hellsovereign · 3 years
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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This meme would not leave me until it was created.
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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[ Have A Drink! ]
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hellsovereign · 3 years
@brainsorwhatever​ said: "Oh Scott... everyone knows babies come from hell, isn't that right, Mr. Lavey?"
Ah, clearly Scott’s friends are going to be essential in answering the question posed; good to know.  Alas, if they’re going to keep the poor werewolf pondering, he’ll play along.  Perhaps unwisely, but, well, here they are, so to that he merely shakes his head, chuckling softly under his breath.  Don’t worry, Scott - one day, you’ll get the truth, but in the meantime...
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     “That’s right -- but only the best ones.”
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hellsovereign · 3 years
@howlout​ replied to your post: “ is that where baby’s come from??”
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       “...is this a serious question?”
                      “It sounds like they might need to add another class at school...”
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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@anonymous said: were u a virgin wh
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hellsovereign · 3 years
Brian crossed his arms, standing in silent as he tried to come up with any memory of his past, the male usually has some flashes of the past here and there, but they’re just so abstract and nonsensical that there just wasn’t anything he could properly grasp as a full memory. 
But again, it’s not like the male tried all that much anyway, not only because piercing things together would take work, but also because… a side of him didn’t really want to know the true answer. Brian has convinced himself that whoever he was in the past must be a piece of shit like him. But… what if he’s not, what if his living self was actually a good guy? Someone people dearly miss… and what if this amazing person… just turned into Brian? No… No, that can’t be right, he has to have been a piece of shit, because if not… what the hell was the point of the zombie?
A low, almost vanishing voice echoed in the back of his mind. Erica… Brian didn’t know any Erica… so why is the name so familiar to him? Why does he feel so…angry just by hearing inside his mind. As the name repeated over and over inside his mind, Brian just got angrier and angrier for apparently no particular reason. 
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“I remember a name…” Brian spoke in a barely restrained anger, his hands clenched inside his pockets. “Erika… and for some reason, this name is riling me up… is that enough?”
A name is good.  
There is power in a name; with luck, enough to draw its owner out of hiding.  It’s is nothing he has not done before, usually with a name given directly by the owner - often during introductions, long before any deal was made - so this could be the piece they need.  That said, there are other details to consider before he runs with the idea.  This name...it has an immediate effect, one palpable in the air.  The tension in Brian is unmistakable, touching his expression, spreading down his arms in subtle movements hidden inside his pockets and bleeding into his voice.  
Now isn’t that curious.
"It is...a stretch, I’ll admit.  More would be better, but I have worked with smaller leads in the past, so it will do well enough, I suppose.  For a name to invoke such anger in you...”  Oh, how the plot thickens!  Perhaps this Erica was a former lover?  Perhaps a murderer or the zombie’s creator?  Maybe a combination of them all?  Had his interest not piqued at the start, it surely would have now!  “Clearly this Erica was someone of importance to him, and you by extension.  We just need to figure out why...”
Provided they’re able to, it may lead right to the man they sought, or at least someone who knew him well enough to give details that could point in the right direction, and that would be where Lucien steps in; to drag those souls out from their current residence and find the answers Brian sought.  Alas, that undoubtedly will prove easier said than done, though it is far from impossible.
Ah, one step at a time.
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“I’ll see what I can do, in that regard.  You’ll hear back from me one way or another - whether I’m able to work with this or not, though I do hope, when next we speak, I have something for you, at least.”  Time would tell, and with the resources at his royal disposal, the results should be in quickly, telling whether the it’s a dead lead or not.  “In the meantime, if anything else comes to you, do not hesitate to reach out.  Every little bit helps.”
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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Every Kiss: #56 | 1.24 The Twizzle  
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hellsovereign · 3 years
@hellsking​​ said:  ❝ you think you know me, huh? ❞  // old meme my dumb ass forgot
Once upon a time those were fighting words.  In the early days of their alliance tensions were high, tempers were hot, and Stan had thrown  that very phrase in Lucien's face during one of many verbal squabbles.  You think you know me - it was then Lucien learned not to assume anything where Stan was concerned, for in truth, way back then he didn't know him.  The best he had to go on was the desire for an alliance, a desire to conquer the 8th by any means necessary, and biting the bullet to do so.  The demon was a powerful warrior, and one hell of a leader, though beyond that he knew nothing where personal details were concerned.  Stan LaVey was an enigma.  Back then he was right to challenge Lucien on the latter's assumptions.
Funny how things can change, isn't it?
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Now, when Stan says those same words, it remains a challenge with teasing air saved for those few moments they shared entirely alone.  Lucien chuckles softly, the arm over his husband's middle tightening ever so slightly to draw them impossibly closer to one another, nuzzling the shoulder his head rests upon.   Eyes closed, still basking in the afterglow they share together, and he’s smiling to himself.  If that is how they’re playing this time around, then very well.  He’ll play along.
"I do not think, my love," he practically purrs.  Nails trace angry marks on Stan's side, left in the aftermath of their lovemaking - his marks to match those left upon his body  by his beloved - and his tender embrace dissipates, those fingers dancing across the broad expanse of blue chest laid bare before them.  "I know I do, and yet you doubt me?". 
Regrettably his plan requires movement.  From his favorite spot, all nestled up against Stan's side with a strong arm encircling him and keeping them close, he shifts with a soft sigh, shaking his head with mock disappointment as he sits upright.  His wandering hand braces, a leg slipping over Stan's body so Lucien straddles his hips once again.  From there his touch wanders; low, nearly to the point where their bodies touch, only to crawl upward at his teasing leisure.  As it moves so too does Lucien, easing down to bring their bare skin together, chest to chest, and he might press his face against Stan's throat.
"I know how your mind works.  I have your heart...and in this room, I can bring you to your knees, and you cannot deny it."  Again, he chuckles, low and dark, angling to murmuring near Stan's ear.  "So, I think that eliminates any question.  I know you, inside and out - just as you know me."
A moment's pause, allowing that to hang between them while his free hand is on the move again; downward this time, on a slow path towards the junction where their bodies meet.  "Though, perhaps I should demonstrate once more, just to be absolutely sure."
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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smol proctec SWOL
For Valentines’, I will be drawing some shipping pieces of Monster Prom couples. Feel free to share your favorite ships, even those who are not in the IP. Shipping dynamics, fictional couple stories you love, any one of those! I love to hear it!
14/14 planned! I made it! For those who brought up their favorites and didn’t see them yet, I plan on doing them, but it won’t be for a bit. I am starting a new job in the coming week so Yay! and oohhh… I do have commissions open, so you know… -XO
HAPPY VALENTINES! Enjoy yourself and those you care about!
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hellsovereign · 3 years
Young Damien: Hey
Stan: What?
Young Damien: I just thought of something. What’s going on with my hair today?
Stan: Daddy’s gonna do it up real pretty with flowers.
Young Damien: Not you, right?
Stan: No, other daddy.
Young Damien: Oh thank god
((based on this))
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hellsovereign · 3 years
@hellsking said:  Hands come to rest on narrow hips, his body molding against the back of Lucien's smaller frame. Pure instinct has him nuzzling the side of his lover's neck, his chin nudging the hood aside, following the lines of wrappings upward until his nose brushes bare skin.  There he nibbles at the mark left there; HIS mark, still bold and prominent after all these years, and with that thought he's smiling as lips brush over it. "Lucien...my love, you're not mad at me, are you?"
Mad?  How in the world could he be mad?
Volatile as his temper may be at times, it takes more than a dumb tease to spark it, so it counts as annoyance at best.  Even if he were truly angry, it would not have lasted, for Stan knows exactly how to calm him, even when the light of his life was the cause of the problem.  All it takes is strong hands holding him, that voice in his ear and attention paid to such a tender place on his body.  Oh, he’s certain Stan knows he has this effect, that all it takes is a brush of lips and nip of teeth to melt him at the core.  That should be the true annoyance, and yet he’s smiling to himself.
His head falls back against Stan’s shoulder, tipped away ever so slightly to leave ample room for attentions to continue, perhaps to advance in a moment once Lucien is done basking in his dear husband’s affections.  A soft hum sounds his appreciation.  He reaches back, resting a hand on Stan’s cheek, fingers twitching as teeth scrape skin yet again - ah, that does it.  Golden eyes finally close, and just like that, he’s forgiving Stan for things that haven’t even happened yet.  Such is the magic his love is capable of working with even so basic a move.
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“Of course not.  I was never mad.”  A pause, and he bumps his head lightly against Stan’s.  “However, if it means you’ll continue, I could pretend to be.”
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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    “Stan...           Stan, I think you broke him.”
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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     “My little red stick person.”
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           “That does not make it better.”
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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     “’Little red stick person’ -- STAN.”
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hellsovereign · 3 years
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it’s ALIVE !
and it’s a monster prom/camp multimuse roleplay sideblog ! (following back from @grandtales​) for now there are only vicky & calculester, but my clown ass plans to add a few more muses for sure ! if you’d be interested in interacting, could you give this post a LIKE or REBLOG ? thank you in advance!
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hellsovereign · 3 years
@howlout​ said: " hey mr red damien's dad! uhm! can you tell me what little things damien likes? I wanna see if I can get him somethin' he really likes! "
Mr. Red Damien’s...?
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"Little things?  That should be an easy one.  Anything to do with that PokeMans game he loves so much would work.  There’s the usual; gasoline, kerosene, anything of that sort.  Given how often we’re called for school fires and bail, I would assume he runs out of both rather quickly.
If you want to go a little bigger than that, get the name of the makeup brand he likes and find something in that.  I...unfortunately don’t know exactly what he would look for, or what he needs, as I can only catch bits and pieces when he lets them slip.  So, unless I take to snooping -- which I outright refuse -- I can’t offer much help there.  He seems to be trying to keep it quiet, for some reason.“
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“So, if that’s what you choose, you didn’t get the idea from me.  Okay?”
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