freetofic-replies · 2 years
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This is a note to myself to address this absolutely amazing block of tags from a person who left no additional comment on this thread, & so therefore I assume agrees with the content thereof in general … but also clearly has drawn a line at ‘defending people who ship what I define as incest & pedophilia’, & therefore, for all practical purposes, is exactly the kind of person this thread is about.
Also the lack of knowledge about the origins of the term ‘anti’ in the context of fandom, because - once again - antis named themselves. When non-antis pick the term for people who (now) call themselves ‘anti-incest’ & ‘anti-pedophilia’, & used to call themselves ‘anti-[ship]’ & even, for a while, just ‘anti’, they get called ‘fandom police’, ‘thought police’, and ‘puritans’.
As usual, I request that anyone stumbling on this post does not seek out the OP of the tags.
Is it me or is the anti movement... really american? We have that stereotype over here that americans are super uptight about sex and super shy about it and obsessed with purity and hiding it from the children and stuff. Idk as a european it always striked me as a product of american culture
it’s very, very American. While there are certainly antis who aren’t American, many of them are.
I have a lot of theories as to why this is, but a lot of them are covered in this post: anti-shipping as the cool new trend (while it’s mostly about the age bracket of anti-shippers as of June 2017 (this time last year), it’s an americentric post talking almost entirely about US phenomena).
tl;dr version? anti-shipping is:
the natural result of growing up both LGBT+/queer and marinated in American-flavored Puritan Christianity/purity culture 
with a side order of valuing safety over freedom 
b/c you’ve always had freedom of information 
but you’ve never known a sense of security 
thanks to lifelong internet access 
paired with post-9/11 paranoia.
add a dash of radical feminism/exclusionist thinking
never being taught how to think critically, and
zero education on sex of any kind, and
viola: anti-shippers. 
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freetofic-replies · 2 years
Nice tags.
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What am I accusing people of in this post, exactly?
antishipping as the ‘cool new trend’
or: why are most antis under 25 years old? (posted June 2017)
I really think that antishipping is a movement that’s gaining ground with the younger & newer arrivals to fandom spaces; a kind of ‘cool trend’, so to speak. In aggregate, antishipping culture is beautifully constructed to be particularly appealing to teenage or college-age people in the late 2010′s - and especially American people - who are marginalized, oppressed, often social outcasts in real life and often under-educated about their own marginalized identity, and I kind of wanted to get into why.
EDIT (October 2018): this post is was originally put up in June 2017. I’ve tweaked it a bit to correct some stuff I now think is just patronizing/incorrect, but overall, I now think it’s overly reliant on adolescent growth stages when the best explanations are societal changes (fandom being on viral social media, fandom being conflated with social justice activism, and increasingly authoritarian trends in 21st century America.)
the other day I posted to talk a little about why I think antis tend to be young (and American). To sum up & simultaneously add a little more:
a brain still growing - until the age of 22-25, the frontal lobe of the brain does not finish development. the frontal lobe handles higher reasoning skills and complex problem-solving. Thus: the growing mind is particularly prone to incomplete reasoning, black and white thinking, and total empathy failure, making it hard for those under 25 to fully comprehend the impact of their actions, sympathize with others, or tackle social problems with nuance. Truly comprehending that others come from entirely different worldviews or have entirely different experiences and that being different doesn’t make them wrong and that most deep-seated problems need complex solutions that require nuance tends to come with this final brain growth. (Not always, of course. but often.) nah I’ve completely changed my mind on this. It’s true that physiological changes are still occurring in teens that make empathy harder, but they can respect the choices of others just as well as an adult can.
current American sex education being mostly scaremongering and abstinence-only + ready availability of sexual content, specifically pornographic material, online + hypersexual marketing = a deeply fucked cultural understanding of sex that adolescents are particularly unequipped to detangle
escaping religious/Christian fundamentalism but not  black&white thinking or authoritarian ‘us vs them’ mindset: the moral/communal purity that organized Christianity often demands can take years to deprogram (and this is not to mention the gender essentialism, homophobia/queerphobia, and anti-sex/anti-kink messages, accompanied by a strong undercurrent of anti-intellectualism to discourage self-education on these subjects!) teens just breaking away from this toxicity are especially unequipped to untangle themselves. Young ppl tend to take the same worldview/us vs them/b&w thinking they grew up with to a more liberal cause instead (such as enforcing ‘social justice’ in shipping), with a side-order of internalized, unexamined anti-lgbt/sex/kink/etc rhetoric that dovetails rather neatly with exclusionist rhetoric.
exclusionary gatekeeping as baby’s first lgbt/queer culture lesson - transformative fandom is a frequent haven for marginalized people who don’t see themselves in the media they consume (so they change the media to meet their emotional, sexual, social, etc needs, you see?). because it’s not taught in schools here in the US, it’s not too uncommon for newcomers to get their first big dose of history and cultural education that’s not centered around straight white men in fandom. but what are they learning? here on tumblr, since about 2013, exclusionists have used the relative lack of education on queer history to build an false history, one where the gender binary is strongly enforced and sexualities can only exist on the binary axis: nb/queer/ace/pan and sometimes even bi and trans -identifying people are erased or ‘not oppressed enough’. this history is the one that young entrants into fandom are more likely to encounter first and have no knowledge with which to counter it.  Antishipping derives its mode of operation and principle values from exclusionists. It dictates who can write or do what based on their sexual/gender identity (and sometimes race as well). Its definition of social justice is also heavily influenced by exclusionists because its members are mostly young people who learned all their queer history from exclusionists.
the particularly adolescent vulnerability to peer pressure (the need to belong & the fear of being ostracized): teens are particularly inclined to be influenced by friendships and maintaining social ties. […]  it’s easy to become an anti in order to keep your friends and almost impossible to quit without losing everything, and teens are especially vulnerable to this kind of social structure.  I think this was a factor 18 months ago, but not so much now. both ‘sides’ of this argument are pretty well-known and people in fandom can have strong opinions on shipping or anti-shipping from very early on.
less focus on teaching critical thinking & self-government. Education in America has long been aimed towards adequate training to work an assembly line, but 21st century American parenting and education both have neglected teaching young people how to make decisions for themselves & how to engage in critical analysis of what they see and read. antishipping is a highly cohesive, insular culture with enforced rules of conduct, striking clear in/out lines and valuing loyalty and groupthink over originality and intellectualism. also: keeping the party line & persecution of outsiders is encouraged, further strengthening the need to conform.
having a just cause & a space to control: antishipping rests its laurels on a(n incomplete, corrupted) form of social justice/righting the wrongs of the privileged. being an anti feels like making a difference b/c your actions have visible impact on your immediate surroundings. (and having a space you feel you can control can be even more urgent with additional pressures like abusive home situations, past traumatic experiences, academic pressure, untreated/unrecognized mental illness, being forced into the closet b/c of queer/transphobia, etc.)
an American (and to a lesser degree, western European) post 9/11* cultural shift from prioritizing personal freedom to prioritizing communal safety; those under the age of 20 were 3 or younger or not yet born when the shift happened. antishipping prioritizes communal ‘safety’ (‘bad’, ‘dangerous’, or ‘inappropriate’ things must never be mentioned to protect people from hearing about them and being either corrupted or harmed) over personal freedom (allowing ‘bad’/’dangerous’ things to be  discussed, and it is up to the individual to personally decide what content to avoid).
(*actually, this shift started in the US before 9/11. 9/11 just sped it up.)
of course, all of this is conjecture based on my own experiences and observations, and it’s not a set of rules - just circumstances that I believe absolutely encourage young fandom members to end up falling headfirst into antishipping and either never notice how hurtful it is or never get the courage to leave it behind. And I think there’s a lot more the popularity/prevalence of antishipping today, but this post is already longer than I meant it to be.
(I always go light on racism when i talk about antishipping because while antis frequently accuse shippers of racism, it’s disingenuous to class racism as the same kind of oppression as lgbt+-phobia & misogyny, particularly in America - they’re related, but not the same. Centering non-white (and especially black) voices does not get the same focus as centering lgbt and women’s voices in fandom, and I think it’s easy to dismiss legitimate charges of racism as ‘anti bullshit’ when we class all these types of marginalization together.)
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
also with all due respect the main reason the left loses so much is that y’all refuse to compromise on the language and messaging you use to speak to voters. i swear if you rebranded “defund the police” as “invest in community safety from the ground up” most white suburban moderates would be like “that sounds great” and i know that because that’s how i’ve literally reframed it to white suburban moderates who think “defund the police” means we’re going to live in a scary lawless mad max world
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
Some positivity for the writers & commenters out there. :)
There is a writer, I love every work she has written so far and I comment or leave kudos every chapter/work that she had published. Is that too much? I'm feeling like a stalker.
Odds are you are now that author’s favourite reader and they have you specifically in mind when they write because they’re looking forward to your reaction to it :D
At least, that’s how it goes for me.
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
Reference for me
If you’re genuinely interested in learning more about settler colonialism and answering questions like “wait what does land back look like?” “What can I do?” and “What are the contexts informing this and why do Indigenous people reject being part of the US/Canada?” there are free syllabi online which can answer these questions (they will not answer it directly, the point is to get you to think for yourself and ask more questions that can lead you to thinking more deeply about this and how you can personally take action towards better practices of solidarity) 
Here’s the Standing Rock Syllabus: 
Allyship and Solidarity Guidelines of Unsettling America:
Towards Decolonization and Settler Responsibility:
Sample Syllabi of the DEcolonization Resource Collection:
Further Readings:
These are limited resources that mainly deal with North America and English-speaking countries, because that’s the context I am coming from. If you have resources from other regions and other languages, I welcome them here, or anything from your local context. 
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
Leaked NYPD "goon squad" manual
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In New York City, the summer 2020 #BLM uprising became a grotesque spectacle, as legions of ultraviolent cops committed mass-scale, criminal human rights violations, spawning a new subgenre of viral video: the NYPD BLM violence video.
During and after this period, public attention focused on the systemic nature of the NYPD’s lawlessness, like the fact that the cops’ disciplinary records were held secret, obscuring the repeat offenders.
Indeed, Propublica’s brave publication of these records demonstrated that the force is riddled with violent, habitual sadists.
Propublica did incredible work, showing that cops who commits a strings of violent human rights abuses and cost the taxpayer vast fortunes in legal settlements aren’t disqualified from promotions - these monsters constitute the NYPD’s top brass.
Propublica also delved deep into the NYPD’s sham of a disciplinary process, for example, documenting the continued use of illegal choke-holds by officers, primarily against Black men, and how police officials did nothing to enforce their own policies.
All of this leads up to impunity. As Propublica went on to report, out of the hundreds the NYPD officers caught on video committing crimes against protesters, only *two* were brought up for discipline, despite video evidence and eyewitness reports.
The cherry on the cake: last month, Propublica revealed the existence of a secretive, tax-funded slushfund that pays out millions to hire white-shoe lawyers to defend the cops who are so dirty the city refuses to defend them:
Latent in all of this discussion is the assumption - on the part of NYPD critics *and* apologists - that the cops who commit these crimes are breaking their own rules. But as it turns out, that’s not true.
Today, The Intercept published the leaked, secret, destroy-after-reading procedural manuals for the NYPD’s Strategic Response Group, an ultra-secretive good squad formed by former chief Bill Bratton in 2015.
We don’t know how big the SRG is - it’s a secret - but we know that its inaugural budget was $13m in 2015 and today, it’s nearly $90m. As Alice Speri and John Bolger write, the crimes we witnessed last summer are literally straight out of the SRG’s playbook.
That thing where bike cops kettle a group of protesters, hoist their bikes up to their chest, forming a moving fence, and then beat the shit out of  protesters as they advance? That’s not the result of undertraining - it’s a maneuver they regularly drill.
When the BLM uprising began, the NYPD’s chief and commissioner both pledged that the SRG - theoretically designed to maintain order during mass riots, not political protests - wouldn’t be involved.
They lied.
“Investigators found a disproportionate number of SRG officers accused of wrongdoing to have exceeded their legal authority, when compared with the wider department.”
Despite its $90m budget and estimated 700 cops, it’s not clear why SRG exists at all. The NY AG’s office said SRG shouldn’t be used on protesters because they’re supposed to fight terrorism, but the NYPD already has an expensive, heavily resourced Counterterrorism Bureau.
One thing we do know about the SRG: they have a huge intelligence wing. Before deployments, SRG officers are briefed on “group size, planned arrests, key members of the protest group, and the group’s hierarchy,” and other intel. They go in with a plan.
That’s the point: the violence isn’t the result of rogue cops ignoring their training. It’s the result of cops doing *exactly* what they’re trained to do.
If you doubt it, read the manuals.
Learn about the Bike Line Arrest Manuever, or BLAM, in which officers “shout ‘BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!’ as they advance,” and “[take] control of subjects head by clinching your hands and arms behind the head of subject and bringing head against your chest.”
This is exactly what Human Rights Watch documented in their report on a Jun 4, 2020 “planned assault” in the Bronx. NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea called the chaotic violence of that assault as “a plan which was executed nearly flawlessly.” He wasn’t lying.
The authors warn that any reform that results in disbanding the SRG won’t be enough: the NYPD has a long history of dissolving its most criminal units and then reforming them with a new name, new insignia and even bigger budgets.
They give the final word to Joo-Hyun Kang of Communities United for Police Reform, who says that the real problem isn’t the SRG, it’s “the hyper-militarization, the hyper-aggressive policing tactics. That’s not an SRG problem only, that’s an NYPD problem”
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
can we move past “should ace people be involved in lgbt spaces” and start examining how asexuality impacts all of us whether we identify as it or not. it particularly impacts people of color in a way that is distinct per racial group. i mean, trudy has written about this, danyi has written about this, vesper discusses this, hana examines this in her performance art, michael talks about this and created a whole online publication for other aces, primarily aces of color, to share their own experiences in their own way, mod fae over at fyeahasexual discusses this as well.
i think it’s important that we start shifting from “do aces belong” to “how does asexuality help me reclaim the agency white supremacy and western imperialism took from me?” by hearing out ace voices of color. and this doesnt have to end at BIPoC who are affected by western imperialism and white supremacy. we can move on towards people under the bracket of other issues in the world
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
Pure joy in a post
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
‘Normalize fatness by making it equally sexually desirable as thinness according to the patriarchy’ is exactly the kind of half-assed ‘activism’ that achieves absolutely nothing except further empowering white supremacist cisheteropatriarchy
Both sexualization & desexualization are the tools of institutionalized bigotry, & they will never dismantle the systemic prejudice that hold us all down
every time i see people trying to normalize fatness by sexualizing it i think of that post thats like “what are you gonna tell a fucking 12 y/o? dont cry dude youre so thick? stop it” bc like. truly. not only do i personally not want my body to be sexualized lol but also its so harmful to kids like?? being fat is normal in all contexts not just when youre in lingerie with a beat face looking pouty at the camera like can we talk about the variances in human bodies without resorting to making them normal only when theyre sexy, my god
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freetofic-replies · 3 years
@ao3commentoftheday : would limiting the number of tags a person can put on a fic be a reasonable solution? It could still be an absurdly high number (like, say, 100 tags) but it would discourage this sort of behavior without fundamentally changing the Archive’s mission.
(It also might discourage the cross-fandom ficlet-per-chapter-in-one-massive-fic works.)
Y'all, listen, shit is going down on Ao3, luckily it hasn't reached The Dark Crystal, but I feel it still needs to be addressed.
So, some motherfuckers are thinking it's fucking hilarious to post only fics with few actual words, but the user (usually anon or an orphan account) puts an entire fanfiction in the additional tags. It takes up a huge portion of the page, and takes forever to scroll past.
Apparently some fuckers are thinking this shit is trendy, and think it's fun to include almost every fandom (including one I am new to and have been trying to enjoy) to try and affect -or rather inconvenience- the most people possible.
If they realize it or not, they are taking up and wasting the mods' time. THEY ARE VOLENTEERS, and these fucking pieces of shit think it's all shits and giggles to not only waste the mods' time, but the hundreds of thousands effected, people who just want to enjoy the website and its content.
Do not participate in these 'games'. It is not funny to anyone, and it is wasting the time of the people you share the website with and of the people who allow you to be on the site in the first place.
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freetofic-replies · 4 years
all these people who say gay was never a slur are too young to remember those psas that told you to say stupid instead of gay
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freetofic-replies · 4 years
You make some really good points about the gray areas in what ‘predatory’ looks like. Sometimes yellow flags go unnoticed because we’re too busy looking for red flags. And though I think that what a person likes in fiction is not a red or yellow flag unto itself, fictional tastes can be a warning flag in conjunction with behavioral signs of being a predator.
And as you say: predators can and do use the ‘purity culture is stifling me!’ argument to defend themselves or deflect criticism of predatory behavior. And on the flip side, predators can and do take part in ‘anti culture’, claiming to fight predators, while using their influence to get inappropriate up close and personal with the teenagers whose trust they gain by being ‘an anti’. Either way, it’s predators who benefit from all this polarization.
Further exacerbating all of this is the lack of adult-specific fandom communities, or social media sites where NSFW content can be flagged as such without the site hiding it from *everyone* (not just underage minors). This is one of my biggest complaints about modern, commercialized viral sharing social media sites.
All that said, can I ask a couple of questions to clarify some of the experiences you’ve described? I want to make sure I know what I should be looking out for.
am I correctly understanding that *artists* - not second-hand reposters - of nsfw art have posted explicitly sexual nsfw art & specifically tagged your daughter to make sure she sees it?
and either way: did they know your daughter was underage when they tagged her?
I’m asking b/c I’ve personally witnessed many instances of explicit nsfw art being shown to underage minors by reposters to ‘warn’ minors about the creator of the explicit nsfw, but either reposters or the original artist: if they know your daughter was 11 years old & still tagged her, it’s a new low of horrible.
Do you happen to know if any of the people who have tagged your daughter when sharing explicit nsfw art themselves underage (peer-to-peer sharing rather than adult-to-minor)? I’m just curious b/c that’s a different flavor of ‘something is wrong here’.
On the subject of cp/csem [tw child porn / cp / child sexual exploitation material / csem ]:
to quote you: “[your] friends can’t say posting child porn is still quite illegal (for good reason as children cannot provide informed consent and child porn is sexual exploitation of a minor) without being accused of being a bully or an anti.”
I’d really, really like to know what your friends are calling ‘child porn’. because I have to be honest: when I see the word ‘child porn’ in fandom, the large majority of the time it’s being used to refer to fanworks - fanart or fanfic in particular - which don’t involve real children in any conceivable way.
If your friends are referring to CSEM rather than fanworks that involve only fictional characters being drawn or written about, could you let me know who’s trying to shut them down by calling them ‘antis’ or ‘bullies’? I want to make sure they’re exposed & excised from any communities I interact with - especially because there’s been 4 incidents this year (2020) ALONE of people who claim to be ‘anti-pedophilia’ sharing CSEM in the context of ‘callout posts’.
It’s so unbelievably important that people who are fandom are educating one another on how to handle CSEM material they come across so they don’t (a) contribute to the harm of the minor appearing in the CSEM, (b) don’t unwittingly spread CSEM further, and (c) don’t get ensnared in a justice system that will penalize them inappropriately when they’ve made a genuine error in judgement.
thank you either way!
I've been seeing "anti-anti" as a dni on stimboards. Would you mind helping me understand what an anti-anti is? How can I know if I am one or if I'm allowing them to interact with me (yes if you allow them to interact is on the dni lists). This sort of thing seemed like your wheelhouse but I apologise if it's not or if the question is irritating.
Oh boy. Welcome to the mudfight.
Trigger warning: Child sexual abuse, bullying
“Anti” isn’t a thing people call themselves these days, but it comes from the world of anti-shipping in fanfic (thinking a certain relationship or pairing is disgusting and reprehensible and nobody should ship it). It also ties in to the anti-porn movement. The claim such people generally make about themselves is that they are trying to protect children from problematic fanfiction that “glamorizes” or “romanticizes” incest, pedophilia, and abuse. Here’s an attempt to define the term as it’s used now.
The anti definition of an “anti-anti” is, therefore, “a person who supports incest, pedophilia, and abuse”. Which sounds very terrible! Who wouldn’t want to stay as far away from those people as possible?
And, well, I’m an anti-anti. I actually care a lot about keeping children safe from sexual abuse. I just happen to think that “antis” are aimed at mostly the wrong targets, since they’re misdefining their central terms, have chosen the exact wrong methods to do it, and are in fact harming child sexual abuse survivors, doing nothing to prevent abuse, and generally behaving like an abusive cult.
What I think is a good way to make children safer in fandom, from my study of trauma, resilience, and healing: Promote widespread education about safe sex, healthy relationships, bodily autonomy, and consent; provide clear labels and warnings for all kinds of sexual content, even/especially if the relationship depicted is not entirely safe or healthy; teach fans how to find the kind of content they want and avoid the kind of content they don’t; allow for many diverse depictions of sex and relationships and encourage a healthy discussion about the relative merits and evils of different situations; encourage people to know that it’s totally normal and healthy to have weird sexual fantasies or desires, and that doesn’t mean you actually want or need that to happen in real life; promote knowledge about trauma and abuse, how to recognize it, and healthy ways to heal from it.
What antis think is a good way to make children safer in fandom, as far as I understand it: Prohibit all discussion or depiction of people under the age of 18 in relation to sex. Declare any adult who wants to talk about or depict people under the age of 18 in relation to sex a pedophile who is risky to children. Define “pedophilia” to mean any relationship that involves people under 18, any relationship containing anyone who is a minor in the source material who has grown up in the work of art, or any relationship between adults that has an age gap or in which one member seems visually smaller, younger, or less mature than the other. Define “incest” to mean any relationship in which characters have known each other since childhood or have a bond that seems familial (mentoring, comrades, “you’re like a brother to me”). Have no clear standards whatsoever for what “glamorizing” or “fetishizing” means, so any fan activity that includes forbidden topics is bad. When a fan is seen to be a fan of, or to produce or consume fanworks about them, assume this person is a “pedo” who will inevitably harm children if given the opportunity, and harass the shit out of them and/or dox them to parents or employers.
I… don’t actually have a ton of evidence for examples of antis saying this stuff, because honestly, it’s so toxic I have to avoid it for my mental health. If you wanna go dig through the garbage and see just how bad this gets, sources of Shit Antis Say closest to me are probably @lizcourserants​ and @shipcourse on Twitter.
Tl;dr: An “anti-anti” is someone who opposes the idea that the only way to “prevent child abuse” is to send violent and threatening messages to people whose ships or fanfic are insufficiently “morally pure”. “Anti-antis DNI” is a sign that someone is okay with censorship and abuse as ordinary parts of social life on the internet.
(@namings has had some good insight over the years on why there’s so much overlap between the stimboard community and antifandom and anti-BDSM, despite there being a big overlap between autistic people and people into kink, but their archive is not, she said fondly, optimized for easy browsing.)
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freetofic-replies · 4 years
Got this ask just now [tw: racist asshole incoming]
Anonymous said:
you should shut the fuck up about paganism, european paganism belongs to europeans the same way shinto belongs to the japanese, vodun belongs to west africa, and so on. european paganism is ultimately an ancestral cult that revolves around reincarnation. why does that chap your ass so badly bitch? die in a fucking fire
Considering the context, I only have one thing to say:
Now get tf out of here
The weird nazi apologists keep finding my post through witchblr, you folk have got to get your act together– not everyone who reblogs nice crystals and european folklore is your friend.
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freetofic-replies · 4 years
To keep it brief: I think that your search for the universal root of misogyny has led you to oversimplify or outright ignore the reality that culture, race, ethnicity, life experience, geography, upbringing, personality, sexual orientation, self-conceptualizaripn, and more ALSO play significant roles in one’s experience of sex- and gender-based oppression (or lack thereof).
Misogyny takes many forms in many different cultures. To try to distill those forms to one universal ‘underlying’ misogyny is fallacious.
Additionally, focusing solely/almost solely on misogyny as the only/primarily significant form of oppression women &/or perceived women experience re-marginalizes & decenters women at intersections of oppression, such as Black women. (Black women - some radfems themselves - have been pointing this out to radfem communities since the 70’s.)
Sometimes you just have to let humanity be complicated. Not doing that does us all a disservice - especially those on more than one axis of oppression.
Radfem on this site: *posts some meaningful insight into womanhood or patriarchal systems or sex based oppression*
People on this site:
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Radfems: so you disagree?
People on this site: …..
Radfems: well….?
People on this site:
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freetofic-replies · 4 years
“Social construction of binary gender” is still off. 
we know binary gender is a social construct, not a biological inevitability, because many societies throughout human history have/had three or more culturally integrated genders. (White Imperialist Christian cultures’ effort to stomp said societies out nonwithstanding.)
The idea that there is inherently anything about being a man or woman that is outside of our physical bodies or reproductive function (which is what we call gender) is a fallacy. That’s called your personality
that’s what we call sex, actually (the dual-peak standard deviation model that indicates the ‘average’ human body’s chromosomal makeup, hormone production levels, and reproductive organs.) (and plenty of ppl have biology that falls outside those ‘average’ characteristics.)
it’s a fallacy to conflate biological sex and gender. A person’s gender is influenced not just by their biological sex; they’re also influenced by the sex assigned them at birth, their physical, emotional, social, and mental development, their personality, their life experience, and the cultural soup that all of this personal development takes place in.
Some people know from an early age that their perception of themselves doesn’t match up with their assigned sex; some people don’t, only realizing it later; some people never feel uncomfortable with their assigned sex. and whatever gender these people identify themselves as - whether they realize they are transgender, and/or nonbinary, or agender, or cis but gender nonconforming, or something else - they deserve respect & acceptance.
and if it cannot be said about men in the west the same as men in the east, its not a man thing, it’s a east vs west thing.
’the east’ is so, SOOOO sosososo loaded with racist connotations. yikes. just. y i k e s
to address the root of this, though ...
why not both? 
seriously, though. consider: the definition of ‘embodying manhood’ in one part of the world (let’s call this ‘culture A’) may be different from the definition of ‘embodying manhood’ in another part of the world (’culture B’). therefore cis men from Culture A may behave differently from cis men from Culture B because of different cultural expectations. it’s no less culturally ‘male’ just because it’s different.
But globally, males oppress females and it’s for the explicit purpose of controlling our reproductive capacity.
no doubt, people who are perceived as capable of childbearing* suffer from specific, unique kinds of abuse, and that should not be ignored. But considering centuries - millennia - of social buildup and baggage around gender roles/gender performance, I think the oppression exercised by patriarchal cultures is a little more comprehensive than reproductive roles only. (Toxic masculinity, for instance, does incalculable harm to people of all genders by teaching (perceived) men to severely impair their emotional range & reliance.)
(and that’s even without addressing all the complications created by skin color, ethnicity, queerness, neurodiversity, physical &/or mental disabilities, economic status, etc, which are equally important.)
*not everyone with a uterus is capable of childbearing. not everyone who was born with a uterus still has one, and not everyone who ‘looks like’ they have a uterus has one/ever had one.
Gender ideology facilitates that.
gender exists; it is not an ideology.
addressing that reality is a strength, not a weakness, of modern intersectional feminism.
Radfem on this site: *posts some meaningful insight into womanhood or patriarchal systems or sex based oppression*
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Radfems: so you disagree?
People on this site: …..
Radfems: well….?
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freetofic-replies · 4 years
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From @queenofplumes , a radfem.
actually, I’m using the actual definition of ‘dog whistle’. From the Oxford Dictionary:
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dog whistle: ‘a subtly aimed political message which is intended for, and can only be understood by, a particular group.’
Here, the term ‘gender critical’ has a laymen meaning and a secret, secondary meaning for those ‘in the know’ (ie radfems/radfem sympathizers).
Laymen meaning: analytically critical of the social construction of binary gender.
Radfem meaning: gender doesn’t actually exist: only biological sex does.
I said nothing about white supremacy: that’s all on you. if you think the fact that you have dogwhistle terminology ties you to white supremacy, well ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Radfem on this site: *posts some meaningful insight into womanhood or patriarchal systems or sex based oppression*
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Radfems: so you disagree?
People on this site: …..
Radfems: well….?
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freetofic-replies · 4 years
Yes, ‘don’t believe andor’s transphobia’ was an FF12 Ref 💕 (the politics of that game are top-notch)
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