howaboutaraise · 5 years
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Date Fee: $394 Customer Comments: "I didnt expect them to wear that outfit... (Female in 50s)"
Tagged by: @yuujinchouno-natsume
Tagging: Anyone who would like to do this!
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
Zelda was very concerned.
She briefly glanced down as Alistair placed his hand over hers. The sympathetic gesture was not the response she wanted at all. Didn’t he realise how serious this was?
Zelda couldn’t believe what she was hearing. For each and every word the guard spoke, the harder it became for her to keep calm. She was mortified.
Vaati was alive.
The princess threw off the cover and got up from the bed.
How long had he been awake? What was he doing? What if he had hurt someone? No, he was definitely going to hurt many people if he wasn’t stopped. She looked at the door, half expecting him to burst through at any moment.
How could anyone think she had tried to protect him? That demon? Didn’t they see the storm and the destruction it had left behind? Did Alistair think the tornado took her knife and stabbed Vaati in the gut? Surely someone should’ve realised what was going on after seeing that place? The anxiety and disbelief was making her head hurt.
She knew he wasn’t normal, he had been able to stay standing even after suffering a fatal wound, but Alistair said he had recovered completely. After a single day? That must be an exaggeration. Zelda had far lighter injuries, but she was still recovering. Vaati had been a mess! He couldn’t possibly be in better condition than she was!
“Where is he, Alistair? Take me there this instant!“ she demanded, unable to hide the panic in her voice.
[ ♖ ]
   When she suddenly threw the sheets aside and moved to stand up, the guard’s eyes widened as he immediately stepped in, ready to catch her should she have trouble carrying herself. After those injuries and considering how long she had been out, Zelda really shouldn’t be standing up as suddenly as this!
    ❝Princess, you really shouldn’t-❞
   Alistair was cut off by her request - no, her order, the agitation in her voice making him stop. Ever since Ganondorf had been defeated, he hadn’t seen his liege so upset. Had he underestimated how important this man was that much?
   His expression once more taking on his usual stoic expression, the soldier stood at attention at her words, giving a nod and grabbing the spear by his side a little harder. Zelda’s orders were absolute and if she cared about the stranger’s state to the point of such agitation, Alistair would not defy her wish.
     ❝Of course. Follow me, your Highness. I will lead you to the station nursing him.❞
   With that, still keeping a close eye on her in case she needed to be supported, he led the Princess out of her own room and began making his way down the hallway, Zelda in tow.
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
“A day…“ She turned the cup in her hands, observing how the light reflected on the water’s surface with mild interest.
Her recollection of yesterday were blurry and chaotic in her mind. From what she could tell, lightning had struck close to her. It couldn’t have hit directly, or she wouldn’t be in this good condition. She had no burns to speak of, only cuts and bruises. Had she hit her head, or was the heaviness she felt because of medicine?
The princess was sympathetic to Alistair’s worry. Everyone must’ve been given quite a scare, herself included. Yesterday morning, she hadn’t headed out prepared to run into another evil sorcerer. Dealing with one was more than enough for a single life time. It was a stroke of dumb luck that she was still alive, and not worse for wear.
“I have been better, but I’m sure it will pass with some rest,“ she assured, lifting the water to her lips.
She paused. Something he had said was prying at her attention.
Setting down the cup on the bedside table, Zelda closed her eyes for a moment in a silent prayer before she looked back at at the soldier.
“…What do you mean ‘both of you’, Alistair?”
[ ♖ ]
   Her question startled him, the soldier pausing as he looked at his Princess in mild confusion for a second. The way she closed her eyes, the sudden tension in her shoulders... had she been that worried that the man might have succumbed to his injuries? They were far from harmless, after all... so her concerns were justified, truthfully. Alistair himself had hardly believed his ears when the healers had informed him, that the stranger was in stable condition and quickly recovering.
   Realising how heavy the burden on her shoulders must have been, the man’s expression softened. Reaching out, he placed one hand reassuringly over her own.
    ❝The man that had been with you. Your efforts to protect him were not in vain; he is completely recovered from what the maids have told me and has been awake for a while already.❞
   Indeed the man had woken up several hours before the Princess, even though his injuries had been far worse in comparison. Truly, whoever he was, the goddesses must have a special love for him. From what Alistair had learned from the occasional updates he got from the maids, the stranger was of a charming and dignified kind, making them suspect he might be nobility from one of the neighboring countries. If so, then it was no wonder Zelda had gone to such length to protect his life.
     ❝Would you like to meet with him, your Highness?❞
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
It seemed that her plan to oversleep had been foiled.
“Alistair…“ Her shoulders relaxed upon seeing who it was, and she smiled warmly at the man. His face was a welcome sight. “I am fine, please do not look so worried.“
At first glance, Alistair looked to be the very mirror of the ideal guard. Serious, stern, determined, loyal, and possessing an unyielding sense of duty. And while it would be a lie to say that wasn’t the case, his personality was one that that could only be described as gentle.
It was small details. Like the way his eyes softened instead of smiling, and how carefully he would handle children or animals, even when he seemed annoyed or tired.
Next to Impa, he was somebody she knew she could trust with her life.
“That would be nice. Please.“
[ ♖ ]
   Nodding, he reached out for the pitcher and cup which had been prepared by her bedside, pouring water into the fragile container before carefully handing it to his liege. Holding on to it until he was sure the Princess had the strength to hold onto it.
   Watching as she took it from his hands, Alistair couldn’t help but notice once again how much she had grown. So much had happened in the years that passed, and he wouldn’t say that they had passed particularly fast either. In fact, those mere seven years in which he hadn’t seen Zelda had felt like a lifetime... and yet, sometimes, it felt like it had only been a few months ago when he had to chase after the child-princess in an attempt to make her attend her classes. When he had watched out for any danger in her path... and now it was her that did the fighting.
   She had grown into a fine woman. And despite the nostalgia and sadness in seeing her grow, there was also a definite sense of pride when he looked at her. Pride in serving a liege as noble and kind as her.
      ❝ You have slept for almost an entire day. How are you feeling, your highness?❞
   Waiting until she had refreshed herself, the soldier now spoke once more, concern in his eyes as he looked her over again.
     ❝Your injuries gave us many worries. I am most relieved that the healers were able to restore both of you, but you will understand my concerns.❞
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
〢▓█  ✕  HEADCANONS  //   ⌜ manner of speech ! ⌟
ᵛᵒᶜᵃᵇᵘˡᵃʳʸ : ◼◼◼◻◻  
ᵉᵐᵒᵗᶦᵒⁿ : ◼◼◻◻◻      
ˢᵉⁿᵗᵉⁿᶜᵉ ˢᵗʳᵘᶜᵗᵘʳᵉ : ◼◼◼◻◻  
ᶠʳᵉᵠᵘᵉⁿᶜʸ : ◼◼◼◻◻          
ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᶦᵛ��ᵗʸ : ◼ ◼◼◻◻  
ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᶠᵘˡⁿᵉˢˢ : ◼◼◼◼◻
( bold all that apply ) :  arse.   ass.   asshole.   bastard.   bitch.   bloody.   bugger.   bollocks.   chicken shit.  crap.   cunt.   dick.   frick.   fuck. horsehit.   motherfucker.   piss.   prick.   screw.   shit. shitass.   son of a bitch.   son of a motherless goat.   son of a whore.   twat.   wanker.
( given proper religious context ) :  Hylia on a horse,.   christ on a cracker.   damn.   goddamn. godsdamn.   hell.   holy shit.   jesus.   jesus christ.   jesus h. christ.  nayru, farore and din,.   sweet hylia.
contractions or enunciation ?   straightforward or cryptic?   jargon or toned ? complexity or simplicity ?   finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind ?  masculinity, neutrality, or femininity ?   formalities or abrasiveness ?  insult or injury ?  praise or equivocation ?   frankness or lies ?   excessive or minimal hand gestures ?   name calling or magnanimity ?  friendly or blunt nicknames ?
do people have a hard time understanding or hearing your character ?   almost always  /  frequently /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
does your character’s point come across easily when they speak ?   almost always  /  frequently /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
would your character initiate conversations ?   almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes /  rarely  /  never
would your character be the one to end conversations ?   almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
would your character use ‘whom’ in a sentence ?   yes  /  no /  only ironically
your character wants to make a counterpoint. what word do they use ?  but  /  though  / although  /  however  / perhaps  / mayhaps
how would your character pick up the phone ?   hello   /  hey  /  hi  /  yellow  /  yo  /  yeah  /  [name].  /  what’s up  / who is this  /  what do you want
how does your character end conversations ?   walk away  /  ask if that’s everything   /  say that that’s everything  /  give a proper goodbye  /   tell their company they’re done here  /  remain quiet  /  they don’t
how does your character address others ?   titles (job related)   /  first names /  surnames  /  full names  /  nicknames
what social class would others assume your character belongs to, hearing them speak ? upper / middle /  lower
in what ways does the way your character speak stand out to others ?   accent   / vocabulary  / tone /  level /  politeness  /  brusqueness  /  it doesn’t
tagging: nobody and yet everybody at once
tagged by: @queenofhyrulecastle​
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
The princess awoke in a modest bed with soft linen. The room was fairly small and filled with medicine and various herbs, some lined the shelves in bottles, while others hung from the ceiling to dry. A smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the open window, accompanied by chatter and sounds of construction.
She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes. How long had she been unconscious? Her injuries had been bandaged but they didn’t hurt. Except for a bit of dizziness, she felt fine.
She removed one of the gauzes to find the skin undamaged, if not a little bruised. Most of the cuts were gone, the healers were very capable.
She had won.
Zelda was not very happy about it. It had been a messy and unpleasant affair. She groaned into her hands, imagining how Impa would react when she told her. If she didn’t already know. Impa was perceptive, frighteningly so.
Maybe she could just pretend to sleep for a few more hours.
[ ♖ ] 
   He had left the room momentarily to talk to one of the maids, not wishing to disturb the Princess’ well-deserved rest. A short conversation, keeping him updated on the condition of the other patient, ensuring that he could inform Zelda as soon as she was to wake up. Thanking the maid who had delivered the message, Alistair excused himself and once more pushed open the door to Zelda’s hospital room, intending to get back to his post.
   Much to his surprise though he found her awake, eyes widening as he hurriedly snapped to attention. However, his expression quickly chanced into one of concern as he noticed the posture she was in, face buried in her hands. Was she in pain still? The healers had assured him and Impa that she was in good condition, bruises aside - perhaps he ought to call for them again, just in case.
     ❝ Your highness, are you alright?❞
   Relaxing his posture a little again, the soldier approached her bedside carefully as he called out to Zelda. A headache perhaps? Maybe fresh water would help.
      ❝ Would you like something to drink?❞
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
  [ ♖ ]
   He had been sent out as soon as Impa had received Zelda’s distress signal, the sage alerting several of her personal soldiers and sending them out into the direction the Princess’ call had come from. As one of the guards that had been serving under the young Princess the longest, Alistair had rushed for his horse as soon as the General’s orders reached him.
   Just barely after leaving the ruined Castle Town, he had seen the sky in the distance change, soft blue giving way to stormy greys as a storm formed within mere seconds. And a massive one at that, spreading out rapidly, before it just... stopped. As if within boundaries, just staying there, quickly obscuring the view towards that particular piece of land.
   The sight filled the soldier with dread and reminded him far too much of the perpetual storm that had raged above the castle and capital for seven years. Reminded him of the monster that his Princess and the hero had fought so hard to defeat. If Ganondorf had returned, then... Alistair swallowed hard, spurring his horse even further on. He had no time to waste.
   However, the storm did not last long; mere minutes after it has brewed up, it vanished just as suddenly as it had appeared. And, even at his current pace, it would still take him at least another one and a half hours until he would arrive there. Had Zelda been victorious yet again? Or - he dreaded the thought - had she been hurt?
   The mere idea distressed him more than he showed, knuckles turning white as he gripped the reigns tighter. Feeling anxious to the point of nausea as he forced both himself and his horse to their limits.
   When he finally reached the location of what he assumed to have been the eye of the sturm, the sight left him speechless; the entire area had been essentially leveled, trees torn up, roots and all, and just tossed about. Boulders torn to pieces and scattered across the ruined field, which was missing several large spots of grass.
   And there, in the middle of it all, laid his Princess. Alistair’s heart almost stopped, ice filling his veins as he leapt of his horse, rushing towards her side. Her clothes were torn, her hair a mess and her body littered with scratches and bruises. Yet, upon reaching her, he quickly was able to tell that she was still alive.
   In his relief over that discovery, the soldier almost missed the other person laying among the rubble. Picking up the Princess, ensuring she was in no mortal danger, he moved her gently to a softer spot by his horse, before carefully approaching the other individual. Despite the long hair, Alistair quickly recognized them to be a man. However, seeing the state that he was in, the soldier sharpy sucked in a breath through his teeth, quickly approaching. There was blood, a lot of it, soaked into the man’s clothes and into the dirt around him. His face looked as though it had been brutally smashed, yet the source of the blood seemed to be a large stab wound on his abdomen.
   He couldn’t explain how, but this man, too, was still alive - although, considering the wounds, only barely so. This setting... this layout, the two wounded people... had Zelda possibly been...
   ... protecting this man? He looked as though he had been brutalized severely. Surely she had come to his aid... and by the looks of it scared the assailants off, but at a high cost. What a kind, noble fool his Princess was... The least he could do, was to ensure that this man would survive. He would take both of them back to the castle and have them treated.
   Determinedly, Alistair carefully picked up the injured man, gentler than one might have expected, carrying him in his arms towards the Princess and his horse. Focused on reaching Zelda’s side as fast as possible, the soldier hadn’t packed anything to treat the man, so instead he removed his own cape, tearing off several strips and wrapping them around the purple haired’s midsection in a makeshift bandage. Once he was sure that he stopped the loss of blood as good as possible, Alistair then heaved him up onto the horse’s back, followed by the Princess and lastly himself - praying to the gods that the poor animal would manage with the uncommonly large encumbrance.
   And with that, he turned his horse and hurriedly made his way back to the castle.
  The moment of confidence came and vanished quickly. His vision cleared, only for him to see the streak of golden light coming straight at him. Even if he had seen it earlier, the sorcerer knew he couldn’t evade it, his body feeling sluggish. If he had more energy, more magic, he could have shielded himself perhaps. But in his current state, Vaati knew that the fight was about to end.
  He would have to ensure that it was to end in a draw. The Princess had shown multiple times now that she wouldn’t hesitate to end him when given the chance. And - how he hated to admit it - in the weakened state he was in, she would manage. He couldn’t allow for that to happen - not after he had held out for so long, finally breaking free of the seal.
  In the last moment he had before her attack would hit, the sorcerer raised his arm to the sky, calling upon the storm he himself had conjured. He just needed this one hit. Despite her magic, she was still human. He hadn’t intended to kill her originally, but if his own survival was on the line, compromises would have to be made.
  Zelda’s arrow connected before he could finish, impaling itself in his shoulder and exploding in a flash of gold. The pain was incomparable, her magic burning away his shroud and seeping into his skin. He roared in pain, vision now going white as his body reached its limits. But he refused to go down without at least a final attempt. And so, gritting his teeth, he once more called for the magic within him, gathering up the final bits of it and unleashing it in a lightning bolt that struck from above.
  He could feel his knees hitting the soft soil beneath him as his body fell, strength leaving his body. All sense of balance lost, he couldn’t even tell if he was actually falling, his head spinning. Had he hit? He hoped so. Vaati could hear the roaring of thunder in his ears at the very least. Or was that his blood, pumping through his veins?
  The sorcerer’s consciousness faded, blackness taking over his mind and senses. At once the storm began to weaken, winds dying down and clouds dispersing until, just as fast as it had come, it disappeared again, leaving only an eerie silence behind.
Zelda winced and carefully opened her eyes, needing to assess the situation. Was that Vaati’s voice? Had the arrow hit him? Was he dead? Did she need to finish the job? 
She lifted her face and immediately breathed in a mouthful of dust. 
It was difficult to see anything, or hear what was going on with all this noise. The furious wind, the snapping branches, the groaning tree trunks, and the thunder from above. 
Zelda covered her ears with a whimper. She couldn’t stand that sound. (Was it growing louder?) Her heart was hammering in her chest, her vision was getting blurry from tears. The air was thick, heavy, filled with static. 
“W.. wait-”
The world lit up, and suddenly, Zelda couldn’t hear anything. She couldn’t breathe. She was going to die, scared and alone. Struck down by lightning, one of the things she hated the most in this world.
The princess rolled over on her side in the grass, gasping for air. It hurt. Everything sounded like it was underwater. Her head hurt. It wasn’t as noisy anymore.
In her last moments of consciousness, she thought: 
This wasn’t like that play at all…
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
   He paused for a moment at that question, apparently needing a moment to think while his fingers gently tapped against the shaft of his spear. The bravest thing he had ever done, was it…? There were a few situations that came to mind. Back in his days in Kakariko, there had been an incident where one of the children had dropped their toy into the well during a dry period… and nobody else was willing to climb down and get it, aside from him.
   Then another time, he had been part of a small squad that had been sent out to investigate skeletal monsters digging their way out from the ground every night, just outside the town walls. Fighting those creatures… certainly required some amount of bravery. But somehow, in the back of his head he felt like there was something else… but what was it…?
   At once the memories rushed back to his mind, the soldier paling under his helmet just the slightest bit. A situation, so terrifying that he had forgotten about it for his own sanity’s sake. And one he hoped he would never have to brave again…
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     “I once had to tell Lady Impa that I had lost sight of the Princess just minutes before she was supposed to greet royal guests.”
   He shuddered for a moment, remembering the expression on the Sheikah’s face at that time.
     “I am still not sure how I survived that…”
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
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Seriously guys, the more you think about this plan, the less sense it all makes. What WAS the endgame, Zelda?!! Why does every iteration of you seem to include underestimating Ganondorf or sending Link on half-baked plans?? 
Sorry for the quality, but I don’t think it was gonna get more finished than this. 
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howaboutaraise · 5 years
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//Tag dump!
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