froginette · 2 years
Here are some things I’m planning to write and post onto this account.
1. Raiden Shogun (Ei) with shrunken Yae Miko.
2. Cinderella story rewrite (normal rewrite and a g/t version)
3. Eugene and Rapunzel but g/t
4. Kazuha and shrunken Gorou
5. Gorou and tiny Kokomi
6. Borrower Albedo with Kaeya
7. Diluc w/ borrower
8. Itto w/ shrunken Gorou
9. Fairy Stories
10. More criminal minds content
11. More iZombie
12. Hopefully obey me content
13. enstars g/t
14. Bandori g/t
15. Final fantasy g/t
16. Poetry
17. OC posting + backstories + stories
18. Madoka magica g/t
And hopefully more
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froginette · 2 years
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ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴀ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs. thoma, kazuha, childe, chongyun, venti
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛs. the boys comfort an anxious reader
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇ. anxiety sucks :( tw for mentions of it, but nothing super serious or descriptive!! this is just comfort. i wanted to write something important to me for my first work on this account, and we could all use some comfort. so i hope this maybe brings you some solace for at least a moment if you are struggling right now <3 you are never, ever alone.
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ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀ is a gentle and thoughtful soul. empathetic, kind-hearted, and experienced in the field of comfort, he has no problem consoling you in your state of anxiety, nor is he bothered by it or repelled by the things you tell him. he’ll retrieve whatever needs retrieving—tissues, chocolate, a big comfy shirt, water—and he’ll kiss whatever needs kissing. when you feel at your worst, he takes you in his arms and smooches the top of your head, engulfing you in a big teddy bear hug as if to protect you from anything and everything wishing you harm.
all he wants is for you to know that things will be okay soon. he wants you to feel safe. he’s really good at telling when you’re not well either in public or if you’re lying about being fine—he knows your triggers and your tells like the back of his hand. overwhelmed? thoma is steering you away from prying eyes with his hand on the small of your back, taking you somewhere private to hold your hands and kiss your tears away. sad? thoma’s already retrieved taromarou, placing the dog in front of you with that charming, lovable smile of his dazzling you into distraction. although anxiety waits for no one, thoma has his ways of persuasion. somehow, this man has managed to beat around the bush for you long enough to have these fleeting moments of peace.
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ᴋᴀᴢᴜʜᴀ will slowly pull you to his chest, embracing you with one arm around your waist and the other holding your head close. he’ll mutter things like, “my dove, you should take a break,” or, “you’re safe with me, i promise,” rocking back and forth on his feet ever so slightly. when he pulls away, he looks at you with such concern that it makes you want to melt. if you inquire about this or insinuate that he shouldn’t worry about you, he’ll say, “i truly hate seeing you so sad, love.” he rests his soft hands on your cheeks, thumb smoothing over the streaks of tears that remain. “you’re so lovely. i wish you could see that.”
when around people and kazuha sees that look in your eye, that body language, that tapping foot, he tactfully distracts you until it’s possible to leave. you find yourself lost in his eyes as he grins at you so softly, the wind tossing your hair around and getting strands in your mouth just a bit (which was definitely kazuha’s attempt at trying to make you laugh). “oh, love, you seem to be having a bit of trouble. let me help you,” he laughs deviously, causing the wind to ruffle your hair even more. if that doesn’t work, he’ll ruin his own hair. then he’ll just kiss you. if you aren’t in public, he will make sure to give you the cuddles he believes you deserve; the kind where you forget whose limbs are whose because it’s all just a tangled mess, but that’s okay—you feel safe in this tangled mess.
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ᴄʜɪʟᴅᴇ assures you that nothing you could ever say would shock him. he’s no stranger to dark thoughts (though perhaps his “dark thoughts” are different than yours); he would never judge you for what goes on in your mind. this strange fatui harbinger whom you had grown to love was your solace and your rock. when you felt consumed by anxiety, childe was there, scooping you into his arms, kissing you lovingly, telling you that it will be okay, he promises it will be okay. he becomes an entirely different person for you—sometimes you wonder which childe is the real one. who is ajax, really? but when you see him look at you like that, when he tells you he loves you so genuinely, when he stays up late with you to keep you company, you believe you do, in fact, know the real ajax.
he knows the two of you are very different, but in principle, he believes he understands you (which is up for you to decide if he really does or not). he’ll tell you how proud he is of you, running his hands through your hair before wrapping his arms around your waist again and burying his head in your neck. he despises the thought that you fight so many battles he can’t see; even more hurtful is the realization that the only battles he can’t fight are yours—and you are the love of his life, the one he wishes to fight for the most.
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ᴄʜᴏɴɢʏᴜɴ finds himself glued to your side when he realizes how much you struggle. most previous signs of him being flustered or nervous around you vanish, as his desire to care for and protect you overwhelms his condition. if physical contact soothes you, no longer will he be hesitant, but instead he will confidently take your hands in his and run his thumbs over your knuckles. however, he still won’t be able to prevent the heat from rising to his face, giving you a sheepish smile when you point out his blush.
he might not fully understand what goes on in your head, but what he does grasp is the concept of “inner demons.” he constantly expresses his wish to expel what ails you; the innocent boy once said, “i don’t understand…my presence should be enough to drive the evil spirits away…why are you still in so much pain?” his eyes watered as he studied you, truly despairing at your invisible troubles. lovingly, with a sad smile, you placed your hand on his cold cheek and leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose. “the place i feel most safe is with you,” you murmured, melting when chongyun’s arms coiled around your waist and pulled you to his chest.
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ᴠᴇɴᴛɪ hums for you. your head in his lap or resting on his chest, he hums. he hums songs of both old and new, both memories from long ago and recent experiences; but what you don’t know is that most of the songs he so softly murmurs are songs of the purest kind of love. the lyrics that he does not speak are ones of his desire to protect you, his need to understand you. venti is no stranger to that achy feeling in one’s chest, that miserable, unexplainable emotion that sinks in and inflates your lungs like a balloon. he knows your desire to hide behind a curtain and tell yourself you’re fine, deny your suffering, but he refuses to let you waste away in pain like he has deep down. he loves you. he needs to show you how he loves you.
the vibrations of his voice as your head rests on his chest often soothe you to sleep. if only you heard the words he murmured while you drifted away—he loves you, he loves you, he loves you. venti brings you windblumes and windwheel asters from home, qingxin and glaze lillies from liyue. he plays his lyre for you and twirls you around in fields of dandelions, telling you how beautiful you are and how proud he is of you. he lays on the ground with you and holds your hand while you cry, leaning over you every once in a while to wipe away your tears. your silly bard, your joyful musician, your beautiful boy—he loves you. nothing could ever hurt him more than knowing you suffer the most on your own. so he kisses you and hugs you and makes you laugh, at least letting you know that he’ll be here, for eternity. and if he could have one thing for eternity, it would be you and your beautiful smile that you always reserve for him.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ❤︎ please take care of yourself today!
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froginette · 2 years
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I just made this meme and I thin it is perfect
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froginette · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast g/t (Part 9)
Hope you enjoy!
1444 words
Belle tried her best to contain her unamused groan.
Of course, he'd be here.
She crossed her arms and looked around.
For someone so large, he was very hard to find.
"I asked you a question," he growled in the darkness, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm going to climb up this bookshelf and go out that window."
"This room is forbidden."
Belle continued to look for the giant figure, "Even more reason for me to leave via the window."
The growling got louder. "Get out!" the Beast snarled.
An object was thrown in Belle's direction, making glass shatter around her. She yelped in terror and scrambled up the bookcase.
"Leave me alone!" she cried.
A deafening roar echoed through the room, making Belle cover her ears and scream. She put all her effort into getting to the open window.
With a final burst of energy, she leaped out the window, not thinking about what was to come after.
Belle's stomach dropped as she fell. She closed her eyes.
Dying seemed like a better option than being a pet.
Wrapping her arms around her, Belle braced for impact. Tears fell from her eyes as she accepted her fate.
Instead of hitting the hard ground, Belle found herself in a large pile of hay.
The room was right above the stables.
Belle rolled off the pile of hay and onto the muddy ground. She took a while to catch her breath, panting on her hands and knees.
"I-I'm alive..." she wheezed. Her heart couldn't take the excitement.
But she needed to keep moving. Who knows how long it would take for the Beast to find Belle again?
With a final deep breath, Belle shakily stood up and looked around. The muddy ground slowly became flowing grass. She could see trees on the horizon.
Freedom was in those trees.
Belle wasted no time in running towards the tree line. She needed to get out of there.
The Beast hurled shards of glass against the wall in fury.
How dare she disobey him?! He was the master of the castle! No one dared disobey him.
He stormed to his study and grabbed the magic mirror. "Show me the girl," he snarled.
Like before, the mirror swirled a glowing green before showing the little woman.
He saw her roll off of the haystack and onto the ground. The Beast gripped the mirror harder as he saw her running towards the trees.
What infuriated him more was the fact that the castle let her run away.
What was so special about her that the curse didn't affect her?!
His blood boiled at the injustice.
All he did was watch her as she ran into the woods. Her white dress contrasted the dark greens and browns of the earth around her.
The sun was slowly getting closer to the horizon.
She cradled her injured arm as she passed by the first of many trees. Her chest heaved as she leaned against the tree in exhaustion.
The Beast watched in amusement. He knew she was far from home, and it was only a matter of time before she came back to the castle.
To his surprise, she continued forward.
The Sun was setting quickly, slowly leaving the small woman in the darkness.
"This will be fun to watch."
Belle did her best to keep herself strong. The forest grew scarier as it got darker. The welcoming trees turned sinister in Belle's eyes.
Her blood ran cold as she heard a howl in the distance.
Wolves were a common danger in the woods, but giant wolves were an even bigger threat. They were more aggressive and territorial than regular wolves.
Belle knew if she stumbled upon their territory, her last moments would come sooner than she'd like.
She did her best to stay along the base of the trees, only running from one tree to another.
The moon blessed her with its glowing light.
A deep growl made her freeze in her place.
It was right behind her.
Belle turned around, shaking terribly.
Two pairs of glowing yellow eyes stared at the small woman. Two wolves slowly stalked towards her. Their fangs shone in the moonlight, making Belle press herself against the tree.
Belle looked for a way out of this situation. The fear sank into her bones as she found none.
She shrieked in terror as one of the wolves pounced. She ducked down and ran as fast as she could.
The wolf slammed into the tree with a yelp and a snarl.
Belle refused to look behind her as she ran as fast as she could. Her chest heaved and her arm was in a lot of pain.
She didn't want to die, not like this...
Belle yelped in fear as a wolf jumped in front of her. The second wolf was behind her, completely surrounding her.
Her hands trembled in fear as she stared death in the face.
A roar echoed through the air.
Both Belle and the wolves looked towards the source of the noise.
Running towards them at full speed was the Beast. His claw and fangs were out as he snarled at the wolves.
The wolves snarled back, forgetting about the human they were hunting.
Belle took this opportunity to run to the closet tree.
The Beast lunged towards the wolves. He sank his fangs into one of the wolf's shoulders.
It was a gruesome fight. Two wolves against one giant beast. Both sides were tearing into each other, trying to get the upper hand.
The Beast was ferocious as he threw the wolves off of him. With a final roar, he won the battle. The wolves whimpered as they ran away with their tails between their legs.
The Beast looked around for the small woman. He was tired and bleeding from the fight. He found her pressed up and shivering against a tree.
Belle's eyes widened as he trudged up to her. "N-no," she whimpered as she pressed herself harder against the tree, "S-stay back."
The Beast fell to the ground, clearly in pain. "Trust me, little one," he heaved, "If I wanted you dead, I would've let the wolves eat you." With that, the Beast closed his eyes. His breathing was labored as he fell asleep on the ground.
Belle waited a few moments before peeling herself from the tree. She cautiously stepped towards the Beast. She bit her lip as she noticed the wounds on his arms and shoulder.
The Beast...saved her?
He was cruel to her. He didn't care if he hurt her.
Then why did he save her?!
A groan of pain took Belle out of her thoughts. She needed to help him.
But how?! It's not like she could pick him up and take him back.
She looked around for something, anything to help her. Without giving much thought, she ripped a good portion of her skirt and put it on his shoulder wound since it was the deepest.
Red stained her dress as she tried to keep pressure on some of the wounds.
"H-help," she called into the woods, "Please help me."
The trees around her seemed to come alive at her plea. An odd warmth wrapped around both her and the Beast.
"Please," she said again, "He needs to get back to his castle. I-I can't do it on my own."
A strong wind rushed around both of them. It became so strong that Belle was swept off her feet. The wind slowly lifted the Beast off the ground as well.
The wind began to carry both Belle and the Beast through the forest. It took them to the doors of the castle, which opened by themselves, and dropped them by the great fireplace in the main hall.
The fireplace lit itself and the castle seemed to come to life.
"Please," Belle said to the castle, "He needs clean water and bandages."
It didn't take long for the requested items to appear before her.
Taking a deep breath, Belle began to clean and bandage the unconscious Beast before her.
It was a long and hard process, but thankfully the Beast slept through it all. The castle also helped in moving him around and providing supplies when Belle asked for them.
By the time she was finished, Belle was filthy and exhausted. She looked at her handiwork and nodded. "Now we're even."
She backed up and sat up against the wall. The fireplace warmed her and a huge wave of fatigue washed over her. She curled up and rested her head on her knees. Succumbing to the fatigue, Belle let herself fall into a deep sleep.
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froginette · 2 years
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froginette · 2 years
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Little warrior
this is my first art on tumblr! I hope you like it :D
Also sorry for my bad english
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froginette · 2 years
20 Fluffy Dialogue Prompts
"your hands are warm..."
"you have a little ice cream on your nose."
"good morning, sweetie"
"i'm sad and i demand cuddles."
"stay as long as you want.."
"i love you more than i did yesterday."
"i'd shout it from the roof if i could."
"don't say that, i love every minute spent with you"
"you're cute when you're jealous."
"oh stop pouting, i'm coming."
"i'm on my way, love."
"your hugs are nice.."
"my hand is kinda heavy, can you hold it?" "that's not how the line goes, but you're cute so fine."
"sad...i have a blanket with all this extra room and no one to share it with."
"come taste! tell me if i need to add anything."
"you have something on your face." "what?" "me."
"i made a playlist for you, come sit and listen."
"i heard you singing in the shower. you have a wonderful voice."
"you know i only tease you 'cause i love you."
"why can't we stay here forever?"
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froginette · 2 years
soft prompts for couples who aren’t together yet
hugs that last a little longer than they should
immediately looking at the other after telling/doing something funny in hope to see their smile
making playlists and mood boards for the other
trying to learn about the others interests
continuously denying others who think they are together
“no we are not together!! … at least not yet…”
finding similar fictional characters who shares the other one’s MBTI and enneagram type
trying to know little things about them by observing
always giving the utmost attention to the other if they are in a crowd
associating random things with them
getting matching key rings
hanging out together often
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froginette · 2 years
hhshhajahs not me making a catalyst dendro oc who is another chibi but she’s french for absolutely no other reason than i want her to be and who has deer antlers that are entirely too big for her body so she makes a cane with her vision to keep herself steady nooo i definitely didn’t do that. and i definitely didn’t make a headcanon that animals follow her around everywhere and birds sit on her antlers. and i definitely didn’t also headcanon that flowers and plants pop up around her feet when she’s happy, i definitely didn’t do that
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froginette · 2 years
the sexual tension between me and the new wip idea that’s been sitting in the back of my head and distracting me the whole day
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froginette · 2 years
Xianyu ✨ brainrot ✨
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froginette · 2 years
The Most Aggressive of Cupids
Childe is such an overprotective boyfriend that he would glare down anyone who might get Lumine’s interest and set them up with someone else.
And, worse part is, most of the time, he’s spot on with his matchmaking.
Albedo: Ah, Traveler. May I borrow your time for a–
Sucrose: o///o C-Childe, what are you–?!
Diluc: Lumine, there you are. Listen, I ne–
Childe, grabbing Diluc by the collar and tossing him towards Jean: WHOOPS, YOUR KOUHAI’S CALLING! GO HELP HER!
Jean: W-wait, what?! I didn’t–
Xiao: Traveler, though I normally wouldn’t ask help from a human, I must ask–
Childe, yeeting Xiao towards Ganyu: ALRIGHT, DEMON BOY. YOU. COCOGOAT. NOW.
Ganyu: C-Coco… what?
Zhongli: Ah, Traveler, there you are. Would you like to–
Childe, holding his melee weapons and glaring: I’m giving you three options. You can either A) mourn over your dead wife, B) go to Ningguang and confirm she either is or isn’t your dead wife, or C) I will slice you in half and cut that stupid-ass ponytail off.
Lumine: ajax bby i love you but wtf when did u become such an aggressive cupid
he’s not concerned about chongyun, xingqiu, bennet, kaeya, or venti tho. he has a hunch that bennet will be perfectly fine with barbara, kaeya has made it clear that lumine is his surrogate younger sister, and chongyun and xingqiu are… uh… doing their own thing *nudge nudge wink wink*
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froginette · 2 years
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froginette · 2 years
school is ,, terrible???? 🤨🤨🤨🤨 it is not in my interest to be constantly writing essays🤨
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froginette · 2 years
A borrower pretending to be a ballerina on a music box so a human doesn't realize they are a borrower. Human decides to take the music box home with them.
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froginette · 2 years
genshin boys as your prom knight
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synopsis: your prom just ended - everyone’s sweeping up the last bits of confetti scattered across the sprawling floors of the massive gym, as you remain seated in regret on the vacant benches, wishing you took more risky gambles. fortunately for you, there’s an attractive stranger donned in a crisp suit who finds himself in an oddly similar trifle, wondering if you’d be willing to take those chances with him.
+ includes matching atticus quotes at the end of every route !!
characters: albedo, childe, zhongli, xiao, diluc, kaedehara kazuha
note: cheers to 300 followers and my rough ass day ;-;
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it was a rather dull occasion.
or perhaps you only reasoned it to be so, considering majority of the night was spent huddled and shadowed by a corner to prevent attracting unwanted attention with your brand new dress - an article of skimpy yet ravishing clothing that you have exhausted months worth of savings, only to find that you couldn’t muster the confidence to flaunt it as you stepped into the unconventionally bedecked gym.
and that singular root of insecurity rapidly began to proliferate through your crumbling self-esteem, as the boisterous night teeming with laughter and vibrance elapsed by.
you take anxious and hasty glimpses down at your watch, the intimidating tick of its little hands as it savors its sweet time by slowly progressing through the minute marks, seemingly taunting you with its gradual advances. it takes everything in you not to rip the accessory off your wrist and hurl it to the ground in a fit of impatience - so you keep your wandering hands pre-occupied with your freshly-styled bed of hair instead, twirling the soft locks through your fingers and gazing in spite at the pretty girls who thoughtlessly paraded around their elfin grins and bewitching appeals, knowing that the trifle stunt was definitely working in their favor.
it’s a shame really - as you absentmindedly chewed on your lips while staring down at your fairly charming ensemble with regret. you were truly looking forward to this particular night, yet all your grandiose and meticulously thought-out preparations were for nothing.
as prom finally draws to a close - everyone remains to help gather the motley shades of confetti strewn across the gym, the last bit of evidence from the marvelous and psychedelic aftermath of the evening. you stay seated on the vacated benches, heaving deep sighs of regret as you blankly watched the students begin to leave one by one, in hopes of retiring for the rest of the night.
but this is just the beginning - the choices you make beyond this point will determine how the rest of your prom night unfolds !!
route one: “kreideprinz” albedo !!
the enigmatic stranger you meet after deciding to linger around the less crowded gym for a bit longer. while yawning and deliberately wondering how you were planning to earn back the amount of cash spent on your dress, his silhouette traipses through the colossal space as he glances around in puzzlement. he’s evidently lost - and none of the remaining students bother to acknowledge the fact that a mere stranger has literally trespassed through private property, so you reluctantly take the responsibility and walk over to him.
he introduces himself as albedo, and explains that he was a student from a neighboring school - who coincidentally held their prom on the same day as yours. and after too much prolonged concentration on a particular research project, he found himself forgetting about the occasion and therefore, was running very late towards the designated venue.
“i think you’re mistaken, this address pertains to the one around the corner.” came your response as you read the scribbled words on the invitation, while you two sauntered past the gym and were presently standing near the gates of your school. you pull out a map on your phone and show him the right direction he needs to take - though you’re oblivious that he’s not even listening to your words anymore, as he absentmindedly admires your exotic beauty and the dress that complimented your bright features.
albedo has always regarded himself as a being capable of rational judgment, even amidst the troubling amount of crises life thrusted upon him to face. so it’s unusual of him to think the way your slightly reddened nose scrunches up in thought is quite endearing, or the little crinkles in your eyes that shape when you smile…because he is brilliant, pretty much aware that you’re beautiful, and somehow unperturbed enough to say it out loud - though this time he’d never admit how satisfied he became with the suffusing shade of crimson on your cheeks.
you are an anomaly, one who seems terribly unfazed when the audible pitter patter of rain drops start tumbling from the sky, one who doesn’t shy from the weather and instead raises her hands out to touch the absconding liquid, one who shakes her head and admits that this was perhaps the most interesting event that transpired all throughout the long night - you are the aberration that urges him to hold out his hand, and invite you to the most absurd timing and environment for a waltz in his entire life.
and being ludicrous was funny like that, seeing your lips twist into a thrilling smile, while the mere brush of your fingers against his almost feels electric. the sensation of his hands across the waistline of your soaked dress, and yours over his drenched blazer, as you drown the reverberations of the rainy evening away with rudimentary dance steps, goofy laughters and bashful smiles.
no matter how reasonable albedo prides himself on being, he still finds himself falling too fast for the rash and sloppily crude kiss you willingly share, under the frigid downpour of a transient and lonely night.
+ forgive me if i stumble and fall, for i know not how to love too well. i am clumsy and my words do not form as i wish - so let me kiss you instead, and let my lips paint for you all the pictures that my clumsy heart cannot.
route two: “childe” tartaglia !!
instead of moping around the benches with regrets - you begrudgingly gathered the rest of your belongings into your reticule before eventually proceeding to leave the gym. you slide on your jacket over your shivering frame and succumb to your pensive thoughts, as you trek your way over to the nearest 24/7 convenience store situated around the area, in hopes of purchasing something to fill your empty stomach with and to somewhat delay your sheepish ride home.
the light jingle of the bell signals your entrance despite the late hour, and you’re only greeted by a visibly uninterested salesclerk waiting near the counter. your eyes carefully peruse the store’s numerous racks of food and supplies, occasionally choosing a bag of chips or two, before then proceeding to the very back of the store. though your heart almost bursts when you reach it, stumbling across the sight of another customer in a suit residing behind the rear shelves of goods. but he seems less surprised than you though - just tosses you a winsome grin to acknowledge your presence.
and at first you don’t find the circumstances strange, as you were simply preoccupied with what to eat and how you were planning to get home, after the uneventful prom evening. though as minutes tick by, something begins to feel off…the orange-haired stranger still remains rooted in the same spot, with the constant shuffle and rustle of products reverberating in the cramped area. it’s only when your eyes flicker over him and notice the sudden protrusion in his once crisp and flat blazer, when you unintentionally burst out laughing at his foolish moves.
“oh my god, are you seriously planning to leave after robbing the store like that?”
he clearly grows flustered at your obvious point, clearing his throat before meekly reasoning out that he accidentally left his wallet jammed with stacks of cash in the possession of a close friend, back in his school prom - and was currently resorting to the careless attempt of thieving and making a run for it. and it’s terribly amusing, all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it and wipe the tears forming in the corners of your eyes. the stranger glances down at the merchandise in your grasp and suddenly smiles naughtily in thought to himself, before leaning down to close the proximity between the both of your faces.
“well, are you also interested in shoplifting with me tonight?”
you snort at the imprudent tone behind the charming man’s bold words. in your right mind, you would now be claiming that you’d rather leave the store as an innocent bystander rather than a mindless burglar…but you’ve had a few drinks too many, and the enthralling gleam in his drowning blue irises seems to convince your levelheaded judgment to think otherwise, putting you under some sort of odd trance to absentmindedly accept his offer. “sure. only if we don’t get caught.”
“now gorgeous, where’s the fun in that?” he snickers, taking the few goods in your arms to lessen your load. he interlocks your chilly hand with his warm ones, leading the way towards the exit while exuding a somewhat confident aura. all you can do is try not to acknowledge the irritating thump in your chest, as you gawk at the sight of your fingers intertwined with someone else’s, and his half-hearted compliment of a nickname.
the salesclerk sees you two approaching the counter, but what she doesn’t expect is the tall stranger to wink before sharply turning a corner and making a run for the exit with you following suit behind him. you hear confounding yells from far behind ordering you both to stop, but neither of you seem to care - you’re just laughing as you scamper through the tranquil area hand-in-hand, feeling the wind rush through your flushed faces and the soft drizzle of rain collapsing down the darkened sky.
“god, you idiot!” you exclaim through the adrenaline rush, unable to refrain the toothy grin from leaving your face. “you are such a child for running like that!”
“close enough, but my name’s actually childe.” the stranger shouts in response, and looks back at your face with a riveting smirk. your cheeks turn a shade darker at the oddly pleasant sight of it, and all you can do is grasp his warm fingers tighter for comfort, as you both ran sharing childish smiles through the brumal and nonsensical evening.
“well childe, you have my reluctant thanks for making the night better. though you could have just let me pay for the both of us, instead of scampering off with the label of criminals above our heads.”
“oh hush woman - considering at what rate we’ve gone, we shouldn’t even have the audacity to run back there anymore.”
+ it seems to me, that love could be labeled poison, and we’d drink it anyways.
route three: “morax” zhongli !!
you brought your own car as transport to the prom venue, so it was only natural to find yourself standing in the almost deserted parking lot, in search of your personal ride home. it’s considerably easier to locate your car amidst the vacant spaces - and as your vehicle keys jingle in your hands when you slide them into the slot, your ears pick up a soft rustle and hushed murmurs coming from the other side of the car.
your hands stiffen in fear, as you cautiously bend to your knees and peer from the gap below your transport, seeing someone’s figure crouched on the other end of it. “um, excuse me?” you hesitantly call out, and the frame immediately jolts up in response. you stand back straight to check the person hidden across your car - seeing a man situated beside it, most likely the culprit you were looking for.
“hello..did you need anything?” you awkwardly question, trying to sound polite, rather than aggressive and demanding, with the stranger. he’s fiddling with a seemingly chunky wallet in his grasp, and it makes you wonder if he always has that much cash on his hands, or you had unintentionally caught a pickpocket.
though your assumptions are immediately proven wrong - his name is zhongli, and apparently his friend left their school’s prom venue for a while to purchase something from the nearest convenience store, however he must have forgotten to retrieve his wallet back from zhongli…and now the man standing in front of you had consequently gotten himself dumbfounded and lost, searching for the possible marts his friend may have sauntered empty-handed to.
“i don’t suppose you could…perhaps help me find my way around the area? i’m not quite familiar with it, and this is the first time i’ve been around here - well that is, if you don’t have any other immediate priorities you should be attending to?”
it’s a courteous request from a civil man, and you don’t see what’s the harm in obliging with it. “i don’t mind - get inside. i can drive you around.”
the inceptive tension inside the vehicle was beginning to suffocate you. after all, you were both strangers to each other, and it was only reasonable to presume that you both didn’t require to indulge in a conversation in order to find his friend…but you were admittedly curious how his friend ended up trusting zhongli so much to the point where the thick wallet ended up in his possession, as well as why there was an extreme amount of cash in a normal wallet.
and zhongli can see the evident curiosity in your eyes - with how your gaze discreetly flickers back and forth, from the abandoned road to the belongings in his hands. so he begins the exchange with the straightforward answers to your questions…and the unexpected reply soon escalates into a fully drawn-out and friendly conversation.
it’s funny how helping out one stranger after the tedious prom event, could have drastically changed the course of the rest of the night. the once serene environment encompassing your car eventually shifted into a warm and comfortable setting between you two - as you both share light-hearted jokes and somehow find yourselves driving aimlessly through the tranquil streets.
later on, you pause the vehicle and your eyes catch a glimpse of the late hour, suddenly recalling what you two were initially supposed to do. “oh god, i think we forgot about your friend.” you groan, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment - you’ve kept zhongli in your company for over half an hour now, and you were quite certain this time his lost friend was the one presently searching for him.
“it’s alright, i had a pleasant time anyway.” he muses, sneakily admiring your bashful state. “though i still don’t understand why you were so hesitant during your prom. i’m certain many guys would have wanted to dance with a pretty girl like you.”
all you do is grin politely at his compliment and hum in disapproval, as your hands snake onto the wheel and prepare to drive him back to the parking lot. “you flatter me, though no one in their right minds would ever like me in that way.”
you glance over to zhongli, however all you see from him are unreadable eyes and a thoughtful smile plastered across his lips - and his unusually inviting hand resting on the glove compartment.
he’s just a stranger…but he’s clearly made up his mind throughout the course of one drive filled with the sounds of your laughter, to eagerly promote himself from that lowly status in your life.
“based on that description, i presume i must be one of the crazy ones too then.”
+ i lost my way all the way to you, and in you i found all the way back to me.
route four: “alatus” xiao !!
because you refused to drive yourself to prom, you were currently seated near the bus stop and patiently waiting for the next transport to arrive. it had just struck 11:30 pm in your watch, and you were getting drowsier the longer you stared down at the uninhabited road. fortunately, the faint noise and piercing lights of the familiar vehicle slowly approach the deserted stand, and you sling your purse over your shoulder before sleepily setting foot onto the bus.
despite the late hour, the public transport was still somehow packed with weary citizens, and you were lucky enough to claim a seat beside a man wearing a baggy hoodie and…were those formal trousers? huh, streetwear and dress pants - what a peculiar sense of fashion…
nevertheless, you ignored it and wrapped your jacket tighter around your frame, in a poor endeavor to shelter yourself from the cold. the attire you were in was a little too conspicuous for your liking, and you could only hang your head low in shame upon sensing creepy and intrusive stares boring around you. oh, how you wished you could have made the less foolish decision to drive your own transport to prom instead-
something warm and cozy falls across your shoulders, and you glance in surprise at the unfazed boy seated next to you - still donned in his oversized hoodie yet his suit coat had somehow found its way over your meek figure. the pleasant woody fragrance effused from the blazer wrapped around you, and you can hear the defeated grunts and disappointed murmurs echo from the perverted men.
as the minutes fly by, the passengers slowly begin to file out of the bus - eventually leaving you, the stranger with the hoodie, and around five other citizens still mounted on the vehicle. you gingerly pull the boy’s coat off your shoulders, folding it neatly before timidly offering it back to him. “here…thank you.”
you hear a disgruntled snort escape his lips. “just wear it. those aren’t the only debauched idiots roaming around at this hour.”
your cheeks flush in chagrin upon recalling your own attire, hesitantly sliding your arms through the sleeves to sport the clothing properly. “i’m guessing you came from prom too.”
“was a waste of time.” he grumbled with discontent, still gazing outside at the closed establishments and slumbering city. “should have just stayed at home.”
“i get that.” you nod somberly, looking down as your fingers toyed with the loosened hems of your accoutre. “i can’t believe i spent too much cash on this damn dress.”
“…it doesn’t look that unpleasant though.”
“well, it never served a proper purpose.” you muttered, tone laced with spite and regret. “i stayed next to a pillar for the whole night.”
you don’t hear a response - perhaps he was having trouble forming one with the subject of the awkward conversation.
“that’s…a shame. the color sort of…brings out your eyes.”
you turn towards him, espying golden amber irises scrutinizing you, before instinctively shifting away at your abrupt gaze. it’s the first compliment you’ve received in a long and quiet night, but strangely you don’t mind that it came from him. “oh, thanks. that’s really nice of you to say.”
“right, right - just forget about it.” he hastily mumbles, his unkempt green hair failing to shroud the reddened tips of his ears from your amused expression. he was surprisingly shy when it came to confrontation about his shared accolades.
xiao, on the other hand, berates himself for clearly not thinking straight. brings out the color of your eyes, he says - recoiling in disgust at his awkward phrasing of the words. you haven’t said anything in the last few minutes in response to his statement, and he wonders if he’s already managed to scare you off with his own pitiful attempt at a compliment.
though what instantaneously ensues after those thoughts, is the sensation of something heavy and poking against his shoulder. he looks down in curiosity, only to find you simply dozing off next to him - your chest lightly heaving as you breathe, while your eyes were tightly shut in exhaustion.
he’s never been forced into a situation like this, but all he does is smile at the bemused circumstances, cautiously adjusting your head to lean in a more comfortable position. “idiot, how can you trust me so much…” he whispers in a tender manner, absentmindedly pulling your frame closer to his in a kind effort to keep you warm, as you drowsily smile at the gentlemanly gesture. he was certain you both would end up missing your stops because of this, but a joyride together after an uneventful night didn’t seem like the worst idea to xiao.
“…you do look beautiful in that dress.” xiao mutters beneath his breath, the longer he looks at your serene face. “forget about that boring event, and just sleep well…i’ll be here.”
+ love to me, is stumbling around in the dark, trying to find the right words to describe the feeling i get when she smiles while she sleeps.
route five: “ragnvindr” diluc !!
you called a friend to offer you a ride home - and now you were traipsing towards the nearby park where you two had agreed to meet over the phone. the night had grown colder, and your vain endeavors of wrapping the thin jacket tighter around your shivering frame, was of no avail. you let out a trembling sigh, watching in awe as your breath transformed into an opaque puff of smoke.
sure, you could at least admit that this dress was not suited for these kinds of circumstances - you were just particularly unlucky on this monotonous evening. the good thing was that you were soon headed home, and you were finally approaching the dimmed recreational grounds and the nearby central bench…which unfortunately was already occupied by a hunched person.
it’s a bit awkward to approach his arched figure, let alone make the cautious decision to wordlessly seat yourself beside the man. thankfully he doesn’t stiffen nor flinch at your unwanted presence, just continues boring holes with his pensive gaze into the cemented ground.
“uh…rough night?” you gingerly inquire, mustering the courage to look at the stranger next to you. he doesn’t respond to your question, stray red locks of hair obscuring his defined features, and the air gets heavy with a cumbersome tension. worth a shot - you think as you cringe at yourself, eyes hastily combing through the darkened park for a farther bench to sit on, instead of thoroughly embarrassing yourself towards the man.
“sort of.” you finally hear him mutter in a low breath - and you almost heave an audible sigh of relief out loud. “why are women so perplexing anyway?”
“eh…well, in what context are we speaking?” you hesitantly ask, slightly offended by his uncensored way of speaking.
“in the hypothetical context that the woman you ask to prom shows up with another date?”
“…damn, that’s brutal. i’m sorry.” “…i never said it was me. and it’s under hypothetical circumstances.” “nice try, merida - that’s the oldest trick in the book.”
you hear him scoff while mumbling incoherent words in defeat, whereas you smile with triumph at your wild guess. “i’d say you were just unfortunate with her. not all ladies are that vicious anyway.”
“is this the part where you claim that you’re one of those women who didn’t attend prom with a different date?” “no, uh…this is the part where i admit that i didn’t go to prom with one at all.”
red pools of irises ultimately meet yours - and you’re stunned at the visibly bright saturation of his hues. “you…didn’t have a date?”
you grin sheepishly, shrugging your shoulders in a nonchalant manner. “guilty as charged. besides, it’s not as bad as you’d think.”
and you’d never admit that it sort of was terrible - refraining from interacting with others as you tarried shrouded in a corner, only reluctantly stepping away from the darkness once the celebration eventually ended.
again, he doesn’t reply to your answer. instead his eyes scrutinize your exquisite attire, carefully masked behind the flimsy layers of your jacket. “are you…sure about that?”
“oh, definitely. you get to eat all the snacks you want without being judged for someone by it, and you’re not necessarily obliged to dance when the music plays-“
“i mean your date.” he interrupts, an odd expression flashing through his eyes. “why didn’t anyone ask you out to prom?”
“oh.” is all you can say in response, dumbfounded by the unforeseen inquiry. “i, uh…don’t know? i’m not exactly your typical date-material.”
“why not? being in your company for a whole night seems like a rather intriguing notion.” he suddenly remarks, raising an eyebrow at you.
“m-me?” you dumbly point at yourself, before throwing your head back and bursting into a fit of disbelieving laughter at the absurdity of it. you had expected other things, but his answer was just beyond what you had assumed him to say. “now that’s just funny!” you barely manage to comment with a foolish smile, wiping the stray tears from your eyes.
“is it?” he muses in thought. “perhaps i should have asked you to prom instead, then i’d be the judge of that.”
a warm shade of pink mounted across your cheeks. “i-i highly doubt you’d enjoy the idea of that. and besides, i don’t even know your name yet.”
“if i told you, would you then be hypothetically agreeing to attend a theoretical prom with me, in order to make it up to each other for the dull aftermath of the evening?”
your eyebrows furrow at the interesting thought of it, before feeling something lightly grumble in the pit of your stomach. “i suppose….only if the venue’s over at the nearest fast food chain.”
it’s a crazy scheme concocted with a complete stranger, but it’s enough to bring the urge to pull out your phone and briskly type a message to inform your friend to turn around and forget about the favor.
“…diluc. diluc ragnvindr.” he replies, sporting an unusually charming smile at you.
you grin childishly at his satisfactory answer, dusting off your dress before standing up to extend your hand out to him. “well then, diluc ragnvindr - it looks like we have a prom to get to.”
+ it was never the way she looked - always the way she was. i could’ve fallen in love with her with my eyes closed.
route six: “kaedehara” kazuha !!
the decision to walk all the way back home was clearly not one thought out well - you had now stripped yourself of your heels, and were currently treading the rocky sidewalk on bare and aching feet. honestly, you should have just waited for the bus or made the choice to drive yourself to prom - but no, you just had to settle with the worst option of all, in a mindless excuse to ‘get some more exercise’…who the hell cares about that shit at 12 in the morning?
you barely made the halfway mark from the venue to your home, and it already took almost an hour or two just to get to this point. face it - those drinks were the reason why you were messing with your mind, and why you were presently standing in the abandoned streets with your heels gathered on one hand.
what manages to comfort you despite the unfavorable circumstances, is the sight of a familiar man donning a loosened necktie and dress shirt, his suit coat tucked under one arm as he walked across the sidewalk situated on the opposite side of the road - a goofy smile contorted on his face as he raised an eyebrow at you. “need a hand over there?”
his name is kaedehara kazuha - and apparently, he was an idiot who mindlessly found himself in a similar trifle as you. you’ve been treading the streets together ever since you started wandering down the opposite sidewalks, and eventually realizing you were both coincidentally headed the same path.
you smile and shake your head, elevating your foot only to see some cuts on it to your dismay. “no..it’s alright, i should be fine for a little longer.”
“come on, you’ve literally been wincing the whole way now.” he remarks, beginning to head over to your side. “give me those heels, i’ll help you.”
“i should warn you since we’re both technically still strangers,” you hesitantly admit, begrudgingly handing over your shoes to him. “i might be a bit too heavy for you to carry - archons, hey!”
it’s astonishing how he swiftly lifts you up without breathing a word of complaint, smirking attractively upon getting a closer view of your flustered face. “you’re kidding, right? i barely feel you in my arms.”
you scoff at his supposed sarcasm, fighting the blush off your cheeks, as you avert your gaze from him. “whatever - i get it tough guy. can we please just go now?”
and the rest of the journey continued with you settled in between his arms - sharing a friendly conversation and partaking in teasing banters together. he somehow gets prettier the longer you stare at him, perhaps it was the occasional glow that bathed his features beneath the passing lamppost, or the irritatingly handsome smirk that devilishly dances across his lips whenever he successfully manages to tease you.
the hours go by like a mere handful of minutes, and the sky above you gets noticeably brighter than it had been before you began your journey. “hey, i wanna watch the sun rise.” you mumble, softly tugging on his blazer with an innocent smile in hopes of successfully convincing him - and he allows himself to be swayed by your partisan beauty anyway. “sure, hold on. i know a place.”
he brings you over to a grassy and secluded hill behind a couple of houses, and lightly sets you down on the meadow, following suit afterwards. you both stare up at the yellow, red and orange hues painted across sky - persisting in your drowsy exchange with him. and you’re not sure how, but soon you find yourself laying on top of him as he holds you in an affectionate manner, lazily tracing the apples of your cheek dusted with blush, as he stares into the drowning pools of color in your eyes.
your drawn-out conversation had soon reached a point where you both had nothing more to say, than repeated mumbles of how you ‘hated’ each other, with half-amused smiles and your lips slightly brushing against each other. the small breaks in your sentences began to grow longer, as you absentmindedly found yourself lost in his alluring crimson irises - the sudden and forbidden desires pent up in the back of your mind burning at the intoxicating sight of him.
“just do it.” you suddenly breathe in a petulant manner. “what?” you hear him question, somewhat confused at your implied statement.
“just…do it.”
it’s all he says in bewilderment out loud before he smiles in the dawning realization, and finally presses his plush lips against yours - bathed under the gentle sun’s rising glow, through the running fields of weeds and flowers, his hand leisurely tracing the sheer fabric covering the skin of your waist as the other tenderly strokes the locks of your hair - savoring the flavors of your witless mistakes that led to a spellbinding night shared together.
he tastes like the prom night you had envisioned spending in this lavish dress - and it’s beginning to feel like such a shame how you belatedly experienced the fireworks after the party ended. his lips twist into an impish grin when your fingers scramble onto his loosened tie for purchase, and his arms tense to secure your sun-drenched and glowing frame even closer…
knowing this would perhaps be the first and last time either of you would dare to share the trifling kiss, throughout the rest of your fleeting little lives.
+ …and i want you to know that i will be here forever, loving you in dusk.
damn it. i wish prom was boring again.
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froginette · 2 years
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I DON'T THINK FRIENDS KISS EACH OTHER LIKE THIS ( everything has changed after kazuha returned from that trip ).
— genre : fic ( wc ~ 1.2k ). fluff, hurt / comfort. — cw : kissing, flirting, inazuma archon quest, mentions of beidou & thoma. "everything has changed" by taylor & ed. for @starglitterz feb collab !! <3 — characters : kazuha x gn!reader
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you step out onto the streets, and the harbour greets you.
ritou, the small island which holds so many memories bitter and sweet. it is the bittersweetness of life that holds people's souls together, you recall a mellow voice speak, held together with ties that cannot be broken even by time.
you smile fondly at the memory, remembering the last time you were in his presence. life was so different then — the vision hunt decree, the war, the rigid rules and suffocating environment that caused him to flee. a life full of doubt and fear and uncertainty, bold risks and willing sacrifices. you remember when this island was ridden with conflict, the environment heavy with revenge and spite. now, as the sun peeks through the dense morning cloud, crimson leaves stark against the sky that looks bluer than ever, it seems inazuma's port is readying itself for the arrival of those dearly missed.
it's funny, realising how much you've longed for those who have been gone. one free - spirited, poetic, thoughtful wanderer in particular. you miss his carefree laugh, his reassuring hands, his silent presence ever so comforting, even while engulfed within the tense air of a wartorn nation's dead of night.
"there it is! the alcor! i see it, i see it!" a high - pitched voice screams excitedly. the child tiptoes over the edge of a railing, hands waving around ecstatically — and sure enough, as you follow the approximate direction their chubby finger points in, you spot the characteristic majestic sails billowing in the ocean breeze. maybe it's a figment of your imagination, but you swear captain beidou's figure is visible too, watching the islands of inazuma approach slowly but surely in all her confident glory. and maybe, if you really squint hard enough, you can catch a glimpse of a wandering samurai perched upon the bird's nest, eyes desperately searching the harbour in anticipation for one special person in particular.
. . .
"kaedehara kazuha." you exhale slowly, ( eagerly ) drinking in the sight of him. he's finally here, standing on the same ground as you, breeze blowing his hair around his face like an angel's halo.
"hi, dove." kazuha is suddenly unsure of where to put his hands now that you're right in front of him. you still resemble your old self — still so, so captivating, he thinks, pretty features coated in joy.
you're home, you want to say, but you know home is not a place on earth according to the avid traveller. but your doubts are interrupted by his voice once more. "your eyes look like coming home," he replies breathlessly to your thoughts.
pure euphoria washes over you when kazuha opens his arms to hug you for the first time in much too long. the moment is short - lived, though, beidou's booming captain voice ringing throughout the harbour. "hey, you lazy sailors! get back here and help thoma and i unload all this stuff of yours!"
"so ... meet me here again tonight?" he asks, pushing stray ruffled strands out of your face.
your eyes crinkle into little happy crescent moons at his familiar request, mirroring the way his eyelashes flutter in content.
"after the moon rises above the silhouette of narukami shrine. as always, kazuha."
. . .
though under the familiar glow of the moonlit sky, seated below the very same branches that have existed for as long as you can remember, something feels different. ( not off, because that implies something is wrong — simply different to before, different to how you remembered it to be ).
"you came."
"of course i did."
a comfortable silence settles, save for the sound of chirping crickets rippling through the midnight air.
perhaps it's because he carries with him the scent of faraway worlds, ones that you haven't visited but long to travel to with him by your side. or maybe it's because his hair is longer than you remember, red tuft accentuated by the scarlet of autumn leaves. or it could be because he's older and grown and so are you, leaving it at a reason as simple as that.
innocent conversations and intertwined hands and a head upon his shoulder turn to doting stares and flickering light in both of your eyes. and before you know it, you realise things feel different because oh my god, i'm in love with —
"can i kiss you?" his voice is almost curious, breath ( and cheeks ) warm. and your answer is clear in the way you lean in to capture his lips with an insatiable, inexplicable desire in a silent confession of your ( clearly mutual ) recent epiphany.
but now he's exactly where he wants to be and kazuha is holding himself back, and so are you — because this is different, this isn't how things were back then. all you know is that those ruby eyes and dimples when he smiles rouse the butterflies in your stomach, the overwhelming feelings you've been holding back all these years, an irresistible magnetism you've been missing all this time.
lips part slowly, reluctantly, and he sighs before running a hand through his hair, eyes still locked onto yours. even if your mouths have let go for air, gazes definitely don't have the strength to tear themselves away from each other just yet.
you pause before asking the question that's on the forefront of your mind, begging to be spoken out loud. "are we friends, kazuha?"
"mhm, why do you ask? we've been friends for long enough now, no?" he grins lopsidedly, one hand still glued to your hip and the other gingerly brushing against your cheek. his tone is teasing but it conceals another emotion you can't pinpoint, something hidden away behind those smooth remarks.
"because ..." words trail off, and you know it's cheesy but you feel like you're getting lost in his eyes — a swirl of complex emotions and conflicting feelings and god, you can see how the turmoil in his heart mirrors yours right now, the hesitation and fear that what if something goes wrong, i don't want to lose you twice.
"because, kaedehara kazuha, i don't think friends kiss each other like this."
he laughs softly, eyes twinkling in amusement and adoration while he thumbs your frustrated tears ( that you didn't even realise began to spill ) away from your face. his touch is gentle and so is his gaze. it understands everything you want to say without any demands — because kazuha doesn't want to force the words that are still stuck in your throat, all the things you wish you could say but can't bring yourself to.
"mmm … then i don't mind being something other than that, lovely. i'll let you choose the label, sound good?" he whispers under his breath before pressing his lips against yours once again. "i won't mind whatever you want us to be, so don't stress yourself out about it, yeah? as long as i'm allowed to know you better, then whatever we're called … whatever name we're given … it all doesn't really matter much to me." kazuha smiles a delicate smile before continuing shyly. "but ... if i were to have a choice, i just want you to know that i'd love to make you mine."
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— taglist ( open ) : @xienn @chichikoi @yinyinggie @favonius-captain @dawndelion-winery
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