ghedahrianvampress · 4 years
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~ The Wedding of Mel & Lars VIII ~
Uma: It looks like our work here is done.
Nox: I still wish we could have convinced mom to take over the world.
Uma: *rolls eyes* At least our parents are together as they should be.
Nox: True. It could be worse. She could have ended up marrying Edward this time around.
Uma: What's wrong with Edward? I like him.
Nox: I'd rather be a Ravenfoot than a Pendragon, thank you very much...
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ghedahrianvampress · 4 years
~ Aislday in Aveyond ~
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So, I meant to post this around Christmas but I forgot, so yeah...
(Disclaimer: I make no claims to any of the sprites or tilesets! I simply own a copy of RPG Maker XP and enjoy making such little scenes)
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ghedahrianvampress · 4 years
(AU) Edward's dream life as a Chicken Farmer
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
Happy Halloween!
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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Happy Easter!! I hope that everyone has a great day and get’s lots of chocolate!
Anyway, the av3 crew celebrated easter by wearing bunny ears and playing with bunnies (Stella’s idea). I’m sure not everyone is pleased by the idea, but it’s hard to say no to Stella.
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Lars Tenobor Aesthetic ~
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Elinidana ter Lithir di Aramati Aesthetic ~
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Pirate John Aesthetic ~
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Dameon Maurva Aesthetic ~
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Rhen Darzon Maurva Pendragon Aesthetic ~
(Also, a big thanks to @mu11berry for editing the picture of Rhen!)
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Mel Darkthrop Aesthetic ~
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Gyendal Ravenfoot Aesthetic ~
(All pictures come from Pinterest, as always)
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
OTP Meme ... Again!
Here’s another Te’ijalahad meme, just cause I felt like it :)
1. Who’s in charge of Valentine’s day? Honestly, probably Te'ijal. I doubt that Galahad's big on celebrating such romantic holidays. Te'ijal would probably drag him to any Valentine's day party (unwillingly on his part).
2. Who asked who out? How did it go? If Te'ijal and Galahad had dated, I think it would have been Te'ijal that asked Galahad out, and he probably would flat out refused, calling her a demon-spawn or something, but we all know that Te'ijal is sneaky and would definitely find a way to trick him into agreeing to go out on a date with her.
3. Who said “I love you” first? Well, I feel like Te'ijal is definitely more open when it comes to expressing her feelings to Galahad, but she probably wouldn't say "I love you" in those exact words. We all know that she has her own way of doing things.
4. Where did they have their first date? Did it go well? Well, technically they never dated... Not officially anyway... They just got married. I don't know if you classify their wedding as a first date. If so, It didn't exactly go well for Galahad ...
5. Who remembers their anniversary? Te'ijal! Te'ijal is the one who remember's things like their anniversary as well as Galahad's birthday. Galahad usually forgets, mostly because he purposefully tries to forget.
6. How did they meet? They met while they were both traveling with Rhen and her party. I've often wondered where and how exactly they met. Their first meeting could have taken place in the castle during the whole assassination attempt on the king, or they could have met while they were tracking down the thieves.
7. Who steals all of the blankets? Umm... I have no idea ... I've never thought about it.
8. Would they go to prom? If so, who would ask the other to go? If not, what would they do instead? Well, the Aveyond Universe doesn't have prom, but let's say that they go to a ball held at the royal castle in Thais. Te'ijal would probably ask Galahad to go with her, and Galahad would probably reluctantly agree, thinking it was only right for him to escort his wife.
9. What is each person’s method of distracting if an embarrassing subject comes up? Te'ijal is not easily embarrassed, but I assume she would start teasing Galahad and try to convince him to eat whoever brought up the embarrassing subject. Meanwhile, Galahad would probably be embarrassed, and try to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
10. Early birds or night owls? Galahad is an early bird and always gets up early, but Te'ijal is a night owl, preferring to stay up all night as she is accustomed.
11. What odd feature do they love about the other? Well, I like to think that Galahad likes Te'ijal's eyes. Her purple human eyes, that is. He finds them beautiful and contrast nicely with all the red on her. Te'ijal has this rather weird obsession with Galahad's body, particularly his ass.
12. What does their texting look like? Again, they don't have cell phones to text with, but I imagine them both having very good grammar. Galahad in particular would have a very proper, old fashioned vocabulary, and so there would be a lot of shall's and what not.
13. Who steals clothes from the other? Ooh! I could definitely picture Te'ijal stealing some of Galahad's clothes. I've had this fanfic idea in my head for a while where Galahad finds that his favourite tunic is missing, and so he goes to ask Te'ijal if she's seen it, only to find that she's wearing his tunic ... only his tunic ...
14. What’s their favourite memory together? Hmm... Probably the memory of attending one of their friends weddings or something during their adventure with Rhen.
15. Would they have any pets? If so, what kind? Well, Te'ijal originally had a ghost. Not sure if you classify that as a pet. I can see Galahad having a dog, though.
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
Ahh! Thank you so much! I had actually forgotten that I had requested this! It was very sweet, and I loved the bit about him slipping that book page he ripped out at the book store! I’ve always thought that Draco did that for a reason, to help the golden trio in some way, but I never figured out how it all worked it out. The idea of him slipping it into Hermione’s hand while she was petrified is brilliant! Bravo!
Hi, maybe Dramione, you know, for the valentines request.
Aaaaah I’m so sorry for the wait!! Sickness and school has been kicking my butt XD But I have officially finished your Valentines request short, and although it’s a little late I truly hope you enjoy^^
                                              Calculated Risks
Draco wasn’t entirely sure when things had changed, when animosity had become something far more complex. 
No, no that wasn’t entirely honest.
He didn’t know when it started, but he remembered the moment it fully hit him clear as day. Fire had been blazing in those brown eyes of hers, as she descended down that hill with the uncontrolled fury of all the hells fuelling her. She was beautiful, and his narrow-minded past self had been absolutely terrified. The punch has been painful and humiliating, but as he lay in his bed that night nursing a newly repaired nose his mind had stubbornly refused to leave that girl.
One of the golden trio and best friend to the one person he had been taught to hate more than anyone. 
Hermione Granger.
He had been a foolish boy, but he had never been oblivious. It was impossible not to be drawn to her feisty spirit, the controlled power that coursed through her. She was like a wildfire, raw and untamed. Draco couldn’t help but feel that had she been placed in Slytherin, they would have become friends. He had never truly cared about blood purity, parroting what he had been taught with hollow conviction. 
Even despite the hatred between houses and resentment towards the infuriating Potter, he had crossed the ultimate line into that of a traitor in second-year, one of the only times he could push past his fear of his father. A key paper ripped from a book while shopping from supplies, no one noticed the lone blond sneaking into the infirmary to slip it into the petrified hand of Hermione. 
Then had come the war, and all thoughts of crushes and rivalries had faded from his mind. The dark lord got what he wanted, anyone that tried to stand up to these whims faced a fate worse than death, and nothing was worth more than his families survival. 
But, the war was over now.
And as Draco stood at the Valentines Day ball, his eyes were for only one. Across the room, garbed in stunning blues and cascading ringlets down to her shoulders, stood the Gryffindor Princess.
She stood with the pale Ravenclaw girl and Longbottom, seeming unsure as she glanced amongst the couples all around them.
Nerves made Draco’s mouth go dry, he was a disgraced wizard in this world. He had reached an understanding with the heroes of the war, all of the repentant junior death eaters had born out of shared experiences in a war they had been forced into, but that didn’t change his status in the new higharchy.
But he was done waiting, he was done fighting this pull. Draco wasn’t a boy, nor was he held back by his families expectations. It was time to make his play.
With long strides he crossed the ballroom, sporting an air of confidence that wasn’t even remotely genuine. Hermione didn’t notice his approach, at least not until the gentle blond piped up.
“It seems as though you have a nervous admirer, he’s attracting all the wackspurts.” Luna said curiously, Draco blanching slightly.
Hemione turned to face him, brows drawing together in puzzlement and Draco found his nerve slipping.
Determination filled him and he shot her a slight smile, gesturing towards the dance floor.
“Do you dance Granger?”
The young woman in front of him blinked owlishly, her brain clearly trying to catch up and process his request. He didn’t give her that opportunity however, as he caught her hand and smoothly passed the glass in her grip off to Luna before spinning the Gryffindor onto the floor with practiced ease.
The outcome was not certain, he knew full well that there was a chance by the end of the night he’d be returning home with a wounded pride. But Hermione Granger was worth that risk, and he’d be damned if he let himself cave to shallow fears ever again.
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
Another Te’ijalahad Meme
I was tagged by @mu11berry, so here we go
1. Who is the happy morning person and who is grumpy and just wants to go back to bed? Galahad is clearly the morning person, just because he is used to it. I imagine that, back when he was a Paladin serving in Sedona, he had to wake up fairly early for work, and so that probably just became a habit of his and so he always wakes up early. He is definitely the happy morning person, while Te'ijal is definitely the one whose grumpy and wants to go back to bed (especially as a human). As vampires, I imagine they don't really need a lot of sleep.
2. Who falls asleep on the couch and who puts a blanket over them? Hmm ... I'm not entirely sure. Once again, obviously this would be with human Te'ijal and Galahad. I feel like Te'ijal might end up falling asleep on the couch, reading a book or something because she didn't sleep well the night before (uncomfortable bed), and then Galahad would come home from work and drape a blanket over her, marvelling at how peaceful and not terrifying she looks when she's asleep. He'd probably even place a gentle kiss on her cheek or forehead.
3. They end up going to a party? What couple are they? (Ex- Clinging to one another? Just there to steal some free food and leave? Both want to party?) Te'ijal is the type of partier who prefers to observe the party/listen in on gossip while sipping on a glass of blood/wine. Galahad, having been to many balls over the course of his life, would be an excellent dancer and would probably insist that his wife dance as well (at a human party at least). However, if it was a vampire party, Galahad would be trying to sneak out at any opportunity he got, which would mean that Te'ijal would have to keep a constant watch on him, and then neither would enjoy the party.
4. If they were in a zombie apocalypse AU, how would they meet? Galahad would be fighting off a group of zombies, ripping them to shreds with his sword, when all of a sudden, Te'ijal jumps in and helps him. Galahad would probably try to slaughter her too, seeing as she is a creature of evil just like the zombies in his eyes. Te'ijal would probably flirt with him while dodging his attempts to kill her, and she would probably make a deal with him, offering to help him destroy zombies in exchange for a favor from him or something. (To be honest, I don't really know much about a zombie apocalypse. It's not something I've ever thought about or researched. Zombies aren't my thing...)
5. Where is their number one date spot? Why do they love it so much there? Their number one date spot ... Well, most of us know that Te'ijal loves moonlight walks on the beach, so I imagine they went on several dates there. Plus, it brings back memories of their adventure with Rhen's party.
6. Who would be more likely to hug their partner and pick them up off the ground? Ooh... Te'ijal likes wrapping her arms around Galahad, which is basically like hugging him, and she definitely has picked him up off the ground, like when he fainted after their wedding. I guess it would be T'e'ijal then.
7. If one partner isn’t the best at communicating their feelings, how do they show their feelings to their significant other in other ways? I definitely think that Galahad has a hard time showing his feelings about Te'ijal. The problem is that he best shows his feelings while protecting people, and Te'ijal usually doesn't need protecting, but when she is tied up in Darkthrop Keep, we really start to see just how much Galahad does care for her.
8. How did they try to impress one other before they were dating? Hmm... Well, this one is a bit difficult considering that they never actually dated. Te'ijal tricked him into marrying her, and that was that. I think I'm gonna leave this question alone.
9. Who is being way over the top and dramatic and who just nods and cheers on their partner from the sidelines? Te'ijal definitely has her over the top moments, but then again I feel like Galahad can be pretty dramatic. I can see Te'ijal cheering Galahad on from the sidelines like if she's watching him duel with someone or something. She enjoys watching him fight, mostly cause he looks so delicious and handsome doing it.
10. Where did they confess that they loved one another?  Hmm... It was at Darkthrop Keep that Galahad actually realized that he loved Te'ijal, but being in the middle of a quest, they had other things to worry about and so he didn't actually confess his feelings then. I think he probably waited until their lives had calmed down, and probably ended up confessing his love for her while they were living in Sedona as humans.
11. What is something small, but cute they do for one another? (Ex - leave cute encouraging notes for one another on the counter.) Hmm... Well, in TDP, Te'ijal wrote a note for Galahad in this book about vampires, so that's kinda cute. She wanted him to read about what the humans thought of them. It was probably filled with a bunch of nonsense about sparkly vampires or something.
12. Who is the one who does the cooking while the other helps prep the food? Galahad is definitely the cook in the house. Te'ijal can not cook to save her life. Having her in the kitchen is probably dangerous, so Galahad just does all the cooking, but maybe he'd make Te'ijal help every now and then with chopping vegetables. I think she mentioned something about chopping onions that made her cry in one of her letter's to Mel.
13. What is a memory they share together that makes them both laugh so hard they cry when they think about it? The only time they are seen laughing at the same time is that one part in the game where Lydia is being imitated by a mischievous fairy. It's the one and only time we see Galahad laughing, and I'm sure Te'ijal was laughing too because of her comment.
14. They are having a water balloon fight, who wins and how do they deliver the winning shot? Galahad probably has no idea what a water balloon is, let alone a water balloon fight, so I imagine Te'ijal would initiate it, throwing one at him while he wasn't looking, and he would be so confused about what she was doing. She would then explain the idea, and once he understood, then he would join in and they would both be dripping wet in no time. Te'ijal is the sneakier one, and has excellent aim, so I feel like she would definitely win.
15. Who would give the other their jacket because it’s cold? Sounds like something Galahad would do once their both human, or when he's a vampire, and she's still human.
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
I’ve said it many times, but i’ll say it again anyway... I LOVE IT! Also, your welcome, I’m just glad that someone likes the idea and doesn’t think it’s crazy like I thought everyone would. :)
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For @ghedahrianvampress​, featuring her OC Cer’iq from her fic Child of the Night!
Galahad is teaching his son that the moon is made of luminous cheese. Te'ijal is explaining that actually it reflects the sun’s light. Galahad is pretty sure she’s crazy. He is both right and wrong at the same time XD
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
Galahad Mini Rant
All right, here’s another Galahad rant, just because I wanted to rant about him. The main point I want to get across in this is that Galahad is THE strongest party member ever, in ALL the Aveyond games. Like, you don’t want to make him angry (Or kidnap his wife and tie her to the top of a tower.) He’s stronger than Rhen, or Edward, or anyone. He single-handedly defeated an entire army of demons! Boyle and his party couldn’t even accomplish that! Hercules (Jerkules as I like to call him) claims that he’s so great, but in reality he is weak and pathetic, especially in comparison to Galahad. (The Aveyond version of Hercules has ruined the disney movie & the greek myth versions for me. Whenever I hear the name, I just always think of the jerk who always stole the credit for our heroic deeds.)
Anyway, I highkey think that a part of the reason Te’ijal fell in love with him is because he is sooooo strong! When Te’ijal first laid eyes on him, he was in rage mode, ready to chop the thief’s head off for trying to assassinate the king, and I imagine that to her it was a major turn on.
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