how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
For two days I eat what ever I want. And I gained 1,200kg. Also vomited because I felt like shit after seeing numbers...
Not doing that anymore. But also don't want to count every calorie I eat
My weight is 48.80(107.60). Lower then I wanted to. But I'm afarid that my scales are laying... But still I will eat today what ever I want and won't count those calories.
I deserve it
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
have you ever just cried because you’re you
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
opened pinterest and saw this, damn.
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
If anyone gets nervous about if your Diet Coke is actually diet when your at a restaurant, take a lil on your finger and if it’s sticky it’s regular and if not it’s diet. :)
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
I eat a lot of stuff and I don't care...
Tomorrow sleeping at my relatives place after work because at mines is hot and neighbours are fucking loud 24/7. So I'll be using different scales...
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
being like actually fat and having an ed is so weird bc you still get light headed and you still feel like shit all the time but talking about it feels weird
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
Excuse me I've been restricting for 2 days now
where are my collarbones????? Where are my thinspo legs????? Where's my ribcage????? I'm ready to be skinny now
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
My weight is 48.80(107.60). Lower then I wanted to. But I'm afarid that my scales are laying... But still I will eat today what ever I want and won't count those calories.
I deserve it
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
🎸 50 iconic 1980s song asks
billie jean: what do you notice more in a song - the drums or bassline?
sweet dreams (are made of this): what’s the best dream you’ve had?
africa: favourite 80s music video?
every breath you take: who’s the first person your mind goes to when you hear a love song?
should i stay or should i go: how many languages do you speak?
uptown girl: what’s your favourite book trope?
don’t stop believin’: what’s the longest journey you’ve been on?
i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me): who was the last person you danced with?
maneater: where did you spend your last friday night?
jessie’s girl: what would you do if you found out your best friend was seeing your ex?
born in the u.s.a.: what’s your home town like?
wake me up before you go-go: how did your last date go?
girls just want to have fun: relationship with your parents?
beat it: opinions on the police force?
never gonna give you up: how old were you when you joined the internet?
faith: when was your first kiss?
i’m so excited: where was your first kiss?
take on me: could you reach the high note?
footloose: favourite musical?
9 to 5: do you like country music?
back in black: what makes a good rock song?
material girl: are you sentimental?
walk this way: what was the most expensive thing you bought in the last six months?
you shook me all night long: are you seeing anyone at the moment?
thriller: favourite film genre and why?
i want candy: chocolate or sweets?
ghostbusters: how far do you believe in the paranormal?
the power of love: does true love exist?
hungry like the wolf: what’s your crush’s favourite music genre?
walk like an egyptian: favourite song currently in the charts?
(i’ve had) the time of my life: if you could relive any ten minutes of your life, what would you relive?
just can’t get enough: what’s your guilty pleasure?
i’m gonna be (500 miles): how far apart do you and your best friend live?
you spin me round (like a record): favourite modern cover of an older song?
we built this city: if you were president, what would your first ruling be?
how will i know: do you believe everyone is deserving of love?
nothing’s gonna stop us now: what’s been the biggest hurdle you’ve faced in your life so far?
come on eileen: have you ever written a song? if so, what was the genre?
living on a prayer: which was the song of your childhood?
sweet child o’ mine: describe your perfect first date.
don’t you (forget about me): is there anyone from your past that you regret cutting ties with?
eye of the tiger: favourite 80s movie?
under pressure: give an example of a world event that occurred the year you were born. 
with or without you: what would you value most: a relationship or a job?
another one bites the dust: where did you achieve your biggest accomplishment?
pour some sugar on me: turn ons?
in the air tonight: do you enjoy flying?
tainted love: thoughts on synthesisers/electronic drum kits/technology based music?
like a virgin: share a controversial opinion. 
karma chameleon: what do you like most about your appearance?
link to the playlist.
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
Me and the Ed tumbler community trying to manifest weight loss at 2 am:
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
Walking into the kitchen wanting to binge and leaving with a cup of tea is a fucking power move
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
anti binge tips 🔆
✨ drinks! why fill up with calorie-ridden junk when you can with water, herbal tea, lemon water (all helps with health and weight loss!) or any of your safe drinks - be careful of sodas because they aren’t very healthy :/
✨ self care! let yourself feel like the royalty you are by looking after yourself, invest in face/hair masks, nail polish, bath bombs and relax :) if you’re like me, and hate practising self care because you feel like you don’t deserve it, i promise you do. if you try to, i will aswell 💜
✨ cleaning! it’s such a lovely distraction, you’ll feel better knowing that even though your mind is messy with thoughts of stuffing your face, your surroundings are tidy, neat and organised. tidy your room, hoover, clean windows, mirrors, surfaces, change bedsheets, organise shelves. tidy house, tidy minds :)
✨ hobbies! distract yourself with things that’ll make you proud to be able to do. a while ago i started knitting and i’m obsessed, it’s so good for passing the time. try lots of different things that interest you and find ones best suited to you
✨ playlists! music is so helpful by disconnecting us from the world and our nasty thoughts and feelings and takes us somewhere we find happiness and serenity. make playlists with your childhood favourites, new songs, songs with powerful meanings, happy songs, sad songs, and let them take your binge urges away
✨ walking! try to get out of your house, away from food. longs walks are good for clearing the mind, they allow you to explore your surroundings and if, like me, you like photography it’s a great chance to get good photos. you’re also burning calories so it’s a win win ;)
✨ studying! get your brain active and occupied by doing some work, it could be some maths questions, reading, watching a documentary, learning a language, creating safe, low-cal recipes, trying DIY science experiments
✨ socialise! please remember to stay close to your loved ones, don’t let them slip away because even if you don’t always know it, you need them - being lonely is one of the worst things ever. people DO care about us and we ARE loved. talk to your loved ones about anything and everything, make memories, laugh, smile, be happy knowing you have more to do than give in to your ridiculous cravings x
〰️i love you all, stay safe and please message me whenever you like 💜
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
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pov mentality ill
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how-to-be-thiner ¡ 3 years
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