haplologic · 3 years
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haplologic · 7 years
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35mm fuji film
Once, I had thought I was an artist. I would frame still life in 35mm film. Sometimes, I would multi expose the film with the same image. I was happy. If only mirroring and reverse applications would apply as easily to life’s choices as well to taking my own advice. A typical, beautiful, meaningful… chronological, ten times the size of Jupiter, swiped it with a single feather, hitting it every thousand years. Then, and again, it’s all we all had to say.
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haplologic · 7 years
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35mm negative scan.
A long time ago, a friend once mentioned the importance of symbols and significance of minimal aesthetics in play. How much and little could be said as by simply laying a pile of stones on a floor. I think he said the accuracy in expression is some kind of fragment from soul or rather. His painted works were riddled with philosophy and obviously personalized statements.
An elementary expression on a conversation with the friend in regards to necessities, illusions, professions and systems.
Sorry, haven’t much else to say about this image at the moment.
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haplologic · 7 years
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Always wondered what intentions most well known photographers had in mind when taking a self portrait. Seeming that most held a high level of esteem and self importance. Some I liked, did it with hidden expression and some with poetic just. The ones I liked seem to offer a message, as if it were a photograph revealing some sincerity to themselves. Not an affirmation but just some naked truth whether positive or warped. I don’t actually remember taking this photo or any of the process. But I do remember wanting to obliterate my face and identity with light. Like scratching your face off your ID or passport. The feeling of starting all over again. I stood in front of a long mirror with a strong hypnotic flash aimed at my reflection. I don’t think I’ll ever do this again. But I’m glad I did back then.
In hindsight, It’s sometimes difficult to decipher exact reasons for this image. I am wondering if the flash captured was intended for either the subject or perhaps the viewer. Old ideas ©auxiliofaux,2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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[5X7 fiber-base gelatin silver print,
Arista EDU 35mm film
Arista RC VC semi-matte]
I haven’t much to say about this image except for a minor thing on pointing out basic symbols and shapes or better yet, simple geometrics. It’s hard to say where the photograph begins or ends. The developmental process conjures traces of the hand with some pattern of thought imprinted by part of movements. Perhaps it’s Gestault. Perhaps it’s meditation. Perhaps it’s primitive. I’m mostly almost convinced it’s some ill attempt of clairvoyance. Or perhaps channeling.
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haplologic · 7 years
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35mm Arista film. Once, I was obsessed with the sun and circles. Traditional underexposed photograph of noon sun. If I remember correctly, I think it had something to do with the mythological battle that happens at this time with the setting preceding.
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haplologic · 7 years
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35mm, Arista/ silver gelatin darkroom print, Arista There are some ideas that have been translated and amalgamated by several artistic mediums that have come close to mystic pursuits. Perhaps, borderline supernatural channeling is what the reference is, really. looking back at the inception of academic abstract art, the belief and practice became substantiated. Channeling unknown things and touching a certain boundary of dimension was the claim, I think. There’s also another idea that within reality, there are unseen alterations and/or states. Here’s a portrait of a person(s) taken at what is known as Charles Bukowski’s old living place while writing his novel “Post Office”. The technic used for this capture was quite simple. However, the developed image itself was not as much.
©Auxiliofaux2012. Arista 5x7 print
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haplologic · 7 years
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Shot this one up north somewhere. At the time, my boss and I had decide to drive up to visit a monastery. We took the Kings Highway to get there. The window was hidden within a small room with architectural protrusions all around except for this opening. This window was at the end of a hole in the wall. Like a tunnel leading out to the sky.
100 ft roll of Arista film had been used and transported unto reusable canisters. That is where the scratches developed from. Richard Auxilio ©Auxiliofaux2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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At that time, photography was fun to share on here with people because of the excitement of finding other people looking for the same things in process. Had a few people ask why the negatives were always kept dusted or dirty with photo chemicals. It’s what I do, what else. So as I joked, I exaggerated this to the most extent on this negative. The darkroom print turned out just as well. Maybe sometimes things are better done dirtier.
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haplologic · 7 years
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This photograph was taken without a lens. The camera lens had been completely taken off while searching the viewfinder for orbs. A few lights had been set out in the distance so to utilize the radiance for bokeh. After taking four multiple exposures (in hopes of capturing whatever it was imagined), I mounted the 50mm lens and took two more exposures. Total of six exposures to create this image unto one single 35mm negative. It was fun. Nonetheless, educational. I'd like to work on an animated stop motion version of this some time in the future. Maybe when I'm old and retired. ©auxiliofaux, 2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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Mind drifts sometimes when driving. Imagining the world ripping open in broad daylight. Severing the mundane and trivial living. I’ve had that song “Grinding Halt” stuck in my head this weekend and it reminded me of this photo. “… everything’s coming to a grinding halt 🎼”.
35mm, Double Exposure The word superior ripped to form “perior”(Latin; “disappearance”,“death”). ©auxiliofaux, 2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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35mm home-processed Kodak film negative scan: This one happened just by being at the right time and right place. I had set out to shoot a series of specific shots for a few dear supportive friends that meant a lot to me and this one was the first one of the series. My friend J and I had been working on several collaborations and geometrical concepts and psychology was the base of some. So in dedication, I shot this one at a specific angle away from direct noon sun and towards an architectural incline. The rest of the planning was geometric imagination since it's film. I was able to compose a cube under a box, square under rings and circles along with some added planetary symbology under a rectangular marker. This was a precious moment and absolutely cherished the feeling after development. 3 different versions were taken but these multiple exposures came out best. Photo was taken at the LA River. 35mm multiple exposure. ©auxiliofaux, 2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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negative scan:
I used to have a name for this photographic exposure technique but it’s been so long, I’ve forgotten what it was referred to. I’ve looked it up and I haven’t found anyone mention it so maybe I was on to something in experimenting with it. A few film cameras allow you to manipulate the advancements of the film in millimeters with precision enough to utilize the space within and out of range of the supposed 35mm area. This was shot utilizing two 35mm areas and overlapping 45% of each supposed frame to create overlapping exposures. This photograph was taken from the Griffith observatory with a long range lens. Slight long exposures of traffic was used to simulate visual frequencies of light over a metropolitan area. I really liked this one.
©auxiliofaux, 2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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Shot this one in Florida. They have HUGE spiders there cuz of the humidity and vegetation. Don't know exactly why, but they just have huge insects. This little creeper was hanging on her web outside in between two bushes. It was a heavy humid day but bright enough to push the contrast again. I think I developed this roll of film on someone's balcony somewhere in Miami. Kinda neat. ©auxiliofaux, 2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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It’s been a very long time since I’ve shot any photography. Sincerely miss it.
I think I’m going to post a few darkroom prints and 35mm negative scans, one or two a day with some few added field notes and production techniques. Maybe it’ll get me back to the darkroom again.
Very much miss photography.
This one is a 35mm scan of the Alex theater beacon in Glendale, California. A block away from the Masonic temple. A telephoto lens on a 35mm Pentax with the highest red filter. Developed the film and over agitated the developing time to push for a higher contrast on the film. Was fun.
©auxiliofaux, 2017
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haplologic · 7 years
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19th century biology
©auxiliofaux, 2012
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haplologic · 7 years
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Untitled, 2013
Silver based gelatin print
Richard Auxilio
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