I genuinely love prominent facial features on Sims because a) they give the Sim so much personality and b) I have trouble telling plain conventionally attractive faces apart on real humans let alone on Sims
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Dear Sims 2 Community,
Or really, just about anyone who does the stuff this post mentions...
Forewarning: this is a LONG post.
For the last few years I've just kinda bottled this rant inside of me. But I've just gotten tired of trying to be patient.
Yes, Abhijeet is a real name--and quite a famous one. Yes, there are millions of people out there with Ng or Wong as a last name. Yes, Pong is a real name too.
Abhijeet - 'victorious' or 'conqueror' in Sanskrit
Ng/Huang (黄)- 'yellow', to 'fall through'
Pong - 'noble'
The same goes for almost every first and last name in The Sims 2's name generator. They're not made-up names just because they don't fit your image of a Western suburbia. In fact, they are taken from the developers' names. Just because they're Asian names, or non-white names, or 'spelt weirdly', doesn't mean that they're 'fake' or whatever or 'weird'.
I am tired of going on Reddit or Discord or whatever and seeing people making fun of names like 'Ng' and suggesting that the developers were lazy to put that in the name generator. Uh, no? 'Ng' is a very common surname for Chinese people--not just in Asia, but in the West too. So either you are being grossly ignorant, or you just cannot believe that Asians exist out there.
As a South-East Asian, I am tired of this whole ‘not-white, not real' logic exercised in this community. Not everyone who plays this game is from the West. As a South-East Asian, it's quite infuriating to see people make fun of names like 'Pong' because they can't be bothered to at least Google the name's meaning.
What I love about The Sims 2 is how diverse the names that townies generate with are. The developers could have left in your average American names and left it at that. Instead, they used their own names, and it's just proof of how diverse the developer team was. If you look at the names townies can generate with, it's actually insane. There are so many unique, rare names on there that people are just... making fun of, because they have this belief that The Sims 2 is an 'American' game and as a result everything should match what your perfect American suburb would have in it.
As if there isn't a whole neighborhood inspired by Shakespearean lore in there where a child has the name Bottom--or whatever.
Maybe I am overreacting a bit. But it makes me so infuriated when people make fun of things they don't fully understand. Without even Googling it. Every other post on r/sims2 is 'Is Abhijeet a real name??' Uh, yeah, a single Google search could've told you that.
In short, I am just tired of the Sims community constantly misrepresenting people like me or acting like Asians in the game are unusual.
It's not just names, too. It's also in appearance, languages, etc. So I've compiled a small list of misconceptions you may want to avoid, because why not, too many people never seem to get them.
Not all Asians are Chinese. I've used Indian and Chinese surnames as examples because they're closest to my understanding (being part Indian, part Chinese) but I see an insane amount of people acting like Indians aren't from Asia or all Asians are Chinese. Same goes for the people who act like all Asians are Japanese. Mary-Sue doesn't have to be Chinese, she could be Japanese, Korean, or not even Asian at all. I am really tired of people acting like my HC that she is only part-Asian is weird.
Not all Asians have light skin. It's not even a regional/ethnicity thing, where Indians are also Asian and a lot have brown skin, etc. There seems to be this idea in a lot of communities that all Chinese must have ultra white skin, black hair, and brown eyes. I have never met a Chinese person outside of actual China who looks like they'd blend in with the snow. South-East Asia is not only chock-full of Chinese people whose ancestors left China decades ago, it's also smack-dab on the Equator. If you can go about your daily activities and stay pale, I am in absolute awe of you.
Not all Asians have 'slint-eyes'. I find this grossly racist and very ignorant, because even that term makes my skin crawl. Yes, some of us have our eyes slanted towards the center of our face. That does not mean that all of us do or that the Korean girl you're making must look like her eyes are sideways.
Not all Asians speak Asian. I have no idea who thinks that Asia, a continent that contains most of the world's population, consists of people who all speak the same language. Asian isn't even a language. You may be thinking of Chinese--which, although having one singular writing system (okay, it has a modern one and a traditional one I can't even read) actually consists of dozens of dialects. Most Mainlanders speak Mandarin, but around my area there are so many people who speak Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, whatever. This concept that all people from a continent must be able to understand each other is stupid when you look at the European continent.
I apologise if I've misrepresented anyone on this list--if you are a person and you speak the language Asian, do let me know you exist--but for the love of all things holy, please remember that Asians and non-Western people exist. Some of them made this very game that you play every day, and they'd be baffled, I think, to know that you believe Wong is a made-up name.
I don't mind people who use mods to change up the names used to generate townies and make them more suit their gameplay--if you want a themed neighborhood or one that's all-'American', go ahead. But if you're gonna make fun of someone's actual name because you can't fathom that not everyone has first name John last name Smith, please do educate yourself.
Thank you for reading this very long, very on-the-spot rant, have a pleasant day, and please don't be afraid to ask, comment, or give feedback on this post :]
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Weird Stuff from MTS (and t$r)
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Actually screaming on the inside at how they basically told queerphobes and exclus to please fuck off and explicitly included us aspecs even beyond aesthetics like the pride flags and nail polishes
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publish a post two months overdue? yes
dude sorry i didnt plan to make such a long post, thsts just accumulated since may
okay this post turned out to be a long one so i’ll ease your suffering a little
Keep reading
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probably my longest post ever
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sims 2 corruption is wild like in strangetown there’s this poor dude called knut futa right. i mean already unfortunate on account of his name already, along with being a victim of serial killer olive specter, but that’s the least of this mans worries. this dude has the unfortunate distinction of being the most glitchy sim ever. his grave doesn’t even show up because his character file is so fucked he doesn’t even count as dead. he completely lacks any personality, interests, memories, genetics, age, anything, so the game treats the man as a baby despite him being a full grown adult so he just lies on the floor. any attempts to do anything to help him will fail. he cannot be interacted with. he cannot be aged out of his baby hell because the game will crash. his data is SO borked the community full of bonkers talented programming wizards CANNOT fix him. his data isn’t even formatted correctly. this poor man got hit by the game corruption beam and no one can save him. f in chat for knut futa.
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Ugly Sims do NOT Exist ❤️
So I’ve recently been thinking about the uniqueness of Sims and the community as a whole. I truly believe that there’s 100% no such thing as a “ugly” sim because everyone just has their own styles and creative processes. This is one of the reasons why I personally dislike the Ugly To Beauty Challenge (but this is a discussion for another time). I think we are at a point in the gaming society and general society where we really need to know that DIFFERENT does NOT equal UGLY. I feel like this also translates to real life and humans in general. I personally believe there’s no such thing as an ugly person (when it comes to appearance), simply because everyone was built and crafted differently. As cliche as this may sound, it’s extremely true. I think we need to spend more time appreciating the uniqueness of not only sims but our fellow humans and peers and start loving each other more. Because if everyone was the same, the world would be pretty bland and lifeless. Everyone would just be aimlessly existing, with creativity and variety being non-existent. Thank you for listening and reading, I hope this post has influenced you in some way.
-cozypyxels ❤️
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Why Brandi Broke x Dina Caliente might be a good couple: a comprehensive analysis 
1) That would be such a good dynamic. I just find the idea of a gold digger falling in love with a broke single mom and leaving her sugar daddy for her hilarious. Also Dina changing her last name to Broke… That would be pretty ironic;
2) I think that Brandi probably got married to Skip and had Dustin very young and she never had a chance to figure out what she really wants in life. So she only starts to learn now. Also, there’s a storytelling picture that shows us that Dina didn’t have good relationship with her mom. What if she grew up with an idea she’s just not clever enough and has to marry rich, bc she won’t be able to support herself financially. So when Dina starts to date Brandi, she has to figure out how to earn money. For the first time in their lives they both have to build healthy relationship and i just love the idea of them growing… together…
3) They’re already friends and they generally tend to get along really well and have good chemistry. They also have a lot in common. Looking at their interests and wants in game I love to think that they both genuinely love soap operas, nice clothes and makeup and enjoy the idea of travelling. They also think about money and expensive things a lot…
4) Ok, but who is Dina supposed to date after Mortimer’s death? And also it doesn’t seem like EAxis planned anyone for Brandi? There’s only one possible explanation: Dina has to marry Brandi and spoil her (jk, but..);
5) They look really good together;
6) Maybe they both got rid of certain people for money and maybe they didn’t ;))
7) Uhhmm ughh… w-women…
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What if the Sims 2 was a dating simulator? Introducing: Dating Sim: the Sims 2! Where you talk with your favorites from the Sims 2 game and potentially romance them! Go on dates, get to know them and choose who you want to go with to the BFBVFS event in 2004 at the end of the week!
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The Sims 2 user interface but I erase some of the text to make it as confusing and redundant as possible.
Edit: I just realized some of these sound like captions in weirdcore images.
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Weirdly Specific Personalized T-Shirts for The Sims 2 Premades
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Happy 2022 to the Sims 2 community <3
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“Hey do you remember that sim that’s like an evil doctor and she has that weird bottom moustache husband n stuff?”
Oh yeah that’s
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brandina my beloved
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Being really into the sims lore is great, because all headcanons are technically valid and there’s an in-universe explanation for male pregnancy
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