faeleven · 12 hours
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Peter Cushing (Hammer Horror Frankenstein films, Hammer Horror Dracula films, Star Wars)- No text propaganda submitted
Peter Capaldi (Lair of the White Worm, Neverwhere)- No text propaganda submitted
Additional propaganda:
Peter Cushing:
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faeleven · 13 hours
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Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.
HEAVEN SENT (Nov 28th 2015), written by Steven Moffat & directed by Rachel Talalay
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faeleven · 2 days
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faeleven · 2 days
If you don’t believe Ricky September was just as racist as the rest of them because he could READ go back and watch his interaction when he spoke to the doctor. The way he scratched his head and kept looking away. THAT FUCKING AKWARD SMILE EVERY WHITE PERSON MAKES TO BLACK PEOPLE 😑 every black person has dealt with that exact interaction at least once. He knew the history of his people and had no issue with it. And just because he wanted to save HIS people doesn’t mean he would have extended that same kindness to those who don’t look like him. And that fact yall would have needed to see him in that last scene to be SURE speaks volumes on how yall ignore black and brown voices on similar matters in real life.
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faeleven · 2 days
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faeleven · 3 days
keep thinking about how ruby decides instantly that it's her purpose to save the world from roger ap gwilliam, that she recognizes the callback to just before the doctor disappeared, and she's sure that this is what the woman has been following her for and what will finally break the time loop. and then it isn't. it was just something she decided to do. a story that her pattern-seeking brain put together and created rules for that she tried to steer into a satisfying ending. i've seen complaints that the episode feels like two different concepts that could have each been their own episodes that got weirdly forced together in a way that didn't connect them at all, but like that's the whole point! ruby said nope, i'm turning this folk horror metaphor for my attachment issues into a save-the-world hero story! to cope! the world gave me setup so i'm bringing the followthrough! except in the end, the story didn't reciprocate, and ultimately she was just a rather lonely woman who was living her rather lonely life and decided to save the world, and it didn't heal her attachment issues, but it did help some other people, and it did pass the time. which is why this episode is also about the doctor
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faeleven · 3 days
The people I watched it with kind of interpreted the first half of the episode as 'technology bad' but honestly? To me it felt less like "these kids wont get off their darn phones" and more along the lines of how privileged people will refuse to even take a second to pay attention to how horrible the state of the world is, will continuously ignore and deny and turn a blind eye to anything unappealing to them. I also loved how immediately... strange it was that every character was white with blue eyes and conventionally attractive. Even before the ending it was obvious that these were all privileged rich white people who don't care about anyone but themselves and throw a fit if someone doesn't hold their hand through every little thing. In conclusion the bugs were based as hell
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faeleven · 3 days
So I am still thinking about Dot and Bubble because I can’t get this episode out of my head and I think the biggest flaw of this episode is that it centers whiteness. This is an episode written by white people for other white people about white supremacy. I do think it was highly effective at getting me to really sit with my own biases because it centers me and my expectations and my experience, but I think when I look back on this episode in the future that’s going to be the biggest problem with it. Personally, I loved this episode. Social commentary is often too trite and just reinforces things you already believe so it isn’t a genuine learning moment. I feel like I am actually having a genuine learning moment here and that is really rare and really valuable. But I also think it’s weird that the creators did not choose to center Black people here. It’s telling that this was a story they were planning to tell in a different season and just recycled to use here. Doctor Who needs Black writers. Doctor Who needs Black stories. So unless that is coming soon, this was probably still a missed opportunity, despite how much I personally loved the episode.
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faeleven · 3 days
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based slugs
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faeleven · 3 days
“Ricky September and Gothic Paul were just as racist and still deserved to die-“
Alright look. Look. These people are all in a literal bubble. A constant echo chamber that just reinforces their worldview and they consciously choose to push everything else away. Gothic Paul was actively pushing against that and trying to warn and help people. He was, just maybe, even starting to break out. And then there’s Ricky. Ricky just got online to post his songs and then he dropped the bubble. He spent time outside the echo chamber in the real world. He was reading books. Ricky was receptive to new thoughts and ideas and actively seeking them out.
Finetime is a cult. Like a lot of these things, it’s a cult. And most of these people are actively fueling that environment. Ricky and Paul were actively taking steps to break away from the cult. And yeah, they were still privileged white trust fund kids. That doesn’t make them inherently evil and mean that they can’t change. Everyone is capable of change. Part of the tragedy of the episode was that the two people actively trying to change things and learn were killed and the people who chose to reject it lived on. For now.
Let’s be real, that’s gonna be a Donner Party situation.
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faeleven · 5 days
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It is our God-given duty to maintain the standards of Finetime.
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faeleven · 5 days
tbh though given that there are still fans who hold up family of blood as one of the greatest episodes of all time and make posts about how sad it is that there was no john/joan happy ending and she didn’t get to be a companion I’m not surprised it’s happening again
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faeleven · 5 days
i’m sure people are already saying this but the implications of the doctor being black are so interesting. like with being 13, the doctor knew they were being perceived as a woman* but didn’t seem to have an internal sense of being a woman (always having to correct themself etc). so with being black… does the doctor as a character have an internal sense of identity of being black? probably not, right, because they’ve spent all however many thousand years of their life Not being black**— specifically being white***— and lack an internal sense of other physically-based identities and are presumably culturally accustomed to race being changeable via regeneration and don’t have the lived context or experience of what it means to be a black human on earth.
so when the fifteenth doctor as a character experiences racism… is it just like, wow, it sucks that this is a thing human people experience that i am now collaterally a target of, a la thirteen in the witchfinders? his reaction at the end of dot and bubble definitely seems to be frustration with the new experience of racism being leveraged against him. is being black part of his identity… or is it just a part he gets to play for a little while?
* time lords not having a binary sense of gender explains this— what is the time lord sense of race like? is it just another meaningless feature that can change at any time?
** not talking about the timeless child incarnations or the fugitive doctor. i mean the actual historical identity of the doctor as white, both in and out of the show. even if you want to count these, the doctor does not remember being any of these incarnations
*** the doctor as a character is an innately white role— they exist as a savior to people who are Other, they uphold the inherently colonialist nature of the show as a whole (there’s a specific essay talking about this that i want to link here that i’m having trouble finding, if you know what i’m talking abt lmk)
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faeleven · 5 days
maybe tomorrow I'll make a pie chart showing the number of posts talking about the theme of antiblack racism in the episode vs the number of posts gushing about the white man who was absolutely just as racist as the rest of them but because he's a white man who's conventionally attractive, White Fandom just has to find a million and one excuses to exonerate him and pretend he was the only one on Planet White Supremacy who wasn't racist because they think he's hot so that means he was a good person. Because they don't want to admit that people they find attractive can be racist and that especially cis white men who are the sons of billionaires who are literally living on Planet White Supremacy....are racist.
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faeleven · 7 days
guys i don;t know what ur all confused about 73 yards made perfect sense to me <- deranged
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faeleven · 8 days
After watching the latest dr who ep I’ve gotta put this out into the universe bc I haven’t seen ANYONE mention this. We all know our current companion is Ruby Sunday. Last week, we met Mundy Flynn, and the Doctor even makes note of the fact that Ruby and Mundy both have names containing days of the week. Now in 73 Yards we meet Marti Bridges. There’s no dialogue this time to draw attention to her name, so perhaps many didn’t even think about it, but Marti does resemble many words for Tuesday in various Romance languages.
What does this mean? No clue. Am I reading into things? Maybe. But if it ends up being something I’m gonna be so annoying about this
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faeleven · 9 days
ruby sunday confirmed heterosexual my day is ruined
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