genshincreatorau · 6 months
How do writers on here get beta readers?
Is it like a weird summoning ritual or is there like an adoption center?
Anyways just dropping in to say I'm not dead! Just busy and working on my writing
In the works is a
Sagau fic
and then a Fatui brother fic
Pray that I finish at least something to show before new-years
Im just dropping in to let you guys know I'm very much still writing and I haven't gone away
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genshincreatorau · 7 months
Degenerate thought
Neuvilette, as the hydro dragon, has refreshing jizz, you can’t convince me otherwise.
I don’t know why i had this thought but it’s stuck in my mind and won’t leave.
It’s still thick, it's not watery. like i got a feeling it’s not too cold. It won’t be like ice cold but it’s refreshing and its not warm.
It taste refreshing too, like super pure. Don’t question me.
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genshincreatorau · 8 months
I've been seeing all these genshin imagines on different kinds of Readers and how the genshin men handle them and now I can’t stop imagining one where the Reader is very carefree and unbothered.
【summary】 —  carefree reader is carefree, more at noon. only two characters but i think its still pretty good.
【contains】 — smut . obsession . drinking . Kaveh is precious . arranged marriage . Ayaka is also precious . my notes at the end are unhinged, please be warned
【characters】 — Kaveh . Ayato
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Kaveh often finds himself overworked and overwhelmed. He had such a bad habit of overthinking things, worried about his reputation and how others view him.
Maybe that was why he found himself so drawn to you. The oh so sweet and caring owner of a little tea shop he now frequented.
He first met you after he had gotten drunk, frustrated with a client that seemed to know nothing of what they wanted him to do, their requests were nonsensical and he’d been left feeling demotivated and totally uninspired. 
You'd found him on your way back home, Nearly passed out in the alleyway. Worried for the man’s safety you brought him with you to help him sober up
You had taken him upstairs to your apartment just above your little tea shop, quickly heading downstairs to make a drink that could help him sober up. Only to come back in to find him passed out on your bed.
You let him rest there until morning when he woke up to find you sitting backwards on a chair. Head resting on the chair back, with nothing but your arms as cushions. That can’t have been a comfortable way to sleep.
But no, you weren’t concerned with that. You’d just offered him something to drink and something to eat. Unable to refuse when you told him you needed someone to test out some of your new recipes.
Your carefree attitude was quite refreshing and your brewing skills were nothing to scoff at either. You didn’t question him on anything you might have heard from his drunken ramblings or even why he’d been in such a state to begin with.
You seemed utterly lost in your own world as you worked away. Kaveh found himself lost in it as well as the atmosphere of your little tea shop seemed completely disconnected from the outside world. Your own little haven.
One that he found himself returning to on the regular now. It was a pretty obscure place, not a lot of customers besides a few regulars that seemed to adore this place.
He couldn’t help but adore it himself, it was a true work of art. From the layout of the seating to the menu and even the many plants that decorated the windows and countertops. It all seemed so tailored to you. 
And just as the little tea shop was so detached from the world outside. So were you. Never had he seen you outside of your little shop, nor did you ever seem to leave it unless you needed to grab something for a new recipe.
When he came by you’d always greet him with an excited smile, bringing out new treats for him to try. He’d become your own personal taste tester, though that was mostly just the justification you gave him as to why everything was always on the house.
With every time he returned you’d bring him something new and something better, dishes tailored solely for him. Ranging from fruit pies, creampuffs and brie en croute. Every dish, a new work of art that seemed to light up his taste buds. 
He’d end up talking to you about his work, it often helped him get through a difficult project as he was able to vent out his frustrations to you, it always felt much more bearable after he’d spoken with you. He’d gotten so comfortable that he even found himself confiding in you about things he’d swore he’d never tell, as if the words he spoke held no consequence here.
He didn’t even need alcohol to speak his thoughts freely. Just a cup of tea as he laid his head in your lap. the shop long since closed as you ran your fingers through his hair while he expressed his worries long into the night. With you happily listening to him and providing him an outlet for all these pent up emotions.
And yet you never expressed any of your own. He’d never really seen you worried before. He wondered if you ever did feel worried, maybe lonely? He wanted to know, why were you so isolated from the world just outside, when did you decide to make this place…Did you ever share your time with anyone else?
 He didn’t really know when he started to feel this way but he found himself wanting to know more, to be closer to you. He wanted something MORE than this. He’d miss your gentle hands and soft touches when he went home.
He longed to have you all to himself. never once did he tell a soul about your wonderful little tea shop, not wanting to compete for your attention. Even though it felt foolish to think you’d be so easily taken from him.
He didn’t mean to kiss you the first time he did, he’d been laying in your lap chatting away when you leaned down to rub off a few crumbs that had clung to his cheek. The touch felt euphoric, and with your face so close that he could practically feel your warm breath on his face he moved without thinking.
Catching your lips in a slow sensual kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but time seemed to move so much slower in the moment. 
What was he to do? When he found you staring down at him with such an adorable expression, cheeks flushed as you stared down at him wide eyed.
The silence broken by the soft murmurs of a confession. as Kaveh expressed his desire to have you, won't you be his and his alone, his muse, his love. 
The tension thick as he waited for your response, any kind of response. 
When you seemed all but frozen in place, Kaveh moved off your lap so he could face you. Bringing a hand up so he could gently hold your face, bringing your gaze up to his as he let out a breathy plea 
“Please, say you’ll be mine”
There was such desperation in his voice, this place, your touch. He’d come to rely on it to get him through his days, he didn’t think he could go on without it. With everything on the line. He felt helpless 
When you leaned into his touch with a gentle “okay” he couldn’t help himself. Relief washed over him as he leaned down to steal another kiss, which then turned into two. And then three. 
Before either of you knew it he had you leaned back in the corner of the booth. Hidden away from the world where no one would bear witness to the moment of passion as he desperately sought out your lips.
Your arms wrapping around his neck while he let his wrap around you. You’d bumped the table on your way to pull him in, causing the nearly empty cup of tea to go toppling down to the ground, shattering on impact.
It brought both of you back to reality as you stared down at the broken piece of china. Kaveh was first to move as he worriedly moved off you “I’m so sorry, I’ll take care of it” as he went to reach down for the broken pieces.
He’d nearly grasped it before you quickly tugged him back by his collar “NO! It’s-” he was staring at you with such shock you couldn’t help but look away “-I’ll take care of it, please. It's fine.”
Kaveh couldn’t believe what he’d seen. You’d looked- worried! Worried for him. He’d never imagined the first thing he’d see you worry about would be his safety. It made him feel so…warm. Like he wanted to hold on and never let you go.
Kaveh left after that, returning back home for the night. Nothing would be able to break his good mood now, not even his Roommates infuriating comments.
The next time you saw Kaveh, he was the one to bring you something. As he came in right before closing with some Red wine and glasses, that night was spent upstairs. As you shared a drink and some friendly chatter. 
Kaveh didn’t return home that night, as he spent that night between the sheets with you. Hands running over your sides as he took his time. Fucking you with more passion then actual force as he listened to your moans, trying to catch every gasp, every whine in his mouth. 
You’d always been so patient with him, so kind, and now he’d pay it back ten fold. You’d end up shaking and begging for more. And every time you needed a break. He’d take his time to map out the hickeys he’d left on your body. Leaving open mouthed kisses all over your body until you were ready to go again.
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Ayato was aware he’d be expected to marry one day. as the head of the kamisato clan he was expected to birth an heir. This was just one of the many expectations that weighed on his shoulders.
It was a position coveted by many and one that he had shown no interest in filling. He did not often make a public appearance so it hardly crossed his mind, with other things to do it was a subject that had long since been left out cold.
It wasn’t until the subject came up from his sister that he truly payed it any attention. Ayaka worried for him. and it seemed someone had put it in her mind that were he to find a partner, Then perhaps it may lighten his load.
While he may not have agreed with that sentiment, he found himself considering the option. If only to ease his sister's worries. He’d found a way to benefit from this as well. With an arrangement being made and new connections formed.
An arranged marriage, one that all could benefit from. He got a substantial amount of political power with a new ally in the form of your family, and his guarantee of their compliance by having you, the most beloved grandchild of the head, in his possession. 
Your family gained a connection with the kamisato clan and a sweet sum of money as a dowry. 
And you, a position that many would kill for. 
Ayato was expecting you to have one of two reactions. Dissatisfaction, perhaps you might not agree with the means of which he acquired you. Or Excitement, perhaps you might have been hoping for an outcome such as this, being married to a man of such power and he’d most definitely guarantee that you’d be cared for, just as well as you were in your own estate.
What he did not expect was your total indifference to the matter. As carefree as could be, you took the change in stride, settling into your place at the kamisato estate with relative ease.
He had forgone the wedding night. after the wedding he intended to perform his duties as your husband but you were already fast asleep, seeing as you did not await his arrival he found it safe to assume you did not wish to sleep with him.
A misunderstanding on his part, you’d simply been so relaxed after your bath and all the attendants pampering you as they got you ready that you couldn’t keep yourself awake. Not when the silence and the calm set in after such a hectic day.
So by morning he had already gone back to his duties as you were left to enjoy your life in the estate. No duties had been assigned to you and it left you a bit confused however you did not mind. You’d find things to keep you occupied.
Your time spent with your husband's sister seemed tense at first meeting, formalities were important and as you both greeted each other with respect it was a new field for both of you. She’d show you around and while it all stayed professional at first it eventually turned warm.
As Ayaka familiarised you with some of the more light hearted traditions of theirs. It opened up a conversation and you quickly found yourself sharing stories from back home of fond memories.
With Thoma and Ayaka around you truly had no complaints with your new life. Of course all of this got reported back to Ayato. Thoma was always present during your time with Ayaka and for good reason.
He couldn’t have this marriage negatively affect his sister, it would defeat the whole purpose of it to begin with. So when he got reports back on how well you seemed to get along, he could be sure he had made the right choice.
Ayato hadn’t seen you since that wedding night, and the next time he did was during your first hot pot game. He’d made time to join in and despite his expectations you greeted him with the warmest of greetings.
As Thoma prepared the ingredients the rest of you sat down, and you took your seat at his side. No resignation or hesitation. It was a pleasant surprise, you could all enjoy the game to its fullest then. 
And enjoy it you did, at your husband's side as you all took turns picking ingredients out of the pot, guessing who put them in. by the end of it you’d been laughing and joking along with Thoma as a yawn escaped your mouth.
It prompted Ayato to suggest you head back to the estate. Confused you watched as he stood up. Offering you a hand which you took. As you stood up he gently placed his other hand around your waist as he continued to hold onto your hand.
Bidding his sister and Thoma goodbye before guiding you outside. The display had you quite flustered as you hadn’t been this close to Ayato since you exchanged vows. As he walked you back home he spoke to you
“I hope you don’t mind if i wish to share our bed tonight” 
You didn’t seem to think anything of his request, laughing at his request.
“Of course not, it is OUR bed. there is no need for you to ask my permission”
When you arrived at your shared room you got right to preparing for bed. Seeming more than comfortable to undress in front of the prying eyes of your husband.
As Ayato followed suit, eyes glued to your body as he started to remove his robe. He couldn’t help but wonder, if he were to start something, would you refuse him? He’d been the one to arrange this marriage so of course he’d taken your looks into account. You were pleasing to his eyes.
But would he be able to persuade you into giving into him? Perhaps with some courting and sweet words, he could get you to fall for him. But as you were, if he were to just wrap his arms around you and place his lips on your neck…
He’d gotten a sweet little gasp out of you as he sat behind you. You, still half dressed with your night clothes halfway up your body. Your upper half left exposed as Ayato watched for your reaction. His hot breath ghosting your neck.
And as you wordlessly leaned your head to the side, giving him more access while you leaned back into him. He’d gotten the answer he wanted.
Hands ghosting over your body, oh so cruel how he never seemed to put any pressure behind it, simply teasing as he put all his attention to your neck for now. It was a slow process. Making you melt under his touch before he’d mould you to his will.
As he stands, bringing you up with him while he gently mutters about moving it to the bed. He’d let you walk yourself over, following with a sense of purpose. Hands finally sliding down your body as he prepared you for what was to come.
You could say he was as considerate as he was cruel, keeping you desperate for more as he all but brought you to your first orgasm before he ever got himself inside you.
You were so good for him, keeping your legs spread as he told you, taking you through your first time as he mumbled words of encouragement against your skin. Yet never once did those lips meet your mouth. 
Not until after he had rutted into you, making sure he finished as deeply inside as he could go. Only then, did he finally place his lips to yours, giving you a kiss that stole all air from your lungs, or maybe you were still just coming down from that high. 
Either way he found your expression twisted with pleasure to be one of his favourites. He’d love to see it again.
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just a quick warning i mention breeding and pregnancy in the notes here under.
【notes】 — so like i always try to keep things a bit ambiguous so anyone can read these but I'm very much down for requests that are gender specific. there were so many thoughts that would have required gendered reader. like Ayato with a Male reader, being jerked off and its their first time because reader has never touched themselves. or female reader getting breed as Ayato makes sure you stay by getting you pregnant as quickly as possible, insuring you stay by his side for the rest of your lives.
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genshincreatorau · 8 months
CreatorAU Liyue Headcanons part 1
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【summary】 — some headcanons for Liyue and the first few characters of the region. I'll be honest I don't know if these count as headcanons anymore it's just a straight up story but I'm too stubborn to change the title now so we're calling these headcanons.
【contains】 — brooding . Stalkerish? behavior . clingy genshin man . slightly suggestive right at the end
【characters】 — xiao
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Liyue is a nation ruled by the people, so their days of worshiping the gods are over.
even among those who know you as the creator, they are more likely to think of you fondly then to actually worship you.
and even that is not for your status as a god but for being the one to save Teyvat from the brink of destruction.
not that you remember that part.
There are a few exceptions though. the few who have oh so anxiously awaited your arrival.
don't keep them waiting too long.
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now your first venture into the lands of Liyue was Aided by your most lovable and reliable bard.
Venti was seeing you off as you crossed the border into the land of geo.
wishing you safe travels so that your paths may cross again.
you didn't give much thought to how he didn't leave right away, sitting by the stone gate as he started gently playing his flute. letting it linger in the air.
no you didn't think much of the sweet melody that played as you walked down the path towards the Wangshu Inn.
enjoying the sounds of the birds and the song.
what did catch you off guard was the Vigilant Yaksha that stood waiting outside when you finally made it there.
as you approached he seemed to just stare you down.
you weren't sure if he was waiting for you or if he just happened to be standing outside.
when you approached he didn't pay you any mind, just looking away as if he was disinterested.
he didn't look all that happy to see you, a stark contrast to the cheerful and eager welcome you'd had in mondstadt.
Xiao was the first one to completely ignore your presence.
it felt strange.
hesitant to try and start up a conversation with the cold Yaksha, you walk right by him to the inn to get a room for the night.
it took you quite a while to walk here and you could only imagine how far you'd have to travel to make it to Liyue Harbor.
you'd have to spend a couple of nights sleeping outside.
luckily you were prepared for that.
for this evening you'd enjoy the comforts of the inn, and then tomorrow you could head out.
the inn was nice with food and comfortable rooms where you could rest.
the next day would be your first day alone since you arrived in Teyvat.
or that's what you'd thought.
very early on in your journey you'd noticed the peculiar feeling of being watched
Xiao followed you from the Inn.
at first from a distance. you'd catch glimpses of him every once in a while, just watching you from somewhere high up.
but as the day went on it seemed like he put less and less effort of keeping his presence hidden.
your eyes always seemed to find him anyways.
by evening he was just walking along behind you. not a word spoken as you traveled in relative silence.
you'd settled down where you were gonna camp out for the night. going to start a fire.
as soon as you knelt down, Xiao was there beside you.
his hands brushing over yours for a moment as he took the flint from your grasp.
Xiao had the fire going within moments.
Xiao had started to get up to leave before you tugged at his sleeve. gathering up your courage to offer him to stay.
and to your surprise he did. sitting back down.
you hadn't thought this far. you truly didn't expect him to take you up on your offer. though he seemed to be sitting just a bit behind you.
you didn't waste your chance. trying to make a more comfortable atmosphere.
speaking up about whatever popped in your head, though you ended up mostly talking to yourself as Xiao just listened.
only really providing a few nods and soft grunts of acknowledgement.
you'd thought for a moment that perhaps you should drop the conversation, he didn't seem all that engaged.
but, as you had been talking.
Xiao had leaned his head onto your shoulder.
he looked so peaceful you couldn't bring yourself to break the moment.
Xiao didn't seem to notice the slight drop in the conversation.
you kept talking to him until you dozed off.
Xiao made sure you slept safe. letting you lean back onto him as the night went on.
and as you laid in his arms, he watched over you.
just as he did in the inn, just as he'd done the moment you crossed over the border.
Xiao had been so confused when he first saw you again. there you were, just as before, but it didn't seem quite right.
he heard you'd been resting in Sumeru after the battle but he didn't expect you to be so...
no. he wasn't looking down on you, but he truly couldn't help but frown when he saw the state you were in.
when he'd first met you in person, your mere presence had made him melt at your feet.
yet here you stood, barely an inkling of your divine force left. not that it was any fault of your own.
no. he'd failed.
he'd failed to protect you, failed to keep you safe.
you'd done so much for Teyvat even after it strayed from your teachings.
but he wouldn't fail again.
this time he'd keep you safe.
Xiao knew you didn't remember him, not from your time here in Teyvat.
so he'd chosen to keep a bit of distance, after all that happened he didn't deserve to be in your presence.
but when you looked up at him so sweetly, how could he deny you?
and if you chose to let him close.
then who was he to refuse?
he couldn't help but lean in to your shoulder, longing to be closer. you held the power to relieve his pain. calm his mind.
even as he didn't think he deserved it.
he couldn't help but crave your touch. the feel of your skin against his.
as he held you that night. all was calm.
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【notes】 — man that was longer then i intended it to be. well Xiao will just have to get the whole post to himself. disclaimer, most of this is tired writing, i need sleep. I'm going to sleep. but I hope you enjoyed reading
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genshincreatorau · 8 months
CreatorAU Mondstadt Headcanons Part 2
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【summary】 — some more headcanons for monstadt and how you first meet the characters.
【contains】 — experiments on you . secrets being kept . Lisa is flirty
【characters】 — Sucrose . Albedo . Jean . Lisa
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the nation of Mondstadt is one of the few places you're given the chance to travel freely with no escort or companion if you were to so choose.
not that they wont try to join you.
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Albedo and Sucrose
your first meeting with this pair is on your way back to mondstadt from the Dawn Winery
Albedo and Sucrose had been about to Cross the bridge over into the city when Sucrose spotted you on your way over.
Giving a tug to Albedo's sleeve, you couldn't hear what was being said.
though it seemed the two had stopped and waited for you.
Albedo is the first to greet you with a "fortunate we'd meet again"
Sucrose speaks up before any questions could be asked. introducing herself and Albedo as the chief alchemist and his assistant.
it was quite the shock to hear her speak up like this. although she looked like she wanted nothing more then to shrink away and hide behind Albedo.
Sucrose made mention of this being your first meeting. but that they had heard of your arrival and had been preparing to come meet you.
Albedo took the conversation from there as he asked where you we're heading and if you could spare them some of your time. it was of upmost importance.
Sucrose seemed happy to slink back and walk a few steps behind. she looked more comfortable as well.
Albedo had a lot of interest in you and with your permission asked quite a lot of questions, he was happy to answer any that you had in turn.
Once at the headquarters you met Jane once again and Albedo seemed to disappear for a while
you meet him later when he come to you with Sucrose in tow.
they had something ready for you that they'd been working on for a while.
they have some sort of concoction for you to try.
claiming that they might just help bring out the dormant powers you hold as the creator.
they of course don't force you to take it, but having those powers they speak of, especially the teleportation, would surely come in handy.
agreeing to try it you take the bottle from Albedo as they step back.
how comforting.
you chug it down, closing your eyes shut as you wait for something to happen.
You weren't sure if it worked, it left you feeling rejuvenated, with only this buzzing feeling in your chest.
Sucrose asks if you feel any different and you mention the buzzing.
Albedo just wordlessly places a hand right on your chest, feeling to see if he could sense it.
he felt nothing out of the ordinary. well, maybe other then how quickly your heart seemed to be beating.
Albedo apologises for the sudden touch, he simply wished to confirm if the buzzing was physical side affect or perhaps proof that they we're on the right track.
well he'd have to run some more tests and Sucrose needs to keep an eye on your condition to make sure there aren't any side affects. seems you won't be leaving mondstadt for quite a while.
how would you feel about accompanying Albedo up to dragonspine? it would be a lot more convenient.
don't worry, he can take care of you, he took care of klee after all.
you're already staying somewhere else?
ah...what a shame
his offer still stands.
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Jean had tried to welcome you to mondstadt on behalf of the Knights of Fevonius.
she wished to offer you a place to stay at the Favonius headquarters under Kaeyas suggestion.
that way they could offer you knights to guard you and ensure your safety during your stay.
but nothing seemed to go to plan.
your conversation with Jean got interrupted by Diluc and then cut short by Venti.
once back at the headquarters she immediately had to go back out to go find Klee.
seems she was going back into solitary confinement.
by morning Kaeya had decided to take his leave with nothing but a note stating where he'd gone to.
leaving the Acting Grand Master with even more work on her plate and no time to go find you.
Jean did finally meet you properly when you came walking in after Albedo
She finally had the time to properly introduce herself and apologize for not getting to you sooner.
with some reassurance that you'd been perfectly fine she calms down just a bit.
Jean still welcomes you to stay at the headquarters as she had meant to do the day before.
you're welcome to stay and she can have some knights assigned to your safety.
well if you change your mind they're right there. and the Knights of Favonius are at your service.
Jean barely has any time to speak with you before she has to get back to work.
but she left you in the care of the librarian. at least that way she could have some peace of mind.
Lisa could take it from there.
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Lisa was the one to show you around the Favonius headquarters.
introducing you to those such as Noelle, Klee and Mika.
there were more as you knew but it would seem that most were out doing their job.
well other then kaeya.
well Lisa got to enjoy time with you.
after taking you for a tour, showing you the room reserved just in case you were to decide to stay there.
she ended the tour in the library where she invites you to a nice cup of tea.
now Lisa is a flirt.
just a straight up flirt and there's no letting up.
as soon as you relax she'll casually drop a complement into the conversation.
you truly were a cutie.
it gets a bit boring now that the Traveler is gone, so you wouldn't mind coming by every once in a while to chat?
well she wouldn't keep you for much longer. it looked like the alchemist had something for you.
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【notes】 — and that's another set of headcanons! so there's a whole lot of places you could visit. you can send in your asks about any of the characters I've covered so far. and requests are open if you wish to travel up to dragonspine or spend your day with anyone in particular. of course these are just suggestions to give you all some ideas, you may request any scenario you wish for.
now we're getting out of mondstadt. next up will be liyue!
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genshincreatorau · 8 months
CreatorAU Headcanons Part 1
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【summary】 — some general headcannons on the subject of this AU and then my idea of how your visit to mondstadt would go.
【contains】 — clingy genshin men . flirting?
【characters】 — Venti . Diluc . Kaeya
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this is just some general knowledge about my version of the CreatorAU that I follow for my writing.
The Reader wakes up in Teyvat after the events of the game, meaning the traveler and their twin is nowhere to be found. having already left.
The Reader and the Creator are not exactly the same thing, while the Reader is from our world, as they are just you. the Creator is a consciousness that shares your body.
The creator is so deeply interwoven with your own mind that it might as well just be the memories of a previous life. one that you've now returned to!
The Reader has seen everything just like how we see it in the game all the way up to the Fontaine quest. before they got isekai'd and wake up sometime after the end of the game.
Now the only pressing matter left in Teyvat is the arrival of their one and only Creator. (that's you!)
the worship of the creator is not as wide spread as you'd think. it's different with each region.
it all depends on how much power and influence your acolytes hold in their nation.
now that all the boring lore stuff is out of the way, onto the character Headcanons!
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the people of mondstadt generally don't know much about you as the creator, nor is it really that deep into your worship.
however the same can not be said for those you've shared a connection with via the intertwined fates.
each of your acolytes expresses their devotion in different ways and the ones in mondstadt tend to take it a bit more lightly then say the ones in Inazuma.
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Venti is the first to greet you when you arrived.
when you come to visit the land of freedom he is quick to show his face.
greeting you with a bow and a cheeky line about how he'd been wondering when you'd pay him a visit.
you in your current state aren't able to manipulate any of the elements so he is happy to help you move around more freely.
he'll give you a tour of the city, this bard is at your service, entertaining you with songs that tell tales of his people.
After you get approached by Jean and Diluc, your attention wanes off of him and he might just have whisk you into the air. gently placing you both in the arms of his statue. a fitting place for you if he does say so himself.
you fit so perfectly in his arms. don't worry, he let go.
you won't get a straight answer as to why he brought you here but its not hard to guess.
he'll redirect your attention to all the points of interests across Mondstadt. an arm not so subtly wrapping around your waist as he points out the places he could take you to.
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his first attempt to approach you was cut short by the bards childish whims to have you to himself.
he had come to speak with you about your stay in Mondstadt, ready to offer you lodgings at his Manor.
it was only fitting that someone as important as you were to stay with him, a noble of high esteem.
not to mention the fact that he did not trust the Knights of Favonius with your safety. especially with the fatui still lurking around.
that's why he'd approached you when he noticed you speaking with Jean. unfortunately, he did not get the chance to bring up his offer.
no matter, if he knew Venti (and he did) then he'd be by angel's share come evening.
so he stayed in town, taking a shift at the bar and giving Charles the night off.
and just as he'd thought the infamous bard was quick to show his face, hand in hand with you and insisting you try the dandelion wine.
The drinks were on the house that night, if only so that he could have enough time to make a proper introduction. without Venti taking the spot light.
Diluc made sure not to waste any of your time. getting straight to the question at hand on where it is you were planning to stay during your time in Mondstadt.
it didn't matter if you had plans to stay somewhere or not, he'd still make his offer for you to stay at the winery.
Whether you'd accept his offer was up to you.
but keep in mind, your decision would determine whether he'd get to sleep at home that night or if he'd stay up patrolling the streets of Mondstadt.
Diluc would stay with you until it was time to close, either escorting you to the Winery where there would be a proper meal and a bed waiting for you.
or he'd simply escort you to where ever else you'd decided to stay for the night.
this gesture, while genuine, also served to let him know exactly where he'd need to be patrolling that night.
he'd spotted the fatui following you around.
he didn't care if they we're simply watching you to reporting back on your well being, or if their intentions we're to steal you away.
he'd be rid of them either way.
they had no business being there.
at least at the Dawn Winery he could rest easy knowing you we're safe, resting in the room just next door.
he could still feel where your hands had rested on his arm while he escorted you.
Diluc hoped he'd be able to take a nice long walk with you around his Manor the next morning. you were pleasant company.
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now Kaeya has a special place for you in his heart.
and no one else in mondstadt would ever truly understand why.
because his knowledge of you went further then most of your followers.
because back in Khaenri'ah, they didn't worship any of the Seven Archons. They worshiped you.
and although you might not remember the sacrifice you had made, and no one cared to inform you about what had happened. he'd still show his gratitude in any way he could.
he'd known that getting some time with you would be difficult when everybody would be vying for your attention.
so he had decided to postpone his introduction until the evening of your arrival.
suggesting to Jean that offering you a place to stay at the Favonius headquarters was the best course of action.
hence his disappointment when she returned with the news that she had been unsuccessful.
but apparently they weren't the only ones to make the offer. his brother was doing the exact same thing.
so, when he caught wind that you had indeed stayed at the dawn winery, he'd made his way back home.
he thoroughly enjoyed the look he'd gotten from his brother when he interrupted your stroll around the garden.
Diluc seemed so agitated. it was so amusing.
he stayed there the entire time. making conversation and putting on the charm.
though it wasn't until you walked back inside the manor that he took the time to properly greet you.
holding his hand out to you as if to shake it, only to plant a kiss on the back of your hand.
he had lingered just long enough for you to question if he was truly just being polite, it seemed almost purposeful.
as if to savor it.
this didn't go unnoticed by Diluc, and it seemed to burn up whatever patience he had left.
they didn't get into a physical fight, but the tension was palpable and you'd decided to take your leave before anyone got hurt.
heading back towards Mondstadt to continue your exploits in the city.
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【notes】 — this got pretty out of hand, i only meant to write something short for each nation but instead you got Mondstadt and three of its people. well! if anyone's reading this and would like to request specific characters or scenario then go for it!
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genshincreatorau · 8 months
The Beginning or The End
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【summary】 — Waking up in the world of Genshin Impact you find yourself face to face with a familiar character, and they're calling you the Creator. confusing as it is, you're here to stay it would seem.
【contains】 — . suggested amnesia . religious themes .
【characters】 — Nahida
【relationships】 — none, this is just the introduction of the series
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after waking up for what would feel like the first time, you're sure to take a while to process your surroundings. things might seem unfamiliar and foreign. such a deep sleep that things just don't seem to make any sense.
but as your eyes adjust to the light, the cold hard open space around you continues to be unrecognizable. in an isolated chamber, upon a suspended platform. sat on a smooth stone altar. soft green light illuminating the ground where you laid. a narrow stone bridge being the only way out of this chamber.
deciding to get up and look over the edge, you'd taken no less then three steps forward before your legs gave out. the sound of your knees hitting the ground echos through the room as you feel a spike of pain from the impact.
there was no time to get back up however as you got startled when the large doors to the chambers were pushed open, and standing there was the small form of an all too familiar face
"Nahida" the name left your mouth before you'd even realized you spoke. you were so confused.
her face seemed to light up as her eyes settled on your form. excitedly she moved closer, crossing the bridge with great ease despite her short legs
"your grace! you're already awake. I'm so sorry I wasn't here in time."
her voice was so soft and bubbly, the way she pronounced her words was just as you remember hearing. spoken with intention as if to avoid stumbling over them, you would have mistaken her for a child if it wasn't for the time you spent watching the traveler interact with and assist the tiny Archon.
her hand had been outstretched for you to take, left unnoticed as you stared at her in a daze. only with the mention of your name did you snap back to the moment as your eyes focused back on Nahida. a new question burning in your mind as you felt your stomach drop
"...how do you know my name?"
that wasn't the name of the traveler, not even the name you had given them either, it was YOUR name.
"ah- you had gave me your name before, so i thought it would be alright for me to use it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I can just call you by 'your grace' if that's what you'd like?"
"no- no...i mean, HOW do you know it- know me-"
she seemed to realize something, the smile leaving her face as she spoke carefully, a hint of nervousness coming through in her words with the hesitation to ask
"do you...not remember?"
it was so vague, did you not remember what? did she know you? you'd never thought of the possibility that just as you knew about the people of Teyvat, that they could also know about you.
the silence was deafening and the lack of certainty seemed to give her the answer she was looking for.
a tiny hand reached down to gently take hold of your own. she paused there for just a moment as if to give you the option to pull away before she started to help you up off your feet.
"this must be awfully confusing to you, your grace. but don't you worry. any knowledge you may have lost during your slumber I'm sure we can help you regain."
as she gives you her reassurance, you're walked out of the room. you've been given very little time to process any of this.
"Teyvat has been eagerly awaiting you"
before you can question what she means, you've arrive outside. she lets go of your hand while you take a few more steps forward. the sight before you left you speechless. you were stood on top of the largest tree in Sumeru, above the Akademiya. at The Sanctuary of Surasthana.
the view was breathtaking, and for the first time since you woke up did you realize
"this is real..."
Nahida smiled as she walked up next to you, looking up your amazed expression. the joy she felt at your admiration of her nation was palpable.
"as I said, your grace. the people have been eager to see you. and Teyvat has been awaiting it's Creator"
the distinction she made between the people and the land was a bit confusing, that was until you felt the wind, softly blowing through your hair. it seemed to gather up around you, creating a small whirl wind where you stood. Nahida stood back a bit. somehow, you understood.
it felt welcoming, familiar in a way you just couldn't describe. it felt like the wind was happy, playful. you couldn't help but laugh as it all seemed so fantastical.
Nahida seemed to join in your laughter, watching you get pushed around by the wind. her heart warmed at your smile. any hint of doubt she had felt, vanished the moment Teyvat had acknowledged you.
you truly we're the Creator.
the winds calmed down after a while, leaving you a bit more disheveled then before. your laughter carried out by the wind, to flow through the air. everything seemed so surreal. and as you considered Nahida's words, it finally dawned on you.
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【notes】 — and that's that! my first piece of writing for the Creator AU. it migh have a slightly different spin to it then the usual stuff i see posted about this AU, so hopefully you can catch on to the little nuances I placed in there. much is left to be know about our darling creator and the only way to figure it out is if we forge ahead, into this new life in Teyvat
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genshincreatorau · 8 months
welcome to my blog of Genshin delights!
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this is mainly a blog for this one specific AU but I will and can write for different Genshin themed AUs if requested. though this is purely an x reader blog, I will not do ships
this will be a pinned post and act as my Masterlist and Warning for anyone who visits my little corner.
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I intend to write both SFW and NSFW content and as such will be requesting that anyone under the legal age to please leave.
While I have not started writing sensitive material just yet, there is always the possibility that I might so please keep that in mind. I will update this post with the warnings
I will also be adding tags to this post to make browsing my blog easier
some of the things I intend to write for as both sfw and nsfw is:
the child characters, as in every character with the short character model will ALWAYS be written as friendly or platonic if at all, do not request NSFW of these characters, it will be deleted and Ignored.
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CreatorAU Series
the beginning or the end
Mondstadt Headcanons part 1
Mondstadt Headcanons part 2
Liyue Headcanons part 1
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