f4tc0nt · 3 years
It’s 6pm and I forgot to eat..? I was in university the whole time and I had food with me but I guess I was too busy to think of that lol. Lesssgoo
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Oh to be this attractive and skinny
beauty 🥀🖤
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 70kg (-+0)
Breakfast: Oatmeal (113)
Lunch: Soy Curry (216)
Dinner: 2*Proteinshakes (234)
Sport: 8,8k steps (100)
~ 562 - 100 = 462cal | 60g Protein
Note: Still kinda frustrating that I can’t go to the gym, my injury isn’t better at the moment. I needed to force myself for dinner because if not my muscles wouldn’t get enough protein and also not heal fast enough. I needed 10g More Protein but f that, I need to lose weight too🙄
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Throwback to where I lost my food intake/manifesting diary in the school and my music teacher giving it me back and asking if everything was alright. That shit was fucking ✨awkward✨🙂
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 70kg (-0,5kg)
Breakfast: Oatmeal (113)
Lunch: spinach-Omelette (261)
Dinner: Passionfruit (29) + Proteinshake (117)
Snack: too much to list (865)
Sport: 6,5k steps (75)
~ 1385 - 75 = 1310 cal | 57g Protein
Note: I overdid it at the gym, couldn’t bent my arm properly and there were many weird marks under my skin on my arm. I went to the doctor and he said that I strained my muscles and shouldn’t go to the gym for a week. But he said I had a nice biceps. Totally worth it.
P.S.: Out of frustration being so limited, I binged. Good thing is that I tracked everything. It’s still under my bmr but not what I aimed for.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 70,5kg (-0,5kg)
Breakfast: Oatmeal (113)
Lunch: Proteinshake (136)
Dinner: weird soy-egg-spinach mud, was tasty tho (259) + Proteinshake (117)
Sport: 22k steps (200) + Crosstrainer 20min (139) + Gym: arms, shoulders & back (1h)
~625 - 339 = 286cal | 68g Protein
Note: My day was stressful but it kept me off from eating and I walked so much that my feet hurt dude. Because of that I got really dizzy one time at making dinner, I saw stars 😼. Also huge stabbing pain one time, I screamed and made my mom worry. She always told to lose weight and now she is worried bruh.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 71kg (-0,5kg)
Breakfast: Oatmeal (113) + celery (39)
Lunch: fried soy (234) + Proteinshake (117)
Snack: gummy bears (62)
Sport: /
~ 564cal | 44g Protein
Note: Today was boring. I had the urge to binge but I was too tired to go back to that old me. I want my friend who makes fun of my weight become so jealous after she comes back from her vacations, I can’t give up now
P.S.: I didn’t feel like doing any sport today, neither going for a walk
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 71,5kg
Breakfast: Oatmeal (113)
Lunch: Proteinshake (117) + a sandwich (241)
Dinner: Proteinshake (117)
Sport: CrossFit (214) + Gym: Legs & Glutes (1h) + 6k (189)
~ 587 - 403 = 184 cal | 62 g Protein
Note: I binged yesterday evening so I guess that’s the reason why I stayed the same weight, I thought if I watched mukbangs it would take my urges to binge and at first it was okay but then yeah 🙂
P.S.: Staying in my room and sleeping is like the best strategy for me, eating carbs before Sport too so my appetite isn’t as big after.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 71,5kg (-1kg)
Breakfast: Risotto (116)
Lunch: Strawberries (38) + Proteinshake (117)
Dinner: Pomegranate (54) + Mango (40) + Proteinshake (117)
Sport: 9k steps (110)
~ 481 cal | 49 g Protein
Note: Today was a successful day for my standards. I was alone with my sister and I needed to make her food (pancakes and ramen) and I didn’t binge on them :^) it kinda satisfied my urges to eat.
P.S.: The counterpart was that I couldn’t go to the gym so I need to go tomorrow
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 72.5kg
Breakfast: Risotto (116)
Lunch: Proteinshake (117) + Soja Curry (551) + 2 white bread (188)
Snacks: peach loops (138) + strawberries (37)
~958 cal | 70 g Protein
Sport: 7k steps (93)
Note: Luckily I haven’t gained a kg, still sad that I ate so much today and yesterday, but attests I tracked it.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 72kg
I binged the whole day so no food log 🤡
Sport: 10k steps + 10 min CrossFit + 35 min gym chest and abs training + 2 chloe ting workouts (chest / abs)
Note: I binged after going to the gym and working out :/ I didn’t eat anything before so I just went crazy.
P.S.: Also I didn’t got to stay at the gym too long because they close at 1pm, I need to wake up earlier
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: 73kg
Breakfast: Risotto (145)
Lunch: Proteinshake (117)
Dinner: Sauerkraut (81) + Paprika/Mushroom w noodles (ca. 330)
Snack: Strawberry’s (40) + cheese twisters (147) + cookies (109)
~969 cal | 48g Protein
Sport: none
Note: Fuck
P.S.: Binged at dinner time and ate those noodles and Idk how much calories they were 😍😍 it was like one plate and oily af.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Weight: ? (Probably 73kg)
Breakfast: Proteinshake (117)
Lunch: Soup + Proteinshake (263)
Dinner: Sauerkraut (77)
Snack: Nutella/Cookies (276)
~ 733 cal | 52g Protein
Sport: 20 min Crosstrainer (217) + 1 h weightlifting: Focus on legs/butt (?) + 6k steps (?)
Note: The gyms are opened and I will work for the body and health I desire. I want to find friends when I’m in college and I think it’s easier when I’m prettier and healthier. Thus I said fuck graduation and prom bc I hate all those ppl and don’t want to see them again :D which would be coming Friday.
P.S.: A muscular guy said hello to me after I came out of the cabinet to get changed and my voice cracked while saying heLlO. Humiliation.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Update: I cancelled to go to graduation and prom because I hate how my body looks in my dress :)))
I'm so fcked
I have prom in one month and I need to lose at least 15kg.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
I'm so fcked
I have prom in one month and I need to lose at least 15kg.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
Nothing is more ✨therapeutic✨ than watching Shrek 2 after having suicidal thoughts and fasting for 62 hours.
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f4tc0nt · 3 years
The only thing I know for sure is that I’m going to kill myself one day
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