gavfleetout · 4 days
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Kendal from @comicaurora
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gavfleetout · 6 days
sometimes a family is a a bunch of wanted teenagers of the future that want to make a revolution in the moon
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gavfleetout · 7 days
Hey. Hey look at me. Yeah you.
You should watch Renegade Nell. Cuz it's awesome. And super different and original. And fun. And a girl gets to beat a lot of ass. And it's like a cowboy story set in 1700s England. And also there's magic. And it's really emotional. And you get to absolutely fall in love with Nell and her sisters Roxy and George. And it uses its historical fiction setting to make statements about class and privilege and prisons and other stuff that feels both in line with the era the story takes place in and can be applied to the modern world, but it never feels like it's shouting at you about its message. And it's an original story that isn't based on anything, isn't a reboot of anything, and we've been starving for stuff like that (especially from Disney).
And uhhh. I think you'd like it. Ok bye.
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gavfleetout · 7 days
kai went from prince to emperor without any time in between to grieve. he is eighteen with an entire nation to be in charge of, expected to know exactly what to do. a teenager. the bags under his eyes are getting darker and darker and stars what he wouldn’t do for one full night of sleep. kai tries to laugh with everyone else as they share stories of traveling in the rampion, of their memories as a crew, of their memories on luna, but he cannot relate. he’ll never relate. all of his friends share this tragedy, these memories, but he wasn’t there. he was so desperately alone. a teenager who had no friends his own age, who knew how limited his future was with levana as his wife. he’d be dead before twenty, but could it spare the earth a few years? kai who is so overrun with guilt, heavy with it, knowing all that cinder went through and suffered while his threats were more impending than immediate. when cinder wakes up at night, clutching her stomach in a cold sweat, feeling as though she had been stabbed again, kai will stay up all night making sure she’s able to rest again. even if she’s already fallen asleep again. kai warms cinders cyborg hand between his own in the winter, breathing on it to keep it warm. he holds her cyborg hand in public, on live feeds, anywhere where people can see it. he speaks openly and diplomatically about the rights of cyborgs, and passes numerous anti-discriminatory laws for cyborgs, genetically modified soldiers, lunars, and anyone else that had been poorly treated before. he is so self conscious about his relationships. someone who had been taken advantage of by the media from a very young age, and used for his fame by most of his first friends. but he’s so desperate. desperate for companionship, desperate for relief, desperate to be a teenager. he can’t make any mistakes. he has no forgiveness. he’s supposed to be a politician isn’t he? constantly on? constantly perfect? as good as his father? kai can’t always give as much time to cinder as he wants. does she know how much he loves her? kai comms cinder every day she’s on luna, his heart so full of pride and longing. it scares him how much he loves her sometimes. it scares him knowing what he would do just to have her in his arms again, breathing in the smell of a workshop that takes him back to the day they first met. how could he ever repay her for being the first girl to see him as a human being? as someone worth more than lust and screaming and fanfiction, but worth love and respect and real romance.
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gavfleetout · 7 days
For anything else you want to say about the new show Renegade Nell, I'm deeply appreciative for its sartorial gender subversion. I love that we get to see Nell alternate between and at times actively mix codes of feminine and masculine dress AND that the response to this subversion is an equally mixed reaction of acceptance, confusion, and an absolute grab bag of pronouns and descriptors.
Specifically, I enjoy the refusal of limits. Nell's "disguise" as a nobel woman is complete, believable, and well received. Her "disguise" as a doctor is complete, believable, and well received. Her choice to stand before the queen in military dress is accepted at the same time as she retains the feminine social etiquette of curtsying (even as she does so awkwardly). What we are seeing is a complete refusal of easy categorization and that strategy of opacity is so expertly delivered by Louisa Harland and is so very queer.
I'd love to see a deeper investigation into the costuming of this show, its historical referrants, and the queer readings it elicits
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gavfleetout · 7 days
Tumblr polls be like
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gavfleetout · 11 days
So a theory about Erin’s backstory
Tess mentioned that one time about how Erin was powerless to do anything to protect her when they were younger, and Erin said that he’d had dealings with the soulshaper monks before, so my theory is that Erin used to be physic disabled in some way, my Brian’s leaning toward paralyzed but doesn’t necessarily have to be that, and he spent time with the soul shaper monks essentially having magical physical therapy until he regained full use of his body .
And maybe he wasn’t the elemental magus until that happened, when is soul was open to the elements and he was then able to channel them, though the second part of this might not work lore wise.
I just think it would be interesting for Erin, who has all the power in the world, to have come from having a debilitating physical weakness, and making him feel responsible for Tess’ situation when he couldn’t do anything, though that line could have referred to an emotional/social inability to help her as well.
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gavfleetout · 12 days
Does 2-book deal mean Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 or Arc 1 and Arc2?
have you ever thought about slapping Aurora into a book? i think it'd look great on my shelf and it'd be easier to annoy my friends with 😎
oh right I can talk about this now
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gavfleetout · 12 days
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the Linhs bc I had to do my mandatory TLC reread~~
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gavfleetout · 12 days
congrats red!!
have you ever thought about slapping Aurora into a book? i think it'd look great on my shelf and it'd be easier to annoy my friends with 😎
oh right I can talk about this now
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gavfleetout · 14 days
I love how Polly kissing Nell is the most climatic moment of Pollys life but Nell just rode across the country, saved her sister from an evil theatre kid, and helped a woman give birth, so she’s just like sure okay this is happening and doesn’t even comment on it.
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gavfleetout · 16 days
If anyone has looked at my blog and wondered if I started watching sk8 the infinity the answer is yes, yes I did.
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gavfleetout · 16 days
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reki redraw 2023 edition
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gavfleetout · 17 days
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|032321 Did this wonderful commission for JaneSpendlove on twitter. Thank you once again for enabling my newfound appreciation for these two skater boys with your wholesome idea🌴☀️
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gavfleetout · 17 days
reki and langa will always face each other when they skate. langa is goofy, and reki is a righty. god i hate gay people
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gavfleetout · 17 days
Older version of Reki anyone?! He's fixing Langa's skateboard 🤧
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gavfleetout · 17 days
the fact that people sat down to make a sick af skateboarding anime, then someone said "but wait, make it for the gays" and now we get to have renga, matchablossom, and awesome skateboarding in one whole show
we are truly, truly gifted
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