fox-moxin · 17 hours
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fox-moxin · 2 days
Boy this sounds familiar.
Cops just want to pretend they're heroes and abuse a mentally ill man until they get a "Confession"
This story at least ends well when it turns out the person they were sure this poor guy murdered was still very much alive.
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fox-moxin · 4 days
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fox-moxin · 5 days
We should send Wankpanzers to the Ukraine.
Specifically we should give them to the Russians.
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fox-moxin · 6 days
Can I have Fluttershy supporting social anxiety? I recently got diagnosed and your blog makes me super happy!
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Having social anxiety doesn't make you a weak person. In fact, it takes a lot of bravery to confront your fears and try to engage in social situations. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a sign of strength and courage, not weakness. I know how it feels to be afraid of socializing with people, but there is times when I was so happy that I faced that fear to socialize with others. It may be scary, but sometimes it is worth it! You never know, they may end up becoming a new important person in your life! 💕✨
~ Mod Faeling
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fox-moxin · 8 days
English is madness
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fox-moxin · 1 month
Her oldest prey
Marisa watched the witch’s house from her perch atop the great tree nearby. It was a large house, probably some sort of castle tower or outpost in some forgotten age. Now it was mostly a ruin, half buried in the forest soil and what walls were left were held in place by the huge sprawling oak tree that grew from within.
It had taken her weeks to locate the place, hidden deep in the woods outside of the capital, and she had spent days now, carefully watching the house and taking note of the odd people and creatures that wandered in and out of the structure. The people were always wrapped in cloak and darkness, always coming at night to ask the witch for favors while making sure no one saw them or knew about their blasphemous errands
The creatures were a different matter. Marisa was unsure what many of them even were, but even when they came on two legs it was clear that they were anything but human. Tall dark things with great horns like crowns and thin fingers with too many knuckles and sharp claw like nails.
Marisa was an experienced hunter of monsters both human and otherwise, so she had come prepared and willing to wait for the right moment to make her move. Patience was a necessity in her line of work, and this particular task had proven more difficult than she had anticipated. People from the city were reluctant to even speak of the witch of the woods, in awe of her power and strength, in fear of the darker rumors. 
Finally, the door opened and the witch stepped out of her home and Marisa knew the time had come. The witch made her way to the edges of her sanctuary and began to travel along a thin hidden path deeper into the woods.
Marissa couldn’t help but grin as she dropped from the tree and slipped through the brush and detritus of the wood. She had not spent her days idle, and had carefully mapped the surrounding pathways and trails that surrounded the area. She knew this stretch of woods as well as any creature that lived here now. She knew where the local streams were and where the animals foraged and hunted.
Quiet as a cat she crossed the forest floor, unseen even by the keen senses of the rabbits she passed or the fox that hunted them. She scrambled up the side of a large boulder that lay along the path the witch was even now striding down, and perched atop, flat against the stone and hidden in shadow cast by the large branches of the dense wood.
The witch approached, unaware of Marissa's presence. Closer to the boulder and finally into the range of the experienced hunter.
Marissa leapt from her perch, and landed directly in front of her quarry. The witch started with a gasp and almost fell over in surprise. Marissa was not a large woman by any means, but she was dressed in thick leathers and heavily armed with two long blades at her sides, all wrapped in a heavy cloak of deep green, perfect for blending into the darkness of the forest floor. Even her face was cloaked in shadows cast by the wide brim of her hat. She was an intimidating presence in the most jovial of settings, and mostly terrifying out here in the wilderness.
“What?!” the witch cried out and lifted her hand, holding a simple but sharp sickle, usually used for collecting herbs.
Marissa smirked and gave the witch a quick look over. She was a tall woman, far taller than Marissa was, her long brown hair tied into a long full braid that fell down her back and swung freely. Her clothing was practical, and well worn, a stained cotton shift tied with a knotted rope and thick leather boots on her feet.
Marissa was just considering how large and deep the witch's eyes were when a growling noise informed her she had been too slow in her observations. She glanced to her left to see the first of the wolves moving to surround her. The witch’s power was quite real, and the beasts of the forest served her well. She would have to move fast if she wanted to survive.
Marissa flung her cloak wide and grasped within her pack. She dashed forward to just a few feet in front of the witch, her hand raised, swinging a lone flower into her target's face.
“Oh great witch of the woods,” she cried out, “Would you do me the honor of joining me at the harvest celebration tomorrow night?”
The witch stopped and stared. The flower was her favorite, a red Gaillardia, and must have been picked fresh that morning. She took a step back, lowering her sickle, a look of deep confusion on her face. Even the wolves looked slightly perplexed at this.
“What?” she stammered.
“It took me a long time,” said Marissa with a sad gentle smile, “But I did promise I’d come back for you, Elowyn.”
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fox-moxin · 1 month
The Suspicious Package
Why was it there?
I haven't ordered anything. I mean, I can’t remember ordering anything.
When had it even shown up? I didn’t hear a deliveryman pull up.
Is it a mistake? That seems most likely.
I wonder if I should open it? I guess I should at least take a look at it?
It’s kind of a strange box. White on all sides. I don’t see any markings on it at all.
No postage, not even an address. I definitely didn’t order this.
So someone deliberately put it on my porch. But why?
I hope it’s not a prank. I know some people do that. Put something smelly and gross inside.
I doubt it’s REALLY dangerous though. I can’t imagine anyone that would want to send me something like a bomb. Although, I guess it’s not impossible.
No. I’m sure it’s nothing like that. I should just open it and see.
Oh, it’s got a lid, and it’s not even taped shut.
This is so strange but, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to see what’s inside?
Transcript of Scheduled Agent Check in call (1789-2485-DWG), February 1st, 7:28pm
“Office, go ahead.”
“This is Agent 7. K-dimensional Entity at location Tango Alpha has been contained using a standard level 3 white box unit. Textbook job on the trap procedure.”
“Confirmed. You are requested to do a drive-by check on location Gamma Delta and then return to base for full decon and containment.”
“Confirmed. ETA twenty-five minutes. Ending transmission.”
==End of Transcript==
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fox-moxin · 1 month
Dear Supreme Court,
"Dare to be Stupid" was not meant to be a direct challenge for you.
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fox-moxin · 1 month
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fox-moxin · 1 month
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fox-moxin · 2 months
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fox-moxin · 2 months
Sand Planet
Dear Star Wars creators,
You don't have to go back to Tatooine. You really don't. We've been there. In damn near every video game, and TV series and book. We have seen Tatooine. Go Someplace New.
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fox-moxin · 2 months
This is a rough read, but you definitely should try if you have the time. Right Wing media is gross and cruel and this shows how dangerous it is.
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fox-moxin · 2 months
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fox-moxin · 2 months
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fox-moxin · 3 months
In which Zach Snyder is wrong.
And of course he goes on Joe Rogan to talk about why Batman should murder people.
Zach is one messed up dude.
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