Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.
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Can we appreciate the accurate tarot card reading during Friends on the Other Side from Princess and the Frog? Here's my analysis on the cards and what they say about the characters.
Naveen's Cards:
1) "Now you, young man are from across the sea/you come from two long lines of royalty"
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At the end of the extending card (?) Naveen is shown with the symbol of the 3 of Pentacles above his head.
3 of Pentacles: "dignity through renown rank or power"
This is self-explanatory, Naveen has inherited the title of prince and has some amount of power over his country.
2) "Your lifestyle's high"
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This has the Major Arcana symbol XV at the top, likening it to The Devil.
The Devil: "... represents being seduced by the material world and physical pleasures. Also living in fear, domination and bondage, being caged by an overabundance of luxury..."
Naveen has been pampered and spends his time flirting with women without settling down for someone he is actually in love with. This "cage" prevents him from developing his own character and learning any life lessons.
3) "But your funds are low"
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This has the Major Arcana symbol XVI with The Tower symbol in the background.
The Tower: "commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation."
Self-explanatory, Naveen had his funds cut off by his family, but has liberation from being stuck in a palace and gets to explore Louisiana.
4) "You need to marry a lil honey whose daddy got dough!"
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This has the number 9 on top in addition to Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff raising a cup in a toast. This likens it to the 9 of cups.
9 of Cups: "emotional happiness and fulfillment"
This is a double meaning, along with the lyrics. On the card, Naveen is marrying Charlotte La Bouff, whose father has lots of "dough," or money. But the card specifically says emotional happiness, which he finds in Tiana. Tiana's father cooked with his family, which makes the term "dough" literal, the key major ingredient in many dishes.
5) "And when I look into your future, it's the green that I see"
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It's faint, but there's an O/zero at the top of the card, likening Naveen to The Fool.
The Fool: "new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe"
This is clever foreshadowing of Naveen becoming a frog. Many people noticed the lily pad behind him, and this shows the character development he goes through as a frog. He's inexperienced and mostly relies on Tiana to help him with cooking, navigating, and showing how the lower classes survive without the privileges he had growing up.
Lawrence's Cards:
6) "On you, little man, I don't wanna waste much time/you been pushed around all your life"
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This has the Major Arcana symbol X, likening it to The Wheel of Fortune. There are two meanings which both apply to Lawrence.
Wheel of Fortune: "change in station, position or fortune: such as the rich becoming poor, or the poor becoming rich."
Reversed: "Bad luck, Disappointment, Misfortune, Mishap, Unforeseen setback"
For the reversed tarot, the explanation is simple: Lawrence has been oppressed by his family and the royals he's appointed to. When read straight, however, this foreshadows his role of impersonating Prince Naveen and becoming the rich man he's always dreamt of being.
7) "And if you was married/you'd be pushed around by your wife"
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At first, I had no clue what this was supposed to represent, but if you look at the hypothetical wife's dress, you see an "X" right below her dress's collar line. This is the same card as before with the same meaning of Lawrence being pushed around by everybody.
8) "But in your future, the you I see/is exactly the man you always wanted to be"
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This is nearly the same as Naveen's fool card, but the card is implied to be reversed along with the positions of the characters in the drawing.
Reversed Fool: "Chaos, Folly, Lack of direction, Naivety, Poor judgement, Stupidity"
This is Lawrence's fate in the end. When he's revealed to Charlotte, all the hard work he's been doing with Doctor Facilier fell apart and he didn't know what to do. This is the result of his poor judgement while joining Dr Facilier, when he will likely be arrested for treason after the events of the movie.
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I feel like UA made Mark feel accomplished and great and made Ethan spiral into a deeper depression like the rest of us
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First Becca Meyers, who is a swimmer, had to drop out of the Olympics because she is deaf and blind but wasn’t allowed to bring her care assistant
Now it turns out that Simone Biles had to drop out of the Olympics because they made her go off of her medication and what’s worse is that we know this because her medical history was leaked
For the record, Biles isn’t accused of using the medication as an enhancement, Japan has banned the medication from the country because they used to use it to drug their soldiers
Not to be that guy but this shit wouldn’t have to keep happening if all of you would add disabled people’s civil rights to the agenda. Maybe right after you get around to banning all plastic straws. I don’t know. Fuck us, I guess
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no other social media platform has lore quite like tumblr’s
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Today on 'tumblr is Perfectly Functional With No Flaws Whatsoever'
so i know we're all going wild over TumblrPremiumPlus or whatever the fuck but ive made a new discovery about the r//a///yba//n/s scam (or new to me) and since i spent the time i should have been writing up my thesis proposal doing Tumblr Science instead, i have to at least write it down
so my datemate got an IM from someone asking what 'the sunglasses scam' was. That's in quotes bc the specific phrasing will be significant later.
my datemate replies with a message more or less along these lines:
"The sunglasses thing was about a bot that would hack accounts. Once it had access to an account it would make a post about Ray-Ban sunglasses and if you clicked the link in the post it'd hack you too."
Ey hits enter, but the message won't send. Not unusual, we all know that tumblr IM wil just randomly glitch out when it feels like it. So ey hits refresh, and abruptly finds emself on the log-in page.
"Hi! It's time to change your password!" the log-in page says.
My datemate is naturally suspicious about unexpectedly being asked to alter eir password, but, since ey practises basic cybersecurity and actually uses different passwords for every site, ey figures there won't be too much risk. Ey resets eir password, logs back in, and types out the message to eir friend again.
Same thing happens. Message won't send, ey's booted back out to the log-in page, and told to change eir password again. So ey do.
The third time this happens, ey figures something has to be wrong with the message. I've been watching over eir shoulder for a couple of minutes at this point, so we do a bit of Sciencing to work out what the fuck is going on.
Hypothesis: Tumblr IM is, for some reason, flagging mentions of ray-ban.
Experiment: I send various ray-ban related words and phrases to my datemate via IM. If any of them refuse to send and I get kicked out on refreshing, we've found the culprit
Results: "ray-ban" is fine. "sunglasses" goes through no problem. the precise phrase "ray-ban sunglasses" gets me drop-kicked to the log-in page like i was trying to start a fight in a nightclub (or so i assume. ive never actually been out clubbing)
I do a bit of fucking around on text posts with that phrase to see if that achieves the same effect.
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I even tried recreating the original scam post as close as i can get without linking to a malicious website.
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not a peep. i stay happily logged in.
tumblrs solution to the ray-ban bots issue
was to blacklist the exact phrase "ray-ban sunglasses"
in the IM feature only
making it impossible
to TELL anyone
who uses the goddamn IM feature
about the goddamn scam
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Lady Dimitrescus diary entries read like the burn book from Mean Girls and we all know it
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In his opening monologue in WMLM, Abe says he had a bat mitzvah (a bar mitzvah is for boys while a bat mitzvah is for girls). Abe is a Jewish trans man. All I can think about is whenever Wil is bugging him, he will curse in Yiddish and he now wears a kippah under his detective hat
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liking men isn't bad. being a man isn't bad. being straight is not bad. this post is dead serious and if you comment "but women" or "i hate men" i will block you.
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A post I've been thinking about but yall need to realize men are just people. Gender and biological essentialism is still bad even when you apply it to men. Men aren't inherently evil or bad. Men are taught toxic masculinity and to be misogynistic (just as white people are taught to be racist) but they aren't inherently this way. This isn't meant to absolve them either. Men need to take responsibility for unlearning the toxic messages they have been taught. But like, honestly men are just people. They aren't inherently bad people.
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Deadpool’s instructive video may save your testicles
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Iv seen this meme so many times, be it finally clicked in my head that I should perhaps do it
TW: Gore, noose, knife, blood! And anything els I’m forgetting probably-
You’re welcome
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Congrats to the Ever Given and her crew for finally exiting the Suez Canal today, July 7th, at 11:33 ET.
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Mx Destroying Angel!! How lovely you look today. Has God asked anything more than your life? Oh you shiny little girl. I hope you fly.
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(Pls don’t come at me in comments you won’t change my opinions. I respect you, you respect me. Im stating facts)
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