hearriver17 · 3 years
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hearriver17 · 3 years
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hearriver17 · 3 years
From here:
Sorry but I didn’t know how to answer your message. I got the information from here
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Hugo comes from Pitsfford
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Funky little Hugo design for my Remnants au! More info under the cut
Name: Hugo 
 Bayagnor Family: Parents sold him out to work in coal mines, was taken in by donella's crew to work as a mercenary Plot goal: 
Make sure Varian and the others get to the library, take the key to it for donella, and kill them. Personal goal: 
security Personality: quiet, bluntly sarcastic, realistic, cries really easy, gets attached hard and fast, protective to a fault Role in the group: 
Lancer/foil to Varian, shared role of damage sponge with him as well Arc: he finds that safety and security dont come from donella and her crew, even if she cares about him(she does, just in a... not so great fashion), she'll keep using him as long as she can until he's unable to keep going at all. instead, he learns to find safety in other ways, he finds security in the group, with people who truly, genuinely care about him, more than what he can do with his skillset. so like yong switches from wanting to be better for others to wanting to be better for himself, hugo switches from wanting safety with donella, to wanting safety with the group Design description(possible reference): physical appearance is tall, lanky, kind of on the thin side, bleach blonde hair, pale almost sickly skin, and olive green eyes with little flecks of yellow in them hugo's design shifts considerably throughout the plot, since he hasn't really considered his personal style ever before. when he worked in the mines he had the clothes they gave him and thats it, when he joined donella he had a uniform. when he splits from her he starts picking things out for himself, and his personal style is very different from what he's Supposed™️ to wear at the beginning its thin boots, almost like wrappings, padded fingerless gloves, loose-ish pants with a lot of pockets, some extra straps(pictured below) for weapons and one around his shoulder for his fancy little gun, a military style jacket, and iron gauntlets, all in muted dark colors later plot hugo first of all stops bleaching his hair, lets it be this funky little ginger-tinted brown it naturally is. he also finds he likes comfier/baggier clothing. big fluffy sweaters, puffy pants, and Big Old Stomping Boots
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Nuru is from Koto 😊
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And here's nuru! She probably underwent the most change, Yong being VERY close behind. More information on her under the cut!
Name: Nuru 
 Kingdom(s): Ingvarr 
 Family: Two moms and so many siblings, she's on the younger end of the group Plot goal: 
to end the curse zt cast on her ancestors, dooming her kingdom to be plagued by comets during a certain season each year Personal goal: 
glory Personality: loud, arrogant, passionate, compassionate, bad at emotions,,, so so bad at emotions, also very opinionated Role in the group: 
the smart guy! she's good at magic, and a lot of her skills(languages, information on the library and trials) are specifically fit for this journey so she knows what she's doing Arc: her arc is getting rid of biases, she has a set idea of how the world works, what's broken and how she needs to fix it, she learns things on this journey, and she's forced to reassess her views on people. she's a compassionate person by nature, and she does care about people, especially her friends, she just has a tendency to assume things. by the end of her little journey she does find the solution to her kingdom's problem, and she's offered everything she thought she wanted, praise, political power she'd never dreamed of having, a cemented place in her family, yet... it doesnt seem to matter to her anymore. being the biggest most important person doesnt seem to matter, just that she made a difference Design description(possible reference): starts out stiff, she's got armor(warrior nuru very important to me), a very stiff military style of dress with alot of embellishments. as the journey goes her style starts getting looser, a lot less impractical add ons. it shows how she's opened herself up to the group without hiding behind the wall of her abilities and showing her humility by focusing on practicality over making sure people know she's rich as far as physical appearance goes she's got puffy as hell hair she fashions in this really neat way i like, this style of braid on the front of her face and then these cool circle puffy braids as a ponytail sort of resembling a comet. she's got russet brown eyes, they look purple in certain light
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Oh Dumbledore! You made a great job translating it! Congrats! I think you know Spanish. Or maybe you searched it on Google’s translator :p
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Mi edit de un cartel “se busca” de Harry Potter con Varian como fugitivo
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Es sobre Lily pero no hablamos de la flor, si no de Snape en la Friendzone
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Quien más piensa que el
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Se parece a el
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Si me disculpan, me iré a llorar a un rincón
Mi Wattpad: GinnyHarleyPotter
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Las clases empiezan para muchos (yo empecé hace 2 semanas). Les dejo aquí una plantilla de horario de vat7k
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Where can i watch the new Ducktales episode “What Happened to Della Duck?!”?
Can some send me a link, please
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hearriver17 · 3 years
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Parece que mi vida está por empezar
Y a partir de ahora no hay marcha atrás
Yo se que el final de mi historia no ha llegado
Pues falta más para terminar
Hay tantos mundos por descubrir
Y reinos que explorar
Tantos secretos por revelar
Y yo quiero hacer eso y más
¿Puedes culparme por no poder esperar más?
Arreglé mis errores y mi huella dejé
Mejore mis inventos y lo hice bien
Yo en ese mundo ya terminé
Ahora es mi turno de el mapa abrir
Hay tantos mundos por descubrir
Y reinos que explorar
Tantos secretos por revelar
Y misterios por resolver
Y no puedo esperar un segundo más
Hay muchas cosas por aprender
Y riesgos por tomar
Tantos amigos nuevos por conocer
Y villanos que vencer
Gente por conocer
Mundos por descubrir
Reinos por explorar
¿Puedes culparme por no poder esperar más?
¿Puedes culparme por querer ir más allá?
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Parece que mi destino está más claro al fin
Parece que me lleva muy lejos de aquí
Con este diario aquí
Empezare lo que mi madre empezó
Mira todos esos mundos por descubrir
Y todos sus secretos por revelar
Esto es lo que anhelaba y más
Y todo esta al cruzar esa puerta
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hearriver17 · 3 years
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hearriver17 · 3 years
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hearriver17 · 3 years
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Listo para triunfar
-Varian! Para esto! Te lo ruego!
-No! No lo haré! Ahora, en cualquier momento, su alteza
Pues créeme que se
Que mal me porté
Consecuencias tendré y lo sé
Soy el malo, muy bien!
Y raro también
Más justicia por fin yo haré!
-Escucha por favor!
El momento llegó
No doy paso atrás
Solo hay un camino a seguir!
Y que debo pelear!
Mi derecho buscar!
Estoy listo!
Muy listo!
Tan listo!
Listo para triunfar!
-Varian! Para esto! No puedes hacerlo!
-A no? Traté de pedir ayuda, pero toda Corona me dió la espalda!
Me ignoraron
Muy bien!
Más yo continué
Esperando justicia tener!
Reirán, está bien
Pero al final yo reiré
Porque al final yo tendré el poder!
Y espero que ya
No me ignoren jamás!
Estoy listo!
Muy listo!
Tan listo!
Listo para triunfar!
-Varian! Mira a tu alrededor! Ve este desastre! Piénsalo! Lo qué haces... está mal!
Yo nunca quise hacer esto
Pero no tuve otra opción!
Van a escucharme!
El momento llegó, no doy paso atrás
Me agradecerán!
Solo hay un camino a seguir
A mi padre salvaré!
El momento llegó! Un ideal nos unió!
Estoy listo!
Muy listo!
Tan listo!
Listo para...
-Yo... lo siento. Si no le hubiera hecho caso a Frederik de quedarnos en Corona esto no hubiera pasado... es mi culpa
-No quiero hacer esto... pero las acciones de Rapunzel me hicieron hacerlo...
Tambien lo siento
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hearriver17 · 3 years
Listen please, you've lost your grip
And lost your mind
I'm not gonna lose
All's not lost, don't be so blind
I refuse
Cut your losses, drop the IOUs
I refuse
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Let's do a song chain reblog this and fill in the next lyric to the next line.
Nothing Left to Lose
Cassandra, you're angry I get it. Believe me I know what it's like, but you are making a mistake
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hearriver17 · 3 years
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Mi edit de un cartel “se busca” de Harry Potter con Varian como fugitivo
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