guliafitness-blog · 5 years
11 Best Exercises for Killer Upper Body Workout
If you want to develop a good looking upper body then you need an effective upper body workout. A workout that not only optimize your muscle growth but increase overall upper body strength. Exercises given in this article will increase body power and serious muscle mass.
Muscular body improves your personality, You will look great while putting on any kind of dress. Think of those skinny guys wearing dresses like they are hanging into a hanger.
12 best foods to gain weight fast and naturally
Barbell Bench Press
It is one of the three main lifts of powerlifting and the best exercise for pectoralis major and upper body strength. The exercise uses pectoralis muscle, triceps muscles, and anterior deltoid.
How to do Bench press?
Lie on a flat bench press, grab the bar with both hands and unrack the bar.
Press your foot towards the floor and lower the bar to the chest and press upwards.
Incline Dumbbell Press
It is important to have a fuller chest, Incline press targets upper chest and exercising with dumbbells increase range of motion, improve balance and stability and great exercise for upper chest development.
Rack pulls
Rack pulls is an excellent exercise for your back and traps. This is a great exercise to increase your deadlift. It improves your upper half of the deadlift, adds strength to your back, traps, forearms, and glutes.
How to do rack pulls?
Start with setting up a power rack with a barbell rested upon pins just below your knees and then position yourself against the bar.
Slightly bend your knees in a deadlift position and while keeping your head looking forward, extend upward through your hips pulling the bar up until you lock with your knees.
Straighten out, hold for a Second then return back to the starting position.
12 best foods to gain weight fast and naturally
Overhead Press
Overhead press is a powerful exercise to strengthen your shoulders and build muscles on the upper body. This exercise also targets and strengthens deltoids, triceps, upper chests, upper traps, and upper backs.
How to do Overhead press?
Stand with the bar on your front shoulders, and your hands next to your shoulders
Press the bar over your head, until it’s balanced over your shoulders and mid-foot
Lock your elbows at the top, and shrug your shoulders to the ceiling.
Hold for one second at the top. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position.
High-intensity interval training – Benefits of HIIT
Pull Up
Pull up is an excellent exercise to help you build upper body strength. In addition to the back, this exercise works chest, arms, shoulders, and abs.
In addition to superior back and arm stimulation. pull-ups are a highly effective tool for building grip strength and improving upper body stability and balance.
But pull-ups are difficult to learn if you lack the necessary initial strength. however, consistent practice will yield rapid strength gains and mass gains.
How to do Pull-Ups?
Grab the pull-up bar with your palms facing out, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Squeeze your glutes and keep your abs tight. bring your shoulder back and retract your shoulder blades, chest out and arch your upper back.
Pull your elbows down while contracting your upper back and lats to pull your body ups
Squeeze your back muscle at the top. Lower the body until your arms are almost fully extended.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
How much Protein in Eggs: Nutrition and Benefits
The best part of it is that eggs give you many health benefits and they are also very good in taste. If you want to take protein in your diet, then consume eggs. we will discuss how much protein in egg and its nutrition and benefits.
Whenever it comes to including protein in the diet, the first name comes in the mind are eggs. Egg is one such food that is enjoyed most in breakfast. You can consume eggs in the form of the omelette to scrambled egg, poached egg, half fry egg, egg bhurji and no matter how much you can add protein to your diet.
The best part of it is that eggs give you many health-related benefits and they are also very good in taste. If you want to take protein in your diet, then consume eggs. People who have cardiovascular problems can also consume them.
The average egg contains about 6 grams of protein.
However, the protein content does depend on the size of the egg.
Large: 72 calories and 6.3 grams of protein
Medium: 63 calories and 5.5 grams of protein 
Small: 55 calories and 4.8 grams of protein
Top Back Exercises for*Thick and Wide Back*
How much protein in white and York?
Many people think that only white contains protein and york contains fat. But it is not true, If any egg contains 6gm of protein then 3.2gm will come from white and 2.8gm from york. Nearly half of the protein and all the nutrients are coming from york so you should consume whole eggs instead of whites.
Nutrients and Its advantages  
  Iron: Removes anemia, causes oxygen to flow throughout the body. The iron present in eggs easily dissolves in the body
  Vitamin A: Keeps the skin healthy, and enhances the light of the eyes.
  Vitamin D: Strengthens bones and teeth, as well as relieves problems associated with cancer and the immune system.
Vitamin E: preserve from the antioxidant diseases present in it, and maintains good health.
Vitamin B12: keep the heart safe.
Folate: Protects old cells, as well as the formation of new cells.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
6 Best Exercises for Huge and Rounded Shoulder
Strong shoulders give shape to your upper body. Strong shoulders improve the personality of every man. With their help only you can lift heavyweight. Many people go to the gym and workout for this, but still, they are unable to give proper shape to their shoulders. you will get the proper shape with this shoulder workout given below.
So your wait is over today because in this article I am telling you some exercises for bigger and bolder shoulders, which are quite effective.
Barbell Overhead press
The overhead press is the boss of all shoulder exercises. This exercise also targets and strengthens deltoids, triceps, upper chests, upper traps, and upper backs.
This is a compound exercise that makes you strong and muscular.  It is the best movement for overloading the shoulder muscles. This is one of the best exercise for your shoulder workout.
How to do overhead press?
32601_press_hombros_barra from Prowellness on Vimeo.
Stand with the bar on your front shoulders, and your hands next to your shoulders
Press the bar over your head, until it’s balanced over your shoulders and mid-foot
Lock your elbows at the top, and shrug your shoulders to the ceiling.
Hold for one second at the top. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position.
Lateral Raise
This Exercise works the medial (side) deltoids. Secondary stress applied to front deltoids and forearms.
How to do Lateral Raise?
DB Lateral Raise Exercise Demo from Rugby Renegade on Vimeo.
Grab two dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Hold the dumbbells just in front of your body with palms of your hands facing each other. Keep your elbows slightly bent.
Raise the dumbbells out to the sides and upward until they are just parallel to your shoulders. Hold for a second to maximize the peak contraction.
Lower the weight slowly to the starting position.
Note: Perform this exercise while seating on a bench to eliminate anybody’s motion.
Arnold press
The exercise was named after great bodybuilder  Arnold Schwarzenegger. In it, lift the weight according to your ability. If there are beginners then increase weight gradually, starting with a low weight first. This shoulder workout is excellent for growth.
How to do Arnold Press?
Arnold Press from Fitter Faster Stronger on Vimeo.
Sit on a bench and lift the dumbbell upward in the front of the shoulder and make sure that your palms are inward.
Slowly move the dumbbell up and palms outward to the position of the overhead press.
Slowly bring the dumbbells down to the starting position.
You have to take care of the position and movement of your palms.
Barbell Front Raise
It is an isolation exercise for shoulders. Front raise targets anterior deltoids. It can also be done with dumbbell or cable handles.
How to do Barbell Front Raise?
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
12 best foods to gain weight fast and naturally
While on the one hand, many people are suffering from obesity, on the other hand, there are many people who are struggling with the problem of a skinny frame or underweight. we will give you some informational tips to gain weight in a week.
Being over or underweight both causes many health problems. Just as weight loss is a difficult task, in the same way, raising a balanced weight in a natural way is also a complicated task.
What are the disadvantages of underweight?
Being underweight can be just as bad as obesity.
Lack of confidence
Develops negative thinking
Face difficulty in physically work
Due to low weight, people are reluctant to move between people.
Due to low weight, the person is afraid of going to a wedding or any party.
A person cannot wear the clothes he wishes to wear.
A person gets cut off from friends, family, and society due to low weight and becomes introverted.
There is a great weakness for the personalty
Weight loss can affect the immune system and create problems such as Osteoporosis, or Fertility.
Reasons for skinny or underweight –
Do not take a balanced diet according to physical exertion.
Loss of appetite
Being underweight due to genetic
Do not take meal at the time
Taking healthy food in low quantity.
There may be some other reasons for low weight
Thyroid problem: hyperthyroidism increases metabolism due to which weight loss occurs.
Diabetes: Especially Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type1) also causes a lot of weight gain.
First of all, calculate your BMR to know your daily calorie expenditure. You need to increase your calories to gain weight. Add 300- 500 calories to your total calories. A calorie surplus is the key to weight gain. consume high-calorie foods to increase weight.
Consume high-calorie foods to increase weight
Foods for weight gain (high-calorie foods)Full cream milk
Milk is own a balanced diet. It is an excellent source of protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, minerals and vitamins.
Milk is the best diet for weight gain and build muscle. For this, you can drink a banana and mango shake with milk.
1-liter full cream milk contains approx. 950 calories
protein – 39g approx.
carbs – 50g approx.
fat – 60g approx.
Oats are full of fiber, some protein, and beta-glucan which control our cholesterol and many other things. We can call oats a complete diet, which is not only for health but also tastes delicious.  Oats are actually a seed grain. Nowadays different types of oats are available in the market, such as packet oats, quick oats, oats flour, etc.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
7 Best Exercise For Big and Rounded Chest
Creating a wide and muscular chest is the dream of most men because it gives a fabulous shape to your body. You have already seen that when wearing a T-shirt or shirt with wide chest, their personality emerges like a muscleman. Here are the top 7 chest exercises to develop a huge and rounded chest.
Key Factors
If you want to develop chest you need to work on every muscle of your chest, from upper to lower chest.
Heavy compound lifts are the key to progressive overload or to recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers.
Include both pressing and flying variations in your training
Focus on mechanical tension, metabolic stress and muscle damage.
Start with compound lift and end your workout with an isolation exercise.
Train chest 2 times  per week with a different rep range
Take a deload in every 6-8 weeks
Include drop sets in your chest workout
Best tempo for muscle hypertrophy is 4-0-2-0
1.Push-Ups – chest exercise
Push-ups are the foundations of chest training, you perform when you start your fitness journey, A great compound moment which targets pecs improve balance, strengthen the core and tone your body. Master this chest exercise for a good looking chest. You can do this chest exercise at home, outdoor, office anywhere.
Set up:
Place your both hands on the floor,shoulder-width feet placement, neutral spine. Slowly bring your chest towards the floor and press(return to the starting position).
2. Barbell Bench Press
It is one of the three main lifts of powerlifting and the best chest exercise for pectoralis major and upper body strength. the exercise uses pectoralis muscle, triceps muscles, and anterior deltoid.
Lie on a flat bench press, grab the bar with both hands, press your foot towards the floor and lower the bar to the chest and press upwards.
3. Incline Dumbell Press
It is important to have a fuller chest,  Incline press targets upper chest and exercising with dumbells increase range of motion, improve balance and stability and one of the great chest exercises for upper chest development. It is the best upper chest exercise.
4. Incline Chest Fly
while doing this exercise, you feel like you are opening your chest, it mainly targets your upper chest and front delt. Perform with good technique otherwise, you will get injured. Flies are excellent upper chest exercises.
Lie on a flat bench with a pair of dumbbells palms facing in, slightly bend your elbows and lower down in a controlled manner, and press them up over your chest.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
High-intensity interval training – Benefits of HIIT
In today’s busy world, there is a problem for the people who have a lack of time for exercise, Everyone wants the fastest and most efficient way to get in shape.  High-Intensity Interval Training is the best workout for them. You can do it anywhere, without pieces of equipment or in minimal time.
What Is HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)?
High-Intensity Interval Training is a type of interval training, which involves a series of high-intensity workout periods follow with low-intensity workout periods alternatively. The high-intensity periods are the [max effort] phase of the body, and the low-intensity periods [recovery] active rest phase of the body. It improves the aerobic capacity and allows the person to exercise for longer at intense levels.
Example: Sprints for runners
In this training a runner sprints for 100 meters and then walk back to its starting position and repeat it for a certain number of times.
In this example, the [sprint] is high intensity and [walking] towards starting position is low intensity.
What Are The Benefits Of HIIT?
1. High-Intensity Interval Training is more effective than moderate-intensity training at improving aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
2. Increase fat burning during and after workout and building lean muscle mass.
3. Protects cells from aging.
4. Improve cardiovascular health.
5. Lower your cholesterol levels.
6. Increase mental toughness.
7. Speed up your metabolism.
8. Increase stamina and enhance speed and strength.
9. Increase maximal oxygen uptake.
Who Can Do High-Intensity Interval Training?
If anyone does not have any serious medical issues or injury can do High-Intensity Interval Training. If have any? consult to your doctor first before starting any physical activity, or go through the PAR-Q test. But many kinds of research found that performing interval training can be beneficial for diabetic and heart patients, arthritis, stroke, neurological disorder or more. Do exercise which you can perform easily and enjoy the most. You have many options like running, stair climbing, indoor rowing, stationary bike, treadmill, jump rope, squat jump, burpee, mountain climbers or many more.
How  Many Times Per Week Should You Do  HIIT?
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
5 Best Triceps Exercises for Huge Size and Strength
The triceps are called the back muscles in the upper arm in the human body. The triceps are along the humerus bone (the main bone of the upper arm) between the shoulder and elbow. Triceps means a muscle which has 3 heads or 3 points of origin. Here are some best triceps exercises for growth.
Triceps consist of 3 major muscles long head, lateral head, and middle head. Therefore, we can say that triceps are the largest muscle of the hand and about 60 percent of the hand is triceps. To make huge triceps you must train all three parts, otherwise, you will not be able to make huge triceps.
1. Close Grip Decline Bench Presses
2 Sec Pause Close Grip Bench Press from Rugby Renegade on Vimeo.
This is the best exercise to add mass and strength in your triceps. although it is a compound exercise and a variation of close grip bench press. It will mainly hit your triceps at this time. A nearby grip in decline bench press puts more load on your triceps than your shoulder and chest. By bringing the bar downward in decline position, your chest muscles will put more load on your triceps and you have to do the same. Which will help you a lot in making triceps and they will grow quickly.
How to do close grip bench press?
Lie on a decline bench, grab the bar shoulder width and retract your shoulder blades, take a deep breath and unrack the bar.
Slowly lower the bar to the sternum bone.
Press the bar against your body in a straight line.
Always perform a full range of motion.
Repeat for the desired numbers of repetitions.
2. Skull crushers
This is another excellent exercise to increase your triceps size and strength. Skull crushers effectively works on all three heads. you can also use dumbbells for this exercise to work on each arm independently.
How to do skull- crushers?
Lie on your back on the bench and hold the EZ bar over your head.
Elbow close and bend your elbows and slowly lower the bar on the skull, then press.
Repeat for the desired numbers of repetition.
Don’t flare the elbows while performing the movement.
Repeat the desired numbers of repetitions.
3. Triceps pushdown – Triceps Exercise
Tricep Pushdown (Rope) from Steel Transformation Academy on Vimeo.
Cable pushdown is the best exercise in triceps training. But variations of pushdown such as straight bar, V-bar, rope, etc. Do not bring flexibility in the elbow as much as comes from a rope. It is completed by pressing the bar downward against the resistance.
The triceps pushdown exercise also includes shoulders with elbow extension/flexion, which makes this exercise even better, giving you more benefits.
How to do triceps pushdown?
Adjust the cable bar to the chest level. Grab the cable bar or rope with an overhand grip.
Tuck the elbows with the sides press downward until your elbows are fully extended while inhaling.
Keep your spine straight and knee slightly bent. slowly return to the starting position while exhaling.
Repeat the desired numbers of repetitions.
4. Bench Dips – Triceps Exercise
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
7 Best Exercises For Back Pain Relief
Back pain is a common problem nowadays. And it is because of poor lifestyle and diet. Most of the people are doing a desk job, but not exercising at all. thus lots of people are suffering from back pain, sciatica pain, and herniated disc. People’s health is getting affected due to excessive interference of machines every day in our life. Here we have some best back pain exercises.
Our spine consists of 33 individual bones that interlock with each other and called spinal column. But out of 33, only 24 bones are moveable. But when their motion is interrupted due to any reason, then there is a problem of back pain. Apart from the spine, our waistline also contains disc, cartilage, and ligament. if there is any problem in any of these, back pain may occur.
Effective exercises for back pain
Cat and Camel Pose – back pain exercise
Cat and camel pose stretches your back and abdominal muscles, glutes, and increases flexibility in the spinal column. This pose improves coordination. Performing cat-camel pose regularly relieves stress. Reduce body stiffness. Increases endurance. It helps in regulations of breathing patterns. It stimulates your internal organs. Performing this exercise regularly can rehab your sports injury. This pose is one of the best back pain exercises.
Set up
22610 cat-camel cuadrupedia from Prowellness on Vimeo.
Position yourself in a tabletop position, with shoulders over your wrists and glutes over your knees.
Frist lower your waist in the cat’s posture and exhale, and then come up in the camel posture and inhale.
Repeat both postures slowly.
Perform 10-12 reps at a time.
3 times daily (morning, noon, evening)
Bridge pose – back pain exercise
Bridge pose Stretches glutes, calf, spine, neck, and chest and nearly full body muscles. It increases blood circulation. Strengthen your hamstrings, spine, pelvic muscle, back, and butts. Stimulates the thyroid gland, lungs, and central nervous system. This pose improves digestion and calms the mind. Performing bridge pose regularly relieves stress and mild depression. Bridge pose helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
Glute Bridge Feet Elevated from Fitter Faster Stronger on Vimeo.
Lie on your back, bend both knees and place feet shoulder-width apart.
Press feet into the bench, inhale and lift your hips up.
Hold for 15 sec and then return to the starting position
Perform 10-15 reps at one time.
3 times daily ( morning, noon, evening )
Superman poses – lower back pain exercise
Superman pose stretches the chest, shoulder, arms, legs and abdominal muscle. Improves blood circulations. Strengthen lower back, core, legs, and glutes.improve spine flexibility. Prevent back pain and injury. This back pain exercise makes your back extremely strong and improves your overall back health.
Bomb Proofing your upper & lower back from injury with the Superman from adonis Alejandro on Vimeo.
Lie flat on your stomach
Legs close together with feet touching each other.
Flare your arms out to the sides
Inhale and lift your body as much as you can from the floor.
Hold this position for few seconds
Exhale and slowly lower your body to the floor.
Perform 8-10 reps at a time. ( morning, evening)        
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
7 Best Exercises For Back Pain Relief
Back pain is a common problem nowadays. And it is because of poor lifestyle and diet. Most of the people are doing a desk job, but not exercising at all. thus lots of people are suffering from back pain, sciatica pain, and herniated disc. People’s health is getting affected due to excessive interference of machines every day in our life. Here we have some best back pain exercises.
Our spine consists of 33 individual bones that interlock with each other and called spinal column. But out of 33, only 24 bones are moveable. But when their motion is interrupted due to any reason, then there is a problem of back pain. Apart from the spine, our waistline also contains disc, cartilage, and ligament. if there is any problem in any of these, back pain may occur.
Effective exercises for back pain
Cat and Camel Pose – back pain exercise
Cat and camel pose stretches your back and abdominal muscles, glutes, and increases flexibility in the spinal column. This pose improves coordination. Performing cat-camel pose regularly relieves stress. Reduce body stiffness. Increases endurance. It helps in regulations of breathing patterns. It stimulates your internal organs. Performing this exercise regularly can rehab your sports injury. This pose is one of the best back pain exercises.
Set up
22610 cat-camel cuadrupedia from Prowellness on Vimeo.
Position yourself in a tabletop position, with shoulders over your wrists and glutes over your knees.
Frist lower your waist in the cat’s posture and exhale, and then come up in the camel posture and inhale.
Repeat both postures slowly.
Perform 10-12 reps at a time.
3 times daily (morning, noon, evening)
Bridge pose – back pain exercise
Bridge pose Stretches glutes, calf, spine, neck, and chest and nearly full body muscles. It increases blood circulation. Strengthen your hamstrings, spine, pelvic muscle, back, and butts. Stimulates the thyroid gland, lungs, and central nervous system. This pose improves digestion and calms the mind. Performing bridge pose regularly relieves stress and mild depression. Bridge pose helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
Glute Bridge Feet Elevated from Fitter Faster Stronger on Vimeo.
Lie on your back, bend both knees and place feet shoulder-width apart.
Press feet into the bench, inhale and lift your hips up.
Hold for 15 sec and then return to the starting position
Perform 10-15 reps at one time.
3 times daily ( morning, noon, evening )
Superman poses – lower back pain exercise
Superman pose stretches the chest, shoulder, arms, legs and abdominal muscle. Improves blood circulations.Strengthen lower back, core, legs, and glutes.improve spine flexibility. Prevent back pain and injury. This back pain exercise makes your back extremely strong and improves your overall back health.
Bomb Proofing your upper & lower back from injury with the Superman from adonis alejandro on Vimeo.
Lie flat on your stomach
Legs close together with feet touching each other.
Flare your arms out to the sides
Inhale and lift your body as much as you can from the floor.
Hold this position for few seconds
Exhale and slowly lower your body to the floor.
Perform 8-10 reps at a time. ( morning, evening)
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
Top Back Exercises for*Thick and Wide Back*
The “V” shape back that looks look different because it fits the personality as well as the fitting of your clothes which is perfect. Back means the person’s strength from the upper back. Here we have the best back exercises for you.
You also want to get back like them and do a lot of back exercises too. But maybe you did not know about the right exercise yet, due to which you could not grow your back.
The reason for this may be the wrong selection of your exercise. Today I am telling you such back exercises which directly affect your back muscles and by trying these, your back will develop in no time.
Deadlift – One of the greatest back exercises
Deadlift is the king of all exercises. It’s no surprise that they top the list of best back exercise. you can lift more weight in this exercise than any other exercise. deadlifting works your entire body. but it most intensely targets your posterior chain, traps, and lats. deadlift teaches you how to lift safely by bending at the hips(not the waist) and using the hip extension(not lower back extension) to pull the weight. most beginners gain strength in this fundamental exercise faster than all other exercise.
how to Deadlift?
How To Deadlift Properly from The Man Guide on Vimeo.
Stand in front of a loaded barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart. your shins should be two inches from the bar.
Bend over at the hips to lower your torso. Bend slightly at the knees until your shins touch the bar. grab the barbell shoulder width. keep your chest up and hips back and high.
Drive your heels into the floor and lift the bar up. when the bar passes your knees. drive your hips forward until you lockout. The bar should be grazing your legs the entire way up.
Pull Up – Back exercise
Pullup is an excellent exercise to help you build upper body strength. In addition to the back, this exercise works chest, arms, shoulders, and abs. In addition to superior back and arm stimulation. pull-ups are a highly effective tool for building grip strength and improving upper body stability and balance. but pull-ups are difficult to learn if you lack the necessary initial strength. however, consistent practice will yield rapid strength gains and mass gains.
How to pull-up?
Grab the pull-up bar with your palms facing out, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Squeeze your glutes and keep your abs tight. bring your shoulder back and retract your shoulder blades, chest out and arch your upper back.
Pull your elbows down while contracting your upper back and lats to pull your body up.
Squeeze your back muscle at the top. Lower the body until your arms are almost fully extended.
Barbell Bent Over Row
This is admittedly one of the most difficult back exercises to learn. but that shouldn’t stop you from learning it. The barbell row teaches you how to generate explosive power off the ground by activating your back muscle. It also teaches you how to use thoracic extension. which many people are unable to do. It is also necessary for proper technique on other lift such as barbell squat and front squat.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
7 Best Hip Workout: Grow your booty
“If you’re looking for booty gains and want to lift, tone, and define the shape of your hips, then you need to be sure you’re doing the right exercises, you can increase the size of your hips by increasing their muscle size, you can get a bigger butt by focusing on resistance exercises. we have some best exercises for hip workout.
It is also important to train butts because weak glutes lead to bad posture. Many people are suffering from anterior pelvic tilt and back pain because of weak glutes. 
These exercises give you a solid base for shaping your butt without weights. Stay consistent and really feel your glutes burn after each workout. you need progressive overload to increase muscle mass continuously so don't forget to include resistance band, dumbbells, kettlebell for extra resistance.
Bodyweight Squat
Squats from Fittener.com on Vimeo.
Squats are an excellent compound movement for your lower body. Squats targets your glutes, quads, hamstrings calf, and core muscles. It helps in developing and toning leg muscles.
How to do squats?
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands straight in front of you.
Take a deep breath and push your hips back (hip hinge) and put your body weight on heels.
Slowly sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Hold for one second and stand up while exhaling.
Repeat the movement 20-30 for 3-4 sets.
Reverse Lunges- Hip workout
Lunges are good hips workout. It targets your hips and thighs muscles. Reverse lunges helps in increasing lower body strength. It forces you to stretch your hip flexor muscle.
How to do reverse lunges?
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Step back your left foot on the toe and keep your heels off the ground.
Bend your knees until your right leg is parallel to the floor.
Return to your standing position.
Repeat as per your capacity.
Curtsy Lunge - Hip workout
Curtsy Lunge from Fitness First on Vimeo.
This exercise works on your glutes and sides to make your wide hips. It works best on your butts if the form is good. concentrate on your glutes muscle while performing curtsy lunge.
How to do curtsy lunges?
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
Diabetes - Raise in blood sugar in the blood  then the normal level due to lack of insulin is called diabetes. we will talk about its types, causes, symptoms and treatment in this article.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
Bursting myths about women strength training and the benefits of strength for women.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
Gestational diabetes develops in pregnant women in different circumstances. Let's discuss what are the symptoms, causes, and cures of this problem.
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
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guliafitness-blog · 5 years
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