gt-shit 2 years
Gt prompt: Blind smol
the smol being blind and the giant has to guide them and make sure the dont walk off ledges.
the smol likes to feel all the ridges and curves of the giants face to get an idea of what they look like and it makes the giant just squirm cuz their basically petting them
it takes them forever to read braille and sometimes they carry a needle like a walking stick to get around.
they find the giants voice comforting and instinctively gravitate torwards it when stressed. bonus if the giant likes to sing
likes being held and doesn't mind it but the giant always warns them before doing it
this is my first time doing this but i thought it was a cute idea
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gt-shit 2 years
G/t fans do be thriving off these movies as kids 馃槼
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gt-shit 2 years
i鈥檓 going to start rambling about g/t again. i want to sit in a hoodie pocket. just this once. please.
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gt-shit 3 years
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gt-shit 3 years
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gt-shit 3 years
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Art by Taraneh Karimi
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gt-shit 3 years
damn we really do be out here not having that many fics to read about g/t that dont have vore or anything like that in them
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gt-shit 3 years
Bingo Card for Rarepair Fic Writers
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gt-shit 3 years
one day ill figure out how to use ao3 to find fics i like...if they even exist on there that is-
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gt-shit 3 years
ah nothing like good old hating myself because i like g/t but also wanting to read more fics about it but having no clue how or where to find more of them
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gt-shit 3 years
c!ranboo is tall enough to rest his chin on people鈥檚 heads and i think that鈥檚 nice
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gt-shit 3 years
imagine a giant monster following you around and picking you up and kissing you all the time. that鈥檚 what my cat lives with every day
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gt-shit 4 years
you guys forgot to bold @xx-saving-the-galaxy-xx and add/bold @xx-nicole-draws-xx to the list. nicole is my bestie and hates irl shipping just as much as i do :))))
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gt-shit 4 years
Curious non g/t person here: how tiny are we talkin
i mean that can vary but I think 2-6 inches tall is average
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gt-shit 4 years
honestly I kinda wonder about the psychology behind g/t. why do i want to be three inches tall????? who knows. someone should do a study on it.
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