freshbittycenter · 3 years
gonna work on some asks/adopts tonight!
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
Fresh nods, leading her over to the counter where a few stacks of paper are sitting. He goes through one, then hands it to her, the picture of Barry clipped to the front.
“After doing some general watches on how Hattie and Barry interact, neither of them are very keen on each other. Its unfortunate, but you can still adopt Barry and, if possible, another bitty to keep him company.”
He pauses, shaking his head. “I am sorry. But don’t worry, we already have a potential adopter for Hattie.”
:0 I'm interested for Hattie and Barry! But since I have a pretty big family, Maybe use my character Beatrice? ^^"
“Hello dear.” Fresh greets Beatrice as they enter the adoption center, pointing out the slight step up through the door.
“I hope you looked into the history posted of both Hattie and Barry... they’ve both been through quite a bit and need someone who is willing to both care for them and give them their space.” He smiles kindly, but sadly. 
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
:0 I'm interested for Hattie and Barry! But since I have a pretty big family, Maybe use my character Beatrice? ^^"
“Hello dear.” Fresh greets Beatrice as they enter the adoption center, pointing out the slight step up through the door.
“I hope you looked into the history posted of both Hattie and Barry... they’ve both been through quite a bit and need someone who is willing to both care for them and give them their space.” He smiles kindly, but sadly. 
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
Do the bittys have any magical abilities? Like can they teleport or summon blasters?
Some of them can! Some of them can’t though, and they shouldn’t be adopted just for their ability (or disability) to perform works of magic. 
It depends on the type of bitty, the history and things that they bitty has been through, and the bitty’s natural aptitude for magic in the first place!
(And, to some extent, it depends on the person writing the bitty lol)
I hope this explains!
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
Some Bitties Up For Adoption!
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Hattie and Barry are up for adoption, but they’re special needs!
send an ask if you’re interested :O
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
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Fresh stands at the check in counter, camera set to the side as he fixes up the picture of Zeus and Hermes, the only two bitties not busy with decorations of the center.
“Pops, you think there’ll be a lot of people?” Hermes asks, his tail flicking nervously. Fresh chuckles, patting him on the head gently.
“Even if no one comes, we’ll have a good dinner and make sure that everyone has a good day.”
Zeus watches patiently as Fresh does the finishing touches to the picture, adding a cheeky “Merry Christmas!!” at the top.
“Alright! Lets have a good Christmas everyone!”
Welcome to the Fresh Bitty Center Christmas Event!
this is an event of adoptions and rps, as well as any questions anyone may have! there will be some new adoptable bitties on the Varied Bitties page on the blog, so keep a look out there!
feel free during this event to bring out your own bitties to hang out!
and have fun :D
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
Hi! I just wanted to say that I'm interested in a match-up! I'm an artistic ambivert who has ADD (a mental version of ADHD) and Insomnia. I love drawing, watching YouTube / listening to music, playing video games, exploring, and making new friends! I often need to be reminded about doing stuff like chores and other such things due to my ADD oh and I need a bitty that wouldn't mind cutting me off when I ramble.
Well hello there dear ^^ I’m sure we can find a few little guys that meet your description!
Foxglove - these little guys love to explore and learn new things, and while they aren’t rude about it, they will demand attention on occasion. They have no issues reminding you that you have things that need doing, but they enjoy hanging out as well!
Sweet Pickle - these boyos are very tidy and helpful when it comes to chores and such, but they also enjoy building a relationship with their owners, despite the initial bump of poor self esteem. 
Basil - these lads are very helpful around the house, and have 0 issue making themselves be heard. They are kind, though, and try very hard not to make you feel talked down to, or unheard. They love going places and meeting new people!
Pup - these boys are bit harder to get to trust you, but once you have that relationship, you’ve got a companion for life. They don’t mind going places and doing things, but their real love is in being home with you.
And remember, these are just suggestions!! Let me know what you decide :D
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
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As a celebration for nearly reaching 100 followers and getting so far with this blog, 
I made a Discord Server for the Adoption Center!
- system friendly - art and writing friendly - rp friendly - sfw only in main chat - other bitty type/shops friendly
feel free to join and hang out!! that link won’t expire, but there are limited uses!
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
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As a celebration for nearly reaching 100 followers and getting so far with this blog, 
I made a Discord Server for the Adoption Center!
- system friendly - art and writing friendly - rp friendly - sfw only in main chat - other bitty type/shops friendly
feel free to join and hang out!! that link won’t expire, but there are limited uses!
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
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As a celebration for nearly reaching 100 followers and getting so far with this blog, 
I made a Discord Server for the Adoption Center!
- system friendly - art and writing friendly - rp friendly - sfw only in main chat - other bitty type/shops friendly
feel free to join and hang out!! that link won’t expire, but there are limited uses!
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
We’re 5 followers away from 100!
When we hit 100 followers the next bitty type will be released, and we’ll have some fun :D
There are a few more events coming up, such as the Christmas Party and New Year’s Bash, so be prepared for those!
We all wish you guys a very Merry Christmas, and we hope you all stay safe these holidays.
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freshbittycenter · 3 years
just an update on Harris. Heś settled in quite well and says hello!
I’m so glad!! I wish you all a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and a good New Years ^^
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freshbittycenter · 4 years
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a preview of the new Papyrus Moth type of bitty, the Atlas!!
they’ll be colored and such but this is just to show the general outline ^^
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freshbittycenter · 4 years
Sorry I’ve been gone so long guys, its been kinda really crazy here (what with catching Covid, my grandmother going into hospice, and generally other craziness…)
But I’m back!! I’ll get to all the rps sometime today, and here is a reminder for the new followers that the following asks are accepted fully!
- Adoptions/ RPs for adoptions - Any and all questions about the blog/the center/the bitties themselves - RPs to hang out with the bitties - Whatever you want really!
I have an empty ask box right now, so help fill it up and we’ll get back into the swing of things :D
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freshbittycenter · 4 years
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a preview of the new Papyrus Moth type of bitty, the Atlas!!
they’ll be colored and such but this is just to show the general outline ^^
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freshbittycenter · 4 years
We’re 10 followers away from the next bitty type being released!!
the next one is the Moth of the Night types!
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freshbittycenter · 4 years
Each bitty, now staring at Yastaghr in no small amount of kindness and sympathy, nod enthusiastically. 
The Radish rubs the back of their neck, a bit shy. “Whisky sounds like a right fine name fer me.”
The Foxglove is still vibrating, but has calmed down a little, literal stars in his eyes. “I’m definitely okay with Rye! Rye makes such great bread, scrumptious and nutritious!”
And the Cornflower? He’s nearly in tears, thinking about the fact that he has a home now, with someone who understands. “I love it. Barely is perfect.”
Each of them smile at Yastaghr, hope in their souls, and take in the thought that this is finally it. They have a home.
A seemingly young girl walks into the clinic, followed closely by a full-size BlackBerry Puff from @selkiesbittybonanza. Vergeven has a small Daredevil from @polestar-bitties (named Verst) on his shoulder. A Lich from @mythical-adoptions named Baza'eir is on the girl's shoulder. They make their way to the front counter and Baza'eir asks, "Is there a room open for meet-and-greets? We're looking to adopt a Foxglove, a Radish, and a Cornflower."
A rather short skeleton monster stands from behind the counter, green eyes flashing in delight. “Hello! My name is Fresh, all the little ones call me Papa.”
He steps forward, remaining a respectful distance away as a tall bitty pops up in his place at the counter. “Listen for the bell, Jimmy.” Fresh says, before turning and waving for the girl and bitties to follow.
“I just cleaned up Playroom Dios Mio, so just settle down in here and I’ll bring some of the little guys in for the meet-and-greet!”
The light green door Fresh just opened leads to a large, open room, with bay windows letting gentle, warm air into the room. There are lots of colorful bean bags and pillows, everything looking well used and inviting. 
“What was your name again, I always tell the bits who’s come to give them a good look over!” Fresh asks.
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