ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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Happy Easter!! I hope that everyone has a great day and get’s lots of chocolate!
Anyway, the av3 crew celebrated easter by wearing bunny ears and playing with bunnies (Stella’s idea). I’m sure not everyone is pleased by the idea, but it’s hard to say no to Stella.
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teijalahad-blog · 7 years
A Random Thought
Has Galahad ever said to Te'ijal clearly “I hate you”? I don’t think so >.> And you may say his actions and shouting makes it clear but no! For me at least. Either way, as I had read somewhere in a fic,
The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. If you don’t matter to someone, they wouldn’t waste their time hating you.
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nsfacademia · 10 years
Iz: wtf is with this article
Iz: "the shoe was an object with fetishist connotations, a symbol both of the vagina and of submission, as well as, possibly, of tyranny" do you ever feel like people are Reading Too Deeply
the conventionary will: YES
the conventionary will: i do it sometimes but YES
the conventionary will: fucking english majors. what assholes.
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
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~ Galahad Aesthetic ~
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dayisfading · 10 years
If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out - Cat Stevens
Saturday Night - Natalia Kills
Are You Satisfied? - Marina & the Diamonds
Barlights - fun. 
Echelon (It’s My Way) - Angel Haze
Love Drunk - Little Mix
Liebe ist alles - Rosenstolz
Everything is Alright - Motion City Soundtrack
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zakushiizu-blog · 10 years
kawarou / shinji (did i spell the first one righto h god)
when I started shipping it: i saw them on my dash since everyone was raving about nge at the time and was like….”oh theyre cute…….aND THEY’RE CANON???”
my thoughts: its so tragic i think 3.0 is the last we see of kaworu but 4.0 is def going to have some callbacks and im not ready for that
What makes me happy about them: a lot of people have written analyses about the time loop theory and one thing that gets me every time is the fact that from nge to rebuild, a) kaworu seems to be more smitten with shinji and b) he wants to be shinji’s supporter instead of savior and wants shinji to figure out things by himself
What makes me sad about them: kaworu dies every single time……. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i actually haven’t read too much fic on these two and they ones i have read are really good so……..??
things I look for in fanfic: see above
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: shinji hanging with the eva crew, kaworu x the moon, idk 
My happily ever after for them: neither of them die or undergo emotional trauma
who is the big spoon/little spoon: big spoon is kaworu bc shinji is tentative about intimate contact at first………maybe he then becomes the big spoon when he gets more confident???
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: playing music together, since it doesn’t require too many words
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bottlebound · 10 years
galahadteomes replied to your post: Aveyond future au where vampires are c...
im gonna be honest sci fi as a general thing isn’t my genre so at first i wasn’t interested but then i read “swashbuckling queers” and you’ve won my heart with that ending part
yes that was my plan!! now all i have to do is steal your soul. and yeah i mean i personally only enjoy a small subset of scifi, which usually include dystopian futures, complex story lines and lots of badass ladies!! and really i imagine stella and mel would make great pirates, very robin hood like imo. and they'd end up accepting edward as a member(reluctantly because really though edward forced his way into the story and im still upset about that but i digress) but they dump his bitchy ass on some planet woth enough money for a return trip bc theyre not too mean and because hes all like "i dont think we have time for that" and "i think we should go this way" 
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(who am I kidding those were from iz)
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outsidersmark · 10 years
i s a b e l l e
i stand alone - theophilus londonsilvia - miike snowafter the flood - black goldbay of pigs - rogue valleyearly birdie - owl citylifesize - a fine frenzyles lignes de la main - pierre lapointeeyes wide open - gotye
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
OTP Meme ... Again!
Here’s another Te’ijalahad meme, just cause I felt like it :)
1. Who’s in charge of Valentine’s day? Honestly, probably Te'ijal. I doubt that Galahad's big on celebrating such romantic holidays. Te'ijal would probably drag him to any Valentine's day party (unwillingly on his part).
2. Who asked who out? How did it go? If Te'ijal and Galahad had dated, I think it would have been Te'ijal that asked Galahad out, and he probably would flat out refused, calling her a demon-spawn or something, but we all know that Te'ijal is sneaky and would definitely find a way to trick him into agreeing to go out on a date with her.
3. Who said “I love you” first? Well, I feel like Te'ijal is definitely more open when it comes to expressing her feelings to Galahad, but she probably wouldn't say "I love you" in those exact words. We all know that she has her own way of doing things.
4. Where did they have their first date? Did it go well? Well, technically they never dated... Not officially anyway... They just got married. I don't know if you classify their wedding as a first date. If so, It didn't exactly go well for Galahad ...
5. Who remembers their anniversary? Te'ijal! Te'ijal is the one who remember's things like their anniversary as well as Galahad's birthday. Galahad usually forgets, mostly because he purposefully tries to forget.
6. How did they meet? They met while they were both traveling with Rhen and her party. I've often wondered where and how exactly they met. Their first meeting could have taken place in the castle during the whole assassination attempt on the king, or they could have met while they were tracking down the thieves.
7. Who steals all of the blankets? Umm... I have no idea ... I've never thought about it.
8. Would they go to prom? If so, who would ask the other to go? If not, what would they do instead? Well, the Aveyond Universe doesn't have prom, but let's say that they go to a ball held at the royal castle in Thais. Te'ijal would probably ask Galahad to go with her, and Galahad would probably reluctantly agree, thinking it was only right for him to escort his wife.
9. What is each person’s method of distracting if an embarrassing subject comes up? Te'ijal is not easily embarrassed, but I assume she would start teasing Galahad and try to convince him to eat whoever brought up the embarrassing subject. Meanwhile, Galahad would probably be embarrassed, and try to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
10. Early birds or night owls? Galahad is an early bird and always gets up early, but Te'ijal is a night owl, preferring to stay up all night as she is accustomed.
11. What odd feature do they love about the other? Well, I like to think that Galahad likes Te'ijal's eyes. Her purple human eyes, that is. He finds them beautiful and contrast nicely with all the red on her. Te'ijal has this rather weird obsession with Galahad's body, particularly his ass.
12. What does their texting look like? Again, they don't have cell phones to text with, but I imagine them both having very good grammar. Galahad in particular would have a very proper, old fashioned vocabulary, and so there would be a lot of shall's and what not.
13. Who steals clothes from the other? Ooh! I could definitely picture Te'ijal stealing some of Galahad's clothes. I've had this fanfic idea in my head for a while where Galahad finds that his favourite tunic is missing, and so he goes to ask Te'ijal if she's seen it, only to find that she's wearing his tunic ... only his tunic ...
14. What’s their favourite memory together? Hmm... Probably the memory of attending one of their friends weddings or something during their adventure with Rhen.
15. Would they have any pets? If so, what kind? Well, Te'ijal originally had a ghost. Not sure if you classify that as a pet. I can see Galahad having a dog, though.
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infocards · 10 years
galahadteomes replied to your post: i don’t know how talk to people about ...
if this is about our convo you’re fine / gr8 dont worry omg
bless u
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zakushiizu-blog · 10 years
How I feel about this character: im an emotional mess about monet rn i just finished her arc and WOW IM DEAd
All the people I ship romantically with this character: no one tbh?? i think she has a crush on doflamingo, maybe but that’s really it
My non-romantic OTP for this character: monet and vergo hanging at punk hazard doing villainy things + monet passive-aggressively being caesar’s secretary
My unpopular opinion about this character: ????????? 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish she didn’t die lmao
my OTP: monet x doflamingo’s coat (it makes a great nest)
my cross over ship: this doesn’t really count as a crossover ship but i’ve seen a couple askblogs have monet and marco interact and i think it’d be really cool if they were BIRD FRIENDS……..
a headcanon fact: monet has probably drawn at least 1 dick on caesar’s face when he wasn’t paying attention
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yes hello! how are you? what's up?
dude if you don't do it on anon then nobody will see and think I'm cool
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