harmenijonesxo · 2 years
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It’s outrageous that you’ll find this chemical added to children’s food like PediaSure and Unicorn Waffles, even though it’s been deemed too cancerous to put in lipstick and other cosmetics since 1990. You’ve got to ask yourself… Why does the FDA allow chemicals in our food that are either banned or heavily restricted in other countries, especially those that were banned from cosmetics decades ago? When are companies like Kellogg’s and Nestle going to be held accountable for using controversial and potentially cancerous chemicals in their products? Especially products for children. These are questions we all should be asking. We must challenge the U.S. food industry to discontinue the use of controversial ingredients that are known to cause cancer. You may already know this information, but most people don’t. We need to keep sharing and spreading the word! Please share this with your friends. Thank you for helping me pressure Big Food companies into making better products for everyone! Detox and nitrify your body ask me how. @thefoodbabe https://www.instagram.com/empowerhealth24/p/CZP2R7WvAVc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 2 years
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And while traditional medicine relies mainly on medication to treat and prevent heart disease, we know that the way you eat, how much you exercise, how you manage stress, and minimizing your exposure to environmental toxins can all be much more effective levers for treating and reducing the risk of heart disease.⁣⁠ ⁣⁠ @drmarkhyman . . #fitover30 #fitover35 #fitover40 #fitover45 #fitover50 #fitover55 #fitover60 #fitoverthirty #fitoverforty #fitoverfifty #fitoversixty #fitbodybootcamp #fitbodylife #healthcoach #healthylife #lifecoach #fitnesscoach #personaltrainer #fitbodies #holisticcoach #holisticlife #holisticlifestyle #fitbodyguide #dietcoach #paleo #crossfitcoach #crossfitgirls ⁣⁠ https://www.instagram.com/p/CYczSt7J0SA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 2 years
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Food" might possibly be the biggest conspiracy that exists! Most "food" is not actually food. Most people are dependent, addicted, and believe they "need" food. As a society we've come so far from nature and nature is who we are. Food is a weapon that is being used against huemans. A drug is any chemical substance  that causes a change in an organism's physiology  or psychology  when consumed, so by definition all foods are drugs! When foods(drugs) are consumed the body releases other drugs (defense mechanisms) to help you cope and protect you from pain that the original drugs(food) caused. People are not only addicted to acutal food, they are also addicted to the drugs the body releases to protect them. Most of the time food is suppressing, just like any other drug, especially emotions. Getting to the point where food is pure pleasure and 100% for fun, not necessity, is a major life perspective change and shift in consciousness. I'm not here to tell you what to do or to tell you to be anything but yourcellf. I'm just sharing knowledge, what you do with it is obviously your choice. Just remember, less is more! I Love you, aloha 🙌 ------------------------------------------- @wellness_with_ryan https://www.instagram.com/empowerhealth24/p/CYAIROyPUyK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Do you hear me always promoting feeding your body with optimal nutrition well detoxifying in the process. The same goes with your mind. Feed it regularly with that which serves your soul. Learning is something we should be doing throughout the entire ready of our lives. Self development is a non-negotiable. Look for an upcoming post where I’ll be sharing some of my favorite books of late. I’m totally interested to hear what you have to say on the matter. Bookend your day with learning, mindfulness, and gratitude. 📚 🧠🧐 #readingisfundamental #brainwork #brainworkout https://www.instagram.com/p/CXCTZClPakq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Don’t be brainwashed by the narrative of the main stream in a profoundly sick society. Think for yourself and trust your intuition. Follow your gut when your gut is clean. Start eating optimally, nourish yourself, detoxify your body, and maintain the best health possible. You are worth it! #healthiswealth #healthyhappy #fitover40 #fitandsexy #fitandhappy #healthylifestyle @riseaum https://www.instagram.com/p/CW_biLVPzPI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Get out in the ☀️ #sunlight #vitamind #healthandwellness . . . #health #healthylifestyle #sun #redlight #testosterone #fertility @stone.fit https://www.instagram.com/p/CW9jTttv6-_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Welcome to the party bud. It’s P-A-R-T-Y time. https://www.instagram.com/p/CW6eun6Pq_L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Permaculture vs Agriculture Permaculture gardening, unlike conventional gardening which tends to use a one size fits all method for growing foods, is based on the concept of using the perfect plants for the climate, and utilizing only plants that work best for a given area’s climate. The good news is that many permaculture gardening methods work across a broad variety of climactic conditions. In addition to the climate, permaculture philosophy focuses on building up soils to make for a more nutrient dense, mineral rich microbiome, and provide much richer balance. The main benefit of permaculture is growing the best foods in the healthiest soil with the most optimal health benefits. These systems, when properly designed, are efficient and most sustainable. They’re easier to take care of overtime, and they create true ecosystems with renewable and constantly vibrant earth, which leads to healthier plants, which leads to healthier humans and animals feeding on the foods. Are you eating conventionally grown GMO “foods”? Consider stepping up your health and making wiser decisions that will improve your life. Choose both Organic and Non-GMO living foods. Eat out less. Grow your own or at least understand where the food you eat is from and how it is grown. 🌱💚 Contrary to the belief of many in our society, healthier plants are more resistance to disease in pests and toxic chemicals and desiccants are not necessary. @5dpartypeople ・・・ https://www.instagram.com/p/CW300EpvlIN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Things are not always fair. It's not a matter of if, only ⁠when—eventually, life deals everyone a bad hand. When that day comes you will have a choice to make. Whatever happens next will either happen to you... or because of you. Will you be a victim, innocent but powerless to help yourself? Or will you take responsibility? Our ability to change things for the better depends on our response. ⁠ ⁠ Response-ability. ⁠ ⁠ We can't always control the things that happen to us, but we are always in control how we respond to them. You're in this thing now, and you have to find your way out... but it will be hard if you stay fixated on how you got in. That's what blame does. Blame is the heaviest umbrella in the world—it will keep you almost dry, but if you insist on carrying it you won't get far. Just put it down. Get wet. We have to move. The best way out is always through. ⁠@benbergeron ⁠ #Response⁠ #Ability⁠ https://www.instagram.com/p/CWtamKyv9R2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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You might not see it but right now the world is collectively waking up at a rapid rate despite the zombies People are uniting in all major cities in large numbers standing up for against tyranny, don’t be fooled and let the media control your perception that they are winning because they’re losing. The wave can’t be stopped and the truth will always get out. All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing The media continue to stay silent to stop the awakening and carry on with their fear propaganda, distractions and psy-ops. When you speak your truth, when you embrace it, you influence others. People love those who have guts themselves, those who show courage. Why? Because it’s rare, we have to show them the way and keep going. It will all come good in the end In the meantime connect with other truth seekers in my telegram & download my videos to share to people 🙏 ♻️ theconsciouspineal . . #truthtolight #hollyweird #fakemedia #brainwashedsociety #conspiracyfiles #questioneverything #thematrix #operationmockingbird #woke #wokebreed @wokebreed https://www.instagram.com/p/CWoLZwBPksu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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The British are coming lol https://www.instagram.com/p/CWb3J9bPLF9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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⚠️ add seed oils, synthetic clothing & FRAGRANCE to the FAKE DiGiTaL simulated mental illness we find ourselves swimming in! #realhealth #fitness #fitnessmotivation #WakeUp #Awakening #GlobalAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #GutHealth #HealthTips #HealthyLifestyle #JERF #gmofree https://www.instagram.com/p/CWYtBJCPPyF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Replace all processed foods with natural foods for 30 days and watch what happens RP• @rethinkmindfullness 👍🏼 if you're ready to cut the fake foods out of your life 🌱 Let's change the way we eat Let's change the way we live 💖 . @letrelana #plantbasedfood #plantbasedliving #plantbasedeating #plantprotein #plantbasedfamily #poweredbyplants #vegansnack #processedfood #fakefood #realfood #letrelana #letschange1111 #1111awakening https://www.instagram.com/p/CWYriT-v2mG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Start with just 5-10min/day and you will see massive change 6sec breath in - 6sec hold - 6sec breath out - 6sec hold. Ultimate power is found by harmonizing with Source. Clearing the distractions allows us to match frequencies. Only takes a minute. 😁🧘‍♂️ . @ra_of_earth . . . . . . #meditate #meditatedaily #breathe #breathwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CWOoF3QvYM8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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Health is Wealth y’all so get yourself some organic super foods! And really what I mean by super food is real living raw organic food. Straight from the earth, from mineral rich soil and watered with fresh spring hydration. Eat right, feel good, and live long! #healthiswealth #healthywealthy #naturalcures @riseaum https://www.instagram.com/p/CWMi5A0PSuy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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💥🤯💥🤯 Comment below 👇👇 to get list of best water 💦 💧 filters and other water enhancing tools 😊 #waterfilter #waterfiltration #cleanwater #kangenwater #enagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CWJoinXv-Er/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harmenijonesxo · 3 years
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It's simple... Block man made light and let God's light in, which is the exact opposite of what people do and wonder why they're sick. @extremehealthradio2 #returntonature https://www.instagram.com/p/CWEPa4UvROT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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