fuckingstarellie · 1 year
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x single mom!reader
summary: you’re a single mom just doing the best that she can to make ends meet. ellie can’t help but think that you’re the kindest, most beautiful girl that she’s ever met. compared to taking care a little girl that’s in her terrible twos, coming to terms with the fact that you’re a lesbian is a walk in the park. awkward first encounters, ellie’s broken gay-dar, and her overwhelming urge to take care of the care-giver… the road to domesticity is a long one, but it’s well worth the pining that it takes to get there.
warnings: THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER MDNI!!! fingering (r receiving), exhibitionism if you squint, eventual substance use, no use of y/n (you have nicknames/petnames), the reader is marley’s biological mother, talk of coming to terms with ones sexuality, mention of a shitty baby daddy ( though there is no co-parenting between them), ellie is a total girl mom, lots and lots of fluff, ellie is an anxious dork in this fic, reader is broke but happy, ellie takes pride in being a provider, this is going to be a multi-part fic, ellie is an absolute simp for the reader since chapter one and will remain her #1 fan.
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The female sat in a heap on the floor, staring intently into the oven. It was almost as though she was willing the cake to rise, trying as hard as she could to convince the damn thing to do what it was supposed to do. She’d already checked the recipe numerous times, trying to see where she might have messed up. Ellie regretted not just doing what Jesse had told her to do. Bringing you some flowers would be better than showing up on your doorstep with an inedible dessert.
“It’s not fucking rising.” She cursed to herself, grabbing a clump of her hair and giving it a sharp tug.
Dirty dishes littered her kitchen counters, batter still splattered on one of her cabinets from the earlier electric mixer mishap. The woman could have easily picked up a store bought cake when she was at the grocery store getting the stupid ingredients, but she had been dumb enough to think that something homemade would taste better. It would seem that the college student enjoyed making her life harder, because on top of what seemed like an impossible workload from her professors, she’d run straight home from her classes, hell bent on making the best strawberry shortcake you and Marley had ever tasted. She’d seen the strawberries in your shopping cart when she had run into you at the grocery store earlier and thought it would be perfect. Only… the rubbery cake that didn’t appear to be getting any fluffier was far from perfect.
She’d done everything that the recipe had called for. You would think that doing something as easy as baking a sponge cake would be a walk in the park for someone that was majoring in astrophysics.
The cherry on top was the fact that she only had an hour to get ready before she’d have to leave her house. Which meant that she didn’t have enough time to make another stupid dessert. She turned off her oven with a defeated grunt, angrily stomping over to her fridge to see if she had anything.
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
chapter two of "how (not) to get the college rockstar girl" is already being written ☝️
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
hello my loves, sorry for the sudden disappearance, but well, now I'm back!
I would like you to send requests for reader x ellie or reader x robin, remembering that I write fluff, a little angst and I can try to write something with smut
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
hello my loves, sorry for the sudden disappearance, but well, now I'm back!
I would like you to send requests for reader x ellie or reader x robin, remembering that I write fluff, a little angst and I can try to write something with smut
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
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how (not) to get the college rockstar girl
infos: college au! ellie williams x reader (fem oc)
contains: fluff, smut, slow romance, comedy, some lame jokes, angst, swearing/cursing, ellie being super hyper mega hot, oc extremely correct and stubborn
summary: Alexia makes a bet with her friend Dina, if Dina doesn't get Jesse's phone number (the drummer she is in love with) Alexia will have to kiss Ellie Williams the guitarist and most famous girl on the college campus. (here you can read the complete and more detailed synopsis)
LIST OF CHAPTERS 1. the bet (chapter link here)
2. how (not) to get a girl's attention (coming soon)
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
men need know that ellie is for the girls only
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
hii ! not to be weird but are you portuguese? 👀
OH I speak Portuguese! I am Brazilian!! ☺️
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
1. The Bet
how (not) to get the college rockstar girl
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infos: college au! ellie williams x reader (fem oc)
contains: fluff, smut, slow romance, comedy, some lame jokes, angst, swearing/cursing, ellie being super hyper mega hot, oc extremely correct and stubborn.
chapter summary: Alexia and Dina make a bet which in the end causes Alexia to lose, Dina tells a lie.
Alexia was in the college dorm, studying modern languages in college and preparing for a project that was requested by one of the professors, her moment of peace is interrupted when her roommate and best friend Dina opens the door making a very loud noise in the dorm
“Hey Alexia, guess who I just saw walking down the main hallway?” — Dina said excitedly as she threw herself on her own bed.
“well let me think…i don't know dee, i have to do this damn job and i just can't think of anything else!” — Alex replied
“Lexi I think you need to relax, being locked in the dorm forcing yourself to do something that you definitely can't develop right now isn't going to do any good”  
the blonde haired girl sighed before turning her body around in that rolling chair and then facing Dina — “ yes, I think you're right, but hey, will you say who you saw in the main hallway or not?” — alexia arched one of her eyebrows curiously.
“let's say halfway there maybe I saw Jesse standing in front of one of those snack machines” — started Dina — “and he was like OH MY GOOD FUCK so handsome, he just kind of winked at me and i panicked, and well now i'm here”
"WHAT? Did Jesse wink at you? Like the same Jesse who's in a band with fucking Ellie Williams?” — Alex replied her friend with wide eyes.
“Is what I'm saying Alex, the guy I've had a crush on for years just winked at me!” — the brunette was gesticulating with her hands quickly, this was one of Dina's frequent quirks.
“This is fucking crazy, you should ask for his number, just a guess” — Alex got up to organize the mess of books he had left on the dorm desk.
“what? no he is jesse he wont give me his number” — Dina shrugged
“with all due respect Dina but fuck you, the guy just winked at you, he's clearly interested so you go and get his fucking number!” — said alex in indignation.
“what? Alex, it would be really embarrassing to be dumped by him, I'm just trying to avoid embarrassing myself knowing it could go wrong” 
“I still think you should give it a try, Jesse seems like a nice guy, we don't see him around with many girls and well...you're beautiful, there's no way he won't give you his number!” — Alexia knows that although many guys hit on Dina, she is still insecure about some things. 
“oh ok Alex you won. if i can't get jesse's number you have to try to get a kiss from miss williams heartbreaker” — replied dina defiantly.
“is it like that? well done! I know you'll come back here with that guy's number so I don't even have to worry” — Alex shrugged confidently that he would win.
a few hours later
"and then?" — asked curious alex — “did you get his number?”
Dina put on her best sad face and shook her head.
“WHAT?” — Alex stared at her friend completely shocked.
“he just replied to me - sorry but no - when i asked for his phone number” — Dina replied. — “So Alexia...I think you just lost a bet”
what Dina hadn't told Alex is that she actually got Jesse's number, but the brunette would LITERALLY do anything to see Alex go after the red-haired Williams, even lie...
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n/a: Well, this is the first chapter and it also tells how Alexia got into this whole thing that could go very wrong or very right! Hope you like it
English is not my native language, sorry if there are some mistakes (correct me please), chapter not proofread!
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
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i DEFINITELY think these would be ellie and alexia profiles, ellie is verified 😭 my rockstar girlfriend
how (not) to get the college rockstar girl masterlist link
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
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how (not) to get the college rockstar girl
infos: college au! ellie williams x reader (fem oc)
contains: fluff, smut, slow romance, comedy, some lame jokes, angst, swearing/cursing, ellie being super hyper mega hot, oc extremely correct and stubborn
summary: Alexia makes a bet with her friend Dina, if Dina doesn't get Jesse's phone number (the drummer she is in love with) Alexia will have to kiss Ellie Williams the guitarist and most famous girl on the college campus. (here you can read the complete and more detailed synopsis)
LIST OF CHAPTERS 1. the bet (chapter link here)
2. how (not) to get a girl's attention (coming soon)
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
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how (not) to get the college rockstar girl
college! au ellie williams x fem reader coming soon
summary: Alexia Jones isn't the type of girl to go around getting involved with just anyone, but some things have to change when her best friend Dina makes a bet.
Alexia has a month to get at least one kiss from Ellie Fucking Williams, simply the college rock star, but the main rule is: Ellie has to kiss her of her own free will. in short, ellie is the "famous" girl in college, has a band with Jesse and Cat, in addition to being the most desired among the girls, Ellie always walks the halls with a cigarette between her fingers and her red hair tied in a ponytail with only half of her hair caught in the elastic band.
And Alexia? Well... Lexi is a quiet girl, she never goes to student parties on the weekends, she has few friends, let's just say dina, Alexia always has her blonde hair perfectly styled and her clothes incredibly fitted to her body.
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Author's Notes: I'd like to know what you guys think about this? I'm thinking of posting this au, I really like college au ellie and I think it would be cool to post something with chapters, just tell me what you think about it!
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
leave here some requests for ellie williams (tlou) x fem reader
• maybe i'll write smut/nsfw but i'll prioritize fluff requests and maybe angst! (maybe I'll take a while to publish, it will depend on my level of inspiration)
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
If I lose everything in the fire (I'm sending all my love to you) - Ellie Williams
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punk!ellie x volleyballplayer!reader
Warning: pure fluff; weed (mentioned); pining; Jesse being a good friend; Dina mentioned; reader's physical characteristics never mentioned.
Words: 1.3k
a/n: no traumatized Ellie here. I might write something else with punk!ellie because I like it very much
Now, Ellie knew hating on athletes was very much cliche of her, but she could feel the stares in her back every time she went to the volleyball court to hand Jesse something (usually food Dina made for him).
Jesse was in the college volleyball team, playing as the setter and the boys' court being extremely close to the girls' court forced Ellie to face a lot of fucking tall girls with ponytails and tight as hell shorts. And Ellie, being the social eremite she was, walked all the way to Jesse with a scowl in her face. She hated when people stared at her and that what basically all the girls in the volleyball team liked doing for some fucking reason.
Yeah, she wasn't like them. Sure, she was a girl, just like them, but she had a full sleeve tattoo, piercings all around, played guitar in her free time not as a joke, smoked weed most of the time and dyed the under half of her head instead of looking for a therapist. And she'd rather die than using that fucking tight shorts.
"Here you are," Jesse greeted her with his usual smile. His teammates gave her a small wave before going back to practice. Ellie wondered how slapping balls was anyhow enjoyable. "Dina told me you were coming. I waited since you hate coming here."
"How nice of you." She scoffed. "Why don't you guys fucking move in together so you won't need a delivery boy all the time?"
"Because U-Haul is a you thing and we're poor college students."
She was ready to taunt him back when Jesse's eyes left her for something in her back. Ellie swore she could feel her bones freeze when she saw you.
So, maybe Ellie didn't hate all the athletic people in the world. There was Jesse, one of the best friends since high school. And there was you. You were the exception. With your fucking pretty face and smile. You fucking soft voice and eyes looking at her. She could remember perfectly the day you talked to her for the first time. Dina begged her to go to a frat party last year and she somehow agreed - it took thirty minutes before she realized she couldn't take it anymore and got up to leave. One of Ellie's biggest problems was that when she was stressed, she had to smoke - guess what a party full of drunk young adults does to you.
"You know, I've always wondered how it tasted, but I don't wanna compromise my performance in the court."
Ellie remember almost screaming when you spoke to her in a oddly polite way. Who says shit like that in a random Saturday night after a frat party? And why didn't she hear you getting closer to her.
She also remembered you dressed up and a very cute way with your pretty legs on display and unsure smile.
It wasn't a friendship. You greeted each other with a small wave or an "hey" in the campus; You have casual conversations when Ellie has to wait for Jesse when he's in a meeting with his team and asked her to wait. She knows your favorite color, your favorite food and movie. She knows you get anxious before every match, but pretends you aren't so you won't scare the youngest ones. She knows you're a libero and you loved playing volleyball since 13 years old.
And she knows you feel uncomfortable with your shorts because a lot of boys in college makes weird 'compliments' about it. Those fuckers.
But it wasn't a friendship. She didn't have your number, for example.
"I'm sorry to bother," your voice sounded embarrassed, "we wondered if you or the manager had a spare key of the storage room. Captain forgot hers at home and we need to get the balls for training."
Jesse nodded, "give me a minute, I think our coach has one."
When Jesse left, you got closer to her. You, with your uniform and easy smile. Ellie could feel her heart beating hard inside her body and her hands began to sweat. She gave a small smile nonetheless.
"Hey there, Williams. Being a delivery girl again?"
"Yeah, you know how it is," Ellie tried to sound non-challenge. "When your two best friend date, you get caught in the middle."
Jesus fucking Christ, your laugh was so beautiful. The way she could see your neck when you threw your head back and your shoulders moved. Ellie couldn't just not look. She wondered if you'd throw your head back like this if she kisses that pretty neck of yours.
Bad Ellie.
"Well, you're not wrong." You said and then shrugged. "Do you mind if I asked you a question?"
"Go on."
"The piercings in your mouth," your eyes were glued in her lips. "Doesn't it bother you sometimes?"
Ellie smiled and wet her lips automatically. You weren't the first person to ask her that. Her snake bites were one of her favorite piercings and it never caused her any trouble. The healing process sucks, of course, but when it's completely healed she felt very confident in her appearance. "Nah, they're good."
"Not even when you're kissing someone?" You lowered your voice a little and your eyes were now focused in hers.
Ellie's mouth opened slightly with shock and the air came out of her lungs as if she was trying to say something and failing. Her brain was malfunctioning, making her eyes blink nonstop. Her fucking lips got dry at the question. Why were you asking that? Just curiosity? What was she supposed to answer?
"I've never kissed anyone with piercings like yours," you got a little closer. "do you mind if I touch it?"
Again, what was she supposed to say? No? If you were anyone else, she'd immediately put you in your place. People just don't go around asking to fucking touch other people's lips or piercings. But you were you. You were the pretty volleyball players who was curious about weed, who didn't like drinking and who made Ellie's heart go boom.
"Y-yeah, I guess." She hated how stupid she sounded.
Soft hands touched her face and delicate thumbs caressed her bottom lip. You were careful with your touch, playing softly with her piercing while staring at it as of it was something incredible. Ellie couldn't help but imagine you pulling her face and kissing her piercings, then slowly moving to mold your lips to hers. Your tongue caressing hers. Would you feel bothered with the tiny steel against you?
"Coach asked you to give it back when you're done!" Jesse's voice came like a lightening hitting Ellie's body. She took a step back and saw you lowering your hands slowly and smiling as if nothing had happened.
"Our hero," you took the keys and turned to leave. Before reaching the doors you looked at Ellie. "You didn't answer my question! Jesse, can you give Ellie my number? I'm really curious." And then, you were gone.
Ellie was paralyzed. You wanted her to have your number. Your hands on her. Your fingers on her lips. You.
"I had more faith in you, now I owe Dina 50 bucks." Jesse's face held a bored expression.
"What the fuck?"
"I bet you were going to make the first move, Williams. You're all tattoos, piercings and black clothes, I believed in you." He said dramatically.
"Are you fucking kidding me, pretty boy? You bet on us? I don't even know if she's fucking gay!"
"Alright, my turn," Jesse crossed his arms. "Are you kidding me? Every single soul on the volleyball court knows she likes you. Why do you think everybody keep tabs on you two? Girl basically asked for a test drive kiss from you right now."
"You fucking saw that?"
"Me and the whole male volleyball team. Coach said he knows you're not an athlete, but you should grow some balls."
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
I've been thinking about starting an au modern college!ellie, where ellie and the reader have to pretend they are dating in order to get a ticket that is drawn for couples on Valentine's Day!
what do you guys think about it? (you could say in the comments!)
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
honey, go back to bed - áudios
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
“Honey, go back to de bed”
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★ pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader ★ summary: you wake up in the middle of the night, but your sweet girlfriend ellie shows up to take you back to bed
★ contains: affectionate nicknames (honey, pretty girl), lots of fluff, and a little (I think) angst.
n/a: I'm not used to writing for tumblr, it's something completely new to me, English is not my first language either so I'm sorry if there's something wrong! Comment so I know whether or not I should continue posting.
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It was a cold morning, you had just woken up while your girlfriend ellie was still sleeping on the other side of the bed, she looked so calm and serene as she slept, a few strands of hair scattered across her face as she breathed lightly.
You got out of bed slowly so as not to wake up the redhead who was sleeping next to you, and walked to the small balcony of the room, leaned against the wooden support feeling the cold breeze on your face and the warm skin of your body.
A while back you and Ellie decide to take a break with Jackson, it wasn't a definite change but you decided it would be nice if you and her had some time just for the two of you. 
Lost in your thoughts you felt a pair of warm hands enveloping your body, you already knew it was Ellie, in fact it would be quite strange if it weren't because there was no one else on the farm besides you and her.
- Hey honey, what are you doing here? - Ellie said in a rather hoarse voice because she had just woken up.
- Just thinking a little... - you replied calmly
– And may I know what my pretty girl is thinking to get out of bed and leave me alone? – Ellie asked in a sly tone as she turned you to face her.
– I've been thinking about how quiet things are now, but when we get back to Jackson everything is going to be a mess again, things aren't easy over there El…– You let a long sigh escape your lips after telling her what was I "bothering" you.
- You know we don't need to go back now, I don't mind being away from everyone as long as I have you with me. I think I definitely have everything I need! – she said while tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, Ellie smiled at you before leaving a sweet kiss on your lips. – But now honey it's late so let's go back to bed ok? - She stroked his hair lightly.
You and Ellie went back to sleeping together, the two lay down in their respective places while the redhead hugged you from behind, Ellie liked being the biggest spoon, and then she caressed your waist until you finally went back to sleep and she fell asleep soon after.
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ÁUDIO ELLIE : this is a surprise extra with two audios of ellie made on the elevenlabs website, I thought you would like it!
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
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Hi everyone, my name is Maya (but you can call me May), I'm 18 years old, I really like The Last of Us, Marvel and anything related to Tom Holland!!
I'm not new to Tumblr but I'm definitely new to this whole medium of writing so please bear with me, I warn you in advance that English is not my first language so let me know if there are any mistakes so I can can fix them!!
(♥︎). . . main
I like writing for Ellie Williams (the last of us), Peter Parker, maybe some other Marvel character? I really don't know, but I might end up posting something about Robin Buckley (stranger things)
I write for neutral or female readers, male readers sorry about that.
I'm not used to writing smut/nsfw but I'm willing to try (I think) but I have an easier time writing fluff and a bit of angst.
at the moment I don't accept requests, but as soon as I start accepting I'll post a list of things I write and others that I DEFINITELY won't/don't want to write!
(♥︎). . . just a few things
sometimes I get inactive just because I forget to log in here or because of writer's block, I don't always feel good or inspired enough to write.
I may post some interactions from time to time, I'm a very talkative person so I feel like interacting with everyone from time to time
as I said, English is not my first language so some mistakes can be quite noticeable, I don't mind being corrected and I even prefer to be told if there is something wrong!!
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