favorite-mutt · 6 months
sorry for inactivity, I actually had my first time! it was somno >///<
he gave me antihistamines so I took them before leaving my dorm room unlocked n going to bed. later I woke up with his cock inside me but was too groggy to really open my eyes / speak besides gasping and whimpering... and the whole time he kept whispering 'shut the fuck up fucking fag' while muffling my cries with my pillow... n when I looked in the mirror the next morning my ass was bruised + bleeding n he wrote faggot across my lower back in sharpie ;___;)b 10/10
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favorite-mutt · 6 months
Leave me alone with your puppy boy. I'm just another dog it'll be fine. I promise. It'll be so fine you wouldn't even believe it. Leave me alone with him and don't even worry about his aching cunt you can trust me not to mount and bite and tackle him. It'll be totally fine. Don't even worry about it. Just take me off my leash and close the door I promise I'll be a good dog.
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favorite-mutt · 6 months
read a story where whenever the sub mc would fight n argue n throw a tantrum, instead of punishing them by fucking them back into submission, the dom would just pin their hips down n softly eat them out...........
the sub thrashing n kicking n screaming for another minute before their swears weaken to whimpers because it's so so hard to stay angry when there's gentle kisses being pressed to your clit
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favorite-mutt · 7 months
I feel bad bc my parents want me to take rideshare instead of public transport for safety but they don't know that I think about my driver taking me to some secluded neighborhood n r@ping me unconscious in his backseat before sending me home w his cum dripping out my pussy & then coming back to use me whenever he's in the mood because he knows where I live T__T
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favorite-mutt · 7 months
you’re really about to cum? poor thing, getting off on being violated.
it’s fucked up, you know. you’re sick for cumming on my cock after all that fighting.
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favorite-mutt · 7 months
can we have more dom pet posts. more poorly trained pups who don't get disciplined enough because they have bad owners who encourage their bad behavior. more haughty show dogs with an attitude who push their owners around because they're just that special and deserving. more big strong dogs who pin and breed their owner whenever they're worked up and an owner who is happy to be their pets favorite toy.
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favorite-mutt · 7 months
cw: intox, somno
my fantasy of the day:
spending the night with your owner, because you haven’t been sleeping well lately, and they know just how to put you to sleep!!
“c’mere pup, let’s get you some melatonin to help you go to bed on time tonight.” you protest, but only slightly - as fun as it is to stay up with your owner, you know you need your rest.
“open up-” they gently hold your jaw as they place the tablet on your tongue, and softly run their fingers through your hair as it dissolves in your mouth, leaving behind a fruity taste.
only moments later, you’re snuggled up against your owner, their chest against your back, as the drowsiness begins to set in. all the while your owner is softly tracing their fingers through your hair and over your skin.
just as you’re on the verge of sleep, you feel their fingers make their way up to your mouth. just a finger or two, gently tracing your lips or softly pressing against your tongue, but not enough to wake you from your sleep-hazed state. you’d much rather stay cozy where you are, nearly drooling over your owner’s fingers at this point.
the fingers in your mouth stop for a moment, but are almost immediately replaced with their other hand, as the first slips under your waistband with slick fingers gliding over your tdick. you let out a small, sleepy gasp at the sensation.
“shhh, it’s alright pup, go back to sleep. i’m only helping, remember?” your owner coos with a gentle kiss to the back of your head. the fingers in your mouth massage gentle circles across your tongue, while the fingers at your crotch gently stroke your tdick, back and forth.
before long, you notice you’ve been softly whining and panting in your sleepy daze. maybe you’ve even began sucking on the fingers in your mouth or rutting against your owner’s hand without realizing. but just as you’ve nearly fallen into a blissful sleep, you feel the fingers that were rubbing against your tdick glide down, and then into your already soaking cunt.
you gasp once more as you feel your owner’s fingers slide into you, gently thrusting and massaging how it feels best. it’s hard to do much in this sleepy state other than whine and moan around the fingers in your mouth.
“shhh, it’s alright pup, relax. there ya go~ such a pretty, sleepy mess-” your owner coos once more as the fingers inside you slow down, just to add their thumb against your tdick. their fingers curl inside you as their thumb massages in circles that feel so good, almost helplessly moaning and drooling over the fingers in your mouth as you cum over your owner’s hand.
“what a good pup~” your owner praises, as they bring their motions to a slow and plant gentle kisses along the back of your head, neck, and shoulders. they hold you tightly against them as you come down from your orgasm, falling asleep in your owner’s arms soon after.
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favorite-mutt · 7 months
waaaaa need to baby a hard dom so so bad just once q.q
crawling onto his lap n he laughs at me for being such a needy slut, but tenses when I reach up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. ofc he keeps going, berating me for trying to be assertive, but I just quietly stroke his hair until he runs out of insults. I tell him he's very pretty, does he know he's very pretty? n to prove it I pay careful attention to his body. tracing up his spine n apologizing for the scratch marks I left. kissing down his hip bones n praising him for having so much stamina. ofc he fights me on this the whole time, trying to regain control. but I can tell from the way his thigh twitches under my lips that he's pent up like a caged animal n he secretly needs this rly rly bad,,..
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favorite-mutt · 7 months
make me cockwarm you while we watch horror movies because you like how I flinch n tighten up whenever there's a jumpscare ^__^ then sneak into my room at night and fuck me while wearing one of the scare masks because you think it's hot when I scream and beg
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
Boys are so cute when you hurt them a bit... doesn't even have to be that hard, just a little spank on their cute butt and a yank on their hair and they tighten up, eyes wide, face red~
Don't be scared now baby boy, you know i wouldn't really hurt you— and even if I did, I know you would be excited~
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
r@ping a guy who's so touch starved that his brain percieves any physical contact as affection :((( he tries to put up a fight at first but being pinned down by somebody else's bodyweight is the closest thing to a hug he's experienced in years
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
love love mindbreak but what abt a k1dn4pper who tries super hard to keep your mind just barely intact ?? they want you to be conscious enough to feel everything they're doing to you, because they get off on how scared you get every single time, how you beg n beg as if this time it's going to be any different
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
ofc subs are out for somno but the best part is when you finally wake up,,, just feeling the ache in your limbs n the heat between your legs ? having to pull yourself out of bed and stumble, practically crawl, to the nearest mirror. seeing the handprints on your throat and the hickies on your shoulders and the cum drying down the backs of your thighs. wanting to look away immediately but being forced to closely examine every bruise because you won't know what happened otherwise.
n then collapsing in front of the mirror and masturbating to the sight of your own broken body while letting your imagination fill in the blanks of what he did to you <3 <3 <3
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
owner who buys you those little pet puzzle toys to keep you stimulated !
he gets you those rubber lick mats n cums on it so you can slowly lick it out of the grooves <3 or maybe he just cums in a fleshlight but makes you scrape it out w your tongue like a doggy kong
he hides a condom in those box n slider toys n gives you 30 seconds to rummage n find it using only your mouth n if you don't, no condom for you oops,,. ´;ω;`)
n whenever you're a bit too slow in solving them, he makes fun of you for being dumber than a real dog ><
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
soft somno where they don't immediately take the chance to fuck your limp body like a fleshlight -- they could do that just as well w you awake. instead they take advantage of the moment to just kinda examine your body a bit,,..?
you're always so shy n anxious around them, covering your face n squeezing your thighs together, but now they finally have you fully subdued. so they just kinda push you onto your back n gently spread out your limbs. they toy with the hem of your tank before sliding their hands underneath, n you shiver when you feel their cold hands on your stomach. they keep feeling you up, n the whole time their eyes never leave your face. they want to see how your body reacts naturally to their touch, when all your airs are put to rest. you're so much more honest than you'd ever be awake <3
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
imagine being so touch starved that you fall in love w n actively seek out your m0l3ster ;///;
you got off work later than usual and missed your bus, so you have to wait at the bus shelter to catch the next one. it's so late and so dark, that time of night when most people take rideshares instead of walking or bussing because their safety is worth more than the fare. so you're all alone until another person suddenly comes under the shelter and sits beside you. they start making small talk, and the silence has become so unbearable that you happily reply. you keep talking and the stranger slowly moves a bit closer on the bench. you don't think anything of it, it's easier to hear them this way. but before you know it, your back hits the bench and his hands are on your knees, spreading apart your thighs. you try to scream, but he covers your mouth with one hand while the other gropes you through your pants. you're so fucking scared and there's absolutely nobody around, it's a poorly lit side road that barely sees any cars at night, and certainly not pedestrians. he's getting rougher, shoving his fingers into your mouth and unbuttoning your pants. but before he can pull them to your knees, there's the sound of an engine in the distant, and finally, the bus shows up. he begurdingly lets you go, and you rush for it. and when the doors closed behind you that should have been the end of it.
but that night and the next, you can't sleep. the scene keeps replaying in your mind every time you shut your eyes, the way his voice and hands felt. and as you're thinking about it in bed one night, you don't even realize it at first, but you're bucking your hips and grinding the sheets bundled between your thighs. you feel gross and try to stop, but when you still can't sleep, you decide to let yourself indulge just a tiny bit. this continues for the next week, and every night it gets worse. the need begins to outweigh the shame, and eventually you're drooling over your pillows and furiously rubbing yourself to the memory n speculating over what would've happened if the bus never came.
you had been avoiding that bus stop since the encounter with the stranger. but one day, you decide enough time has passed, so you take the bus again. but when you don't see the stranger at the bus shelter, instead of relief, you feel a pang of disappointment. you take on more overtime at work and take the late bus more often, but you still don't see him again. your clothes start to get more revealing. you change in the bathroom afterwork into crops n shorts n sheer fabrics. you play w the hem of your shirt and spread your legs enough so your shorts ride up while you wait at the bus stop, as if he could be watching you at any moment. you need to show how sorry you are for running n prove that you can still be the perfect r4p3b41t </3
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favorite-mutt · 8 months
best part of t0p surg3ry isn't the dysph0ria alleviating btw it's when your chest presses perfectly flush against the bed while he holds you down n plows you from behind
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