hwntai · 9 years
you've heard of watching anime now get ready for
appreciating life and loving yourself
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hwntai · 9 years
tinymush replied to your post: aoi hana review abobble: aoi hana is a...
the manga is so much better, pls read that instead of ever watching this disappointment again
oh man i totally believe you. you can tell that there was like... something supposed to be going on there, just extremely poorly executed lmao. i didn’t realize till the credits i was on the last episode because it didn’t seem to be going anywhere at all. i might read the manga sometime!! they’re much harder for me to keep up with though, but it might be worth it to make up for This
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hwntai · 9 years
aoi hana review
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abobble: aoi hana is an 11ep romance drama mostly about girls being pretty kinda gay (or some of them being kinda bi). the description i read and the opening suggests it’s mostly about the relationship of two girls (pictured) who were childhood friend that reunite after not seeing each other for a long time, but the actual show focuses mostly on the tall girl’s feelings and love life.
would i recommend?: uhhh... nah. long story short, the only good part of this show was the fact there were gay girls at all, and everything else was kind of underwhelming. a low-action, zero-comedy drama is fine from time to time, but in that case i expect more engaging characters with better development than here.
that sounds... bad.........: the anime wasn’t really bad, but it wasnt really good either. the animation was kind of mediocre, the art was cute but not special, and the music light and sweet but not particularly memorable.
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the tall girl there, and fumi (the longhaired of the two childhood friends) have a thing going on, and there’s like two love triangles going on with tall girl, so a large portion of the show actually focuses on tall girl. everything is mainly told from the POV of fumi, but out of all the characters, you get to know the most about tall girl and her life and her feelings, especially compared to achan (the orange-haired girl and one of the two childhood friends). i won’t spoil the ending in case, you really are that thirsty for nonsexualized lesbians (i can’t blame ya), but i’d like to say that tall girl doesnt get the closure or development she deserves relative to her screentime.
and on that note, all characters were a little unengaging and flat; it was hard to relate to them for me, and i couldn’t bring myself to care for them very much. it didn’t feel like any of them grew very much as characters, nor were they particularly interesting (i think the lack of comedy + some cultural stuff didn’t help though, the part where schoolgirls had fiancees and stuff was a bit weird to me). achan was the worst off though, as shes presented to be a main character, but you get to know extremely little about her feelings, and the show doesn’t start focusing much on her at all until literally the credits of the last episode, and still through fumis perspective.
all in all, it wasnt horrible like the last show i watched, but still severely disappointing.
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hwntai · 9 years
could i please have a promo! i do shitty anime reviews and i’m having a blast, but it would be more fun if people actually read them! thank you!
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hwntai · 9 years
murder shoujos akuma no riddle review
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abot the anime: akuma no riddle is a 12ep show (or 13, counting the special), about a cool, blue-haired assassin (pictured not being so cool) trying to protect her cute, pure gf (also pictured) who ended up target in a murder game--11 other assassins and murderous young girls are promised a prize of whatever they want if they manage to kill their classmate.
should you watch this: nnnaaaahh like, the reason i watched this is because i added every show in the shoujo-ai tag on AP to my to-watch list, and shoujo-ai is always hit-and-miss and mostly miss with how gross and fanservicey and full of sexual harassment they are. this is (pictured) mostly miss. the show attempts to have a dramatic background story for each girl, explaining her background reasons for being in the murder game, but if you’d like to watch a good drama about young murder girls, you’re probably better off watching gunslinger girl or sth (though fair warning on that for child abuse and csa).
(spoilers under the cut)
soooo whats that about poorly executed murder girls: well, for starters no one dies except for background characters from the girls’ pasts so i probably should stop calling it murder girls. all of them are killers, but everyone miraculously survives somehow at the end.
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maybe it’s just that i’m a little tired of murder game plots because you can always tell they’re written by some nt whos like “you know what would be psychologically interesting... if like... they had to KILL each other!! i have no idea what trauma is and how to write it realistically lmao” so they’re always full of really typical, flat characters and over the top ableism (crazy people are bloodthirsty killers! no ““normal”“ good person would ever commit murder!) at least two of the girls are stereotypical deranged killers, and pretty much everyone keeps making the yandere face and g o d this is suffering
besides the characters being psychologically nonsensical, the background stories for each character are poorly told, making their motivations far participating in the murder game seem shady at best at times. there’s no good character development. anywhere. at all. there’s no growing bond or understanding between the two protags, and the lesbian couple (sword redhead and bear girl) are the tragic lesbians variant and commit double suicide together (but somehow survive a stab to the heart and lethal poison in the end), so this... is not actually a show you’d want to watch if you just wanna see girls being gay u feel? theres also some dude with a dice who has nothing to do with anything but seems to be related to the titular riddle theme that is never elaborated on. the riddles added nothing to the show, fuck you dice guy.
i won’t say much about the ending, in case you really still wanna watch this after reading this review, just that it was the most nonsensical shit i’ve ever watched with my own eyes. listen. if you feel the need to stab your gf to prove a point you’re probably not a good gf.
the show’s young, teenage characters are also constantly depicted in unfortunately sexual ways, including bath scenes, swimsuit scenes, girls casually sexually harassing each other (but dats ok bc theyre both girls lol!!)(sarcasm) and it’s on the whole very exhausting. if that’s not your thing, but you do intend to watch the show for whatever ugly reason, don’t bother with the special, which is pretty much the show’s plot summarized without violence and with more swimsuit and sexual harassment.
on the whole, some Bad ShitTM, it was doable for me because of my absolutely low standards and enjoying Girls Fighting. on that note, all the endings clips feature a different character and song, so i liked being in it for that too--the art was pretty standard, but i enjoyed the dramatic style from time to time. i think that sums up the positives.
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hwntai · 9 years
mushishi review
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about teh anime: mushishi is a 26 episode series following some of the many adventures of ginko (pictured) a white haired anime boy who against all odds doesnt die a mushi expert. the show’s episodic, essentially telling a different story about supernatural phenomena (mushi) each ep. the series has a sequel too.
recommended y/n?? if you love ghost/monster stories, i’d recommend watching mushishi! because it’s episodic it’s a bit much to watch all at once (all the different stories start blending together), but since they’re not building up a lot of plot or anything like that, they’re nice to watch inbetween doing things.
more: mushishi has a really relaxing feel to it, with mute, light colours and lots of nature and creatures, as it’s set in a past time japan, before many technological advancements. the focus is strongly on living together harmoniously with nature and mushi, essentially supernatural creatures invisible to most people. the music fits the storytelling atmosphere well, being very relaxed and harmonious mostly!
there is no real big plot that comes together from the individual episodes, so they can be watched out of order or with long breaks inbetween (which i did)! they mostly follow ginko, the main character, and over the course of the series you get to know a bit more about him, his past and his friends, but honestly not much. mushishi is pretty much the anime equivalent of sitting down and having a monster story told to you, mostly with satisfying and conclusive endings, though not all end happily, which was nice for a change of pace. mushishi is not a show to watch if you’re fond of your series plots actually going somewhere, though.
there’s a second season of mushishi and some specials, all of which i’d like to see as well, but like i mentioned before; watching too many episodes of mushishi after another makes all of them sort of blend together, because they’re similar in setup and aesthetic but essentially all totally different, unrelated stories. if you want to watch mushishi, do yourself a favor and don’t marathon it.
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hwntai · 9 years
colorful (2010) review
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a boob: a 2hr movie about a soul in the purgatory that has committed a great sin, but if they manage to go through a trial, they will be reaccepted into the reincarnation cycle. the trial means trying to remember his sin within roughly half a year, while inhabiting the body of a teenage boy that has just committed suicide.
would i recommend: yes!! it was good, if you like drama i guess. not a lot of Big Action happens in this movie, it mostly focuses on the character trying to adjust to his sudden new family and life. it’s generally cute, but i wouldn’t recommend watching this when not in a good brain spot because it is very much about suicide and the events leading up to that.
more: like i mentioned before, it is a drama, and like typical it kinda lacks action and is a little slow-paced, though not too slow-paced for my extremely short attention span so i think that’s positive.
the majority of the story involves the character trying to figure out the life and circumstances surrounding their unfamiliar body, and with no recollection of the kid’s life up until then, they’ve got a lot of figuring out to do, both about the kid and all the characters around them. fortunately, they’ve got a small kid angel (pictured) to help them out with that (every once in a while).
as the main character is not one to get Exceptionally Close with other characters and have intense feelings sessions with them, you don’t get to know about the other characters on a very deep level, but they are all very different and interesting regardless--you get to know just enough about them over the course of the movie to make them whole.
the music was nice, but the animation or art style didnt particularly stand out to me, i don’t think it was anything special. at some point instead of animating anything they just showed pictures of trains for a few minutes.
the ending was pretty intense, and well-executed and i cried a lot (boo hoo me)
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hwntai · 9 years
If you’re going to like anime, you should at least be ashamed of it
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hwntai · 9 years
zankyou no terror review
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animo summary: in this 11ep anime, two youths (pictured) are responsible for a series of terrorist attacks. a sickly and anxious girl gets roped up in all of it, while the police force is desperately trying to keep up with the attacks, and one detective (and his buddies) in particular, trying to find out what’s playing behind the attacks (i guess).
should you watch this: no. no what the fuck. no do you have a heart? do you have feelings? do you fucking value them??? don’t watch zankyou no terror (do it. watch zankyou no terror)
mmmmmyeah: i’m possibly a lil biased because i like explosions a lot, but zankyou no terror is one of the best animes ive watched in a while (i might also potentially be a bit biased because i keep watching really terrible stuff for the sake of it tho).
the music score is absolutely fantastic. the soundwork stood out to me over the animation or story itself, which is unusual because often i cannot hear a show’s music at all because if it’s not very noteworthy it gets blocked out by noise in my head, so this was like, refreshing. if for whatever reason you are really not gonna watch zankyou no terror, consider looking up the ost at least.
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as for the characters, i liked them, because i felt i could relate to them, but i have the feeling not everyone would. the girl, lisa (pictured, right) spends a large portion of the show only getting in trouble, and almost blown up on multiple occasions. she’s extremely sensitive, and passes out and throws up several times when confronted with something scary (like a terrorist telling her she could have just blown herself up, pictured). she desperately wants to help out two far more capable boys, but only manages to get in the way, or in danger.
in other words, she’s the kind of character that many people just can’t like. understanding that she’s, much like her two companions, hella mentally ill and an outcast should help, but ultimately i guess a lot of people will never ever be able to relate to her and will be bothered by her taking up so much screen time in this story. if you still think that she was useless at the end of the show though, congratulations, you didn’t get it!
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then there’s this girl (five)... who leaves a bad taste in my mouth because she kind of reminds me of near from death note, except like, cuter and not that flat as a character (that would have been impressive, lmao). her character arc still felt poorly executed though. she’s presented as the Evil Crazy Psycho Bitch, and only near the end of her story arc, she suddenly gains feelings and motives, but too late to save her from being the Evil Crazy Psycho Bitch character. what i’m saying is that they had a great opportunity to make her a more round, relateable character and essentially add in a huge tearjerker, and missed it. i’m sad about not being that sad about her character :’(((
as for the story in general, i think it was executed quite well besides five. the story starts out somewhat slow, and all of the plot reveals are more towards the end, making them a bit rushed, but it ties together nicely in the end. before the plot reveals there’s a lot of Fake Science and Dramatic Mastermind Showdowns, but ultimately entertaining (i like... explosions)
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[0:47:02] confetti can hear the bells: smiley terrorist is my fav [0:47:15] Level One Trash Farmer: smiley terrorist is everyones fav [0:47:26] confetti can hear the bells: unproblematic fave [0:47:40] Level One Trash Farmer: this terrorist is my unproblematic fav
watch zankyou no terror for this unproblematic fave
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hwntai · 9 years
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hwntai · 9 years
professor layton and the eternal diva review
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about this movie: this movie is a title in a series of professor layton puzzle games. it follows layton and luke as they try to solve yet another mystery, this time a mystery around the theme of “eternal life” while participating in a life-or-death puzzle game.
would i recommend: to watch this movie, i would recommend playing all or at least some of the preceding four titles, as it’s full of references to previous events and it would give one a better understanding of the layton universe this plays out in. and like... if you’ve played that many layton games before this i’m gonna assume you actually like the series so, yeah, i recommend it. it’s basically an animated treat if you like the series.
more: the main thing that sets this movie apart from the other layton titles is its disturbing lack of puzzles (probably because it isn’t a puzzle game). besides that, it has the typical charm of a layton story; a world with absolutely over-the-top fantasy elements, which avoids simply explaining things with “it’s magic”, so that instead there is a mystery to be solved. i feel like the professor layton storytelling and art style are quite unique, and even people who aren’t a fan of puzzle games might enjoy it, but like i said, the move is full of references to previous games. it’s watchable on its own, but better as a part of a series, so consider at least giving the games a try before watching this movie.
i normally don’t review much on sound, but i feel like this review wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging the wonderful soundtrack that is also present within its games. i usually watch subs, but the voice acting in this movie is outstanding and easy to understand. they... didn’t actually dub the singing in this movie, though.
the individual story itself was enjoyable too, i uh, kinda cried at the end so that bodes well i think.
my only real criticism to this piece is the lack of puzzles, and at the same time, the very fact that there were puzzles in the first place. as someone who’s played professor layton games before, presented with a puzzle in the movie i’d naturally try to solve it, and then be too focused on finding out whether or not i was right to focus on anything else, which is a bit of a bummer with how many things there are to look at in this movie. every piece of animated sequence is made with a lot of care and detail, so it kind of sucks to be distracted by puzzles... and at the same time, it wouldn’t be right without puzzles, as it’s a professor layton title.
on the whole, it was pretty good. yeah.
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hwntai · 9 years
i’m watching fate/zero for the first time in my life and i finally know what series saber is from
i’ve had a figurine of her for literally years, i got it because i thought she looks cool
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hwntai · 9 years
kuroshitsuji 2 review
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about the anime: after the events of kuroshitsuji (you know, the first season) take place, some more stuff has happened and ciel has lost his memory. this season has double the amount of snooty rich boys with demon butlers, so double the fun (not really, it’s actually pretty angsty)! the blond kid up there is alois, who together with his butler claude, is trying to get in the way of ciel for 12 episodes.
should you watch this: even assuming that you‘ve watched and enjoyed kuroshitsuji, it’s not technically necessary to watch kuroshitsuji 2, since as you might remember, kuroshitsuji’s ending didn’t leave many loose threads and seemed pretty conclusive. that said, even if i personally don’t feel it’s as good as the first season (the story is a bit messy), it’s good to watch if you like to see pedophiles get one-upped and has a good ending to the story. it’s probably worth your time.
blah blah blah: the reason i feel like the story is a bit messy is because there’s not that much going on over 12 episodes (kuroshitsuji had ciel and his butler involved with a whole bunch of different crimes and stories to solve, whereas kuroshitsuji 2 focuses primarily on the deal with alois), while simultaneously not explaining the story and showing the character’s feelings that clearly, or in a not-confusing manner. alois is mostly shown either crying or being mean, and at the end of the story you’ll have to go “well i GUESS that maybe he felt like ___, probably”, not to mention you might need to watch one of the specials afterwards to understand his character better, which, should be unnecessary with how much time was devoted to his story in the first place.
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that said, it doesn’t stray much from the kuroshitsuji aesthetic, which is basically goth leggy demon fanservice (and in this season, hannah who keeps showing her boobs. at some point she just fucking rips out the front of her dress in the middle of a fight). sebastian is still a great butler, and both he and claude are doing magical fancy butler stuff in an overly showy way. despite the angsty story, there’s still light humor involved, so on the whole, it’s pretty relaxing to watch.
the only thing i wasn’t very fond of was the extreme pedophilic tones to the story (not even counting some straight-up pedophilia). as if just sebastian’s close relationship (over, you know, wanting to eat him) with ciel wasn’t already generally kinda creepy enough, claude takes it to a whole new level by touching little boy legs in extremely inappropriate ways, and how much of the story was p much fighting over who gets to consume the lil boy, it was just, you know, gross.
if you’re still not sure if you want to watch kuroshitsuji 2 or not, consider watching the “the making of” special. it introduces all the characters and talks a bit about the story (without any spoilers) and ends with a story preview (that has nothing to do with the story. but, you know). if you liked that, you will probably like kuroshitsuji 2, and you will definitely like the rest of the kuroshitsuji 2 specials which you should watch after the story.
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the other specials include an alice in wonderland au (grell as a catgirl!), some extra content on grell and will, the trancy household (alois and his staff) and a straight-up self-insert episode.
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hwntai · 9 years
aoi sekai no chuushin de review
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anime summary: the kingdoms of segua and ninteldo are at war over the land of consume, and just as ninteldo is dominating the place and all hope seems lost for segua, the super fast and promising gear (the blue guy up there) joins the army in hopes of reuniting with his dad, fighting alongside his new friends. its also otherwise known as a three-episode very intense sonic fanfiction that starts off with tails dying
would i recommend this anime? of course. to my enemies. maybe my very close friends. actually just watch this this fucking monstrosity
tell me more, hwntai: theres many, many different kinds of bad, there’s things that are fake deep bad but still cute, there’s things that are so bad it’s funny again, and then there’s completely off-the-scale bad. this anime is so bad it couldn’t possibly get any worse.
[20:00:51] confetti is a small embarrassment to the human race: at what point does "fanservice" stop being fanservice and is it straight up hentai
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there’s no character building, and the female characters’ main purpose is to be sexy and pretty much helpless (also are naked in random scenes despite being fully clothed at the time?? trying too hard), while for some reason a character based off of tetris of all things keeps making extremely inappropriate remarks and gestures. have you recently felt violated by tetris? here’s your opportunity
the plot is absolutely disastrous, the characters are unrealistic and unrelatable and keep saying strange shit (but with the kind of Deep Motivational Spirit Voice), the fighting scenes are weak, designs are awkward. even the art is pretty bad. in short, there is no positive point i can come up with. are you one of those people that gets angry when people call link zelda? hahaha. watch this
for real though, watch this. everything else you’ll watch after this will suddenly seem a lot less bad. it’s only three episodes
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hwntai · 9 years
aku no hana review
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aboob the anime: aku no hana is a 13 episode rotoscope animation about some guy that “accidentally” steals his crush’s gym clothes, and gets blackmailed and sexually harassed over it by the creepy girl sitting behind him in class (pictured) while he... probably, tries to save whatever’s left of his romantic future.
should you watch this: uhh. it depends. you should definitely watch this if you’re a patient viewer and enjoy sexually tinted dark dramas, you should definitely not watch this if you’re me don’t have the attention span for the slow pace, or depictions of sexual harassment bother you
what was that: aku no hana is mostly extremely slow-paced, featuring fun things like 10 minute scenes of the characters slowly walking through town, not saying a word. emphasis on scenes, that’s not a one-time thing, either. combined with the general lack of action besides some shit nakamura pulls (that’s the girl pictured), the series becomes pretty much a special kind of hard-to-watch, and the more you are actually interested in the story, the more painful it is to be involved with because of how slowly everything moves and nothing is happening. maybe it’s part of the aesthetic! the awful aesthetic
slowness aside, the series takes a few episodes to get into it as well, before you actually have a sense of what’s going on and probably to get used to the rotoscope style--it takes out a bit of the punch in the story and trades it in for the vibes of a non-animated drama (a slow one, with lots of repetition). most of the story focuses on perversity, sexual harassment and Angst in the relationship dynamics between the three main characters. it was very difficult to watch for me as someone who is uncomfortable watching depictions of sexual harassment/assault in fiction (nobody... warned me................) but i do have to say it becomes more interesting as the characters gain psychological depth (which takes a while thanks to the pacing).
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to get back to the slowness again for a moment (IT WAS REALLY SLOW), the ending was a bit disappointing, as it was pretty much a brief flash-forward of the rest of the story that they didn’t manage to put into the anime because they made it so ridiculously slow-paced. 13 episodes of slow and like 5 minutes of NYOOM basically what i mean to say is that aku no hana was hard to enjoy as an anime and that if you think the dark, psychological story will interest you, you should probably just read the manga, which continues far beyond the anime (not counting the flashforward). the style is a bit different... but you’ll get used to that
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hwntai · 9 years
should i post my own animey fanart to this blog too? or should i stick with reviews
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hwntai · 9 years
at least i dont watch anime
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