hotforharrington · 3 years
hi! I noticed you’ve been gone for a while. Hope everything is ok and you’re doing well!
Thank you! 🥺 Things are really good but really busy! I have so many hobbies that writing for this account has kinda been pushed to the side. I’m hoping I’ll get re-inspired whenever ST4 starts getting more hyped.
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hotforharrington · 4 years
Hi guys. I know I’ve been inactive for SO long but I may or may not be writing more Strangely Complicated... Anyone still interested in that series?
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hotforharrington · 4 years
I swear y’all one day I will get back to writing soon. I started writing my ST stuff over the summer when I had no obligations, so maybe I’ll keep writing Strangely Complicated then :))
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hotforharrington · 4 years
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Stranger Things 4 | From Russia with love… | Netflix
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hotforharrington · 4 years
Heyy! I’ve noticed you have been ia recently and I just wanted to say I hope you are okay!
Aw thanks for noticing. I’m totally okay, just been super busy with life. I really miss writing & hope that I can get back to it soon.
Love to all ❤️
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hotforharrington · 5 years
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We are not in Hawkins anymore.
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hotforharrington · 5 years
Hello lovely people, I have crawled out from underneath my rock to say... HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THIS? I AM SHOOK.
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hotforharrington · 5 years
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i want to love a boy
the way i love the ocean
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hotforharrington · 5 years
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JOE??? the hair is gone, I’m upset
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hotforharrington · 5 years
me telling my friend about my favorite fanfics
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hotforharrington · 5 years
God I adore this human bean
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Dacre Montgomery for GQ Germany // 2019 photographed by Fanny Latour-Lambert.
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hotforharrington · 5 years
Strangely Complicated (Pt. 7)
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Read Season 1
Season 2
Setting: S2•E3 [The Pollywog]
Warnings: swearing
Notes: this chapter is pretty short, but I hope you guys still like it! Sorry it’s taken me awhile to get around to writing it, I have been super busy lately!
I awoke to my head pounding, alone in my bed. I wondered why and when Steve ditched me, but found a note on my bedside table.
Sorry to ditch, Had to run home for a change of clothes. See ya at school? ;) -Harrington
A soft smile swept on my face as I got ready to face the day. After popping some pain reliever and grabbing my water bottle, I headed for school.
Shortly into my day, I had my study hall period, which typically took place in the library. However, on this particular day, they had started putting in new floors, so we had to spend the hour ‘studying’ in the gym on the bleachers as the boys basketball team had their practice.
First, Billy came out of the locker room. I looked up from my work, I gave him a soft smile. He seemed surprised to see me, but instinctively responded with a wink, before jogging onto the basketball court.
Then, Steve came out of the locker room. At first his face looked distressed, until he locked eyes with me. We both shared a cheesy grin, and my cheeks got slightly warm. I looked back down at the papers on my lap.
As Steve made his way onto the court, I glanced up to see Billy with an annoyed look on his face. I assumed he caught the exchange between me and Steve, as he rolled his eyes before he went to begin the drills.
I sat on the lowest level of the bleachers with my math book on my lap. As I worked through a few problems, I could hear the two boys exchange a few words as they played the game.
“Harrington right? I heard you used to run this school. That true? ‘King Steve’ they used to call you. Then you turned bitch.”
“Hey, maybe you should just shut up and play the game.”
Billy was able to steal the ball and skillfully got it into the basket.
“Woo! That’s what I’m talking about!” He exclaimed.
All of a sudden I heard Nancy’s voice to my right, “Steve!”
He went to speak with her outside of the gym. I was scared of where this conversation would go, so I went to the gym door to listen in.
“What are you doing here?” Steve asked her.
“What do you think? Where were you this morning? I missed first period.” She responded with attitude.
“I figured Jonathan would take you.”
“What are you talking about?” Nancy questioned.
“Jesus, you really can’t handle your alcohol. Uh.. you remember going to Tina’s party last night?”
“And then what?”
“I remember dancing and... spilling some punch... you got mad at me because I was drunk... and then you took me home.”
“No, see that’s where your mind gets fuzzy. That was your other boyfriend... that was Jonathan.” Steve said.
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s pretty simple Nancy, you were just telling it like it is.”
“Apparently we killed Barb and I don’t care because I’m bullshit and our whole relationship is bullshit and I mean pretty much everything’s bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Oh yeah, also you don’t love me.”
“I was drunk, Steve. I don’t remember any of that.”
“So what? That makes everything you said what just bullshit, too?”
“Well then tell me!”
“Tell you what?”
“That you love me.” His voice projected his pain.
“Really?” Nancy scoffed.
Just then a basketball player ran out the door to inform Steve that Billy was killing their team.
There was silence for a moment, which indicated to me that Nancy had no response. I heard Steve’s footsteps heading my direction as he said, “I think that you’re bullshit.”
Steve made his way through the door and walked past me.
“Steve.” I said as I swiftly followed behind him.
At the sound of my voice, he turned around and engulfed me in a hug. I squeezed him tight, trying my hardest to relieve his pain. I didn’t even care about his sweaty smell or his sticky skin. All I cared about was being there for him.
“Better get back out there, Harrington.” I said to him.
He nodded, and his shoes squeaked as he retreated from me.
At the end of the school day, I headed for my car. A tension came into my shoulders as I realized that a certain curly haired boy stood in front of his Camaro, which was parked next to mine.
I tried to ignore him as I made my way to the drivers side of my car, keeping my eyes towards the ground to avoid eye contact.
He took a drag of his cigarette, let out the smoke, and said, “He doesn’t deserve you.”
“Excuse me?” I responded, dropping my backpack inside my car, then making my way around to get closer to him and look him in the eye.
“Harrington. He’s not good enough for you.” Billy replied.
“And you know what’s good for me?” I replied with sass.
“Well I at least know what’s not good for you.”
My heart pounded as anger flowed through my veins. I moved closer to the boy. “I heard the way you talked to him today during practice! I’m sorry, but that didn’t actually convince me that you’re a nice guy!”
“He deserves it for playing with your feelings!” He snapped back.
“Hargrove, I swear to god, if you keep trying to act like you know me... or Steve... or what goes on between us...”
Before I could finish my thought, Billy went on a fiery rant. “It doesn’t take a fucking rocket scientist to see what he constantly puts you through. (Y/N), you’re his rebound! He only gives you attention when Nancy shuts him down!” He inched closer to me and lowered his voice, “Be pissed at me all you want, but don’t criticize me for seeing that you deserve so much more than to be someone’s second option.”
I gazed into his bright blue eyes as he slowly raised his hand to my cheek. The smell of cigarette smoke lingered from his lips. I felt as though some sort of otherworldly force pulled me to him.
Our lips crashed together, causing a heat to rise into my chest. I hadn’t had such a mesmerizing kiss in so long. I suddenly realized where I was, and pulled away from him.
I bit my lip, fighting back the smile that wanted to emerge onto my face. My eyes darted away from Billy’s and I managed to see Steve, across the parking lot, gobsmacked at the sight he saw before him. He rolled his eyes at me, and turned to walk the other direction.
“Hey,” Billy whispered, “Don’t worry about him. He’ll get over it... and you deserve to be happy.”
I softly nodded. “I gotta go, Hargrove. I’ll see you around okay?”
He gave one nod of his head before taking his pointer finger and his thumb to grasp my chin. He planted a sweet kiss on my lips, winked at me, and got into his Camaro.
As I sat in the driver’s seat of my car, an overwhelming sense of confusion swept over me. Unbeknownst to me, the conflicted feeling I had in this moment, would be recurring for a significant period of time.
Tags: @hargroveshoe @strangerliaa @maggiesblogsblog @philopatris @a-dorky-book-keeper @finnofamerica @lemursfemur @guidedhome
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hotforharrington · 5 years
Do you take requests?
Yes I do! It might take me awhile to get around to writing them but I do my best to accomplish them!
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hotforharrington · 5 years
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nancy wheeler + favorite Looks
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hotforharrington · 5 years
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Mike Wheeler & Richie Tozier Parallels
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hotforharrington · 5 years
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Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I’ll be your captain. I’m Steve Harrington.
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hotforharrington · 5 years
pure preciousness
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“I’ll see you tomorrow, all right? First thing.” “Tomorrow.”
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