nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fucking life.
it takes guts and humility to admit mistakes, admitting we're wrong is courage, not weakness.
i discovered that being related is no guarantee of love.
letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.
forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again—forgiving changes the perspectives, forgetting loses the lesson.
so it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.
you take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are.
when you deny someone an apology, you will remember it at time you beg forgiveness.
if you want to grow, you need to be brave and take risks.
never respond to an angry person with a fiery comeback, even if they deserve it, don't allow his anger to become your anger.
there is nothing like a crisis to define who you are.
it is difficult to make the right choice if you fear choosing wrongly.
certain things in life simply have to be experienced and never explained.
forgiving doesn't make the person who hurt you feel better, it makes you feel better.
we can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.
you're always going to know more in the future than you know now.
i don't care what you say to me, i care what you share with me.
you can't have a sense of victory unless you know what it means to fail.
once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.
you've heard what i've done, but not what i've been through.
if you love deeply, you're going to get hurt badly, but it's still worth it.
life gives you lots of chances to screw up which means you have just as many chances to get it right.
in gambling, if you see somebody winning all the time, they aren't gambling, they're cheating.
you can’t save anyone who wouldn’t save themselves without you.
i realized that once people are broken in certain ways, they can't ever be fixed.
if you don't want to sink, you better figure out how to swim.
make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past.
sometimes you have to lose all you have to find out who you truly are.
people tend to complicate their own lives, as if living weren't already complicated enough.
we have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter.
you are never alone.
there is no teacher more discriminating or transforming than loss.
sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it.
you cannot control the behaviour of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.
the only way that we can change is if we learn.
if you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.
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reds3 · 2 years
debelltio​,  𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚔𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌.
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              𝐓𝐎  𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘,      the  rats  proclaimed  —  ignorant  of  their  folly  looming  above.  Amusement  left  his  lips  in  a  harsh  snort.  Cognisant  he  was  that  they  discuss  the  intricacies  of  morality  whilst  the  former  director  remained  CAPTIVE,  sentenced  to  a  gaol  concealed  from  the  glaring  sun.  Yet  a  sense  of  melancholy  lingered  in  such  debates.  Lyra’s  voice  echoed  (    a  fragment  of  the  past    ),  attached  to  her  troublesome  visage.  She  too  sermonized  a  litany  of  righteousness.      ❝    War’s  no  place  for  heroes,  it’s  all  a  lie  ;  nothing  more  than  a  child’s  FANTASY  and  a  fool’s  wish  to  grasp  onto  whatever  semblance  of  sanity  was  left.    ❞      With  eyes  closed,  he  responded  —  banishing  away  the  spectres  of  yesterday.      ❝    I  hold  no  deceit  of  who  I  am.  I  did  what  I  did  in  the  name  of  duty.  A  soldier  at  war  ;  just  as  you  have,  rebel.    ❞
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he had wanted to see what else was out there.    in a sense,   escape the far reaches of his own internal prison.  tatooine wasn’t somewhere with aspirations for a young man who wanted to seek the far ends of the galaxy.  who wanted to be released from the simplicity of it’s structure with the grounded atmosphere of sand &  scorching heat that to himself,  felt natural.  that was just it --  the sanctuary of his own mother’s home cooking,   the newfound materialistic things he had to just revel over,   that new skyhopper model that he’d show off to his friends.  they were just that,   pieces to fill a void in a faultless existence.   he needed to have joined the academy to try --  to see the city,   to see a vast array of worlds.   he had never been in it for the conflict,  or because he wanted to do some good.   he had joined the rebellion to seek something more than the life he had left back home.
 biggs squinted at the response,  pulling his own weight down to the level of the lowered official.  ❛ --  does that duty involve slaughtering billions? ❜  his voice was filled with malice in contrast to his manner which showcased understanding.  he had been at the helm of the empire’s practices,   the first induction into the academy practically drilled in it’s philosophy to him & a dozen other cadets.   all he wanted to do then was fly. he was more curious now than anything,  the defection of an imperial official,  let alone one of the officials who was responsible for the creation of such a mass super weapon brought some gain to a conflict that had been at the seed of the rebellion’s grapples.   
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❛ it’s not about heroics.  i‘m not seeking their approval or any kind of merit.   i’m just in it for my own survival. ❜  as we all are.   even those serving the empire,   the majority were in it because it was something they believed in.
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reds3 · 2 years
Jay Ryan as Vincent Keller in season 3 of Beauty And The Beast
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reds3 · 2 years
To have compassion for those who suffer is a human quality which everyone should possess, especially those who have required comfort themselves in the past and have managed to find it in others.
Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron (via macrolit)
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reds3 · 2 years
echoylir​,  𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚝.
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@fliestars​ SC//accepting
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THERE WERE ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS TO DUST OFF A FORGOTTEN RAGE. motivations change, of course. “ - your lot certainly didn’t win the war because you were good hunters.” her tone is as wry as the smirk blooming beneath her helm. 
people who had been in lingering doubt over their own fates were now faced with even more uncertainty over the newly formed new republic that had only in a span of weeks risen from the ashes in the wake of the empire’s last remains.   those few who willingly chose to keep their heads down we’re now on the brink of questioning to determine whether or not there was to be any disruptive barriers of a newfound peace.  biggs countered her smile,   his own confidence unwavering to the mandalorian’s confession.   ❛ --- i think the empire simply got too comfortable. ❜  dismissing her quips,   his eyes carefully scanned around the desolate cantina of mos eisley,  a few watchful glances would look over but turn back to their own affairs swiftly.  he could detect the tension across the subject matter,  not one soul far from all the conflict did know that a force sensitive had single-handedly defeated the one they called vader.    a name that still carried it’s weight around when uttered to a general bystander,   & with him -- sheev palpatine who ruled the galaxy with an iron fist.  the rebellion left that detail out,  bringing the general narrative to a more general focus that didn’t further arise any suspicions.
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biggs personally wasn’t interested in stirring up the masses,  not when people still needed to rebuild their faith & believe in a system that ultimately aimed towards establishing it’s newfound peace across all sectors of the galaxy.   his voice lowered to a volume loud enough for the two of them to hear,   the drink in his hand now engulfed in one swoop,   ❛ yes --- they constructed two battle stations sizeable enough to wipe out an entire planet but what they ultimately lacked was focus,  it made the job pretty easy for us.  ❜  what he had begun to realize was that it was all friendly banter at this point if you could find some mild amusement among the chaos that still needed to be contained.
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reds3 · 2 years
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favorite minor characters → biggs darklighter
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