howlingartbean · 2 years
hooo yeeeahhhh 😏
Sneak Peek
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Cowboy Thatch stealing all our hearts over here.. @howlingartbean
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howlingartbean · 2 years
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I don't know where this feral goblin came from but they aren't leaving without a fight and a lock of breadman hair.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
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"This silly little chef who sang sea shanties and made awful food puns was the one who tamed the waves."
You captured her so well 😭😭 I love this very much 💚💚 Thank you fren uwu
Trade with my bestie @howlingartbean I hope I did your girl justice. This was a alot of fun to write and it got away from me, I got very inspired and rolled with it.
Thatch x OC SFW Song used 'My Sharona' - Paddy and the Rats WC: 1,314
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Thatch smiled to himself, enjoying the ocean breeze on his face, closing his eyes he accepted the gift that rolled in over the sea, the breeze that gracefully –and with mercy– filled their sails and kept the Moby on her journey to a new adventure.
He sighed content, a man that had everything in the world but didn’t take a single thing for granted. He retrieved the cigarette tucked behind his ear before finding his lighter, clicking it to life, and watching the flame ignite the end. Taking a drag he enjoyed the simplicity of the ocean this time of night.
Everyone was free of their duties save for a few watchmen and Marco who was on constant standby. He watched as the last rays of golden sunlight spilled across the horizon, melting into a plethora of indigos and pinks as the night started to consume the last of the day.
“Hey there beautiful, have fun helping Ace today?” he replied to the woman who launched herself across the deck at him.
Landing in his arms, sitting on his knee, she cupped his face in her hands and stared at him with eyes full of love. Calypso waited for Thatch to remove his cigarette before she peppered his face with kisses –every inch– of his face covered in the love of a Goddess.
“It was alright, I learned things but Ace isn’t as fun to be around as you,” Calypso said with a little sigh, feeling one of Thatch’s hands over one of her own.
The way he held it close to his face, turning and kissing the palm, made her giggle at the simple act of affection. She soon let his face go, allowing him to carry on his vice, taking a drag before exhaling into the air. She twirled the smoke around her finger as it rose higher.
“Don’t tell him that.” Thatch said with a grin, brushing back wavy curls, and tucking a loose strand behind her ear.
She chuckled and threw arms around his neck, watching as he carried on smoking, her eyes roamed over his form before she noticed something propped up against the box he was sitting on. She got up, ignoring Thatch's confused look as she pointed to the guitar leaning against him.
“What’s that?”
“A guitar?” he offered with a quirked brow.
Calypso nodded like she knew what that was when really, she had no clue. Thatch finished his cigarette, standing to walk to the side of the ship flicking the end over the side to which Calypso gave him a frown, her nose wrinkled in distaste of the action before he apologized.
“Sorry, Pumpkin’ I’m getting used to thinking of the sea as part of you, just old habits die hard.” He saw her face soften, a small nod in acceptance.
“So, what does a guitar do?” Calypso asked as she plucked one of the strings, jumping when it made a sound that echoed.
“You make music with it, wanna see?” he offered and she nodded, excited to learn more about the human world, to learn more about what her lover liked to do, what he was good at, wanting it all.
He picked up the instrument and slung the strap over his shoulder as he started to play, it was a jolly tune that Calypso tapped her foot with –or tried anyway– and she smiled from where she sat on the crate Thatch had been occupying a moment ago.
“I’ve heard this once or twice, sailors like this guitar, right? I remember being part of the waves and hearing the song that accompanied this fill the air, the sense of joy in their words filled me with something I couldn’t explain at the time,” she said and closed her eyes.
The music swelled, bolder, stronger as Thatch smiled watching how she basked in each note, the way the wind played with her hair, she truly was a bewitching beauty. He started to sing and her eyes fluttered open, the smile on her face growing as she laughed happily.
“At night a thunder's rising
Huge like it never was before
Then our ship is riding
Let's pray for all the accursed souls”
Thatch sang as he played the guitar with all his heart, enjoying how she started to get into the rhythm of the song, he watched her scoot over on the crate and he sat down, perched on the edge as he tapped his foot in time with her clapping.
“Where is my sweet lil' liar?
When it's all breaking down and sink
Losing her feels too dire
I realized she disappeared.”
Calypso felt him swaying with the music he played and she tried to match his pace, she loved his energy, she loved his voice and the music he played. She was glad she’d given up the ocean to be with this wonderful human. 
The night had claimed the sky, and the string lights that dangled from pole to pole up and down the deck had since come to life, trying to match the glittering stars above the lovers as they celebrated another moment of life with one another.
“You cried a river when I had to go
Burned down the house to the ground in the town's barrio
I had to take you and come along the way
You pushed me to hell and I know it's where I don't wanna stay.”
Thatch sang louder and playfully bumped into her each time she slipped out of the rythme which made her giggle all the more and try and match him once more. The two started to gather attention from passing members of the crew. 
Marco had been about to go get another coffee when he approached the two, the lopsided smile on his face grew as he shook his head but watched as Calypso and Thatch both gestured for him to join them. He shrugged and grabbed an empty mop bucket, sitting on the floor in front of the couple, he started to bang the bottom of the bucket in time, matching Thatch and adding to the growing musical number.
Ace was next, a look of confusion on his face when he saw the other commanders and Calypso having a grand old time together. He looked around and spotted a neglected washboard, abandoned after duties that day, and started to make noise with the item.
“Ooh, my Sharona,
Ooh, my Sharona's gone.”
More and more members of the crew sat and joined the couple, a small band had formed as the night grew. Those who didn't pick up an instrument –makeshift or not– all joined in with Thatch’s singing and Calypso’s clapping.
Thatch smiled and watched Calypso enjoying herself, the biggest smile on her face, she was so colorful and vibrant. She was the sea itself, full of life, joy, wonders, a treasure no man truly deserved, and yet she was his.
Calypso watched Thatch, how perfect he was, how no human in all her forevers had ever captured her heart. She loved him more than any living being could love another. He was her heart and soul, she was all-powerful and men quivered before her and prayed for her mercy, and yet this man, this silly little chef who sang shanties and made awful food puns was the one who tamed the waves.
The song drew to a close, clapping and cheering, Thatch bowing his head as he glanced around the area, so many friends gathered, joining in the song. 
“Alright then, how about another?” he asked and Calypso nodded, the cheers around them uring him to continue.
Which he gladly did

“What shall we do with the drunken sailor?”
May these times never end she thought to herself, heart so full of love as the ship sailed through the night, the music filling the air. The night was theirs.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
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A trade for and with @cyborg-franky uwu
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howlingartbean · 2 years
Had this gif saved but eyyy @cyborg-franky i'm stealing yo man hurhurhur >:3c
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Continuing this on a new post because it was getting LLLLLOOONNNGGG
Thanks for tagging me @firstofficerwiggles
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I'll take him, thank you!
@oonajaeadira @writeforfandoms @insomniamamma @honestly-shite @katareyoudrilling @chaoticgeminate @pagannightwitch @beecastle @quica-quica-quica
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howlingartbean · 2 years
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FRANKY, STOP! IMMA UGLY CRY! I love you too fwenđŸ„ș
I don't have a lot of people to tag but y'all know who you are whenever you interact with me.
Feeling super mushy af and it’s the month of gay love so let’s start an appreciation chain!
Tag people who make you smile when you talk to them, who bright up your day when you see them on your, who make you giggle and feel that warm feeling of love! It can be for any reason, spread the love my friends!
@starrybrujita @eustasssimp @rosiinante @kerokerogecko @shrimp-sanji @sabo-has-my-heart @xxtoothachexx @childofblackmaria @cyborg-franky @lawscorazon
Thank you all for taking my my eccentricities in stride 😅 you are all wonderful and awesome people and I love you!
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howlingartbean · 2 years
Une petite tripoter de fanart de one piece comme ça car je me sens généreux en bon seigneur
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Marco - Haruta - Baggy
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howlingartbean · 2 years
You can keep knock off airbender aang
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Thank you @howlingartbean thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Fucking Lang I can imagine @childofblackmaria bullying him even more.
MarAng LanCo The ship name would be so ugly.. LANG..... LANG.
I 100% still would though. I love his dumb hat, dumb hats were always in the cards.
Also looks like he's dressed to go fishing.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
I would arrest him on the spot if he came out of the house lookin like that.
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Thank you @howlingartbean thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Fucking Lang I can imagine @childofblackmaria bullying him even more.
MarAng LanCo The ship name would be so ugly.. LANG..... LANG.
I 100% still would though. I love his dumb hat, dumb hats were always in the cards.
Also looks like he's dressed to go fishing.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
I fucking hate it here
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He's so damn ugly and the name is ugly too
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Thank you @howlingartbean thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Fucking Lang I can imagine @childofblackmaria bullying him even more.
MarAng LanCo The ship name would be so ugly.. LANG..... LANG.
I 100% still would though. I love his dumb hat, dumb hats were always in the cards.
Also looks like he's dressed to go fishing.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
Tips for interacting with the hearing impaired
Look at them when you speak– almost all hearing-impaired people read lips. Don’t lean into their ear when you talk– they need to see your lips.
Speak in a normal voice and articulate as clearly as possible. Shouting won’t help.
 If the hearing-impaired person says “What?” or “Sorry?” don’t simply repeat what you’ve just said. Rephrase it.
If they don’t hear what you’ve said after you’ve repeated it two or three times, don’t say, “Never mind, it doesn’t matter.” To the person who can’t hear it, everything matters.  (A BIG ONE)
Most hearing-impaired people will have a very hard time distinguishing speech over a noisy air conditioner, a humming fish tank, a fan, or anything that whirs or murmurs or rumbles. Don’t try to talk to them when the TV is on, and turn off the background music when they come to visit.
 Don’t talk to a hearing-impaired person unless you have their full attention. A hearing-impaired person can’t cook and hear at the same time, no matter how collegial it may seem to join her in the kitchen.
If you’re part of a small group, speak one at a time. At a dinner party or book group, where there may be eight or ten people present, try to have one general conversation, instead of several overlapping small ones.
Never lean into a hearing-impaired person’s ear and whisper in the middle of a performance. They can’t hear you!
~ Repost from Amazon review of  " Shouting Won’t Help: Why I - and 50 Million Other Americans - Can’t Hear You" by Katherine Bouton. 
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howlingartbean · 2 years
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Starling Nights
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Ayyy!! My first commission! @sabo-has-my-heart has been asking me for a long time if I was going to continue on my ’Starling Days’ series and I wanted to but you know /busy/. She was very kind the moment I opened commissions to ask for this! :) I was stoked to write and she literally let me do my own thing which is rad. She didn’t ask for poly, as I normally don’t write for it, however with the nature of Starlings it kinda just came out like this soooo. <3
Ace x F!Reader x Sabo / NSFW  / 5.2k Summary: You had originally set out to buy a Starling for the night (hoping that maybe it would turn into more) but to your surprise, you got more than you bargained for. Warnings: Monster!Ace and Sabo, size difference, long tongue. If anyone has anything else lemme know and I will add.
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The crowd bustled around you, but you barely spared it a glance forcing your way through. Music thumped loudly, making the floor shake.
Humans and Starlings alike moved on the dancefloor, the strobe lights bouncing off vibrant feathers. You licked your lips, hopefully you’d be able to join them soon.
Finally, you made your way to a side door, and with a quick glance at your card, you’re waved through by the bouncer.
Stepping inside, the room is a lot quieter as the music faded to a more respectable volume. Quickly you grabbed a drink at the bar before sitting up on a stool at a tall table, with a good view of the stage.
Your heart pounded with nerves. You’d always loved Starlings, beautiful creatures who were out-of-this-world (literally). Finally, tonight was the night. You’d never made enough money to buy one outright but the Starlings on display tonight were one-nighters, which you could afford; along with a promise that if they liked you enough, they were available for purchase (for a cheaper cost than buying one would normally be).
You desperately hoped one would like you.
Soon enough more and more humans started filling up the remaining seats and the sale started. Heart in your throat you booted up your phone. Each Starling had a small profile. Dimly, you watched as each was brought on stage and were given offers. The individual Starling decided which one to go with.
None were that interesting, and you waited impatiently for one to catch your eye.
A young man came out and tilting your head you looked him over. He looked just like a human, handsome with a thick chest and freckles dotting all over his skin. He only wore a pair of loose black shorts and your eyes hooded in disinterest. Handsome he might be, but you preferred Starlings that showed their unique features, not ones who tried to look human. What was the point otherwise? The only thing that made him stand out was his impressionable height, much too tall for a human.
Then the announcer poked something into his side, making him hiss and the stage erupted into flames. When they cleared, you sucked in an astonished breath.
He was beautiful. Standing on clawed talons he hunched over glaring at the announcer. He didn’t have wings, which was a pity but oh. Small red feathers ran up the sides of his arms and over his face.  His hands were black, with long claws, the black going up to his wrists before disappearing into the tan of his skin. His freckles looked like they glowed, as they dotted along his skin. You were instantly smitten.
The profile said his name was ‘Ace’ that he had a temper and was picky. That was fine. You clicked the profile, to show your interest. Then you waited.
Your palms were sweaty when finally, Ace moved off the stage and glanced at the list before making his way through the crowd. Stopping at a few people, he considered them before slinking off.
Butterflies swarmed in your stomach as he approached you. This close even in the dark of the room, you could see his eyes were a deep brown. They looked you over, his feathered ears twitching in his black hair. Now that he was in front of you, you could see there was orange mixed with the red feathers.
You sighed lowly, aching to touch. “Beautiful,” you whispered, certain it would get lost in the low mumble of the crowd around you and the still vaguely thumping from outside. Ace blinked before he smirked, looking smug as hell.
“Oh yeah, like what you see princess?” he asked, propping an arm against the table and leaning over you, caging you in. Immediately you straightened, eyes wide. You hadn’t thought he could hear that.
“It’s fine,” he waved you off before you could attempt to stutter out some excuse. “Wanna get a room?” He smelt like a campfire, you noted distantly. Like he might burst into flame at any second. You nodded.
Luckily the establishment was more than prepared. Ordering a Starling meant you got an attached room. People might want to drink and dance with their chosen Starling before retiring to the bedroom.
Not Ace. He didn’t even ask, just grabbed up your wrist and led you away. As he pulled you along, his appearance slowly changed back to his human form. He had a short bundle of tail feathers that made his shorts sag in the back before they disappeared from view. You missed them instantly.
Walking down a hallway full of doors, he abruptly stopped, dropped your wrist, and dug into his pocket before withdrawing a key. Shooting you a grin, he unlocked the door before standing aside you let you through.
You went inside, glancing around the room. It was fine, just a queen-sized bed in the middle with a dresser filled with sex toys, you were almost positive. The door clicked behind you and before you had time to turn around, you were grabbed and forced against the door. Ace once again caged you in, pressing himself against your smaller frame.
“What—” You weren’t able to get out more before his lips crashed over yours. “Mmph!”
You struggled, just a bit but that seemed to spur him on even more, as his hands moved from caging you in to grabbing your shoulders. A warm tongue forced its way past your lips, and you opened fully with a loud groan.
The taste of him is intoxicating, as he took, sucking down your spit and moans greedily, skillful tongue moving against your own. Somehow, he tasted like cinnamon, oh-so-sweet but with a hint of a spice to it.
It didn’t take long for his hands to trail down your body before hoisting you up by the waist. Sticking a firm thigh between your legs, Ace held you against the door easily, as your hands scramble for purchase along his shoulders. The muscles ripple under your fingertips, skin so incredibly soft there’s no way it can be human. With one final groan you ripped your mouth away, panting for breath.
Ace didn’t pause, just began to place smoldering kisses down the side of your neck and you tilted your head back, invitingly.
“Ace,” you mumbled out. The kisses didn’t stop, instead, he sucked over a pressure point in your neck and you shivered. “Ace,” you said more firmly, catching hold of his raven-locks and giving one firm tug. Reluctantly he released your skin with a wet pop.
“Yeah?” he asked huskily, annoyed at the interruption.
“Can you change to your other form?”
He blinked at you. “My other form? Why?”
“Wanna see it.”
Ace narrowed his eyes before he snorted and stepped back, two gentle hands at your hips bringing you back down to the floor. “Oh, so you’re one of those.”
“One of what?”
“Starling fuckers,” he answered with a grin before flames blocked him from view. You stayed against the door, unsure if the flames would hurt or not. Once he emerged, you snorted.
“Ace, you’re literally a Starling.”
He grinned wider at you before grabbing you around the waist and pulling you against his chest, effortlessly picking you up off the floor with the motion.
“Yeah so? We could have fucked with me in the human form. Some people like that, just a bigger version of a human.”
You hummed. “Not much of a point then, is there?” Gently he laid you against the bed before he rolled his eyes.
“To each their own, I think is the sayin’ right? Now you gonna get naked or do I need to rip those off ya?” Ace teasingly held up a hand, clicking his claws together in what you assumed was supposed to be menacing but really just turned you on even more. The thought was appealing, but you foolishly hadn’t brought a change of clothes. You swallowed but rushed to obey.
Ace leaned over you as you stripped and once the last article of clothing was shed, he was quick to grab you up once again, feathered ears twitching.
He pressed you flat on the bed, kneeling before you but instead of following you down, he grabbed you around the waist and pulled you up, bringing your core towards his mouth, making you shriek.
The motion was quick, and your head was pillowed on his thick thighs as your legs danged over his shoulders. He hummed and you felt the vibration so close to your already dripping pussy.
“So wet already, princess,” Ace muttered with amusement as he ran a knuckle across your folds. The position was making the blood rush to your head as you squirmed in his lap. It was strange, literally flipped and pulled against him but when his breath ghosted across your core you couldn’t help but tremble. “Let’s get a taste hm.”
It wasn’t a question and when a thinner than normal tongue rubbed against the outer folds, before pressing against your clit your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you moaned loudly. You felt Ace chuckle before his lips closed over your bundle of nerves and sucked.
Your hands scrambled for purchase, finally clawing along his forearms, from where he wrapped them around your stomach to better hold you against him. “Ace, please.”
“Please what,” he teased releasing your clit with a knowing smirk.
“Do something,” you hissed. Ace laughed lowly and oh, the sound sent a shiver through your belly before that delicious tongue finally slid past your folds and breached you.
You tried to arch your back, groaning as his long tongue worked its way inside. This was why you adored Starlings, you thought distantly. Their tongues were like a thin cock spearing you open, so flexible and able to do little twitches against your walls—it was like nothing else.
“Ace!” you screamed into the room, legs shifting as you tried to push your body up to meet his mouth, trying to encourage him even deeper. One hand grabbed your calf, the hand easily wrapping around it easily.
“Easy there princess,” he muttered, lips withdrawing from where he’d been rubbing them against your clit and folds as his tongue worked its magic inside you. You panted as you watched with dazed amazement as he lifted his head, tongue still coiling inside you as he looked down at you. “Don’t wanna kick me and knock me out before we get to the good part do we?”
“Uh—” was all you managed before his tongue started to thrust and you threw your head back with a keen, missing the utterly pleased grin Ace shot you.
It didn’t take long for your orgasm to hit, the excitement of being with a Starling, of being with Ace already leaving you balanced on the edge. A few well-adjusted thrusts with his tongue, writhing within you, as another section of his tongue pressed against the bundle of nerves had you sobbing as your release rocketed down your spine, leaving you shaking.
Ace sucked it all up greedily, his tongue leaving you with a slow slide before he released you, letting you slip down his body and onto the mattress. You groaned lowly as he braced his arms on the bed above you and you blinked up at him.
“Want me to go down on you?” you offered, sneaking a peek down the line of his body, to see his penis fully hard and exposed to the air of the room, bright red and already beading precum on the head. You licked your lips, thinking of the taste.
He snorted. “No, I’ll cum immediately. You ready to go?” A meaningful hand wrapped around the curve of your hip, as a thumb dragged along the skin there.
“Can’t go more than once?” you pressed, eyes half-lidding with pleasure. Ace scrunched up his nose at you, his freckles wrinkling adorably.
“Don’t press your luck,” he warned with a growl. Still, his hand kept up the soothing circles along your hip bone. You had the feeling that despite his bravo, Ace preferred to let you take the lead. Or at least, liked to act with permission more than simply taking. 
You opened your legs wide in invitation, arching just a little to watch his eyes darken with anticipation and arousal at the sight. “Come on then big boy, let’s see what you can do.”
Permission granted, Ace surged down and captured your lips in a bruising kiss. You barely had time to moan before his hand flipped you. You felt his cockhead slide against your back leaving behind a trail of globby precum as he leaned forward and grabbed up a pillow. Shoving it at you without a word, you grabbed it with both arms, wrapping around it and positioning it partly underneath yourself.
“So pretty.” You heard Ace mumble into your skin before a clawed finger pushed apart your cheeks. Your face felt hot, but you lifted your hips to try and be enticing. Ace groaned before you felt his cock rub against your folds.
“Aceeee,” you whined as he slowly began to breach you. The two of you moaned together. He didn’t stop, just kept pushing inside as your hips twitched further up, trying to force him even deeper.
When he finally bottomed out, you drooled a little into the pillow, pleasure shooting over your skin, making you feel on edge. You felt so full. Feeling his soft skin rub against your own was maddening, a slow kind of torture. You wanted even more.
Clutching the pillow harder you let out a sigh of pleasure as he began to thrust shallowly, letting you get used to his size. Still, he didn’t need to, you were dripping wet from your previous orgasm and just so turned on by the situation. Ace’s body felt so incredibly warm, more than what was normal you felt. Like he might just burn you up.
The thought made you clench your vagina walls and Ace hissed.
“Ace,” you mumbled. “Ace hold me down and fuck me.”
“Fuck!” he cried as his thrusts got faster, a large hand clamped down on your shoulder, pushing you down into the mattress and your eyes widened. His weight held you down and the air left your lungs in a rush.
Now utterly pinned under him, you fought to take in a breath as Ace used your body to chase his own pleasure, fucking you hard, each thrust meeting your ass with a loud slap. You keened, lowly struggling under his grip but you couldn’t move an inch, were barely able to breathe. Not with his weight bearing down on you and you loved it.
You squeezed your legs together and tried to lift your hips as much as you could trapped beneath him as you were, letting out little ah-ah-ah’s the only sound you could manage drawing in such shallow breaths.
Ace’s hand squeezed and you felt a hint of his claws digging into your skin and your toes curled.
Close, you were so close and you couldn’t tell him—
“Gonna cum,” his voice rumbled. “Cum for me princess?” Ace said it as a question and your legs came up, heels hitting his back as you held onto the pillow for dear life as another orgasm slammed through you.
“Yessss, just like that fuck, yes,” Ace chattered as his thrusts turned sloppy before your body was forced a few inches forward as he curled around you, moaning under his breath, cock as far into you as it could go as he pumped his seed inside. His hips gave little twitches as if trying to get even further and as you felt his cum which was a shade too hot for comfort fill you to the brim.
You let out a sigh before drawing in a deep breath as Ace sat up, taking his weight off you.
“Whoops, sorry,” he said, not sounding apologetic at all. You once again felt his fingers push apart your cheeks before a digit dragged through the cum already dripping out of you. “Lookin’ good firefly.”
Breathing heavily, you flipped onto your back. “If anyone’s a firefly, it’s you,” you managed to wheeze out, gesturing weakly at his still-glowing body, little pinpricks of light shimmering from his skin like tiny red stars.
Ace smirked, lopsided before laying down on his side next to you. The two of you came down from the high slowly, Ace tracing his claws against your skin lightly, swirling around a nipple, then the entire breast in a whisper of a touch. You shivered.
Once your breathing got under control, you shot him a look. He looked utterly relaxed, cheek pillowed on a hand, eyes focused on where his fingers were dragging across your skin.
“Say, Ace,” you began before licking your lips. This was a little awkward. “Would you wanna be mine?” you finished slightly breathless. Your heart beat with nervousness as Ace stared at you, expression unreadable.
“Like purchase me?” he said slowly. You nodded, unsure about his emotionless tone.
Ace hummed, looking unsure as he bit his lip. “Don’t wanna wear no collar,” he muttered out finally, under his breath.
“Oh no?” you asked, reaching out and running a hand across his throat, feeling him swallow beneath your fingers. A lot of Starlings wore collars, to show that they were owned. “Not even for me? Just in the house? You wouldn’t have to wear it out.”
Ace hesitated still and you let your hand drop.
“You don’t have to—” you began before he interrupted.
“Would you purchase my brother too? I won’t go without him.”
You blinked, surprised by this sudden turn of events. “I’m not sure if I could afford two.”
Ace shrugged with indifference. “We come as a bundle, I’d get the cost down for ya. Would you be interested?” His eyes seemed like they burned with how intense he stared at you.
Your throat felt a little dry, but you smiled. “If he’s anything like you, I’m sure I’d love it.” All at once the tension in Ace’s shoulders dropped and he smiled, looking relieved.
“Great!” he enthused crawling off the bed quickly. You sat up in surprise. “Lemme go get him. He’s gotta check you out himself, see if he’s interested.” As Ace rushed to the door he turned back. “That’s okay right?” Ah, there was that checking in. Your heart fluttered as you thought about how sweet he was. You nodded with a smile.
After he left you looked around, considering. Should you get changed?
Starlings were pretty unashamed about nudity but still, it felt weird to greet a stranger naked but if Ace was right in that his brother would want to test you, he’d likely just strip you anyways.
Your stomach clenched at the thought and you couldn’t resist running palming at your breast with one hand, pinching lightly at the nipple while the other trailed down to your pussy. Digging in a shallow finger you scooped out some of Ace’s cum before quickly lifting the digit up to your mouth and licking it clean.
The combined taste of the two of you made you groan lowly, eyes fluttering closed.
“Oh look, she’s already starting without us,” an amused voice commented, and your eyes shot back open, thoroughly embarrassed. That didn’t take any time at all!
“’Sup princess, this is my brother Sabo. Come say hi,” Ace said coming closer, clawed hand reaching out for you. He stood taller than his brother, who was in his human form.
Sabo cocked his head as you hesitantly reached out and took Ace’s hand. He pulled you to your feet and brought you over to his brother. Sabo had on a full blue suit, complete with cravat. It was a surprise, most Starlings hardly wore any clothes.
You shifted awkwardly, pussy still idly dripping Ace’s cum down your thighs and you rubbed them together, thankful they wouldn’t be able to see.
Sabo’s blue eyes narrowed as he took in a deep breath. “Already started, Ace? You know I hate seconds.”
Ace rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, don’t be such a spoiled brat. Change to your Starling side, she prefers it.”
“Oh does she,” Sabo said, voice icy with something you couldn’t name and you froze. You glanced up at Ace for help and he sighed, catching onto your pleading look.
“Sabo, come on.”
Sabo—with gloved hands even, you noticed—took off his top hat with annoyance. “Fine, cover her eyes.”
“Sure thing,” Ace chirped, a hand immediately coming up to cover your eyes before you could complain. “Just do this, Sabo’s sensitive,” he whispered into your ear.
“I heard that!” Sabo’s smooth voice called, as you heard the rustling of clothes. You stayed still, waiting in the silence of the room.
You figured Ace started to get bored, as his other hand started roaming along your spine before coming around to grab at your breast, kneading it with his fingers, he pulled you back against his body and you shivered at the warmth of his skin against yours.
Sabo tsked. “Don’t get started without me.”
“Stop takin’ so long then,” Ace shot back easily.
There was a long silence. “Okay
I’m ready.”
The hand was removed, and you blinked in the light as Ace moved from behind you. You only idly noticed as you gasped, focusing on Sabo before you.
He was a few inches taller than Ace now, who came to stand by his side. He had full wings, dark blue feathers that ran down the full length of his arm, ending at three large talon-like fingers. It was rare that a Starling had full wings, however, along Sabo’s other arm

Was a mess of scars, running down the length, lacking feathers of any kind. You stepped closer without realizing it, reaching out as if to touch the scars before drawing back.
“Does it hurt?” you asked, looking up at him. Sabo blinked back at you before Ace leaned over his shoulder to smile.
“Told you she wouldn’t mind,” he said cockily as Sabo’s eyes darkened.
“They don’t,” he answered your question. You hummed and reached out to touch when Sabo’s other hand caught your wrist. “Ah, ah. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Gotta test you out first, dearest. Ace, get her on her bed.”
“Sure thing!” Ace replied eagerly, hositing you up in a short bridal carry to the bed. Once there, he positioned you with your head in his lap, grabbing up your wrists gently and holding them over your head. You gaped up at him.
“Like this??” you asked with amazement tugging your arms against his grip, mind spinning as you struggled to keep up.
“Yup!” Ace said, popping the ‘p’ with an excited gleam in his eyes. You felt the bed dip and you looked down to see Sabo crawling up it to where Ace had positioned the two of you near the headboard.
Now you could see that Sabo had a long trailing blue tail as well and you swallowed. He was gorgeous— they both were—and you felt yourself start to become nervous. Sabo must have seen it on your face because he smiled at you, the expression looked absolutely filthy.
“Don’t worry angel, you’re in good hands.” He grabbed up your thighs and wrapped them around his waist as he pressed in close. His cock was already hard and he rubbed it against your folds.
“Feels goodddd,” he praised. “You’re so pretty,” Sabo complimented as he began to rub the head against your clit before backing off and rubbing against your core, making you whine. “Like that?”
“Man, stop teasin’, just get on with it,” Ace broke in and Sabo looked up to catch his eyes.
“Impatient? Just because you’re a quick shot doesn’t mean I want every time to be over in 30 seconds.”
Ace snorted. “Please, you’re basically dripping you’ll probably get inside her and cum instantly. Besides,” he began before Sabo could retort, “you’ll appreciate it, I got her all stretched out for ya. Make it easy for you.”
At this Ace pulled on your wrists gently, making you crane your head up at him, as your hips rocked back against Sabo’s cock, trying to get it to press inside.
“Sabo’s bigger than me—the ass—and despite what he says, is impatient. Doesn’t like to wait for someone to get used to it. Think you can handle it all in one go?”
“Uhhh,” you replied, more of a stunned moan than any semblance to actual words. But you pressed your hips even higher, probably looking wanton and desperate but you didn’t care. You wanted to feel that thick cock spear you open.
“Oh you found a good one Ace,” Sabo commented as Ace grinned.
“Fuck yeah I did. Firefly’s gonna be so good,” he held your wrists together in one hand his large palm easily holding your thin wrists. With the other, he ran a claw across your cheek. “Ain’t ya? Gonna be good for us, right? Gonna take Sabo real well?”
“Yessss, yes, I am, please, please,” you begged, eyes filling with tears as pleasure sparked in your stomach. Ace smiled down at you before tapping your nose.
“Then better pay attention, babe.”
You blinked and then drew in a surprised yelp as Sabo’s cock suddenly pressed inside in one smooth motion. Between one breath and the next you were completely filled and your eyes flickered from Ace’s dark brown orbs to meet Sabo’s light blue, as he loomed over you, hiking your thighs even higher.
Ace’s other hand came up and separated out your wrists, so he was holding one in each hand as Sabo smiled down at you, before he pulled out and slammed back in, just as Ace had promised he would. You wheezed as he set up a quick rhythm, all the while holding your gaze.
You couldn’t help but moan and cry out helplessly, pinned down by Sabo’s intense look, staring you down as if you were a puzzle he wanted to work out, all the while slamming into you mercilessly.
“Open your mouth,” he ordered and you tried to move your arms, but Ace’s grip simply tightened.
“W-what?” you tried to say, before grunting as Sabo slowed down his thrusts, but only barely. The coil of pleasure in your gut was getting tighter and tighter as the intense situation, being between two large Starlings—completely at their mercy turned you on like nothing else.
“Open your mouth,” Sabo said again, as Ace helpfully grabbed your chin and tugged it down. Numbly you opened your mouth wide, and Sabo leaned closer before lolling out his tongue. Globs of spit fell into your mouth and your eyes widened before the tongue followed it down; easily working its way down your throat with how open your mouth was, head thrown back on Ace’s thighs.
You moaned, muffled around the tongue before you gagged as it traveled to the back of your throat instantly, tears running down your cheeks.
“Fuck, Sabo, hurry up I wanna turn,” Ace complained and dimly you felt his cock brush against your hair, as he led one of your hands to the shaft, wrapping yours and his around it and giving it a few strokes.
Sabo withdrew from your mouth, and you swallowed the influx of saliva he left behind. “Hold on, now who’s being spoiled? You already got a turn.”
“Want another,” Ace groaned.
“Fine, fine, I’m close anyways.”
Sabo pressed against you fully, his winged arm wrapping itself under you, taloned hand digging into your back slightly as Ace released your other hand. Immediately you dug it into Sabo’s blond hair, as he tilted your hips further up, almost pressing you in half as his thrusts became harsher.
“You’re so good angel, feel so good for me. You want me to cum don’tcha? Want to feel utterly full. You want to feel used, as Ace uses you right after me, us switching you back and forth between us, you’d like that wouldn’t you,” Sabo whispered against your ear, breath hot and the coil that had been wrapping itself around your belly abruptly snapped and you screamed, pulling his hair.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Sabo cried, digging in more to your skin, causing a flash of pain but you barely felt it as stars exploded across your vision. You felt as Sabo began to thrust even harder, cock spearing you open as your leg was pulled apart with Sabo’s scarred hand, forcing you to take it all.
Ace’s strokes became faster, still holding your hand before he keened. The hot splatter of cum on your face shocked you for a second before you instinctively closed your eyes as more cum followed, painting your face and hair in white.
Finally, as you were beginning to come down from your peak, you heard Sabo grunt as he pushed inside and stilled.
You felt your insides being painted once again and you groaned lowly as an apologetic rag was wiped across your eyelids, cleaning up the mess.
“Fucking hell Ace, if you got cum in my hair I’m going to kill you,” Sabo muttered with annoyance as he pulled away. Blinking open your eyes—eyelashes sticking together slightly—you whined under your breath, reaching out for him.
He caught your hand in his scarred talon fingers before pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “Okay angel?”
You panted under Sabo’s heavy stare as Ace finally let your hand drop and it fell to the mattress. “Uh huh. I think? Give me a second.”
Sabo chuckled before he caught sight of the fabric in Ace’s hand. “Is that my shirt Ace?!?” he exploded, jolting forward, forcing his slowly softening cock further inside you from where it had begun to slip out and you sobbed.
Ace pushed Sabo back as he cursed.
“Sorry dear,” Sabo apologized as he slowly withdrew from your core, and you felt the mess he left behind.
“You don’t need it,” Ace said smugly returning to the previous subject, throwing the used shirt to the ground. “You like her right? She likes us better in these forms. Right babe?” Ace asked looking down at you, still laying in his lap.
You tried to get your breathing under control, feeling utterly out of your depths with these two. But still, that was the best sex you’ve ever had. “Y-yeah,” you managed, and he shot a pleased grin at Sabo.
Sabo blew out some hair from his face before dragging his hands down your torso. “Mm, alright guess it’s okay then. You sure you can handle both of us?”
You laughed under your breath. “Probably not. But I’d like to try if you’d be interested afterall?” you asked with a raise of an eyebrow, trying to look teasing even though you felt some of Ace’s cum still drying along your face.
Sabo chuckled. “Cheeky. I like that. Sure, I’m in, if Ace agrees.” Sabo leaned down and licked across your cheek, cleaning off a little of the cum that remained.
“For sure!“ Ace said happily. "Now move over Sabo, it’s my turn.”
“Your turn!? You got to cum twice already, that was my first time!”
“Yeah well, that’s not my fault is it? I found her first, she likes me better anyway, budge over.”
“Excuse me, she does not.”
The argument went on as you turned over on your side (Ace leaving you to shove at Sabo) you had to laugh some more. They both seemed like a handful but happiness coursed through you all the same. They would both come home with you, they would both be yours.
You couldn’t wait. 
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howlingartbean · 2 years
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I think I'm funny.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
The same goes for OP artists too or those who do both. Like don't be afraid to reblog or comment, even if it doesn't match with your tumblr aesthetic.
Over night I got 100 likes and 1 reblog.
I don't know if engagement in general on this site has become low or people still don't realise that 'likes' don't help a creater feel valid or get them seen.
I do this to help people/entertain people just as much as for my own enjoyment.
If you don't want people you like leaving, stopping creating. You need to encourage and maybe spread some love.
I love to write, but I'm also feeling (as well as many of us OP writers) invalid, what's the point, why am I doing this.
I don't want to sound like a cunt but guys. Over 100 likes and 1 reblog?
I know many of you might be from tiktok or twitter where a like does something. Please, reblog or/and comment.
Its so disheartening and many of us are close to just leaving.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
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"Thievesssss," Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard, slowly making their way down. Crew members cover their ears left and right. Whitebeard clenched the naginata tightly, staring the being down, waiting for her attack.
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howlingartbean · 2 years
OOO thanks for tagging me in this franky <3
Who are your F/O[s]
Do you have a devil fruit? If you don’t, would you eat one given the chance?
Saoirse (aka Calypso) doesn't have a devil fruit nor would she ever need one.
Does your fictional other have a devil fruit that works well in unison to yours?
Let's say Thatch actually ate the devil fruit before Teach got his grubby nasty hands on it then yes, it works well in unison. Saoirse deals with a different type of darkness from Thatch's devil fruit. We know that the devil fruit is more of a "snuff every single light out" type, hers is more of wispy like shadows messing with your mind or grabbing you. They love to do surprise attacks together especially if it's during the night, which adds more fear factor to it.
What walk of life are you from? (pirate, marine, etc)
Saoirse wasn't a WB pirate at first. She was more of a "guardian."
What walk of life is your f/o from?
Whitebeard Pirate
How did your paths cross?
The WBPs somehow got their way into the territory where Poseidon's tomb rested (which only Whitebeard knows about) and woke Calypso "Saoirse" from her slumber. She was hostile towards them at first. She plucked Thatch up like a grape and demanded why they were here in her region. Thatch didn't know whether to feel intimidated or aroused because hello, it's a giant woman bigger than the moby dick.
If you’re wanted, how does your f/o feel about it?
Proud but a bit nervous since she is THE Calypso, anyone whether marine or celestial dragon would want to get their tainted hands on her.
Who has the higher bounty?
Thatch, the world doesn't need to know Calypso exists.
What’s your favorite type of island?
Fall, her first time witnessing it, made her fall in love with the colors and the beauty it brings. It fits well with Thatch.
Where is your favorite place you have been with your f/o?
The cabin they went to while on a small break, which was on the far side of an autumn island that was covered in a light mist that had the sun gently shining through the mixed colors of orange and red leaves. Waking up together and hearing a bungle from an elk far off. She still vividly remembers everything and cherishes it deeply.
Where else do you want to go with your f/o?
Wherever Thatch goes, it's home and adventure for her. The same goes for him.
Did your crew help get you together?
Yes and no, for Thatch, he fell in love quickly, meanwhile, for Saoirse, it took a while for her.
Do your crew tease you and your F/O?
When being grossly cute and flirting with each other around others, they jokingly gag or yell out "get a room."
Does your F/O have pet names for you?
Darlin', my goddess (in private👀), sweet cheeks, Sushi
Five words to describe your ship dynamics.
Sweet, Warm, Fun, Powerful, and Balanced.
Whose the more dominate one in the relationship?
Oh, both. LOOK AT EM! It's obvious. They both let each other take over the reigns. It's very well balanced.
Do you or your F/O ever misuse your devil fruit in the bedroom?
Oh yeah, Thatch does. It's even more risk-taking if he does it in public like whew. With Saoirse's help too, they can get away with it.
Ever been caught by your crew?
Izou and Marco. On separate occasions.
How spontaneous in bed is your F/O
It's more or so, depending on how tired he is after a long day in the kitchen or a party. Though he'll never leave his darlin' unpleased before the next day.
Ever had dirty dreams about your F/O before you together?
Occasionally. Saoirse did have the dirtiest dreams ever whether it be having Thatch in her lap, groaning away or her being bent over the counter in the kitchen.
Do you have a name for your selfship?
Buttered Toast (courtesy of the dear Franky)
Caatch of the Day
Do you sleep in the same bed?
Who’s the little spoon and who’s the big spoon?
Saoirse is the little spoon and Thatch is the big spoon. They switch sometimes.
What position does your f/o sleep in?
On his back or sometimes throwing an arm over Saoirse's waist and sleeping on his side.
What does your f/o wear to bed?
shirtless with PJ pants or wearing full-on PJs. Depending on how cold or hot the night is. Saoirse will wear one of his shirts and a pair of night shorts.
Which of you wakes up first?
Thatch, he rises early with the sun. Saoirse just sleeps like the dead with no inner clock. It is what it is when the sunlight had never reached her domain.
does your f/o wake you up or let you sleep in?
if it is something serious or needed to be done, he would wake Saoirse up, otherwise, he would just let her sleep in until she woke up.
do you take naps together?
Yep. If the cooks in the kitchen are okay with taking over without him being there then he'll search her out for a quick nap. She's not opposed to it.
What do you do when your f/o can’t sleep?
Oh, she'll find a way to tire him ( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°) adjfkajdsf, kidding.
Saoirse gently plays with his hair, brushing her fingers across his face soothingly or his back and that seems to do the trick for him.
what does your f/o do when you can’t sleep?
Thatch will hum to her. His voice is her favorite in the whole world. He'll rub his hand up and down her back.
Do you or your f/o cook? Both? Neither?
Thatch, Saoirse helps and she is a quick learner, but he is the 4th division commander.
Does your f/o remember to eat or do you have to remind them?
He eats either before or after everyone gets their plate.
does your f/o have to remind you to eat?
NEW S/I GAME DROPPED, reblog and play!
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Art by --vinzulu
Who are your F/O[s] Ace and Marco! Do you have a devil fruit? If you don't, would you eat one given the chance? Ray ate the tori tori no mi model pigeon. He gave up everything to have it so he could fly and travel. Does your fictional other have a devil fruit that works well in unison to yours? Not so much Ace but Marco, yeah they compliment one another so well, they go for flights together, Marco has helped Ray to fight in harpy form and just get more in-tune with it. What walk of life are you from? (pirate, marine, ect) Pirate! whitebeard pirates.
What walk of life is your f/o from? Both of them are whitebeard pirates. How did your paths cross? Ray was caught in a storm when he was in bird form, he got blown onto the Moby Dick where he ended up with a badly damaged leg and ended up needing help, later joined as Marco's assistant. If you're wanted, how does your f/o feel about it? Both are super proud of Ray, he even has a title. Who has the higher bounty? Marco, Ace then Ray. What's your favorite type of island? Fall <3 Where is your favorite place you have been with your f/o? The time Marco took Ace and Ray on a flight, during their first week of being in a relationship, they stopped by an island and spent time in a meadow, relaxing, picking flower. Also the time Marco took his entire division to the hot springs and the three had time alone. Where else do you want to go with your f/o? Just on many, many adventures. See everything in the world as a three. Did your crew help get you together? Not at all, Marco was pretty straight forward with his feelings and intentions, it was thanks to him they got together. Marco asked Ray out after a month of getting close together. Marco and Ray could tell Ace had a thing for them both, he was all awkward and Marco just came out to him. Do your crew tease you and your F/O? Oh yeah, there are so many bird jokes, pineapple jokes, twink, age gap, all sorts of silly things like that. Also people teasing about how it was obvious they were going to get together. Does your F/O have pet names for you? Ace: Pidge, Feathers, Birdbrain Marco: Pidge, Baby Bird, Chick, Tidbit Five words to describe your ship dynamics. Silly, fun, chill, balanced scales. Whose the more dominate one in the relationship? Marco is the top in and out the bedroom, he's just very calm and chill with it. Do you or your F/O ever misuse your devil fruit in the bedroom? Temperature play, ho ho ho. Also ya know.. harpy's just doing... harpy things.. Ever been caught by your crew? I mean they are a three and sometimes do things in pairs, so does that count? oh and the one time Thatch had to help Marco get out of cuffs.. How spontaneous in bed is your F/O There's two of them, both with very different styles and not always the same kinks so it can really be a toss up.
Ever had dirty dreams about your F/O before you together? Ray would sometimes stare off into space thinking about Marco railing him over the desk at work, sure. A few cheeky ones about Ace also. Do you have a name for your selfship? Marco x Ray - Birdbrains Marco x Ray x Ace - rotisserie Do you sleep in the same bed? Yes! Who's the little spoon and who's the big spoon? Ray is always a little spoon no matter where he is in the bed, Marco always the big spoon though Ace tries to fight him on it. What position does your f/o sleep in? In cold weather we have Ace in the middle, hot days Marco is in the middle and Ray in the middle most the time. Tangles of limbs, sometimes feathers and wings in the mix. What does your f/o wear to bed? Ace loose fitting shorts, Marco has cut off sweats that act as shorts and Ray in a very oversized t-shirt. Which of you wakes up first? Marco, who wakes up Ray and Ace for their early days. Does your f/o wake you up or let you sleep in? Only on days off for Marco. Ace would let Ray sleep as much as he wanted, would make Marco try sleep in to. Do you take naps together? Ace and Ray often fall asleep together, if Ray ever falls asleep in Marco's office the old bird sometimes cuddles up next to him for a nap. What do you do when your f/o can't sleep? Marco and Ray tend to cuddle Ace, stroking his hair from his face and whispering words of affirmation. Ray tends to stay up as long as they can with Marco, keeping him company so he doesn't have to spend so many hours alone. What does your f/o do when you can't sleep? Ace always falls asleep first even though he tries to stay up and help get Marco and Ray to fall asleep. Marco sits with Ray, he'll make him a tea, they'll spend time together until Ray is feeling sleepy, carries him to bed. Do you or your f/o cook? Both? Neither? Ace is very good at BBQ and being used to cook on. Marco knows basics as does Ray. Does your f/o remember to eat or do you have to remind them? Ace has no trouble eating without needing people to remind him. Ray and Ace always bring snacks for Marco though. Does your f/o have to remind you to eat? Ace again, has to be the one to come and make the two birdbrains eat. Ray gets lost in thought and Marco lets time run away with him.
@lawscorazon @whisplion @childofblackmaria @rosiinante @secretsnailor @smoleevee @sam-vangell @pure-kirarin @dxvilmanlev @sugxrslushy @yamatosimptm @dusk-bun @z3llous @fire-fist-ann @pebbsie @howlingartbean
I didn't tag you all so others can have someone to tag <3
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howlingartbean · 2 years
Okay I was gonna ask for the birbman but I think I'll try something else since I just noticed. Masked Deuce + Blue Hair? :) Thank youuuu!!
Deuce, smoll nerdy boy. Yess
Deuce x GN Reader SFW BINGO PROMPT: Blue Hair Word Count: 192
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“What are you doing?” he asked as he turned to you, eyebrow raised and confusion in his tone as he narrowed his eyes at you.
He’d been sitting there, minding his own business when you’d leaned closer, brushing a strand of blue behind his ear, smiling to yourself as you watched the light dusting of pink appear on his cheeks from the simple act of affection.
“I love your hair, it’s so soft and the colour, it’s beautiful.” You said with a sigh, reaching to touch it once more, running fingers through your boyfriend’s hair, feeling the strands fall between your fingers.
“W-what?” he didn’t flinch, he just stumbled and stuttered as you moved closer, running hands through hair, leaning in to press your lips against his cheek.
He almost fell off the other side of the bench, taking his book and inkpot with him. You chuckled and grabbed him just before he did “Take the compliment, your handsome.” You added.
“Though the red on your cheeks sure does clash with your hair kiddo.” Thatch said with a laugh as he walked past ruffling his hair and making it a mess.
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