fresshsage · 2 years
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These special boys have an iron grip on my spine rn
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fresshsage · 2 years
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Extra cling on ghost king, impossible to remove
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fresshsage · 2 years
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D&D Class Virtues by Luke Beatrice
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fresshsage · 2 years
"In reading a novel, any novel, we have to know perfectly well that the whole thing is nonsense, and then, while reading, believe every word of it. Finally, when we’re done with it, we may find—if it’s a good novel—that we’re a bit different from what we were before we read it, that we have been changed a little, as if by having met a new face, crossed a street we never crossed before. But it’s very hard to say just what we learned, how we were changed."
Ursula K. Le Guin (foreword to The Left Hand of Darkness)
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fresshsage · 2 years
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Anthropomorphic illustrations of Chinese cultural relics by 画画的玉玉卿
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fresshsage · 2 years
What are the first things that someone living in a small flat in a city can do to make it as Practically Solarpunk as possible?
This is an excellent question! And I apologize for taking so long to answer it, I wanted to make sure my response was thorough. This topic really deserves its own masterpost (which has now gone on my list of posts to write).
The answer depends on a lot of factors (do you have a patio or balcony? Does your flat get any natural light? Do you live with other people who would resist anything too "out there"? etc.). Here's what I personally would do starting from zero to make my apartment more Practically Solarpunk.
Set the thermostat low in winter and high in summer to reduce energy use. Go by the "cool/heat the person, not the space" principle, which means lots of layers, blankets, and hot water bottles (or similar) when it's cold and loose clothing, damp towels, and lots of fans when it's hot. Bonus: DRAMATICALLY recuces utility bills, especially if you have electric heat.
Put up curtains. Especially if you have a lot of windows or big windows, putting up thick curtains will help regulate the temperature inside. If it’s hot out, close the curtains over windows getting sunlight to prevent it from warming up your place. If it’s cold out, keep the curtains closed whenever possible to insulate from the cold (glass transfers temperature really well and it will mitigate any drafts).
Grow plants. I’m partial to herbs and other things you can eat. If you have a patio and the weather is good, grow them outdoors. If not, a sunny windowsill works fine.
Start bokashi composting. It's fast, compact, mostly smell-free, and a great way to reduce your waste and get nice dirt for your plants. You do need dirt somewhere to finish the process, but it doesn't have to be a yard - I keep a couple 5-gallon buckets of dirt on my patio for this purpose.
Experiment with solar energy. How much you are able to do with that will depend on how much time/money you want to invest and how much sun your flat gets, but in most cases you should be able to generate enough solar energy to at least keep your phone charged.
Flush the toilet with graywater. This one does take some extra effort and requires that your landlord not get too bent out of shape about you removing things that you’ll put back before you leave. Remove the p-trap from your bathroom sink and put a bucket underneath so the sink drain leads to the bucket. When you need to flush the toilet, empty the bucket of sink water into the toilet tank (or directly into the toilet bowl if you have an American-style greedy cup siphon toilet - more instructions here).
Meet your neighbors. Community and mutual aid all start from a base of knowing the people around you. My favorite method is to give a plate of homemade cookies when I introduce myself, but that’s optional.
Share with your neighbors. Set up a shared pantry in your building, try one of these other similar options, and find stuff you need and get rid of stuff you don’t through your local Freecycle, Trash Nothing, or Buy Nothing group.
Feel free to take whichever suggestions fit your situation and leave the rest. And if you have more specific questions, you can absolutely send in another ask!
- Mod J
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fresshsage · 2 years
Tiffany didn't make noise when she was up at the hut. She just loved being there. She'd watch the buzzards and listen to the noise of the silence.
It did have a noise, up there. Sounds, voices, animal noises floating up onto the downs somehow made the silence deep and complex. And Granny Aching wrapped this silence around herself and made room inside it for Tiffany.
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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fresshsage · 2 years
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TOKYO GODFATHERS ‘東京ゴッドファーザーズ’ dir. Satoshi Kon
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fresshsage · 2 years
Ponder Stibbons had been worried to find himself, as a wizard, awaiting the arrival of the Hogfather. It's amazing how people define roles for themselves and put handcuffs on their experience and are constantly surprised by the things a roulette universe spins at them.
Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
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fresshsage · 3 years
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Art by simone ferriero
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fresshsage · 3 years
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fresshsage · 3 years
Watch Yogscast with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/yogscast?sr=a
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fresshsage · 3 years
It's only £35 for 55 games and all the money goes to charity. Also lots of laughs for getting into the festive spirit.
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fresshsage · 3 years
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just me crying over Paul McCartney explaining how every piece of music ever composed rests forever on the notes of a piano keyboard
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fresshsage · 3 years
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Ged also spoke low, to use his friend’s true name: “No matter, Estarriol. But this is myself, and I am glad to see you…”
[Estarriol] heard, perhaps, something more than simple gladness in his voice. He had not yet let go of Ged’s shoulder, and he said now, in the True Speech, “In trouble and from darkness you come, Ged, yet your coming is joy to me.”
I’m reading the Earthsea books for the first time… super recommend the first one to anyone in need of a heartfelt story of discovery and self acceptance… wow 😭
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fresshsage · 3 years
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Team 7 shenanigans.
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fresshsage · 3 years
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guys help i’m LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND over these fat tiger art scrolls
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