floareadeaur · 1 month
I have come to the conclusion that writing analysis about OnS, Ferid and creative writing based on this story and about Ferid is something I honestly love to do, because I adore Takaya Kagami's work on a deep level: the philosophy, the psychology of his creation. All this resonates deeply with me and how I feel.
I always do it, in my notes, for myself, in my mother tongue.
But spending time to translate/write all this in English to publish it is not something that appeals to me in the future either. It is an effort and a time that consumes me. Frequent contact with social media is consuming in itself.
In other words, I end my activity for this blog here. I feel that my time needs to be used differently and I need to enjoy this story strictly for myself and share with whomever I feel, not make an effort to give it to the entire internet.
I am happy with my work on this little blog and if it helped someone, I am glad. Furthermore, I want to use every second of time differently and for myself.
Finally, I consider fandom a toxic place in and of itself, its format is very energy consuming in the vision and the goals I have now.
I am better than ever, for anyone wondering, and I absolutely adore this story, Ferid's character. I just want to do it how I feel, for my heart, not to expose something publicly at my expense.
Thanks to everyone who reads this blog. I will not delete it. I consider that I have written professionally and very consistently, qualitatively.
I am proud of every analysis and writing because it is from the heart, with a lot of effort, thought and I think it honors the author's message nicely.
Anyone who wants to stay in touch can write to me privately.
Thanks again everyone and I wish anyone who finds this blog a wonderful day and days!
Make all your time to grow as a person!
— A sincere message from the heart.
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floareadeaur · 1 month
I want to share a thought here.
Some time ago, I announced that I was taking a break from my blog for OnS. About a year ago, I deleted my old OnS blog and took a long break again.
I have loved OnS for 7 years. This story is my favorite and I have read and reread the whole series so many times. I have dozens of pages of bibliography with quotes from LNs, around 700 screenshots from the manga, and hundreds of personal notes on story analysis. 
Reading this story, analyzing it and understanding the psychology of the characters, the theme of the series, the ontology of the OnS universe itself and the message the author wanted to convey, the values ​​he put in the story, is something that makes me happy and helps me grow as a person.
That is why I love "Owari no Seraph".
What I want to convey in this post is what I have realized about myself.
I am much happier, I enjoy this story that means a lot to me much more, when I am not in contact with the fandom. I have also observed this during the year of hiatus after deleting the first blog, and during this little break from the current blog.
Because that is how I can read, actually reread the story, I can analyze it literary, psychologically. I can document Buddhism, Christianity, and other philosophical themes, or historical periods to understand it better. 
That way I can appreciate the story for what I really admire about OnS. Not to be constantly caught up in dealing with a majority online who see nothing of what I see in this story. And then try to explain to myself why this online majority does not see the story for what it is, or try to explain and re-explain, what the author has already explained in what he wrote, to people who have their own vision deviated from canon, which they do not want to leave aside.
What I mean is, now I think this, if you love a story, it is worth enjoying it for what you love about it.
Do not try to explain to yourself why some online strangers with their own mentality or values ​​can not see the story as the author wrote it, or try to prove anything to these online strangers.
It becomes so consuming, exhausting, and the negative feeling in such an environment just stops you from giving your energy to enjoy that story you already love.
This is what I realize after a blog dedicated to OnS, written continuously for 2 years, in which I invested in serious fanfiction writing, psychological and literary analyses, and after rebuilding another OnS blog (the current one) in which I succeeded, fortunately, to strictly share my enjoyment of the story.
Rather than trying to understand why some online strangers see the story parallel to the canon or spending time explaining to people who do not want to understand anyway, it is better to actually enjoy the story for what you see in it.
I mean, Rígr compares himself to Sun Wukong in LNs and as a practicing Orthodox Christian, I can say that Christianity is not just an aesthetic thing in OnS, but the author has seriously researched the concepts and philosophies of Christian doctrine that he has integrated into his story.
There is so much historical data and realistic psychological portraits. 
Personally, I am not surprised why most of the fandom does not understand the story, because OnS requires the understanding of some religious, philosophical, historical elements, and above all, those related to humanity and realism.
From chronic online people, what can you ask for?  Or from people who create their values ​​from concepts parallel to OnS?
I emphasize that the interpretation of a story is up to everyone and that is why if you enjoy a story, enjoy it, do not waste your time trying to understand why some people do not see anything in that story/character.
If Takaya Kagami, the author, said that he never imagines the "voice of the fans", but only writes what he wants and feels, from the heart, believe me, fandom is not important, and what some strangers say online has nothing to do with the story of a such author.
If the author allows himself to take a break in May so that he can rest and write even better his story created from the heart, then a distance from this online environment and an actual focus on your own health and then on the story that you love in itself, is welcome for all.
That is the conclusion of my thought.
I say from my own experience, enjoy what you love in the story. Analyze, write. Post what you feel from analysis, writings, that is what I did with the current blog material. I just posted what I felt and for myself.
Do not ever fall into the trap of wasting your time trying to understand why some do not see the story, a character, or trying to explain to someone who does not want to see anything.
The story and, above all, what you see as valuable in it matters, if something the author wrote touches your heart, not what some online strangers think, to conform, or to correct their opinions.
Analyze, write, enjoy OnS!
Message for me especially, me from the past, present and future, who I am very happy to have reached this conclusion. 
And if what I have written here helps someone who loves OnS, I am glad, if not, anyway, I wish whoever finds this post a good day!
P.S.  I am still on indefinite hiatus and will only come back with the next chapters, maybe if then I feel like posting an analysis on this story I love!
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floareadeaur · 2 months
Just a little announcement
I generally never announce when I take <<breaks>> from online communities because I prioritize my day-to-day life anyway and I access, post something online only when I have time, feel the need, and if this makes me happy.
Plus I do not consider myself important enough to think that anyone is interested in my online presence.
But since some kind people here have taken an interest in my condition, probably considering how I left the old blog due to harassment, I am making this announcement anyway.
I am really good, honestly. As I mentioned before, I now have the ability to let go of what I dislike in the online environment. I am just feeling the need for a bit of an internet break and have not really felt like writing in English lately.
I think I have posted enough analysis about Ferid and OnS at the moment. Regarding my writings, I need to focus on writing them in my native language.
If I feel the need to post another analysis, or something, I will probably come back for this.
But broadly, I am going on hiatus. I am just as passionate about OnS and Ferid, and that is why I want to focus on analyzing the story for myself, in my private environment, and invest in writing my story based on OnS. It is something I need.
I probably will not be replying to DMs for a while since I will not be accessing the app itself.
With that being said, thank you to everyone who thought of me and I wish you all pleasant and peaceful days!
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floareadeaur · 2 months
When Rígr says in LNs that he is like Sun Wukong and Sika is like Buddha, tell me, who can understand this reference without searching it on the internet?
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floareadeaur · 2 months
The discrepancy between the complex message of the OnS series and the way the fandom distorts that message is striking.
If only this fandom did not attack the author in the end because their fanon fantasies do not come true.
I mean, I get it, some can not understand the author's message and twist the whole narrative thread in a non-canon way.
But respect for the author should exist regardless.
Man writes his story as he wants. It is not his fault that some people create illusions about his writings, forcing their fanon to be "the truth".
But I think nothing can be done about it.
In the end, everyone have the right to "free interpretation"? But the " right " to harass the author does not exist. It is a bad deed.
I just adore the series as it is and am grateful to the author for writing it this way.
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floareadeaur · 2 months
My thoughts on chapter 136
As a friend of mine said, I believe that this was a preparatory chapter, which foresees something extremely important.
I really liked it, honestly.
The symbolism of this chapter is great and I could talk a lot about it.
But I think it is extremely important that Sika Madu was able to realize that "those people" who he actually looked at as bugs, have surpassed him.
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His arrogance was thus crushed and, I can say, he actually evolved.
Because Sika has this conversation with Shinoa where he asks her why she wants so much power. She replies that for "love", a line that Sika comments on as something related to the selfish nature of humans.
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Then she tells him something so right:
•"And you're any different?"
And the truth is, no, Sika is no different from humans. He is as imperfect as they are, and he has loved as authentically as they have.
It all started from Sika's love for his angels, for Mikaela. Including from his frustration of not receiving any attention from his "father" (the other God) and the continuous expectation of being at least sanctioned by that God. So far went his desire to have, in fact, the affection of "his father".
And all of this illustrates so well the humanity of Sika Madu and how all humans are, in fact, a reflection of him.
Basically, they are his children, towards whom he never wanted to assume the role of god, protector or father.
But, I think Sika understood more now and saw that he was wrong in his arrogance, ignoring his own creation.
I felt bad for him though. His scenes really touched me, especially his talk with Yuu.
How Sika asked him to revive Mikaela, when it was actually Yuu, the one he was talking to, that Mikaela, his son he had struggled for eons to bring back.
I believe that this conversation was Sika's greatest display of love for his son and that it was a tender moment.
I am kind of sad that Sika could not find out that Yuu is actually his son, but maybe there will be a way for him to find out in the end?
I do not think Sika is truly gone as a soul.
He disintegrated, being absorbed by Shinoa, but his punishment is to never die, to never forget anything. That is why I believe his soul is still alive somewhere, and at the right time, he will be able to have that conversation with his son, knowing who he is talking to.
I also think that the scene where, on the one hand, Shinoa was absorbing his powers, just so that Sika would not ever hurt anyone with it again (which Sika Madu did a lot of, especially to Shinoa, whose life he ruined from conception ), and on the other, Yuu, his son for whom Sika did everything, receives his father's legacy — both frames unfolding simultaneously, shows precisely the humanity of Sika Madu.
The fact that he has many shades, just like a human being.
On the one hand, Sika destroyed the existence of so many souls and committed terrible atrocities.
On the other hand, he loved sincerely and did so much only for his loved ones.
That is why he too is a gray character with his good and bad sides and I think the author showed that so well.
Basically, OnS really does not have villains, just human characters, whose perspectives are valid in their own way.
I am so excited for the next chapter!
As for the others characters, I think everything unfolded logically and consistently.
The fact that the upcoming attack on Krul by Ferid was stopped for the moment is natural.
Ferid is an extraordinary strategist and he never attacks without reason or at the wrong time.
As seen here, Ferid stopped, listening to the noise caused by Urd's sword. He sensed a strong threat and stopped to calculate what level of power would be required to neutralize such an attack?
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Ferid is not necessarily interested in directly attacking Krul now, in scaring her with certain gestures.
He knows she feels him and that she is already freaking out on her own.
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At the end of last chapter, Krul does not even recognize Ferid. Why?
Because vampires feel each other, what power they carry. And Ferid was always a miserable bug for Krul's power.
But the twist of the situation is that the one whom she always humiliated, threatened, beat, whom she always looked down on, has a much greater power than hers now.
So big that she wonders if she would have any chance of beating him then.
This little scene perfectly illustrates something important about Ferid's character. His power to transcend the limits of the situations in which he finds himself. His true intelligence and ability to think through the rules of any game.
Truly, this moment shows Ferid's capabilities as a leader, strategist and thinker.
And I think that is something very important within his character, especially because in his past, as a prince in his childhood, Ferid has always been repressed and forced to hide his true abilities, to live as a servant in the shadows of others. I wrote more about it in this analysis about him.
Other than that, I really enjoyed this chapter. Shinya's return, the interaction between him and Kureto. I should do a separate analysis on Yuu and Shinoa as well.
But I end with this here:
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And of course, with mentioning again my gratitude to the author for creating this fascinating story!
How much the theme of humanity can be deepened even in this chapter! Certainly more can be discussed.
Any kind feedback is welcome and I wish whoever finds this post a good day!
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floareadeaur · 2 months
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Better put on your outfit.
2 hours
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floareadeaur · 2 months
I believe that the whole point of the OnS story is that there are no "villains".
Considering that the author said that he wants to illustrate the theme of humanity in what he writes, it all makes sense.
No one is "bad". Everyone has their valid perspective.
Obviously, sometimes these perspectives are in opposition and one can play the negative role in someone else's story.
But at the end of the day, everyone has their own perspective, their own valid path, and their own human desires, including Sika Madu, the creator of mankind.
The author even said that there are only gray characters in the OnS story and I think that is so fascinating and authentically human. Everyone can reach negative or positive points, everyone is human, that is, a complex being with a variety of nuances.
That can be analyzed so deeply, down to the theology of the OnS world, the definition of the human being there, but it is certain that the story is a good reflection of the depth of the human being.
That is why I love it so much and I appreciate every single character and the author who created them.
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floareadeaur · 2 months
I love how the Catastrophe has to happen anyway for Sika's plan to revive his son, meaning the world was reaching total destruction, all humanity + the vampire race were dying, and Mahiru at 16 was able to stop it.
She and Guren were like, "Okay, we're stealing our destroyed god's that chance."
And all of this being Rígr's plan that had been prepared for a millennium, an attempt to counter the destruction that Sika wanted to bring to the world.
When you draw a line and analyze everything, actually the actions of some seemingly monstrous characters (Mahiru, Guren, Rígr, Ferid) literally saved the world, gave the world another chance to survive and fight back against the creator who wants to destroy it.
And that is actually what Ferid is doing right now too.
I just love Kagami's anti-heroes. They are so well written and tragic.
I really appreciate the portrayal of these characters because they force readers to think very humanly. Yes, humanly, not just in black and white filters, in stereotypes, but to deepen more perspectives and nuances of the characters. Because people are not supposed to be just in black and white filters, but complex beings with a lot of depth. And these characters are intended to reflect the idea of ​​being human as faithfully as possible.
In fact, the entire OnS story is written this way and that is why I love it so much. It feels alive and authentic to me.
I think the author really manages to illustrate well the theme of humanity and all the ideas and philosophies that can be born from it.
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floareadeaur · 2 months
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I am absolutely ready for the next chapter.
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floareadeaur · 2 months
Masterlist of analyses:
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1. Ferid Bàthory's character analysis in chapter 134
2. The purpose of Ferid Bathory and the symbolism of his character in OnS (the antagonist who becomes the hero)
3. Ferid's Repressed Temperament — his ENTP Si grip (a cognitive analysis of Ferid Bathory)
4. Ferid and his reincarnated elder brother - Character analysis
5. Ferid's belief that someone would listen to him beyond the sky ( Character Analysis )
6. Ferid's ideal and his scale of morality - Character Analysis
7. Ferid's Abnormality in an Abnormal Universe - Character Analysis
8. Ferid's scale of morality - second analysis
9. Ferid Bathory's Ideal and Need for God - Character Analysis
10. An analysis of the symbolism of the flashback in chapter 134 — Ferid always looking at the Sky
11. Detailed analysis of the flashback of chapter 134 ( A 6-part documentary about Ferid Bathory )
12. Little analysis about Ferid and his brother
13. Analysis of hints in the LNs about Crowley being Ferid's reincarnated brother
14. The author says that Ferid's birth has a great secret attached to it. Is Rìgr involved in this secret?
15. Ferid carries Rígr's gene as well
16. Another analysis about the possibility of Ferid carrying Rígr's gene
17. Analysis of the meaning of the name of Rígr - the legend of the skilled boys
18. Another parallel about Ferid and his brother
19. Brief analysis of chapter 135
20. The elder brother finally sees Ferid's soul ( Analysis of Ferid and Crowley and of Ferid Bathory's real personality and soul)
21. The Brother Who Finally Sees Into the Little Brother's Soul (Character Analysis for Ferid and Crowley)
22. A full explanation of why Crowley is Ferid's reincarnated brother
23. Ferid's absurdity in an absurd world and the validity of his ideal (Character Analysis of Ferid Bathory)
24. The child who does not want to look at the tree that devours souls ( An analysis of the inner dimension of Ferid Bathory, chapter 135 )
25. Ferid always pays back (An analysis of Ferid Bathory's reasons in his actions)
26. An analysis of a possible end for vampires
27. An analysis of the fraternal relationship between Urd and Rìgr
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floareadeaur · 2 months
If anyone finds any spoilers for the new chapter, etc, tag me, or send me the link, please.
Waiting for the chapter 136 is a killer.
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floareadeaur · 2 months
Hi! This is so weird but I remember that you have a cat. Can you show me pictures of him? 😭
Hello! Do not worry, please. This is not weird at all.
Oh, I think you mean my male cat named Ferid, right? It was a grey one, blue eyes.
Unfortunately, my dear boy died 2 years ago being run over by a car. I guess he predicted the fate of his OnS homologous?
But thanks a lot for reminding him.
Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of him on my phone right now, but if I find them, I will post them in memory of the sweetest cat, my beloved Ferid. 3>
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floareadeaur · 2 months
Hii, I have a question about Rigr and Urd! How do you feel about Rigr and Urd resolving their “sibling” issues? I feel like the author breezed past Urd and Rigr’s problems way too fast. I think Kagami should’ve gone more in-depth on their emotions due to them being distant for so long. Recently, in these chapters I’m kind of disappointed that Urd has just been following along with Rigr’s plans without any retaliation. I feel like they deserved more serious/intense moments towards each other compared to what we have seen so far. What do you think?🤔 😁
This is an interesting question. Thank you very much for trusting me to ask this.
I understand what you are saying, yes. But, I still think that the author wants to convey a certain message by the way he presented their brotherly relationship, something important about both of them.
To explain my interpretation and answer your question as clearly as possible, we must begin by pointing out what the problem was between Rígr and Urd.
Why Rígr left, why Urd is angry with him.
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" The hell you are!
I refuse to allow you to leave! "
"You'll stay...
It is very clear that Urd's wish was for his brother to be with him. Indeed, it did not matter what they did: that they kept the order of vampire society, that they guarded the world, or that they raised cows on a farm (which is not a bad idea at all), what mattered to Urd was not what he did with Rígr, but for his brother to be by his side regardless.
I emphasize this very much, especially since their origin as souls shows it.
Bael, the original reincarnation of Urd, effectively committed suicide, choosing to live in Hell only to be with Paimon, his brother.
Through suicide, Bael condemned himself to live as a soul on earth, in this prison system, of hell, as I said.
This proves what I am saying, that for Urd it does not matter what happens around, what he does, what Rígr does. He can actually live in Hell. His only wish is for his brother to be by his side.
Because Rígr represents his stability, his family, his security. That is how far Urd's devotion to Rígr goes. That is how he is as a person, as a soul.
This is the reason why I do not find it forced, or strange, that Urd chose to welcome Rígr back, or follow his plan. Because, again, what upset him was his brother's departure. If the brother returns and his desire is to have the brother by his side, is it not natural to welcome him back?
I am sure Urd was waiting for Rígr and that he would have accepted him back anytime. He just wants to have his brother by his side.
Furthermore, Urd knows well, very well why Rígr left. It is not an unrealistic or selfish reason in the middle. Yes, it is about Sika's abandonment, Rígr's trauma of being abandoned. But more than that, Rígr become aware of some objectively true aspects of their world. Sika's abandonment lets him see these realities.
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That all is just an illusion.
More importantly, the world Sika gave them to protect is a broken one.
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Look here, as Rígr says that he and Urd were forced to vow that they will guard the world. An already rotten, broken, cursed world.
That is why Rígr says that the world has already been destroyed enough.
And his whole plan of a thousand years is not just his attempt to be recognized by Sika, but actually a fight to protect this broken world against Sika.
Why am I saying this?
Because if Rígr did not leave and create the Hyakuya Sect, the world would be totally destroyed right now. The apocalypse was happening anyway for Sika's plan, for Mikaela's resurrection. All humans were dying, all vampires were dying for it. Everything was ending.
But Rígr fought back against this world-destroying trajectory.
Guren, Mahiru, Shinoa, Yuichiro, including Ferid, are all results of his plan to fight back against the total destruction that Sika wanted to bring upon the world.
And if you ask me, I am sure it was traumatic for Rígr, who was only a young man (actually in the novel it is said he is around 19-20 physically) to be subjected, forced to protect a world already destroyed.
Especially since Rígr sees reality very well, its lack of meaning. He is an idealist. And his way of loving is to try to create a good world for his loved ones.
Exactly what he is currently doing.
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Exactly what he is saying here, that everything is an attempt to protect the world.
In fact, to make a better world for his loved ones.
Here comes the contrast between Urd and Rígr.
Urd is the type of person who shows his love by actually being around his loved ones, even if the world around them is hell. And Rígr is the one who gives his all to create a better world for his loved ones, an ideal world with meaning, to save them from that Hell.
To me, no perspective is better than the other. The way they both feel is valid.
That is why I consider it natural the way their reconciliation took place.
Basically, Urd is glad to have his brother by his side. He understands what his brother wants to do, he respects Rígr.
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" You needn't do it alone.
We'll protect world order together. "
And Rígr finally has someone to share the burden of changing the world for the better.
Now, if I am still analyzing, I would also mention the similarity between Rígr and Ferid.
They are both idealists, who see the meaningless reality of the broken world they live in, and give everything to change it. Not related to your question. But I think that is one reason why they got attached to each other, because they have the same way of thinking and feeling. And perhaps one of the reasons why Urd seems to reject Ferid. For he reminds him of his brother's mentality that led to their separation.
I could elaborate a lot on this, but I will stop here. Maybe I will write an analysis about the similarities between Rígr and Ferid, if anyone is interested.
Back to our analysis now…
As I said, Urd was furious about his brother's leaving. All he ever wanted was for Rígr to be by his side no matter what they did. He knows why Rígr left, that he wants to create a "better world" including for him. He knows that this is his brother, that this is Rígr's nature.
Furthermore, Rígr's forgiveness from Urd in chapter 114, comes after Rígr held Sika accountable for the mess he brought to everyone. This is just confirmation that Rígr is fighting for Urd, for vampires, for normality, in fact, that he cares.
For this reason, I think the Urd's forgiveness of Rígr is quite natural.
His brother whose presence he always wanted is back and now he can help him with his useful plan to save what is left of the world, to give everyone an honorable, meaningful ending.
Perhaps Urd has waited a thousand years to be able to help his brother and now he has the opportunity to do so.
Now, I think there are some communication issues between the two. Both are very emotionally closed people.
Still, what is admirable from my perspective is the fact that they really know each other, they know what is in each other's soul, and I think that is precisely why the long time they were separated does not matter. Because they know what is in each other's heart and their brotherly love is genuine. One that transcends any distance of time, or external conflicts, and I think the author has shown this well about them.
That is for now. More can be discussed about their bond. I think the way everything was portrayed shows the essence of each of them well.
I am open to feedback. Elaborate, if you wish, on how you feel it would have been better for their emotions to be highlighted. It would be fascinating to read such an opinion.
And maybe what you are saying, though, has to do with the lack of inner monologues in the manga. This is a deliberate decision by the author. It is something that Kagami decided from the beginning not to offer and maybe that is why, especially in the case of emotionally closed characters (like the two wonderful brothers we are talking about ), a re-reading of the scenes and a deep analysis of the whole picture is necessary to understand the context well.
This is what I think.
Thank you again for your trust. I feel like I wrote chaotically again, but I hope my answer was at least a little helpful!
Thanks for reading and have a good day to whoever finds this post!
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floareadeaur · 2 months
we need more fanfics with ferid. your writings are so beautiful, you can actually capture their feelings accurately (I'm talking about your oc and Ferid). i hope you won't leave this platform again because very few people can have this talent to write so beautifully (and first of all, to understand the ons universe and Ferid especially).
This message made my day in a way. Thank you very much, I say it with all my heart.
But what made you write it? I am honestly curious. What made you feel like I would leave this platform? I sense some concern in your message. If you want to talk about it, please write me.
As for your request so beautifully said, honestly I have not felt the need to write in English very much recently.
In my native language I have written several dozen sketches in the last few weeks, but I still have not had that time to write as I would like. It is true that the type of works I aim for and that represent me require a lot of time and patience.
But that is why I did not post "more" in this aspect here either.
Plus I had this realization that I prefer a "more private relationship" with the author's writings and my ideas. I mean, I can neither write in the 'x reader' format, nor publish any type of fanfics very often, because I feel that I am becoming a kind of 'brand' this way. I know, it sounds weird, and I do not pretend anyone to understand my little drama here.
The point is that I need to write extremely authentically and organically what I feel about OnS and Ferid. And I want to give everything to develop the version I worked on with my original character, and write Ferid as authentically and humanly as possible. That takes time and listening a lot to what I feel like doing at a given moment.
What is certain is that I love to canonically analyze the story, Ferid, and that will not change. I love sharing insights here. I feel it is an honorable way to express the gratitude I feel for the author who created this wonderful story.
Although, honestly, sometimes the feedback here is so non-existent. For this very reason, perhaps, I prefer to write only when and what I feel. I will probably be more like a researcher presenting her "studies" (canonical analyses) in a corner of the internet. (I already am like this )
Otherwise, thank you very much. As I said, the feedback is almost zero here, in general. You do not know how much your words mean about my writings. I am aware that I have an ability to realistically paint the emotions of the characters, and that I understand quite well what I write (OnS universe, Ferid), but to hear this from someone else, it feels very good because that is my goal.
I love OnS, Ferid, Takaya Kagami's work and my desire is not just to fantasize some ideas, but to manage to keep the author's original message in which I find myself very much. And if it feels that way for someone else, I can only be happy.
Thanks again.
Especially, I have only posted one ff writing so far. And if even so I could make you feel something, I am glad.
I am not going to disappear from here. Honestly, nothing in this fandom can bother me now. I am at the point where I love and admire the canon material so much that I just want to enjoy this wonderful story. I am really not looking to prove anything, to convince anyone, not at all. I feel that the canon material is self-explanatory enough that anyone who really wants to understand OnS can do so.
I just want to enjoy this wonderful work. And I am always happy when I find other people who want the same thing, just like you!
Thank you very much, I say it again. I promise to post ffs as I feel like it. I know there is a huge lack of fanfic writings for Ferid, but I think the way we really appreciate him (even if we are few) makes up for it.
I wish you a very good day and you can always write in my inbox! You and anyone else who loves this story as much as I do!
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floareadeaur · 2 months
I was thinking how, in his childhood, Ferid always ran away from the royal court, "escaping" to read whatever books he could get his hands on.
To read for hours in the grass of the field and then look at the sky.
Two activities that show so well his need for the ideal, Ferid's search for Truth, his dreamy nature, beyond the sharp realism of his mind.
Even as a vampire in the present, it is mentioned how Ferid reads for hours every day.
How well this epitomizes the essence of him.
Books are often a pleasant land for those seeking answers, ideals, for dreamers and for seekers of the Truth.
Exactly what, for so long, Ferid has been looking for: a solution, a good Truth for his world truly created from a curse.
And how heartbreaking that no matter how many books Ferid read as a child, or as an adult, he could not find that Truth, a tangible solution to his problem.
As a child, I imagine his despair at not being capable to find the answer in any of the many books he read, not being able to take refuge in the realm between the pages of any of those book.
As an adult and a vampire, faced with the same reality he has been aware of for a thousand years, after reading so many other books, he still can not find that solution there.
In the end, he will have to create his own solution, meaning.
And Ferid really does, he gives his all for it.
Ah, the depth of this character is so pleasant to look at and feel. I can not explain how much I love my bookworm Ferid.
I always thank the author for creating him.
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floareadeaur · 2 months
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I have organized my entire wardrobe and these dresses no longer fit in the closet. I placed them like this and from my armchair, where I am sitting now, it really is a charming picture.
This is how I dress everyday. My entire wardrobe consists only of dresses/skirts + shirts in vintage and antique style. It is a way of living at this point.
( I remember the anon who asked me what things I am interested in. So here we are. )
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