#sika madu
floareadeaur · 3 months
Hello!I really love your analyses (I am trying to read them all)and having personally returned to the fandom after 4 years it feels like I discovered a hidden gem.
Since my favourite characters are all vampires and since Ferid is also one I would like to ask you what do you think the ending of the vampire race will be like?I mean with the way the story is going it seems that in the end all the vampires are sadly going to die either from the resurrection or with Saito finding a way for them to die as he promised.I would like it if they somehow get turned back into humans and somehow live a peaceful life but it seems highly unlikely 😔.I love Kagami for creating such a complex and deep story but since Horn and Chess appeared there is a high chance that Lacus and Rene will also and seeing my boy Lacus finally appear after 6 years ( his last appearance in the manga was in 2018 if I am not mistaken) to just die hurts 😭.
(I know this is a pretty complex ask and you are not obligated to answer it if it's too much also I don't know if you have answered this already so if you did I am sorry)
Please, do not worry about the complexity of the question.
It is true, this ask is one that requires more thought, but it is a pertinent one that deserves attention.
"Hidden gem", this is perhaps the nicest compliment I received here. Thank you so much!
I am really glad that my analysis is helpful and enlightening to this fascinating story. I will try to attach all my analysis in the masterlist to make it easier to read. (I kind of lost track of them and the analysis masterlist does not have them all. Sorry for that. )
Now about your question.
The answer is a complex one, and I really do not think I can offer anything with certainty.
Thus, I will rather discuss the existing possibilities and any assumptions I have.
In the end, we will see what happens in the manga further. What is certain is that I am sure that the ending will be extraordinary and full of meaning, commensurate with this special story, and I support the author whatever he chooses next.
Now I will present my ideas.
In the OnS world, there is a lot of emphasis on the concept of "soul". How the whole universe is created as a "prison" for this soul.
Infinite reincarnation, without the possibility of an end or a meaningful destination for the soul. This is how human life works here, in a continuous vicious circle.
To me, vampirism is simply another form of reincarnation. The same impossibility of freeing the soul, the same immortal "life", the same lack of meaning for the soul, only now in one body and at the cost of altering the memories and personality of the human souls trapped in this form of curse.
Moreover, vampire souls, as I said, do not have the possibility to die. They can only pass into another "form", as demons. So it is about human persons cursed with vampirism, which in the end can only become demons. Still a "circle" type trajectory, without escape.
That is why, I think, that just as humanity needs a new "restart", a release from infinite reincarnations (which maybe the resurrection will do), the souls of vampires need a form of release, of rest.
How will this happen?
Honestly, I do not know. Vampire souls are human, that much is clear. No matter what form they exist in: mortal human body, immortal vampiric body, demonic entity, it is all about human souls in different forms.
And right now there is no Heaven for these human souls, under any form, you know?
From here we can draw the conclusion, that maybe if Sika's suffering will find a solution, and if Guren will succeed in the resurrection, the laws of the OnS world will change and the possibility of a Heaven for all these souls will appear?
But the answer is, frankly, a complicated one. Because it is not just one way, I think.
For example, the vampires transformed by Sika Madu are basically the reincarnations of his angels. And Sika Madu wants to go back to Heaven with them, from whence they fell. So maybe these vampires will return to this Heaven in the end? As angels again, or as human souls?
But there are many other vampires who are not reincarnations of those angels, like Ferid, Crowley, Basteya, Lacus, René, Chess, Horn and the rest of the vampire race. These were just people. So what will be their ending?
And there is also something else. We are talking about the resurrection, which involved the death of every vampire, either for the resurrection of humanity or Mikaela.
But from what we have seen recently, these vampires are not much in the form of "vampires" anymore. Hundreds of them have been ingested by Ferid and their souls are in a state of metamorphosis to the demon form in Ferid's inner dimension.
Here comes a guess of mine.
Mahiru Hiiragi, before becoming a demon, said something, "Next time I am reborn I want to be an ordinary girl."
I think these words of hers should be taken more seriously, considering that since the age of 11 she has had visions and nightmares including about the Apocalypse. Perhaps she knew that there was a possibility that human souls who had reached the demon state would be reborn as humans someday. Perhaps this is a consequence of the resurrection Guren is currently working on.
Mostly, I do not think Ferid is working against Guren's plan by his current actions. Given that Guren's plan directly fights against Sika Madu's purpose, and that Ferid is involved in this plan willingly, I strongly believe that the "resurrection of mankind" means the restoration of the laws of this universe as well. That is, including what Ferid wants since he was 16, "breaking that circle", of meaningless reincarnation, changing the broken laws of the world.
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Especially, Ferid did not say that he does not want anyone to ever be born again, but that he wants no one to ever be reborn in that " putrid " world. In that world of broken laws, which holds souls meaninglessly captive in infinite reincarnations.
Birth and rebirth are two different things. Or resurrection versus rebirth.
Rebirth drags the soul into a new life even if that soul has already lived a life. Rebirth leaves no room for rest.
Resurrection restores a life ruined by something, repairs it and perhaps gives it another meaning.
And if new laws are established for the universe, if the problem of infinite reincarnation in this hellish world is solved and Heaven is opened for human souls, maybe one good life will be given to resurrected human souls?
A life with meaning, at the end of which the soul has a Heaven where it can go.
And perhaps, the souls of vampires ingested by Ferid and turned into demons, as Mahiru Hiiragi implied, can "reincarnate" again as humans, now in a world that offers only one good and meaningful life for each soul, followed of the possibility of entering Heaven.
Thus, in this version, Ferid can be considered to represent the "gateway" through which vampire souls can get a chance to later regain their humanity.
And in the end, maybe the only vampire to die will be Ferid.
I think all vampires except him have had someone who loved them. Look at Horn and Chess, who are good friends in my view, or Lacus and René. Or Crowley with his comrades, with the friends he must have had in his previous life as Ferid's older brother.
All of them had love in their lives, people who loved them. And maybe that is why they need a new good life with these beloved people.
And Ferid, truly unloved by anyone, is the "sacrificial lamb", no matter how surprising it seems.
Basically, his greatest frustration is the rotten way his world works, its meaningless laws, the creation out of darkness by a corrupt God. And perhaps his happy ending is to die, leaving behind through his actions a world of meaning, a world born of love, something he always longed for but could not have.
There is a lot to say in this hypothesis, but what I am pointing out is that I am sure that Ferid will have a direct confrontation with Sika Madu, and more than anything, a discussion with this god of his, in which he will again demand the reason why everything is like that.
If you remember chapter 76 where Ferid asked Sika why the world is like this.
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I think Sika might be willing to give Ferid an answer in the end.
In a way, you know, it may sound strange, but I feel a great similarity between Ferid and Sika Madu. Such a similarity that it seems for me that Ferid is a reflection of the curse placed on Sika Madu.
I would go into a lot of detail, but I risk making this essay too long.
The idea is that Ferid longs for a world with meaning, that good God, harmony and the possibility of a Heaven, the breaking of the cursed circle on earth. Just as Sika longed to reach Heaven again, where his Father (the other God) was, and just as he was cursed to live endlessly on that earth exactly like a Hell.
Even chapter 134, the fact that Ferid's memories where we find out how he feels about reincarnation follows the panel when Shinoa tells Sika that she will see all his memories. Beyond the sudden shift in perspective specific to the series. Perhaps this is also a clue related to what I say about the similarity between Ferid and Sika, about the sufferings of both.
If anyone is interested, I can elaborate more on this theory about Ferid and Sika.
Now, in conclusion, I am sure that no matter how everything ends, the vampire species will no longer exist. They are a cursed creation born of the suffering, frustrations and curse of Sika Madu. This is how the first vampire was "born", from his negative emotions generated by the received curse. So automatically this curse has to be resolved somehow.
And with the vampire species gone, surely their souls will find peace one way or another. I think a balance will be reached in the end.
I also have an idea for how Ferid could achieve this balance. I can elaborate on this in another post if anyone is interested.
After all, it remains to be seen how the author ends this fascinatingly profound story. I have full faith in Kagami and I am sure that the end of the story will teach us valuable things.
That is all for now. I feel like I wrote chaotically again. Please come back with questions about anything you feel. This topic is one that needs to be discussed a lot.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to look into it a bit. I had never answered this question before.
Thank you very much for the trust in my interpretation! I hope this answer was at least a little helpful!
My inbox is always open for such discussions. And remember that kind feedback is welcome!
I wish you and whoever finds this post a good day!
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evanescent-epiphanies · 9 months
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i spoke to God even though he don't care how i feel.
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heeyimash · 2 months
Tell em girl 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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greenapplebling · 1 year
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Ignore me, I'm just here stanning characters just for their beauty bc I'm shallow (?
Old post from my instagram
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amethystroselily · 2 months
It’s kind of funny how it seemed like Saito had this huge mysterious goal and then it turned out he literally just has daddy issues, and then for a while it seems like Ferid just had daddy issues but it turns out he actually has this insane grand scheme and the saito revenge stuff is probably just a side project.
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eluxcastar · 5 months
With a yandere s/o
── ୨୧:ky luc, urd geales, rígr stafford, shikama dōji x reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: yandere s/o ideas let's gooo
୨୧﹑genre :: Idk tbh
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, repeated themes of obsession, yandere, unhealthy relationships, imagined relationships (rígr), it's implied shikama does a lot to them 💀, mostly proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1.2k
I had this idea a while ago but I couldn't be bothered until now (<- me from literally over a year ago)
I FISHED THIS OUTTA THE DARKEST CORNERS OF THE DRAFTS TO FEED Y'ALL I can't even believe I'm about to do this it literally had green dividers from my THIRD Tumblr theme 😭 I wanna post more ONS content again though so expect it here and there. requests are a VERY hard maybe
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── ୨୧:ky luc
Ky is entirely unbothered by this little arrangement you've made, letting you do as you please around him and indulging you in some of your little gestures of affection, all in exchange for keeping him fed straight from the source. You can sense Ky is not fully invested in this relationship-- may not even see it in the same light that you do. How dare he act so casually toward you. You wanted him to be less formal, but Ky is always brushing you off as 'livestock' that he claims to somewhat fancy, though not for anything but the taste of your blood.
In truth, he finds you quite strange. He has warned you before that you better not dare be too bold and involve yourself too personally in his affairs publicly. He's quick to remind you how easy it would be to kill you, all done with a hand to your throat and the blade forming around his hand as he offers to fulfil that promise immediately. He's noticed how overeager you are, and he almost doesn't like it. Ky doesn't trust you on your own; he's put off by how strangely you act. He's tried to tell you a million times he does not and cannot love you, but each time, you go crawling back to him, begging him to continue your deal.
Ky has figured out he can use your own adoration and idolisation of him against you because you will keep falling for the things he says for now. He knows he can offer even shallow acts only vaguely reminiscent of lovers, and you'd do it in a heartbeat. You're somehow so stubborn yet so easy to control, and he takes advantage of that to the full extent, watching you run around like a headless chicken trying to please him. It's entertaining to know you still somehow think this is moving you up some kind of ladder closer to him accepting your love without a deal.
── ୨୧:urd geales
Urd has developed a growing tolerance for you ever since you first appeared and kept appearing in the places he was going you could access. You seemed too nervous to talk every time he approached, so he had to wait until you began your advances, and once they started, they didn't stop. He hated to admit that a part of him was strangely enamoured by the idea that maybe if he let your infatuation fester enough, you'd be the one person who would never leave, but he also knows you're extremely abusive at times.
You can't hurt him, nor could you dream of it, but it was saying too much that hurt him. You smothered him, babied him for a time and swore you'd hurt anyone who just so much as brushed against him too harshly for your tastes. It is uncontrollable, and Urd never knows if you'll go through with it. Urd tries to calm you down, but you've managed to convince yourself he's too nice, and this is how you'll 'protect' him from the world. You suffocate Urd so much that he doesn't know if you still think of him as an adult or as a child.
Urd requires your utmost attention, and there are many times he's considered ending your life so that you can't be a bother to the peace he's created, but he keeps getting drawn back. Urd knows if he leaves you to your devices and allows you to fuss over him, you'll be at ease, even if you seem to want to control him. If Urd lets you fuss, you stay put, and if you stay put, you won't leave to go anywhere. For a while, you'll remain with him, and he can subject himself to the headache for the reward.
── ୨୧:rígr stafford
This relationship you have with him always seems to go unnoticed. He ignores you all the time, he's never around, and he never pays even a hint of attention to you. You're glad to find yourself locked up because, for the first time in a while, he looks back at you with all of his attention. It's just like how you imagined it to be intense and with a strange interest that perhaps doesn't belong.
You're so glad he's finally started paying attention to you. This is much better than when you borrow his things and imagine him, the way he'd scold you for it, the disappointment you would think was visible on his face.
"I took more than just that." You confess just as he opens his mouth to speak and don't even allow him a chance to ask what you are doing. You keep idolising this man; you likely always will, adoring him and holding him on the pedestal he deserves. He can only shake his laugh at you and say something about how this is inevitable. He does this on purpose. He runs a cult. Everybody starts somewhere.
You have to hold back losing it on him because he doesn't seem to understand you are long past the isolation period of thinking him a God. You used to believe that, but not anymore. You used to feel dirty every time you took up his time, like the greatest sin you've committed, and you still revel in it. You are the mortal who dragged him from his place, and you will never truly allow him to leave you behind if he should leave this world. You must keep leaving him gifts and perhaps borrowing his personal items right under his nose. Couples share everything, don't they?
── ୨୧:shikama dōji
You're such a mild inconvenience to his plans that he almost doesn't even notice after a while, letting you indulge yourself as you ignore every single boundary he sets out for you. The only reason he sits you down and scolds you is that you got too close to something he's not eager to share. You follow his word like law. Once he figures out there is nothing you wouldn't do for him, there is seldom a thing he won't do to you. You are his everything, and not in a good way; his plaything is a better description.
He finds your infatuation with him to be of enough interest as it is, but you also pose a very good catalyst for all of his other questions about humans as well. At his fingertips is someone who would do anything that he asks in order to please him. You had better be good and do whatever he wants, and you might be rewarded for it, and though he's quite selfish to do this only for him, he is very good at pleasing you for your troubles. He won't make any exception for you, not when he's prizing you above the rest, which he reminds you is not to be treated lightly. It isn't fair for only you to get happiness, is it?
If keeping you on a chain makes you behave, even if you begin to grow bored of your obsession with him (which he doubts you will), he's become far too interested in what made you this way. He wants to know how far he can push, how long it will take you to fall out of this 'love', how much he can taunt you and use you for his own sick amusement. Not for the same reasons as you, but your reasons certainly make it easier.
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yuiphantomhive123 · 1 year
Yu has Always Thought Mika is Pretty!
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He said Angel Michaela was Like Mika only ‘prettier’.
Notice the ‘er’ in prettier meaning ‘even more’
Yu has always thought Mika was beautiful.
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black-sapphire57 · 11 months
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If I’m dead dead dead honest! I never really cared about Angel Mikaela until this very moment. He’s so kept in the dark and innocent that it’s practically a crime to have killed him (ironic how it’s not) I don’t hate either him or Paimon.
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lostsoulaltair · 5 months
Owari no Seraph Chapter 133 - Analysis & Review
Hello everyone, it's been a goddamn while; I've been busy with things, also learning constantly a new language; thus, given that I did like the latest chapter, I wanted to talk or discuss about it; as always, feel free to discuss, disagree, or share your thoughts; though of course, the only thing I request is respect.
Thus let's proceed
A destroyed world a talk about the "meaning of life" & "what it means to live". At the end, we're young.
The chapter might joke a lot between the girl's conversation which it might feel unnecesary or perhaps not worth it but given how the two characters were build; Shinoa is the type of character that does know when there's certain tension when someone is concerned about her.
But let's focus on something more important; the chapter begins with Mitsuba finally finding Shinoa who has been far away from her squad after Guren, Mahiru, Krul and company left to most likely the place where Yuu is.
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Mitsuba after for so long finally made an appearance which is something I'm glad for; and as a good friend, she shows her concern given that she's never seen Shinoa act out of her usual demanor.
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Something that I do find adorable is the very fact that Mitsuba is trying to be supportive given that there is a weight being carried on Shinoa's shoulders; while it's true Shinoa has never spoken about what she endured as a child; Mitsuba does want to understand her friend and no matter what might happen, they're there for her.
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Thus leading to the next panel; Shinoa has always seen herself as a character with no value or rather, that thanks to her existance, the lives of innocents were screwed given that she was compatible with the monster that made sure the world ended in the way it is.
But once again, Mitsuba does convey the message of how Yoichi, Kimizuki and her feel towards her given that there's absolutely no one to reasure her that her life is as valuable as others.
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And of course, we got the author with its weird interest on female bodies but; jokes aside from such panel; there's an aspect of truth to it. They are teenagers, they're no longer kids; they're characters that were forced to grow up at a very young age, forced to change to endure all the struggles of their surroundings to the point they had to mimic adults in a sense.
Many might find it pointless, boring, and perhaps even unrelated but the very fact that they touched the emotions of Shinoa does lead to a heavier topic.
Such topic is reflected in the next panel:
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While it's true that Yuu has constantly talked about "a reason to live", "family", "friends", etc. Yuu does not know the weight of those words; he says he's going to save everyone, but in order to save somoene, there are consequences, losses and the sort in such path; nothing can be obtained for free in life and that's something that perhaps he might face eventually.
Returning with the squad, Mitsuba at first dismisses such question about the "meaning of life".
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There is a huge relevance to the question; and this of course, reflects to the very first issue; that they've been working on how to save their lives that they haven't ever thought about themselves.
While it is very common to see that whenever someone says "that person thinks about themselves" it can come in a negative connotation; but that's not entirely the case; there's a difference between being selfish and understanding one's self.
When it comes to being selfish, it does relate about not caring a bit about what your actions may eventually do to others, how much harm you may cause due to them, willingly or not; it is literally dismissing a reason to as to why there may be something halting something one may want.
But, when it comes to understanding one's self; it is not only a superfitial level of understanding; it is knowing what one person may want, may long, may fight for, what may make them sad, what may anger them, etc.
In this case, Mitsuba realized that she has never given a deep thought to what she, as Mitsuba Sanguu truthfully wants. She grew up to be a soldier, to battle every time in order to protect those who couldn't protect themselves but with the development of the squad, it was not just a journey of sticking together, it was a journey of finding out that love can develop after getting to meet someone.
Eventually, Mitsuba does understand that it's not the typical joke mood or non serious conversation but rather a very important one.
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In the next panel, Mitsuba's first longing or desire was to be acknowledged or to be validated. To be recognized; which of course, Shinoa mentions that she does understand that and it is true; Shinoa as a child did want validation from everyone or rather, instead of the term "validation", what it is more proper is "recognition or acknowledgement of existance".
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True, in the current chapter Shinoa mentions she was luckier given that they never bothered with her; there's a difference between Mitsuba and Shinoa, which was showing what they could do in order to seek that. Mitsuba tried her best to show that she too held talent; alas with Shinoa, she simply ditched the idea, there was no reason to even fight about it.
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But thanks to the very fact that she remembered what Mahiru did even if I too, agree that it was a really harsh method; she did know that at least someone cared about her existance.
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Mitsu states that Shinoa was loved in contrast to her that no one loved her; which makes Shinoa to reasure her that she does love Mitsuba. And of course, while it's true that the original source uses the kanji Ai (愛) it does not carry a romantic context (Yes I've been studying if you wonder and there's still a longer way ahead).
Shinoa is reasuring Mitsuba that she too is loved; just like how Mitsuba expressed on her best way that Yoichi, Kimizuki and her cared about Shinoa's safety; Shinoa too knows that the squad itself cares about each other; after all, they're a small family that can only encourage each other to keep going.
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But here comes something important that perhaps it might be to personal interpretation but Shinoa does state something important:
Because love exists for someone, it does not mean that's the sole reason to the meaning of life or for a reason to live.
What does that mean?
Us as humans, be in the different envioroments we end up growing, we end up finding purposes for our existance, sometimes it takes longer, other times we have certainty that we found out what we want to do with our lives; along such trail, we will find friends, perhaps a person we might fall in love; we might suffer about a heartbreak or two or so on; but despite that, it's a path we've chosen to walk because very independent of the bonds we forge along the way; there are things we want to do out there, we long for new experiences, new insights, new spots to visit, and of course, we can never suspend the time; we grow up, we mature, we gain interest in other things as we grow which is visible how from childhood, we change a lot when we become teenagers, so as adults too, we change.
In Shinoa's case, she is truthful that she does not find value to her life, given how many chains of events involving her lead to misfortune for others; but despite that, she is thankful that there are people out there that do love her despite the harm her existance may has brought up upon Earth.
Nevertheless, we get a follow up, once Shinoa expressed herself, Mitsuba asks her directly about Yuu's acknowledgement, recognition or validation. Which of course, she responds honestly to it.
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It hurts; and it is natural that it hurts her; it's the first time she fell in love with someone but not in the same way Mahiru did, not in the same turn of events Mahiru went through; after all, it's something I'll discuss a bit further from here. Let's continue.
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Shinoa eases the mood by asking Mitsuba about how she feels towards Yuu which of course she knows very well that she too has a crush on him. But despite that many might feel the conversation as pointless, there's something certain to the panel itself; it is letting the weight and torment of many mixed emotions go, finally opening up to someone who understands you, to have someone you can trust unconditionally.
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The mood eventually soothes to the point the two of them are in peace; having talked about such things when they've never had the opportunity to act like teenage girls, it was a rather refreshing experience for them.
I can't say that's correct or not but even in movies that face the end of the world, characters tend to talk about things they long to do and the sort.
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Once Mitsuba asks Shinoa about her first real reason to live; one could understand that it is left to free interpretation given that both girls are simply enjoying their youth; they still haven't found a very truthful reason as to why they're there but for now; they did understand something.
Life is not just about existance, it's more than just hoping validation or acknowledgment, it is akin to what exactly you want to experience, it is about what you want to do instead of what others want you to do.
This leads to the new path I've mentioned before and this shall be discussed in the next point
Moving onwards to a new goal
After a girl's talk; Mitsuba points out about Shinoa's talent that is way above Mahiru's; such talent has always been hinted since the LNs were created.
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Shinoa mentions that given that at that time she lacked a motive along goals within her reach; and of course, even Shikama pointed it out that she lacked desires, there was not so much she could do despite being more powerful than Mahiru, nevertheless, Mitsuba is aware Shinoa has gained something she lacked from the very beginning. Confidence.
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This leads for Shinoa to have a discussion with her squad, but of course, they were eavesdropping the girls; they gave them their privacy. While they too are clumsy, reckless, immature in general, they too understand that people need some time alone to recollect their thoughts; they understand that there are things that sometimes can only be discussed with a certain someone not because of a lack of interest but rather because there is something that can be conveyed way better.
But very independent of that, it just reflects that Yoichi and Kimizuki have been worried as well about the girls after Yuu's departure along Guren and Vampires.
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The next scene is actually something I am rather thankful that I actually thought I'd never see in the story in general; and that is the very fact that they're taking independent action for once; they're no longer following Guren's orders, they're no longer following a vampire's guidance that ends up falling in Guren's hand or Shikama's; nor they are following Yuu's wishes but rather; they're trying to open up a new path but exclusively for what they do label as "family".
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Within the squad members, Kimizuki, Yoichi and Mitsuba long to see their families back due to the unfair deaths they had; Shinoa despite not having someone to call family or rather simply accepting the course of nature; she does want to see her friends having their families back, she has seen them struggle, she has seen the desperation of Kimizuki, the longing of Yoichi to have a miracle granted. But instead of following someone else's agenda given that Guren and Mahiru do have knowledge that they simply won't share to the squad; it is the first step for them to walk and open a new path for them.
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Shinoa is very aware that their knowledge is limited, along the fact that they're not on an equal ground in terms of power; but given that now she does have confidence and something else; as I mentioned briefly in the other point; Shinoa has a deep understanding that the actions her sister took, do not defind her present or future nor how she will eventually turn out; such outcomes are only decided by her alone and if she wants to create a path along her friends, she has to fight for it giving away for the first time, the real power she has within her.
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The very fact that Kiseki-O and Gekkouin were manifested by force instead by their wielders says something about what Shikama sought with Shinoa, what could it be?
Correct. Shikama or Sika Madu, was once an angel that served God but due to his arrogance, he lost his path leading to his eternal punishment for it; but even still, even if the angels that fell with him deemed or viewed him as a God. There was something even the reincarnations of such Fallen Angels were never subjected to.
Absolute control.
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And thanks to reading the RAW version of the catastrophe at 16 manga; the purpose of Mahiru and Shinoa at the beginning was to control the punishment the Seraph of the End experiment held. But in contrast to Mahiru; Shinoa was born capable to control demons, she was capable of seeing them from a very young age but given that she has motivation along an objective; that power finally has shined. Leading to a new battle:
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Perhaps you, dear readers may wonder how Shinoa was able to connect with Shikama despite him sending her off or cutting their ties; and of course, she does mention there was a small connection; truth to be told; even if Shikama wanted, she was born with him; they were together ever since she came to existance, hence that even if he tried to severe his ties to her, there will be something chaining him down.
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And of course, the battle between Shinoa and Shikama has begun
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Shikama gave away his power for light BUT, given that Shinoa could devour such darkness; it can only lead this
All the power that came from God's light may be stored in Shinoa's body and as they say, even if darkness tries to consume light; light always finds a way to cast aside the shadows that darkness creates.
Quite long huh? What do you think?
Let me know!!
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Shikama looked more androgynous before
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rkoradiopictures · 1 year
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floareadeaur · 2 months
My thoughts on chapter 136
As a friend of mine said, I believe that this was a preparatory chapter, which foresees something extremely important.
I really liked it, honestly.
The symbolism of this chapter is great and I could talk a lot about it.
But I think it is extremely important that Sika Madu was able to realize that "those people" who he actually looked at as bugs, have surpassed him.
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His arrogance was thus crushed and, I can say, he actually evolved.
Because Sika has this conversation with Shinoa where he asks her why she wants so much power. She replies that for "love", a line that Sika comments on as something related to the selfish nature of humans.
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Then she tells him something so right:
•"And you're any different?"
And the truth is, no, Sika is no different from humans. He is as imperfect as they are, and he has loved as authentically as they have.
It all started from Sika's love for his angels, for Mikaela. Including from his frustration of not receiving any attention from his "father" (the other God) and the continuous expectation of being at least sanctioned by that God. So far went his desire to have, in fact, the affection of "his father".
And all of this illustrates so well the humanity of Sika Madu and how all humans are, in fact, a reflection of him.
Basically, they are his children, towards whom he never wanted to assume the role of god, protector or father.
But, I think Sika understood more now and saw that he was wrong in his arrogance, ignoring his own creation.
I felt bad for him though. His scenes really touched me, especially his talk with Yuu.
How Sika asked him to revive Mikaela, when it was actually Yuu, the one he was talking to, that Mikaela, his son he had struggled for eons to bring back.
I believe that this conversation was Sika's greatest display of love for his son and that it was a tender moment.
I am kind of sad that Sika could not find out that Yuu is actually his son, but maybe there will be a way for him to find out in the end?
I do not think Sika is truly gone as a soul.
He disintegrated, being absorbed by Shinoa, but his punishment is to never die, to never forget anything. That is why I believe his soul is still alive somewhere, and at the right time, he will be able to have that conversation with his son, knowing who he is talking to.
I also think that the scene where, on the one hand, Shinoa was absorbing his powers, just so that Sika would not ever hurt anyone with it again (which Sika Madu did a lot of, especially to Shinoa, whose life he ruined from conception ), and on the other, Yuu, his son for whom Sika did everything, receives his father's legacy — both frames unfolding simultaneously, shows precisely the humanity of Sika Madu.
The fact that he has many shades, just like a human being.
On the one hand, Sika destroyed the existence of so many souls and committed terrible atrocities.
On the other hand, he loved sincerely and did so much only for his loved ones.
That is why he too is a gray character with his good and bad sides and I think the author showed that so well.
Basically, OnS really does not have villains, just human characters, whose perspectives are valid in their own way.
I am so excited for the next chapter!
As for the others characters, I think everything unfolded logically and consistently.
The fact that the upcoming attack on Krul by Ferid was stopped for the moment is natural.
Ferid is an extraordinary strategist and he never attacks without reason or at the wrong time.
As seen here, Ferid stopped, listening to the noise caused by Urd's sword. He sensed a strong threat and stopped to calculate what level of power would be required to neutralize such an attack?
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Ferid is not necessarily interested in directly attacking Krul now, in scaring her with certain gestures.
He knows she feels him and that she is already freaking out on her own.
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At the end of last chapter, Krul does not even recognize Ferid. Why?
Because vampires feel each other, what power they carry. And Ferid was always a miserable bug for Krul's power.
But the twist of the situation is that the one whom she always humiliated, threatened, beat, whom she always looked down on, has a much greater power than hers now.
So big that she wonders if she would have any chance of beating him then.
This little scene perfectly illustrates something important about Ferid's character. His power to transcend the limits of the situations in which he finds himself. His true intelligence and ability to think through the rules of any game.
Truly, this moment shows Ferid's capabilities as a leader, strategist and thinker.
And I think that is something very important within his character, especially because in his past, as a prince in his childhood, Ferid has always been repressed and forced to hide his true abilities, to live as a servant in the shadows of others. I wrote more about it in this analysis about him.
Other than that, I really enjoyed this chapter. Shinya's return, the interaction between him and Kureto. I should do a separate analysis on Yuu and Shinoa as well.
But I end with this here:
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And of course, with mentioning again my gratitude to the author for creating this fascinating story!
How much the theme of humanity can be deepened even in this chapter! Certainly more can be discussed.
Any kind feedback is welcome and I wish whoever finds this post a good day!
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slyfire · 1 year
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pink manga mika & shikama dōji icons~
truly what's better than a pink parent/child duo?
feel free to use these icons without credit.
all artwork/renders used are from the official manga.
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Shikama doji/sika madu yandere analysis, this is mainly for me and my friend that will probably never read this despite the fact that they'll probably never read it, warning bad words and sexual themes.
This same friend made me read the manga and I have to say no character has such a big of an impact on me as shikama doji gives me, this man is number two on my list of favorite characters, sitting right next to my beloved shiraori(btw I headcanon the both of them as siblings) and I've noticed a very short amount of fics on him, I've really only found one so if someone could send me some more I haven't found it be very appreciated.
Anyway moving on the analysis we go into the first part, his character.
To this day he remains very mysterious, he's an angel like character who's intentions still remain partly hidden, my greatest guess is that he wants to revive his son Mika but Mika is kind of alive? Maybe there's like two Mika's and he attempted to create a perfect replica of his son but failed so many times until we got our current Mika? Maybe our Mika is a reincarnation of his son and shikama knows this but that wouldn't make sense since he kinda was really unnice towards Mika when he was turning into a demon and destroyed his dreams, one thing is clear is that he has an attachment towards his son because he quite litterly kept him in a clear coffin for an unknown amount of time, I'd guess about a thousand years.
He also is very manipulative while making himself seem almost saintlike, he uses people and then abandons him, he seems to care about people by calling them endearments before threatening to kill them and attempting to follow through with it.
I imagine him as a controlling yandere, while also being a training yandere(one that trains you to act a certain way), he's not one to lose his temper but on the rare occasion he does I pray for you. He's also not big on physical punishments, most of the time he'd opt for mental ones, even so he does really not like punishments going more for positive reinforcement. Kidnapping you is a pretty much guaranteed but locking you up really depends on the situation, a bit protective but really possessive.
I have so many ideas for this guy and I'm so excited to share them with you.
If we were talking Platonic yandere I have a couple ideas.
1.you being the angel Mika's twin brother, after his son died he'd probably lock you up, on a tower like Rapunzel, funny enough I could imagine him singing mother knows best,.in this idea I don't think he'd ever let you talk to anyone other then him, he would leave you alone for days sometimes even months, only to appear at the most random times, brushing your hair so delicately as if he didn't just leave you totally isolated for the longest time. He's overprotective anyone that even dares go near you will meet death, you wouldn't believe how many of his fledgling vampire accidentally walked into your quarters and perished.
2. Your one of the orphans he took in and turned into vampires, in this idea he would give you a lot more freedom, not consistently worried that your going to die if someone bad even looks at you, though he would keep you with him all hours of the day, those other Orphans and salves he brought? They wouldn't even have the chance to express there jealousy towards you simply because you have never once left his side, he'd also occasionally wrap you in his wings and hold your tiny body next to him, I don't think he'd let you age, preferring to keep you as a tiny child that he could forever manipulate.
3. This is my final idea for platonic yandere and definitely the funniest in my opinion, imagine if you were his younger sibling and he absolutely adored you from birth, taking over the job of whatever parents the two of you came from, being there when you said your first word, when you took your first steps, EVERYTHING. The funny part of this comes from you, you've always known that your brother Is a psychopath, you know about the people he's tortured despite how hard he's tried to hide it, you want nothing more to get the absolute fuck away from him, he's absolutely fucking delusional, everytime you try to hide from him he somehow convinces himself that your playing hide and seek, every time you run he's right behind you asking where your going in such a hurry, he follows you everywhere and your trying to get the Frick away from him. Imagine you somehow manage to seal him away for a couple hundred years and you meet our Mika and yuu and get super confused about it, wtf is his son here and the weird creation that he made. Imagine just dreaming peacefully, feeling happy you don't have to deal with your brother anymore and waking up terrified when your brother whose now possessing shinoa is hugging you, screaming on the top of your lungs and bolting down the hallway of whatever house you decided to sleep in. Basically this entire idea is you running while screaming and him following you.
Moving on the the romantic yandere:
1. Imagine being a cute little bird he found one day, one of that he ended up liking a little too much, so much that he turned you human and kept you in a cage, a cute golden one only for the most beautiful of birds, almost no one knows about you and it's going to stay that way, he's very territorial over you, being an angel himself he thinks of birds as lesser beings, so technically he owns you.
2. Instead of shinoa getting him as cursed gear, he gets you instead, though unlike shinoa he ends up liking you a little too much, haunting your dreams every night, clinging so close, and forcibly possessing your body just so he could be a little bit closer to you, he's with you all hours of the day.
3. Your one of his servant, you were a slave he bought and you listen to every single one of his orders, when he wants you to kill someone you do it, when he wants you to watch as he tortures an innocent person you had the audacity to help you do it, when he demands that you place your head in his lap you do it. With him you don't have anymore free will, just him only him.
This is all I've got for now, pls let me know what you thought of this and feel free to give me your ideas! Have a great day.
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bigbrainbiology · 1 year
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I've always wanted to have the motivation to redraw this art <3 (or a part of it anyway XD) A gift for Shinomiya over on twitter ^v^
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amethystroselily · 2 months
It pretty much feels Rigr was really just out here dodging his two bitter exes while focusing full time on his daddy issues for about one thousand years and that is deeply compelling to me.
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