hakoniwa-h · 2 days
↑UK Trailer I didn't know that this game (?) wasn't very well-known. This is 'カラオケKaraoke) JOYSOUND for Nintendo Switch' (the photo is from the Wii U version, saved via Miiverse).
As stated in the above YouTube commercial, this software was installed on the Japanese version of the Wii U, and anyone could access it 'for the time being.'
In this software, you can enjoy watching cute karaoke videos where Miis sing, dance, and play instruments with all their might, while the audience (in the Switch version) supports them with uchiwa fans and glow sticks with expressionless faces.
However, possibly due to licensing issues, taking screenshots is restricted in this software. This photo might be considered a rare stage shot. To sing karaoke, you need to purchase a ticket, but for 330 yen (Japanese yen) for three hours, you can sing as much as you want and watch the Miis to your heart's content.
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WiiU「カラオケJOYSOUND」で歌うきぐるみのMii. Miiverseが終了しおしたう前にもっず撮圱しおおけばよかった 。
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hakoniwa-h · 9 days
10th Years "Tomodachi Life" (& My blogs)
On April 18, 2023, one year ago, I wrote a very long article on my blog about Mii and Japanese politics in relation to 'Tomocore', which was released earlier in Japan. I would like to share the English translation of that article, which I used Chat GPT and DeepL to translate.
To be clear, this article contains content that is very distressing for the feminist community, the LGBTQ+ community, and those who struggle with and contemplate human rights issues...
【The original article】10呚幎目のトモダチコレクション新生掻 Tomodachi Collection:New life, 10th birthday) 2023.04.18 https://hakoniwa-h.tumblr.com/post/714856306541002752/
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「This is a gift from everyone」
On April 18, 2013, "Tomodachi Collection: New Life" was released, and now, it has reached its 10th anniversary. Congratulations. To share the excitement of 11 PM on April 17, 2013, I updated this blog at 11 PM on April 17, 2023. Unfortunately, we can no longer recommend the always-with-you download version

Before moving this blog, I was posting various things about Tomodachi Collection: New Life on Seesaa Blog. If you've been with us since then, you've been following this blog for over 10 years.
Thank you. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary!
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↑ Kanta, the 100th resident born on Likunoko Island, has also turned 9.
Tomodachi Collection: New Life was released on June 6, 2014, under the name "Tomodachi Life" in America, the EU, Australia, and Korea 
etc. Before its release, Nintendo corrected an element related to "same-sex marriage" as a bug. I remember that when some people requested not to correct it, Nintendo responded firmly, saying, "We cannot incorporate social claims," which led to protests from users and human rights groups, resulting in an apology. At that time, I felt I had to summarize this controversy in my own way, but with limited knowledge of gender and the LGBTQ community, I remember feeling uncertain about whether it was appropriate to write "same-sex marriage" or "homosexuality" (I had some hesitation about whether it was "love" when it came to Mii relationships). Therefore, I used the terms "same-sex marriage" and "same-sex relationship." I've quietly revised that clumsy blog post since moving from Seesaa, correcting parts that seemed "discriminatory" or "a bit mistaken," but the overall tone and sentiment from that time remain unchanged, and it still exists today.
Back then, I was still immature, grappling with "fighting the society I thought was normal" in the face of my favorite work and the changing times.
[Past blog post]Same-sex marriage fiasco before Tomokore's overseas launch https://hakoniwa-h.tumblr.com/post/151286653996/
[References] ・HUFFPOST - 䌊藀倧地 「任倩堂は同性婚にNO」 ゲヌムの蚭定めぐり海倖で波王 https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/2014/05/08/nintendo-tomodachi_n_5292748.html ・CNET Japan – Nick Statt 任倩堂が謝眪–「トモダチコレクション 新生掻」欧米版で同性愛に察応せずhttps://japan.cnet.com/article/35047703/・CNET – Michelle Starr How to have same-sex relationships in Tomodachi Lifehttps://www.cnet.com/tech/gaming/how-to-have-same-sex-relationships-in-tomodachi-life/
Today, I'd like to share some serious thoughts about politics inspired by Tomodachi Collection: New Life over these past ten years.
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"Let's sometimes check how seriously we are living!"
■ Mii's Achievements Almost ten years have passed since the criticism. Following this criticism, "Miitopia" was released, where Mii characters could love anyone regardless of gender (or rather, Mii's gender itself became quite ambiguous), and it was reborn as a fascinating software for the 3DS and later remade for the Switch with enhanced features.
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Moreover, Mii showed a remarkable presence in "Miitomo," which was Nintendo's first mobile app launched on March 17, 2016. Unfortunately, "Miitomo" has since been discontinued, but they are now planting flowers in the city with Pikmin in "Pikmin Bloom." I believe Mii are still doing their best.
■ Games and Politics Nintendo has stated, "We strive to create an environment where each employee can demonstrate their abilities," and reportedly introduced a partnership system in March 2021, advocating respect for human rights. This initiative for a diverse workplace includes a section on "promoting women's participation," but although 30% of Nintendo (Japan)'s employees are women, which might be relatively high for a general company, the fact that there are still fewer opportunities for women hasn't changed. Consequently, the fewer female employees, the fewer chances women have to benefit from the partnership system. Although it might be unrealistic to expect a sudden 50% representation tomorrow, I hope for a gradual increase. Additionally, Japanese electronics companies, including Nintendo, have been accused of being involved in forced labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2020, and they are being asked to report on their stance regarding "modern slavery." [References]
・囜際人暩NGOヒュヌマン・ラむツ・ナり 【報告曞】新疆りむグル自治区に関連する匷制劎働ず日本䌁業の関䞎に぀いお https://hrn.or.jp/activity_statement/18457/ ・任倩堂株匏䌚瀟 珟代奎隷に関するステヌトメント(PDF) https://www.nintendo.co.jp/csr/pdf/ModernSlaveryTransparencyStatement_jp.pdf
There was also a bit of news that caught my attention. ・CNN 「任倩堂米囜法人が女性瀟員を解雇、理由を巡り物議に」https://www.cnn.co.jp/business/35080561.html・Gigazine 「ニンテンドヌ・オブ・アメリカで受けたひどいセクハラや女性差別に぀いお元埓業員が告癜」https://gigazine.net/news/20220819-nintendo-of-america-sexual-harassment/
■ Reality Pulling Us Back Now, regarding the much-desired proper sequel to "Tomodachi Collection: New Life" that I and probably the readers of this blog are hoping for, I must point out that the harsh response of Japanese society to the LGBTQ+ community is affecting the existence of the Mii characters. I can't help but think that the political issues surrounding whether to keep Mii's relationships and marriages strictly between male and female or make them more free are hindering development and release. It's likely impossible to create a "Mii who only likes one gender" now. Creating a "Mii who only likes one gender" would break the promise made during the controversy nine years ago when Tomodachi Life was released. The global fan community (honestly, excluding certain communities attacking minorities while jokingly invoking "Nintendo's legal department" and those sharing sensitive information affecting international relations and wars) is not foolish. Moreover, these issues will affect not just Tomodachi Collection but various other games. If it's judged that "human rights are being ignored for business," even the above-mentioned human rights statements will come under stricter scrutiny. Unless these issues are resolved, the development of a sequel to "Tomodachi Collection: New Life" won't be directed (or rather, can't be directed). I now think that the deterioration of Japanese politics over the past decade and the lack of "human rights education" are holding back development.
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What I can say to those who wish for the release of "Tomodachi Collection: New Life" is to seriously consider Japanese politics.
If possible, think about human rights and the LGBTQ+ community because while Mii are fictional avatars, they occupy a unique position that can integrate real-life people into the game world, making them inseparable from reality and capable of influencing it.
Being aware of this, reexamining your own assumptions, and stopping discrimination are the quickest paths to development and release.
Is it natural that marriage is only possible between a man and a woman?
Wouldn't it have been acceptable for storks to deliver children to same-sex couples? Wouldn't having a slider setting for 'having children or not' solve this issue? Why is acquiring a home limited to married couples? There are many things we can reconsider.
I feel so seriously that "this country is in a bit of a crisis" that I have to say such serious things 10 years after the release of Tomodachi Collection: New Life. Please understand this small request.
I want the Switch to be imported to a new island in "Tomodachi Collection: New Life," and for Mii to play Zelda, Ring Fit Adventure, and more. I love Mii playing 3DS and WiiU on the 3DS, but I want to say, "Please export the Switch!"
If the economy were a bit better, I think many downloadable content and repairs for 3DS and Wii could have continued. What will happen if the Wii or 3DS of the Mii living on the island breaks down? It's sad to think about, but at the same time, I also feel like Mii could somehow fix it.
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■ Tightening Last year, on February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine. In 2013, Russia enacted a law prohibiting the "propaganda" of "non-traditional sexual relations (homosexuality)" to minors. In 2017, a legal amendment decriminalized domestic violence.
The fact that "Miitopia" was released with an R18 rating also caused a big stir, as it was caught by this “propaganda” clause. "Tomodachi Life" might also be included.
[References] ・毎日新聞 – 菅野 蘭 「女の子」だから、抗議する プヌチン政暩䞋のロシアの女性たちhttps://mainichi.jp/articles/20230413/k00/00m/030/139000c ・AUTOMATON – Daiki Imazato ロシア䞋院議員が「LGBTを宣䌝するゲヌム」をリストアップ。『Fallout』や『Apex Legends』など有名ゲヌム倚数を危険芖 https://automaton-media.com/articles/newsjp/20221115-226706/ ・AUTOMATON – Ayuo Kawase Nintendo Switch『ミヌトピア』はロシアでは“18犁”だずしお話題にのがる。同性愛描写が圱響かhttps://automaton-media.com/articles/newsjp/20210219-152683/ ・FRANCE 24 - Russia’s book police: Anti-gay law opens new chapter as censors target literature https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240430-russia-s-book-police-anti-gay-law-opens-ugly-new-chapter
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Additionally, last November, it became a problem that the Shinto Political League distributed a discriminatory booklet at a meeting of the Liberal Democratic Party's parliamentary group that described homosexuality as a "mental disorder" and an "addiction." Frankly speaking, I feel that Japan's stance on LGBTQ+ issues is very close to the situation described above in Russia. If a "homosexual propaganda ban law" were to be enacted in Japan, it would not only restrict the release of games related to Mii but also other imported games and works. I dread the thought that it could even lead to the halting of distribution of second-hand copies of 'Tomodachi Life' and 'Miitopia.'
[References] ・Yahoo個人 – 束岡宗嗣 「同性愛は䟝存症」「LGBTの自殺は本人のせい」自民党議連で配垃 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/matsuokasoshi/20220629-00303189 ↑I've listed the sites and articles I referred to without changing their titles, but this article by writer Soshi Matsuoka, posting information about LGBTQ+ issues in Japan, became a scoop, particularly highlighting the LGBTQ persecution by traditional religions in Japan. ・朝日新聞デゞタル – 䌊藀舞虹 議員ら䌚合でLGBTQ差別冊子、「加担怖い」 圓事者の神職ら抗議(有料蚘事) https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQCG74K2QBPOIPE00S.html ・The Asahi Shimbun - MAIKO ITO /Staff Writer Shrine workers protest Shinto body’s anti-LGBT pamphlet https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14768713 ・東京新聞 日本陀いた「G6」からLGBTQの人暩守る法敎備を促す曞簡 銖盞宛おに駐日倧䜿連名 サミット議長囜ぞ厳しい目 https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/238238
The direction of Japan's game industry is also influenced by the atmosphere among users. Until now, perhaps you could adopt the attitude that as long as you could play your favorite games, you didn't care about anything else. This was because Japan was perceived to (comparatively still) have "money," and it was a country with many people who could afford to be insensitive and not care about others. Moreover, I think there was a sort of tacit racial leniency as "an island nation with strange customs in East Asia."
However, such excuses will no longer be acceptable. We are entering an era where we must feel ashamed of the business practices that have relied on such excuses. Therefore, I sincerely hope that those who love Mii and read this blog will seriously think about the future, including politics.
And, based on that, I want you to boldly wish for the development of a sequel to 'Tomodachi Life: New Life.'
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"From tomorrow, I will try my best."
The next election is the second half of the unified local elections on April 23rd. Why not seriously consider how you want Mii to be portrayed in the future as one of the starting points?
--- --- --- ■Supplementary information The day I wrote this article, April 18th, was a time when local elections were looming in Japan.
On May 19, 2024, it became clear that a Japanese lesbian couple sought asylum in Canada, being recognized as refugees due to compound discrimination against women and LGBTQ+ in Japan. We live in an environment so severe that we need to seek asylum. Nintendo, the creator of 'Tomodachi Life,' is unfortunately based in Japan and sometimes absorbs the discriminatory expressions of Japanese society. This issue extends beyond games to other media like manga and anime. Feminist groups that point out these problems often face SLAPP lawsuits and other forms of harassment, making it a serious social issue that rarely comes to light.
・日本人の同性カップル、カナダで難民認定 「迫害に根拠ある恐怖」 https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASS5L2F7MS5LUTFL002M.html・Colabo’s Fights against Sexual Exploitation and Misogyny in Japan Today | Webzine-KYEOL As you may know, in May 2014, before the release of "Tomodachi Life," it became big news that same-sex marriage was not possible in the game. At the time, I must confess, I had little understanding of LGBTQ+ issues and didn't fully grasp why this caused such anger. I believe most Japanese people felt the same.
The answer is that Japan is a society that adheres to the standard that "marriage is between a man and a woman."
Japan is a country that is (for better or worse) susceptible to external pressure. When former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori made sexist remarks during the TOKYO Olympics, it was thanks to women around the world standing up that we finally managed to bring him down. The sad fact is that women's suffrage in Japan is shorter than his age. The reality is that few people can access the Japanese feminist communities and LGBTQ+ communities, and they are quite exhausted.
I live in a rural area (HOKKAIDO) and have never directly participated in these communities, which is an issue. Feminism in Japan feels like it belongs to those in urban areas, who can attend university, who have money, and who can participate in communities.
At the same time, this means that anti-feminists can easily infiltrate feminist communities if they have the funds.
I think Japan's situation regarding LGBTQ+ is close to Russia. Women's wages are 75% of men's. I live as a woman in this Japanese society. I encountered feminism in 2017 when Yumi Ishikawa started the hashtag activism #Kutoo, a play on #MeToo. Online visibility of feminists allowed us to see what books and media they were consuming. I was fortunate that when I encountered feminism, K-feminism, including Cho Nam-joo's "Kim Ji-young, Born 1982KO:「82년생 김지영」 JP:「82幎生たれ、キム・ゞペン」)" was spreading in Japan, and I rode that wave.
(Postscript 2024/05/26 Upon rereading, I realized there might be some confusion here. In 2017, the global hashtag movement #MeToo occurred, and I was shocked by Shiori Ito's case and the reports on it. Gradually, women's accusations started to accumulate, and although I felt I wanted to share something as well, I couldn't put my thoughts into words. This led me to read many books and articles about feminism. Among these, Yumi Ishikawa's #Kutoo (2019) movement emerged, the Flower Demo, public discrimination by a certain university professor, and the related lawsuits.)
I learned that Japan is a family-centric society, that we are bound by it, and that what I thought was "normal" since childhood was not "normal." Our rights are incomplete, and human rights education, including sex education, has not been conducted.
You may know famous feminists like CHIZUKO UENO and YOKO TAJIMA, but their books did not reach us. Japanese bookstores rarely carry feminist books. As mentioned earlier, women's wages are 75% of men's; it's not that we don't buy books but can't afford to. Moreover, many Japanese women are burdened with household chores and have no time to read.
The same applies to other cultures. There's no time to play games, no time for hobbies, but we're told to stay beautiful. The word "Jyoshi-ryoku" (women's power) became a buzzword in 2009. "Jyoshi-ryoku" is a term similar to "Tradwife," meaning always being cute, good at cooking, and perfectly entertaining men. It became a buzzword, and we were swayed by it.
Do you know what happened in 2009?
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↑It's the year when the DS version of ”Tomodachi Collection” was released. Now, AI like Chat GPT has advanced greatly, allowing us to communicate like this (although it's still somewhat unstable).
The 10th-anniversary article touched on these social issues in Japan and addressed Mii fans, but it didn't get much response in Japan.
Japan still neglects the word "human rights." It is a country full of elderly people who do not get angry even if taxes are pocketed by suited old men. And I am one of the women sighing in that society. In Japan, making statements about feminism attracts trolls from all sides, creating a situation where even a small corner blog like this has to remain vigilant.
...Thank you for reading this long piece. Let me say a bit more. The point I want to make is that a society where many people suffer from various difficulties happening around the world is not only challenging for us but also for Mii. I hope for a society where it's easier to live, not only for the cute residents living on this small island but for everyone.
And I believe that applies to you, the one reading this text. I hope the English is coming across well. Thank you to ChatGPT and DeepL (and to all those developers and individuals striving for ethics), truly.
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hakoniwa-h · 11 days
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WiiU「カラオケJOYSOUND」で歌うきぐるみのMii. Miiverseが終了しおしたう前にもっず撮圱しおおけばよかった 。
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hakoniwa-h · 13 days
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↑Mii「The title is 'Manners Violation'」  This one phrase sums up what I want to say. Around May 16, 2024, it became apparent that a blog called "A (pseudonym)" mentioned “this account is my account but japanese & much cooler” Some people seem to have mistakenly followed my blog thinking it was updated by "A." This is either a joke or a lie by "A." The updater of this blog is named TOBIKO HAKONIWA. I run a four-panel manga site called 「マロングラッセず日向倏」MeanMallonglaces and Hyuganatsu / This name is used as a code name for the character and has nothing to do with the actual dish.).
When I reblogged and wrote directly on the mentioned site, there was a response acknowledging our awareness, so I intend to end further mentions with this article. Japan has a very ritualistic and apology-centric culture, so I was a bit confused about being thanked, but I decided that this is fine.
To add my personal opinion, viral media has both good and bad aspects, and it is dangerous not to recognize and act with both in mind. In cases like this, where someone with a well-known blog spreads a 'lie,' I get caught up in having to explain myself. I am a bit angry at the person because I am the type who would rather spend the time for 'explanation' on 'creating works' and 'publishing works,' and I am very 'fed up.'
My blog has a certain history, and because I have a personal site and some experience in online activities, I had a vague understanding of what actions I should take. However, if this blog were my only site and if there were no excellent translation sites like ChatGPT, there would still be people who mistakenly believe my blog to be his.
As you can see from my blog ARCHIVE, this blog started on May 25, 2014. (It's almost 10 years now!) Before opening a blog on Tumblr, I used a Japanese blog service called Seesaa, so there is a bit more history. It was free to use, but ads started appearing (which later became an issue with Tumblr as well), and since I didn't like that, I moved. Even though Tumblr also had ads, I ended up staying here for a long time.
The recent issue stemmed greatly from my poor English skills and lack of understanding of Tumblr culture. While my PROFILE was written in Japanese, as a Japanese speaker, I am a minority in the mostly English-speaking Tumblr environment. This blog is a fan blog about Mii, and "my" presence is secondary, like “KUROKO-SAN” in the Japanese version of "Tomodachi Collection." However, this led to the recent trouble.
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↑KUROKO-SAN,A shadowy figure supporting the lives of Mii in Tomodachi CollectionJP Shop Keeper. KUROKOWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuroko As a countermeasure, I have added more English descriptions to my self-introduction. Additionally, for longer texts, I will include both Japanese and English versions.
If the post is short and only contains photos, I will provide explanations in Japanese only, as usual. (Because it's too much of a burden for me otherwise.)
(I used ChatGPT & DeepL)
【Related posts】 ■This account is "TOBIKO"s account. https://www.tumblr.com/hakoniwa-h/750603335353139200/
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hakoniwa-h · 15 days
It’s a joke.
this account is my account but japanese & much cooler
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hakoniwa-h · 17 days
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  This account is “TOBIKO"s account.
↑I've written the details here, but this blog is operated by TOBIKO.  詳现はこちらに曞きたしたが、このブログ「リクノコナン島」を描いおいるのは箱庭ずび子ず申す日本人です。  フォロワヌが倉に増え、倧倉驚きたした。  これは思わず驚いたわたしを衚珟した䞀枚です。参考は宇宙猫です。いわゆる。 
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hakoniwa-h · 17 days
This account is "TOBIKO"s account.
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※2024.05.20 I have written a final article about this matter. https://hakoniwa-h.tumblr.com/post/750989444004397056/
Recently, I noticed a sudden increase in followers, and I wondered what had happened. So, I started looking for the cause. It seems that there is a blog promoting my account as 'My account.' Since I am not a native English speaker, it took me a while to discover this.
My name is "TOBIKO HAKONIWA". As stated in my PROFILE, there is nothing more to it. I am a woman living in Hokkaido, Japan. I'm Japanese. When writing in English, I use Chat GPT and DeepL (this sentence as well).
The blog title 'Rikunokonan Island' is named after my game in Tomodachi Collection(EN:Tomodachi life).
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↑Nan island address(top) and Rikunoko island address(bottom) TOP:Mango Ocean, Fried egg(JP:めだたやき Isres, 323-476 Bottom: Celery Ocean, Meatball Isres, 810-668
The names of these two islands are the source of this blog's name.
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The Mii that frequently appears on this blog is named 'YUKU,' born in Tomodachi Collection. His QR code can be found here. I have posted many photos in past blog entries.
■YUKU QR CODE  https://hakoniwa-h.tumblr.com/post/133712940876/
I respect the fact that this person reblogs various works out of love for Mii and is spreading awareness about it. Even without resorting to lies, your influence is remarkable. You should take pride in the Mii and blog you've created on your own. (I do the same.)
My web siteマロングラッセず日向倏(Written in Japanese)  䌝わるこずを願いたす。
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hakoniwa-h · 19 days
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Miitopia「今は ノレない」  ファラオ状態の時に、ノリノリふりかけをかけおみたシヌン。たしかに、 ノッおる堎合じゃない。
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hakoniwa-h · 21 days
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Miitopia「氎だヌっ」  パッず芋た時ちぃかわっぜいな、ず思った䞀枚。
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hakoniwa-h · 30 days
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Miitopia「もう おなかいっぱい」 さすがにちょっず。
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hakoniwa-h · 1 month
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Miitopia「ぐっすりねむっお げんきいっぱい」  おはよヌ
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hakoniwa-h · 2 months
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 そんな䞭で、e-shopも終了し、いたたで静かに繋がっおいた『トモダチコレクション新生掻』の島  、わたしはこの島に初代から「リクノコ島」ず名付けおいるのですが、い぀の間にか通信でゆるやかに繋がっおいた島でしたが、本圓に“陞の孀島”になっおしたいたした。
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 この間、ずおもMiitomoでMiiに䌚いたくなった。毎日質問をしおくれお、蚀葉を入力したら倧げさな反応をしおくれるあのトモダチに。Miitomoの画像も動画もたくさん残しおいるのだけれど、それでも䜕だか、無性に今もMiitomoのアむコンをタップしたら、お郚屋の䞭をりロりロずしおいるMiiに「今日こんなこずしたよ」っおお話したいな、っお頭の䞭でふっず思った。  DSずWiiUのe-Shopの終了がやっぱり少し寂しいし、これから『トモダチコレクション新生掻』を遊ぶ誰かの元には、黒子さんがわざわざ届けおくれた「い぀の間に通信」で受け取れるアむテムも、受け取れないのかな、思っおしたったりしお、やっぱり寂しいね。
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 昚幎、幎目ずいうこずもあっお、かなり深刻に『トモダチコレクション新生掻』含んだ䞖の䞭ず「トモダチ」の関係に぀いおお話したのですが、女性は人に人が、男性は人に人がDVで悩むず蚀われる日本瀟䌚で共同芪暩に関する議論が衆議院で可決しこの数倀は内閣府で発衚されおいる2020幎の数倀、参議院に持ち蟌たれたのである。 ■配偶者からの被害経隓内閣府https://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/whitepaper/r04/zentai/html/zuhyo/zuhyo05-01.html
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 これも䜕床も蚀いたいけど『トモダチコレクション新生掻』や、ゲヌム内の様々なあれこれをケラケラず笑えるのは、やっぱり䞖の䞭が少なくずも平和で「良い方向」に進んでいるこずがずおも倧切だず思うのね。  だから、はやく『トモダチコレクション』の新しい新䜜や、Miiが出おくれる新䜜を遊ぶために、良い䞖の䞭になっお貰わないず困る。
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 そしおこの穏やかにMiiが過ごせる堎所をもっず倧切にしおいきたい。そしお来幎、たた来幎 ∞。
  今先ほどマグニチュヌドの数倀ずしおは倧きな地震があっお、この蚘事を曞いおいる時も頭の片隅に䌚ったこずなのですが、もしかしたらこの11幎の間に䞍慮の事故、もしくはさたざたな蚀葉にできない蚀えぬこず堎合によっおは囜の政治にもよるでMiiず別れるこずになった方もいるのではないか。そんな思いが過りたしお 。  今幎月に起きた胜登半島沖での地震で被灜した補品に関しお、3DS含めた任倩堂補品の修理に぀いお「お知らせ」を出しおいたす。他にも、突然起動しなくなったずか、動きが悪いずか、些现なこずでも今あるDSを倧切にしたいなず思う時、メンテナンス先を知っおおくず安心だず思いたす。わたしも以前WiiUのタッチパッドを壊しおしたったこずがあったのですが、オンラむンから修理申し蟌みを行うこずができたす。「○○円以䞊かかる堎合は連絡しおほしい」などの现かな遞択もできた芚えがありたす。  知識ずしお、共有できたらず思いたしお。 ■什和6幎胜登半島地震により被灜した補品に関する修理察応のお知らせ任倩堂  https://www.nintendo.co.jp/support/information/2024/0116.html ■修理のご案内任倩堂サポヌトペヌゞ  https://www.nintendo.co.jp/support/repair/index.html  
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hakoniwa-h · 2 months
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Miitomo「おぞぺろ」  今、ずおもMiitomoがやりたい
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hakoniwa-h · 2 months
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Miitopia「どっちにする」  このあず䞡方食べられおたした。
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hakoniwa-h · 2 months
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Miitopia「おきおぇ」  びえええ。
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hakoniwa-h · 2 months
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Miitopia「別人みたい」  髪の毛や色を倉えるだけで本圓に雰囲気が倉わりたすね。  個人的にはボリュヌミヌな枚目のツむンテヌルがお気に入りです。
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hakoniwa-h · 3 months
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Miitomo「ホワむトデヌ」  バレンタむンデヌは特に䜕もしおいない。チョコはほしい。  おなかすいたUTC ⁺9:00 JPN 2330 now
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