healingmytrauma · 6 years
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Repeat this until you understand it…. 💕
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healingmytrauma · 6 years
In order to improve my health and reverse how much like shit I feel, I’ve tried all these in the past and eventually fell off the train again.
Things I Liked:
Organic food
Moringa powder
Hemp seed oil
Strictly fresh veggies, fruits, chicken and eggs
No condiments or spices
Only Himalayan Salt and Oils
Jilly Juice
Absolutely no Fast Food
Things I Probably Won’t Do Again
Herb-based detoxes/parasite cleanses
Vitamins and supplements from the store; the only multi-vitamin I’m interested in trying right now is Ritual
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healingmytrauma · 6 years
My healing journey must have stated before I incarnated in this life. I’ll give a brief overview of the happenings.
Abuse started about 1st grade from my mom, after she divorced my sister’s dad
Physical, mental, emotional
Became very damaged and dissociated for many years
Was bullied in school. The bullying started when the abuse started
Moved in with my dad and his bible thumping bitch of a wife in high school
Looked for love in all the wrong places
Got taken advantage of by a guy for the first time and it made me a stage 10 clinger
Searched for love in all the wrong places, fucked all the wrong people
Pretty sure I have HPV (don’t worry, I have the cure)
Moved to a city three hours away for 8 months, moved back
Got my own apartment at 19 (I’m 25 now)
Ah, at last. The opportunity to begin healing arises
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