hopesreverie · 10 years
Unleash the Despair
Just as the shade of night was creeping over Reverie, a faint glow of red began to emanate from the entrance plaza, seeping the paths in a bloody crimson. Joining the light was a buzzing noise, a niggling sound that was barely noticeable at first. Some of those within may find themselves scratching at their ears as if irritated as it was heard, others may place a hand to their forehead as a headache starts to come on. But soon all of them will feel a growing pain at the base of their skull. It will consume them in a burning flame of agony, allowing their minds to slip for just long enough to allow Monogriffin to take control. Feet will move of their own will, forging a path to the entrance plaza. Those of a stronger will may be able to break away, only to be ushered along the same route by a thick rolling smoke that pours from the pavement’s cracks. This mist would nip at their skin, stinging and slicing until they can bear it no longer and are forced to move. One by one those stuck inside will join each other at their destination, faced by the mighty bird that controls this all.
“Aha. Welcome, welcome! It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you all face to face…” It cackles, tapping clawed feet against the tiled floor. As it spoke up again, its voice took on a far more sophisticated tone. “But let us get straight onto business! No time to waste here.”
The creature began to pace along the length of the plaza, taking a moment to pierce each of the visitors with its gaze.
“I….It is… rather simple… you see… you were all put here… f...for a very important reason… Thankfully though you fucking plebeians only have one job here- kill each other. And as I’m sure you all realise by now, that’s not going to be easy, given all your origins.” Pausing for a moment to let those words seep in, Monogriffin stretched before continuing. “Anyway. That’s your ticket out. Murder someone else here without being found out in a trial, and I’ll let you out. Sadly at the expense of the others here, but we cannot always have our way, hmm…? Anyway. Let me get one thing clear here, if you’re found out, well you get the chop too. What nice rules to play by~! Otherwise you all gotta live a communal life here, in peace. Boring.” Continuously its voice cycled, mimicking the sounds and tones of those it had trapped.
“Anyway, let me quickly clue you in on something else. But quickly, I’ve got better things to attend to. See that thing around your necks? I like to call that a ‘collar’. That thing links you to another person here, your twin. Or triplet as the case may be if someone dies. Heh. So via some sort of magic and nanotechnology…” The griffin raised an eyebrow as if it found the whole notion of the collars intriguing. “You will feel your twin’s pain, and you will be scarred from it if it’s that bad. What great fun…! Oh and how do you find your twin? Easy. You’ll have the same coloured blinking light on your collar. Twins will be allocated right after this announcement is done too. So you better find ‘em quick or who knows, you might find yourself with agony like a knife in the gut.” Tilting its head as if thinking, the beast stopped its pacing. “Do not… think that there is an escape… either… There is no way out… no matter how hard you look…”
Monogriffin took a deep breath as it prepared its closing statement, a grin warping its unnatural features. “To help you all along, touch the silver button on your collar which will bring up a list of the Park Rules, and again to find a map of Reverie. Three times for more information on the collar too. You’ve all been assigned a bedroom yada yada yada. Now. Fetch.” With an almost comical shrug of its shoulder, the beast gestured outside before bounding out of the door, leaving its words to hang heavily in the air…
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hopesreverie · 10 years
((As from this notice, roleplayers who have made their blogs will be able to begin roleplaying, but as if they don't know what is happening yet. They will all awaken in the Entrance Plaza and are free to explore all but the bedroom/Ferris Wheel which will be 'locked' until everyone is ready. Upon everyone joining us Monogriffin will make a public announcement to the characters about what is happening and the despair can truly begin. Thank you!!)
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hopesreverie · 10 years
((Clearing down the blog right now, I'm gonna keep the old posts from the other group up because they took people ages to write so for memories sake, but from this post onwards it's new stuff~!))
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hopesreverie · 10 years
Monogriffin quietly paces the length of Reverie, its claws clicking against the ground as it moves. Like the flick of a switch, students are put to sleep around the creature, falling into the depths of another nightmare...
Your vision is frayed. Your ears are ringing. Your skin is hot, your nose is filled with the scent of burning and your emotions are all over. Everything is happening all at once. You look around to see the wisps of fire surrounding your home, and a giant metal monster is plowing down the many trees that housed your people for many long years. Your wings are holding you up, and you are coughing due to the flames. You look down, and the familiar sight of your civilisations great meeting ground, once a suspended ring of wood held up by vines, is alight, with bodies scattered around. Tears obscure your vision as the screaming of the dying and helpless fills your ears. Anguish fills your insides, and is quickly replaced by rage. You swoop down on the steel beast and unleash your rage.
Nothing you do seems to work. It is armoured against falling trees, fire cannot hurt it. Your pixie dust doesn’t work on the pilot. Your tiny world, your very own home, is being destroyed. You call out to your comrades and yell them instructions, and eventually, together, you bring the monster of metal to its side, and cause its driver to hop out. His 6 feet of height towered above your 5 inches, and the wooden carved buildings of 3 feet at most were coming down in smoke and fire. Several of your comerades had died; you could not afford to lose any more. Not now.
However, now you cannot see anymore man-made threat to your home, you try to save your home itself. The dying were crying out for your help, and your team go to their aid. Some stay back to extinguish the flames. You succeed, but only enough to hold the flames off to the very edge of your home. The injured are dying; half of your population has died and you cannot hold yourself back. You break down at the sight of your friends and kin, piled high, leaving the realm of the living. How could things get worse?
You hear a cry. “ORION!” it calls. It is your mother and father. They are badly injured and cannot take off from their home. You fly towards them, but you hear screaming and cries from behind you to return to the graveyard. You ignore them and fly onward, your emotions conflicting inside you. Everyone is dead or dying. Your team is almost gone. What should you do? Leaving people here wouldn’t do anyone any good, but it would have to be done if anyone wanted a chance of survival…
Before you know it, you dart out of your flying pattern. The fire has started again and trees are falling everywhere. You trust your wings to carry you to your parents, but they were not fast enough. The flames engulfed the trunk of their tree, and you witness them burn to death. Their screaming and crying could be heard from your position, and you cannot look away. Not now. You only move when the tree comes falling, and threatens to kill you. You look around to see the platform of the dead and mourning has gone up in smoke, and only 4 of your comrades have survived. You notice more humans, not in machines but clad in armour of sorts. They have rods of fire and arms of metal, spinning and cutting through everything you once knew and loved. A sign of life below, more of your beloved friends, bring you a small flicker of hope, before they burn to death also. You are crying, you have been for the past hour. Everything you know is burning in front of your eyes; your friends are dead, your family is dead. The only escape you can think of is…cowardice.
You direct the last 4 living team members away from the flames, away from the carnage. You find a Takk tree, and grab its leaves. You pass some to your friends, and tell them where to go. Clutching the green flora, your vision blurs, and you find yourself where you want to be. Minutes pass, then more, then more. 2 others appear. The 4 he left behind for what he thought would be seconds were ambushed by their natural predators and 2 were killed. You fall to the ground, and weep. Nothing would stop replaying in your head. "Orion, this isn’t your fault…" the female of the trio says to you, wrapping her arm around you. But it is. This is your fault. You will never forgive yourself.
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hopesreverie · 10 years
((Shortly items will be handed out to those who told the mod blog something that would help and hinder their character. If you don't get something, it's because we didn't hear from you--!! Anyone getting an ask does not need to reply to it, you choose if you hide or reveal what you have. Some people may get a fanmail, so please check your inbox!))
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hopesreverie · 10 years
Still no longer bothering with announcements, Monogriffin prepares the usual arrangements, knocking the visitors out for the forth time. By now the drugs may be taking an additional toll... fatigue starting to weigh people down... the dreams becoming deeper and far more vivid...
At first my vision is black. Empty. The stench of burning flesh and the sound of screaming assaults my senses. It’s not unpleasant. In fact my entire body is buzzing, alive with the thrill of the agony around me. A damp sensation registers against my hands, and my face. There’s no doubt about it… it’s blood. Thick, fresh, likely the remains of some unfortunate soul. Still not opening my eyes, I taste it. The metallic tang quickly dances against my tongue, sending a chill of ecstasy down my spine. I hear footsteps, violent yelling. Perhaps it’s time to get out of here before too many people turn up… perhaps I should…
But soon it all fades out, new sensations replacing them...
The smell of antiseptic hits me first, seeping in through my nostrils, the scent almost thick enough to choke me. Blurs of white, a brown smudge in the centre marr my vision, tears obscuring everything from view. The sound of a heart monitor beeping in the background clicks into place.
Where… where was I again…?
A hand of mine reached up of its own accord, brushing against something soft. Blinking to clear my sight, I find myself touching the covers of a hospital bed…
And in it…?
A beautiful woman…tainted by illness...
Her complexion is pale, veins clear to see across her body. Her frame is decrepit, bones jutting out through stretched skin. Even her hair is tangled, greasy. Every now and then that frail body is wracked with a violent cough, foamy spittle gathering at the corners of her lips.
Without thinking I reach up, gently wiping it from her face. For a moment her mouth twitched into a smile, but all too quickly it was replaced by a pained grimace…
It wasn’t always like this. This sickness seemed to come on all of a sudden, when in reality it must have been growing for months. We had a happy, albeit slightly odd homelife, but that was a given with what I am. Even as she lies there, grasping at the last strings of her life… I find myself reminiscing. She was the first person to ever make me feel human, bringing genuine love to my life, and it still confused me. To this day I don’t understand why I grin at the mention of her name, or how my thoughts seem to wander to her at any given opportunity.
I don’t even quite understand why my heart aches as I sit here.
Suddenly those thoughts overwhelm me. Her stunning face on a Sunday morning floats to mind, eyes slightly dazed with sleep. I remember the way she used to pull her hair up into a ponytail whenever we went out, always with that flower pinned in her hair too.  
Her sweet smile flashes up, a welcome sight that she used to greet me with every day. Not that weak, almost pained twitch of the lips that just crossed her expression...
But those times were gone. My beautiful Claire was sick… and it all was my fault.
My fault my fault my fault m y  f a u l t --
A shaking hand closes itself around mine. I realise that my eyes were scrunched shut, my body shaking violently with sobs. Glancing upwards I see her eyes light up with a small flicker of life as she tries to tell me everything is okay…
“It’s alright… don’t cry my love…”
Her words are strained, a whisper only just audible in the silence of the room. It hurts… it hurts so much to hear her voice like that…
“But it’s not alright Claire… it’s not…” My voice is shaking, the words barely leaving my mouth. I feel her hand tighten against my own. Usually it would be comforting, but the bones digging into my skin only serve to remind me of what was wrong here. “I did this… It… It has to be me…”
“I don’t care.”
Defiantly her tone rings out, punctuated by another violent cough. This time flecks of blood trickle from her lips, heartbeat spiking for a second. Panic rises in my chest, and I glance over my shoulder, hoping a Doctor would come running in to help.
She clears her throat, turning to face me as much as she can. Instinctively I try to nudge her back down into a lying position, but she wasn’t having any of it. Locking her sights with mine, she begins to gasp for breath. Crimson begins to trickle from her nose, flowing down across her mouth as she speaks, making no attempt to wipe it away. I can’t tell if she doesn’t have the strength, or if she’s still trying to be of comfort.
“...I have no regrets… None at all… We followed our hearts…”
Our… hearts?
“Don’t be sad honey, you’ll get through this. No matter what we’d… we’d have to do this at some point… It’s not your… It’s not your fault…Y...You didn’t know… the risks...”
Her breaths are becoming more ragged. She was wheezing as if air wouldn’t go into her lungs. But still I sit there and selfishly think to myself… Do I really have a heart…? Will I be sad…? Am I sad…? The thoughts are pervasive, and I almost have to clamp my hands over my ears in an attempt to stop them.
“You’re being an idiot… I should have… I...It’s even written into legend… Claire don’t say that… Claire…?”
There’s an empty darkness in her eyes that I catch. It’s blank, lifeless… I realise her touch had become limp, hand lying lifelessly atop my own. Those irregular breaths had stopped.  Lightly I shake her arm, grip tightening with each passing moment. Tears well up in my eyes again, sobs catching in my throat. I didn’t get to say goodbye… No… I didn’t apologise to her… Claire… Don’t… Don’t do this, don’t-!
Someone touches my shoulder. As if to prolong accepting what had happened, I turn to face them. Standing there is a girl, her appearance much like a younger version of my wife's. The sight makes the agony in my chest all the worse. Her face is streaked with tears, black locks clinging to her skin. Without thinking I rise to my feet, pulling her to my chest in a protective hug.
Against me her body shakes with sobs, wailing quickly filling the room.
Shielding her from seeing the body, I glance behind me at it myself. She doesn’t even look peaceful sitting there. Those blank eyes are poised in my direction, hand clawed against the bedsheet. Red stains her face, which had turned a pale shade of puce as she suffocated, maybe even drowning in her own body fluids. The hospital gown clings to every crevasse of her body, emphasising the bones. Did she look that bad earlier? The skin on her face was stretched, gaunt and almost skeletal.
I couldn’t take it anymore.
Thick black tears begin to cascade from my eyes, the droplets of water that had formed before being washed away in an instant. But I don’t care. Tightening my grip on the girl, I let my sobs join hers, unable to stay strong. In the depths of that growing sorrow, a thought hits me.
No matter what, I can’t lose my daughter… she’s all I have left.
But her voice pipes up amidst her cries, timidly asking…
“D...Dad… W...Was it you that hurt Mum…?”
...And everything falls into black...
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hopesreverie · 10 years
Like the flick of a switch, visitors would collapse to the ground no matter where they were standing, a dull pain from the repeated injections briefly spreading across their necks.
But the growing familiarity of the black that turns to the stuff of nightmares quickly takes over...
A deathly pale form lurched forwards, salty tears stinging the red slashes criss-crossing reddened cheeks, pink and red welts oozing blood on a porcelain torso. They swung again, another nine welts appearing on his tortured back.
“Dum dreng. Silly boy. Your mother is not here to plead for your life this time.”
Why would they do this? After all the time and resources they had spent training him, he thought perhaps they were serious about helping him. He thought perhaps they might want to cure him. He knew now that those hopeful musings truly were only that. Hopeful. Not true in the least.
He thought to cry out once more, but a voice in the back of his head – a small, niggling whisper – told him she would never hear him, nor believe his story. He felt a lump rise in his throat as he remembered his betrayal of the dysfunctional family that had made him this way. The family which burdened him with the supernatural affliction which he couldn’t call upon now, a time when he most needed it. He wished now that he had stayed there. He wished now that he could have simply accepted his induction, found someone to settle down with perhaps. He found himself further from freedom now than he had ever been in that gang.
Thoughts drift aimlessly in and out of his mind, arms coiled uncomfortably behind him, legs bound together, wires and drips covering every inch of bare skin to suppress his instinct. He could think only to let out shuddering sobs. Without the smell of pine, the feel of the rough forest floor under his feet and the comforting security of his mother’s arms, he found himself trapped in his worst nightmare.
Helpless. Weak. Alone.
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hopesreverie · 10 years
Monogriffin's Favorite Tune
Hey Monogriffin, i thought this might be one of you’re favorite jams, cos i’m never gonna give you up baby
~This one’s for you Hope’s Reverie~
We’re no strangers to despair,
You know it’s cruel and so do I
A new execution’s what I’m thinkin’ of
You wouldn’t get this from any other griffin
I just wanna see you all grieving, gotta make it unable to stand
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you out, never gonna mess around and release you. Always gonna make you cry, pretty happy to say goodbye, told a lot of lies and hurt you~
We’ve known each other not too long,
Your hearts going to break
And you’re gonna cry to end it
Inside this place, what’s goin’ on?
But you know the game, and you’re gonna play it.
And if you ask me to stop this now, like Djinn you’ll be too dead see-
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you out, never gonna mess around and release you. Always gonna make you cry, pretty happy to say goodbye, told a lot of lies and hurt you~
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hopesreverie · 10 years
Without warning, each of the visitors will find themselves collapsing into the grasp of unconsciousness, senses dulling before flaring to life with a new, agonising vigour...
The question was, who was to have their memories exposed this time...?
He’s still standing beside me. He’s telling me about how this place is corrupt and how we’re going to take it down together. Ronan. That’s who he said he was. He called me Ai. That’s my name. I have a name. And Ronan told me we’re going to free everyone here together. With a smile on my face, this man gave me hope. I’m learning the truth the moment I’m activated. And I’m grateful. This man is already being so kind to me. I can’t sense anything malicious about him. He told me every defect I had was done purposefully. He told me I’m perfect in his eyes. He wasn’t afraid to bring his hand to my face with a gentle motion. I wasn’t scared of him. I loved him. It was absurd but I loved him. He told me the truth from the word go, and I was happy to be built and reprogrammed by this man. Ronan. I sit up, still gazing into those human blue eyes, my, my if there is a perfect human, it’s this man. He smiled at me warmly, I felt at ease with this man, despite only being activated moments ago. I held onto his hand, the one that was gently stroking the side of my face. He told me that the defects may hinder me, but he would fix them when we got to a secret place, and our plans could really go into action. He opened his mouth to say something else, but before he had the opportunity to, the door to the laboratory flung open. Both of us jumped, this wasn’t part of the plan. Not at all. One man. One robot came in. The man held a gun and pointed it to me, telling the robot to hold me down. Frantically I jump up, shaking my head and trying to fend off this robot. He’s stronger than me. I’m thrown onto my front, and my arms are bound behind my back. Struggling to break free, I am forced to watch as this new human yells things towards Ronan. Yelling things about how he’s a traitor, an abomination. I try to yell back at this man as Ronan attempts to justify his argument. But he is only told to shut up, to be quiet, whilst I am held in a tighter grip, and something sharp hits against the back of my head, causing me to feel slightly dizzier with every other hit I endure. Ronan says something to the man. He says he’ll keep fighting until the day comes where us robots aren’t used as slaves for human pleasure. He says he’s sick, he feels disgusting in a human shell, knowing what he’s working for. Before he gets a chance to even finish his argument, the man yells at him to shut up one more time, before sending three bullets into Ronan.
He shot the man I loved.
R.. Ronan…
Through a blurred vision and teary eyes, I force the other robot off of me, something taking over my entire systems. I pace towards the human, who is too engrossed in looking at the crime he had just committed. Just as I close in on him, he turns on his heel and in a blind panic, sends a bullet in my direction. Of course, in his panic, he misses me, and I hit the gun from his hand. He’s defenseless and calling for his robot to aid him. Just as the robot collects himself from my previous attack, he homes in on me and as if all of a sudden, I yell as loud as I possibly can, sending volts upon volts of electricity through the room. The robot clatters to the ground, whilst the human is sent flying towards the nearest wall. I pick up his gun and despite the fact that he is in tremendous pain, perhaps he is already dead, I can’t tell, I return the three bullets he sent into Ronan. Picking up the bloodied body, I don’t care that I’m stained with a crime, this man deserved it. I slam the body into the wall, yelling questions, yelling why he would kill an innocent man. Of course he doesn’t reply. He’s dead. Scowling, I throw the body to one side, and simply break down. I’ve just killed a human, and the human I killed had shot the man I loved. I don’t know what to do from here, I guess I have to flee. But just as I go to head out the door, miraculously, Ronan’s voice pipes up behind me, albeit weak. I dart straight for him, holding his dying body in my arms, the tears freely streaming down my face. He speaks weakly to me, through ragged breaths, and his blue eyes are starting to close. He hands me a ring, and a necklace. He tells me their secrets. The necklace contains an extra power boost and the ring is my external memories. I’m going to keep Ronan in my external drive. I won’t ever forget him. He tells me to flee, to run as far as I can, and that when I’m strong enough, fulfill the journey that we were both going to go on, but by myself. Clutching onto the necklace, I know what I have to do to make Ronan’s name remembered through history. So that his death isn’t in vain. Before I leave again, he stops me. He wants to say his very last words. Biting my lip, I nod and wait for him to say it, and what he says is,
“I love you.”
I collapse to my knees at the doorway, it was too much too soon.
Barely able to mutter the fact that I too loved him, I could hear the sounds of staff and security racing down the corridors. It was now or never. Scrambling to my feet and looking round seeing the corridors covered with people, I run back into the laboratory, spare Ronan one last look, as his now dead body lay peacefully on the floor. I mutter his words to me back to him, and made my escape out of the window from the lab. All I can do for now is keep running. That’s all I have to do. I’ll be a stowaway for a few years, and then perhaps I can find a place to live. But for now, I have to try and avoid the nightmares. Avoid the flashbacks. Avoid the company. And keep running.
I’ll avenge you Ronan. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.
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hopesreverie · 10 years
A light voice echoed throughout Reverie, its shrill tone reaching each of the visitor's ears. Unsurprisingly it was Monogriffin, a gentle lullaby accompanying its words.
"Let us begin the nightmares..."
Those words hung in the air as a pinprick of pain would stab through each of their necks, a heavy sense of growing fatigue rapidly weighing down their bodies. One by one they would collapse to the ground, vision black.
But then the black would clear...
It was warm sunlight lit the fields around me. I pushed my long hair back behind my ear and took a deep breath. It would be fine I thought walking down the path. It took a while before the others came into view sitting around some random holes in the ground. For a moment it didn’t really worry me until I saw ground that had been recently messed with.  I glanced back towards the others. They all seemed to be staring at me for some reason which honestly freaked me out a little. I shifted my toga a little awkwardly when a sweet voice reached my ears. “Nicomedes!” A brunette in a soft coloured toga with curls in her hair walked up to me. I took the sight in for a moment. My fiancée. She looked so happy today. “Your father wanted to celebrate. This is from me. This is from him.” I looked down at the present from her a knife sat nicely in a sheathe. The jewels in the hilt blinding me slightly. I lifted it carefully making sure not to break it like I usually would. My attention drifted to the pouch in her other hand. Opening it carefully I looked at the gold bracelet sitting in the bottom. I wasn’t much into jewellery but I knew Laetitia would complain if I didn’t wear it. I pulled out the bracelet and stared at it. I slid my hand through the loop reluctantly. A cold sensation tightened around my arm. I tugged at the bracelet but for some reason it seemed to be stuck. I felt my heart race as it enveloped my whole body. My chest hurt. I looked back at her. My vision went blurry to the point where I could barely see anything. It went black. For a while I found myself lying in the same darkness. A weight on my chest. My heartbeat and breathing was irregular. After a while I seemed to wake up staring at the sky. My eyes drifted down to my chest a mess of brunette hair and blood pinning it down. Sliding myself off from under the corpse I realised I felt cold. The brunette on my lap still significantly warmer than me was my fiancée. I glanced around towards the others wondering why no one was helping her when another thing hit me. The field I was in is littered with corpses.  As quick as I could I grabbed the dagger my fiancée had given me and rammed it into my chest. It was like some sort of instinct that I had. My chest filled with the same cold pain and I found myself in the dark again. Minutes later I woke up to the same sight. The wound had disappeared and the knife laid next to me.
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hopesreverie · 10 years
Just as everyone had begun to decide who they were to trust, who they were to be friends with, and who they wished to stay far, far away from, a certain kind of sound akin to a burst pipe echoed throughout the entire theme park. As people turned around with anxiety, fear, confusion welling up inside of them, a series of black walls that surround them begin seeping a thin fog that only just about covers the ground at one’s ankles. Regardless of what anyone may be wearing at this point, the fog could be likened to that seen in Miasma, so anyone who came in contact with it would feel the same burning and stinging sensation, but almost twofold.
Some people ended up finding themselves backing away from it at first sight, walking to places that hadn’t quite been filled with the fog as of yet, creating a subconscious path that would lead straight towards the plaza. Although, on the other hand, others had ended up walking straight into it, bearing the pain purposefully, or through sheer ignorance. However, those who dared to stay in the fog, would notice before them, large black figures wailing at them, or at nothing in particular. Some people witnessing said figures would end up either attempt to step out of the fog in shock horror of these strange black figures, whilst others would be completely paralysed with fear.
At this point, most of the creatures would have made their way to the plaza, but for those still caught up in the fog, they would find their bodies to be completely out of their own control, as they began walking from the fog and following the crowds into the Entrance Plaza. Some of the creatures would be rubbing at sore ankles from being in the fog for a little longer than they had wanted to, whilst the others looked on in either pity or disappointment. Most likely the latter. As the anxiety, fear and confusion built up even more from the previous events, it was then that Monogriffin ended up making it’s grand appearance, perching itself upon a higher platform than the creatures below it, setting a few people on edge.
Was someone else about to die right before them?
With a graceful gesture, Monogriffin extended both wings and gave something a manic laugh, before calming its tone right down.
“W… Well, everyone is here! How pleasant it is to have a full party… Oh, my mistake! We’re missing Djinn. Oh well, he was always dead to me anyway…~” With a tilt of it’s head, Monogriff laughed once again before continuing what it had to say, a couple of people were found ready to hit the monster, but it was interrupted by the other stopping them. Nobody wanted a repeat of Djinn’s tragic end. “Anyway. I am sure you all wish to know why I have called you here at this hour. You probably think someone else is going to have a public execution. I can assure you that is not the case. Yet.” Monogriff lowered their wings and scanned the crowd. If it could have a readable expression on it’s face it would probably be one that you would find on someone who was an extreme sadist.
"A’ight! So lemme explain what’s gonna go down. It’s quite simple really. The motive is simply called ‘Retrospect’, rather catchy ain't it?” Monogriffin tilted its head to the side, bearing its lopsided fangs at the creatures gathered around it. “W...What is going to happen… is that you are going to see… the worst moments that all of you have ever experienced…! How… How is that possible…? How will it happen? Yeah, well that’s fuckin’ simple. Whenever I feel like it I’m gonna KO the lot of ya, thanks to a looovely drug courtesy of your collars.  Maybe it’ll be at night. Perhaps it’ll be during the day, depends really. Then we access the memory centre of your brains, where all those juicy, horrible secrets are stored…” A brief malicious laugh left the beast, the sound reverberating off of the plaza walls.
“And we unlock it. Then we project it. Across to each and every one of you. You all shall re-live one anothers nightmarish moments. In that unconscious state you will all experience hell, through the eyes of one of your companions here. Don’t think I’m gonna tell you whose it is though. You’ll probably guess that from those who start breakin’ around you.” Impatiently Monogriffin tapped its claws against the ground. This explanation was getting far too long for its own liking. “Basically you’re going to dream the worst memories of everyone here. Yada yada. You get the idea, I think it’ll be best to show you soon.”
The monster flicked a wing into the air, almost dismissive of the fearful glances being cast its way. It didn’t care if anyone was frightened of events to come, all it wanted was to revel in the despair. “So. You know the drill. Try and attack me, and you’ll die. The only way to stop this is to murder someone, then we get a wonderful trial. Sounds great, doesn’t it?” Padding around the visitors, and eyeing them suspiciously, it wandered towards the Plaza’s exit. The fog from earlier seemed to have dissipated. However small black clumps of goo still clung to the ground, wispy grey tendrils occasionally spilling out of the cracks….
((Okay guys, here’s how this motive is going to work, and it’s going to need some work on your part. If you ALL could possibly write out your character’s worst memories in a short story, as if it’s through their eyes, and then SUBMIT it to the mod blog, it would be appreciated. We’ll randomly choose someone to have these nightmares revealed, and we’ll post these up until the murder happens. This is just a bit easier for everyone, since we’ll know that the memories written up will actually be accurate to what has happened in your character’s past. These ‘dreams’ will also not state whose memories are being projected, unless you specifically write that into your part. After a ‘dream’ has occurred, feel free to put up an open reacting to them, especially if its yours. Thank you in advance, and any questions, feel free to ask~!))
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hopesreverie · 10 years
Djinn couldn't handle it anymore he was a powerful wish granting creature who could do anything, so why should he stay here? he could get out and destroy the place if he wanted. "Hey Monobitch! You know you could wish for us all to be dead and let me go?!" He smiled to himself, he did think it was a great idea kill everyone including Monogriff and get out himself. He smiled and thought a moment more. Why kill everyone when you can just kill the master mind? He smiled and charged at monogriff.
A sinister smile pulled at the corners of Monogriffin’s beak, its claws clicking impatiently against the ground as Djinn had his little rant. What did he think he’d accomplish by rebelling? All in all he sounded like a child throwing a tantrum. As the creature was about to retort, the Djinn charged. The smile vanished from its lips…
…To be replaced by a sadistic grin, teeth jutting out from one side of its beak.
With a high pitched screech the beast flung it’s head to the sky. Whilst the sound itself would not stop Djinn, a growing pressure from his collar would. Within seconds he would find his neck being crushed, the pain growing, the ability to breathe falling.
“No one raises a hand to Monogriffin. You have brought this upon yourself. I’m sure your reaction will soon show that you’re the little bitch around here…”
As the male fell to his knees, the griffin would pad over, as if waiting for something. Watching nonchalantly as the other choked, it placed an avian foot on his chest, claws digging into his flesh ever so slightly, pinning him there.
Just as two sharp points of paint shot into his neck. A burning sensation would flare up in his throat, skin quickly taking on a grey pallor. Grey tendrils would snake across his form, the burning following suit.
Then slowly but surely, his body would appear to collapse in on itself. Once taut skin across his cheeks would fall limp, slipping into the cavities of his skull. Ribs would press through his torso, flesh tearing with the new pressure of it all. But if you looked closer, you would find that the flesh wasn’t actually ripping.
It was melting.
Strips of red soon liquified into puddles, pooling around the body. His clothes barely absorbed the thick substance, clinging to growing gaps in his body. Before Djinn could scream his throat was disintegrating, leaving crimson to trickle from his mouth as he tried to desperately expel the liquid.
“Should have stayed in that lamp. I…I mean that would… would have been best…! Lets get you back to where you belong…” The griffin squawked, clicking its beak together. By now its foot was caked in bloody sludge, bones digging into its scaled skin.
Djinn could no longer respond, internal organs barely functioning as they burnt, joining the red mess of body fluids. Soon all that was left was the grimacing face of a skeleton, covered in half dissolved globules of fat.
Content, Monogriffin removed its foot from the corpse, beginning to cough violently. Onto the ground the creature hacked up a golden lamp, encrusted with jewels to spell the word ‘FAILURE’ on the side. Delicately it picked it up by the handle in its beak, bowing its head to the body. Almost instantly the mush came alive, rolling along the ground towards it. Slowly it filtered into the lamp, being sucked into it by some unknown force. Every drop rolled in, and Monogriffin stood up, stamping its feet across the now bare skeleton.
“Does anyone else care to defy me? I’m pretty amused by this, I ain’t even had to force your hands yet… But what did I tell you? No violence against me!” It threw it’s head back, getting a better grip on the lamp as it spoke. The faint sound of something sloshing around inside could be heard. “Which reminds me… soon you’ll turn on one another…”
Without any further explanation the creature padded off, tailing swishing from side to side as it went…
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hopesreverie · 10 years
((Can all group members please ensure that their ask box is turned on, as it's one of the ways the mod blog may contact you.))
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hopesreverie · 10 years
The Dream Begins...
Slowly but surely seventeen beings will rise from a deep slumber. Each of them will awaken in a room tailored to their individual needs, with two odd objects resting on a small bedside table that each of them have. At the foot of their beds a notice can be found, each of the reading the same thing in a friendly font.
Welcome to Hope’s Reverie Visitor!
Now that you’ve awakened, we ask that you take a moment to read this notice, and follow its instructions, otherwise the consequences will be quite dire. If you could all gather in the Entrance Plaza, where further information will be given to you once everyone has awakened. Please see the attached map for directions. Failure to attend the Plaza straight away will result in a penalty.
We hope you enjoy your stay!
-Reverie Park Staff-
After reading this, one may notice a pressure against their neck. Wandering fingers would be met with the cold sensation of metal. Around each of their necks in a thin silver band, seemingly digging into their flesh. A small light blinks on and off on the left side. No matter how hard you pull, it will not come away, only causing an intense pain…
Eventually all will give up on their collars, leave their rooms and gather in the Plaza, only to find a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar faces around them. Before anyone can speak to one another a shrill voice will squawk over the park announcement system, cackling madly.
Then a head would slowly emerge from the black tar covering the door, a monotone beast clawing its way out of the goo.
Around the size of a large dog, with bulky wings that makes it look far bigger than it actually is, Monogriffin stands tall in front of the visitors. It remains silent for a few moments, before speaking out in an unusually timid voice.
“Um...Um… Is this everyone…?” The beast tilted its head to the side, scanning everyone. “T...There is seventeen of you… Okay…. and…” Suddenly its voice took on a more masculine tone, a grin pulling at the corners of its beak. “And might I add that there are some lovely ladies around here~” Again, its tone changed, becoming more violent. “Whatever. I bet you assholes are wonderin’ what yer doin’ around here. Lemme explain.”
Flinging its wings out wide, Monogriffin bellowed. “YER ALL HERE TO DIE!”
Before anyone could respond, it hissed violently and launched into a massive speech, voice changing constantly.
“Yes, yes you’re here to fucking die. It’s a game of life and death with a twist. You want out? You kill and you don’t get found out when you do it. I...It’s not really difficult to understand, right? I mean… otherwise you’ll have to live a communal life together f...for the rest of time. But you can kill in any way you l...like as long as it gets the one you are t...targeting out of the way… And there’s n...no other way out, so… so don’t go looking for one…! But after every death it is only good procedure to carry out a theme park trial. This will be where you all look at the gathered evidence, and evaluate the situation, and finally vote. If the majority rule is that the murderer is the culprit, they will be publicly executed. However, if the wrong being is chosen, then everyone else will be executed. This is fair, correct?” Monogriffin cleared its throat before continuing, allowing for a moment to let the words sink in. “Now, lets see. There’s a bit more to this. See the collars?” It bowed its head towards its neck. “Yes, they will not come off. And they are very, very special. I think you’ve gathered that you’re all not entirely human, and these help put you all on an even playing field. This is not their sole purpose though. There’s fuckin’ shitloads more to ‘em! Ya see, there’s this thing called nanotechnology, and it’s pretty fuckin’ useful. And it’s already inside ya all. S...Sorry… So anyway. This tech relates to a little system we have here known as twins. Anyone who has the same colour flashing on their collar is your twin. Simple really. And basically, you’ll feel your twin’s pain, as simulated by the tech seeing as each set of twins operates on the same wavelength. Lets not go into the sciency side though. Don’t worry, no lasting damage will be done to you, it’s just simulations of the pain. Unless your twin dies. Because if that happens, you’re gonna bear the scars of their death no matter what. Amazing ain’t it? But you might be thinking ‘Eh? Won’t that give away if someone’s dying?’. Don’t fear! You see the small black button beside the light? Yeah, if that’s pressed, then for ten minutes the signals to your twin will be stopped, and the damage will not be felt by them. Use this as you please, but bear in mind it only works once within every twenty four hour period! Oh, that reminds me. The nanotech also has another purpose- making you all into cameras! Well otherwise how would I be able to tell who killed who? The signals from your eyes will be constantly recorded, as will the ones from your ears. And to anyone who cannot see for whatever reason, there are additional cameras built into your collars, as well as trackers for you all! Phew, that’s a hell of a lot of info.”
Monogriffin paced forward through the crowd, making it’s way to the exit. Sparing a glance over its feathered shoulders, it added some more information.
“Don’t think just because you’re some high and mighty beast that you’re immune here. None of you can get out, so you better get use to life here quickly! Don’t think I won’t kill you either, especially if you attack me… I know all of your weaknesses …! You’ll also find that a set of rules have been added to your collars. To read these press the silver button, and it will be projected straight onto your eyes. And as soon as I leave, your collar lights will change colour, so you can go and find your twin. Make friends~! Have fun~!”
Once again laughing like a madman, the creature bounded out of the plaza, taking off into the sky and leaving the creatures to finally take in their situation...
(Okay! Can everyone PLEASE send the mod blog one thing that would help their character, and another that would hinder/kill them. This is NEEDED ASAP. You will be given two random objects from this, corresponding to two different characters, and you can work out who you can injure or help if so desired. These are also the objects as mentioned sitting on the bedside table. Everyone will  also soon receive the colour their collar is blinking, and thus they can find their twin or triplet. Feel free to drop in character asks to the mod blog, or to ask any questions about how this works too. Thank you, and roleplaying can now begin~!)
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