iamnehall · 2 years
If i melt a trashcan,,
won't it just melt??
come to me for useless knowledge, for example what would happen if you melted a typical metal trashcan and what quasars are
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iamnehall · 2 years
just a poem that popped into my head. please be warned it's kind of venty.
Taglist: @elle-cosmic-chaos @hey-its-puddlesock @iamnehall @heart-wit-strength @t4t4tsashannarcy @yourpersonaltimebomb
by minute
by hour
by day
by week
taking every moment of respite before it's back to work again
because what is my life but work? but exhaustion
but I keep going
for all those moments of respite
for every little chance to be with my friends again
for every chance to live for myself
for every chance to be free
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iamnehall · 2 years
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Let’s talk about the fabulous aromantics out there
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iamnehall · 2 years
I liked reading.
Left it behind
In hopes the teasing would stop,
"4 eyes" and "nerd", I wanted to escape these.
I found new friends.
Picked up on trends, picked up on styling myself.
Tried to be popular.
All I did was conceal her with bandages
Telling her, "You're perfect, but I'll be back."
Was it worth 3 years later?
It all came back.
Like all those layers I tried to wrap around,
Were now being peeled
One at a time,
Slowly by slowly.
Little did i know, the thing inside of it had decayed now.
Leaving it unchecked,
Leaving it rotting inside,
Forgetting its sole existence.
It became something that now couldn't be healed.
Even if I try to impersonate,
that girl can no longer be brought back.
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iamnehall · 2 years
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iamnehall · 2 years
Okay, so Méli sent part of a play on discord, and then her and Bloop tempted me to write this so here:
Tag list: @slymanner @waybrights @mira-blue @pomerian-in-disguise @skibs-scribbles @sylsoddsandends @generalyunan @maritasdump @dillpickleanne @karamelys  @pix-pres-wuz-here  @scribicronus @mothicalspoken @detentiontrack  @eeveearoace  @the-chaotic-lesbian @bloop-arts
Three girls sat together, hand in hand. The middle one stared at her lap, refusing to look at either of the two, but melting into their embrace anyway.
The one on the left held her close, almost as of trying to protect the middle girl.
The one on the right was less touchy, but looked at the other two girls with a mixture of adoration, love and sadness.
"You're not a bad person, Marce," the left girl said. The girl being addressed to shook her head.
"Just let me hide myself," she mumbled," I don't deserve you guys."
"Would you?" The right girl asked.
"Will you?" The left one enquired.
"Can you?" The middle one asked, "Can you even love me after all I've done."
"We could hold onto it," the right one said, "We could let the resentment build. Or we could let go and accept that all of us messed up."
"We can all start again," the left one agreed, "Do things right this time. For real."
And that was all the middle girl needed to hear. She let herself cry as the girls around her held her tight.
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iamnehall · 3 years
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*spits out drink* HOLY CRAP-
Anyways, thank you thank you thank you to every single one of you, this means so much to me. Every single like, reply and reblog y'all have dropped has meant so much. I don't think I'll ever be able to say thank you enough.
Special thanks to everyone of my mutuals cuz y'all are just so cool and I love talking to every single one of you so much. All of you are so talented and I'm just really lucky to know you.
(Also extra special mentions to two more ppl: @sylsoddsandends and @generalyunan. They're amazing ppl, I love them with all my heart (if you couldn't tell from my posts) and they always make me laugh so much. Also to @pomerian-in-disguise for just dropping so many likes. Love you neha💕)
Edit: I forgot to tag my moots. @maritasdump @slymanner @eeveearoace @the-chaotic-lesbian @omicronus1326 @detentiontrack @kara-melys @ayyyyysexual @darcy-wu @goodartitude @mothicalspoken @ohyoumeanher @pix-pres-wuz-here @pjohngo @skibs-scribbles @waybrights and some I'm probably missing.
Now, for a 100 followers Syl and Tai helped me come up with an ask game, so I'm dropping it here, spam me with it!
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iamnehall · 3 years
I wish this was animated as an AU, like they make a short side series of wht would hv happened if grime captured her instead. This is sooo gooddd!
Summary:  Sometimes you rise to greatness, even though you started out as a prisoner. What if that doesn’t happen? What if fear blinds your captor? ~ An Alternate Universe where Grime keeps Sasha imprisoned instead of making her lieutenant
Prologue: Going Downhill
Chapter 1: In The Dark
Tag list: @scribicronus @mothicalspoken@detentiontrack @kara-melys @generalyunan @maritasdump @eeveearoace @waybrights@pomerian-in-disguise @sylsoddsandends @darcy-wu @the-chaotic-lesbian
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iamnehall · 3 years
@maritasdump Nita, judge me on how trash this is, I want the expert’s opinion 
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iamnehall · 3 years
Okay, I'll let them be happy just this once.
For @sylsoddsandends (I hope you like it ^^)
Tag list: @scribicronus @mothicalspoken@detentiontrack @kara-melys @generalyunan @maritasdump @eeveearoace @waybrights@pomerian-in-disguise @sylsoddsandends
Surprise sleepovers had become quite frequent after they'd left Amphibia. It wasn't something they'd ever planned, or even talked about. They'd just come to an unspoken agreement: Anytime one of them felt down in anyway, be it bad memories or nightmares, they'd ping the other two. And they'd sneak into who ever's house.
Tonight, though, Marcy hadn't been the one to call them. She opened her window as she bobbed her head slightly to the electronic beeping.
Morse code. She smiled as she recognised what was being said.
Open up you goof.
She smiled as she held up a finger, and rushed to get the rope she'd made from several clothes.
Once they were up in her room, she threw herself at them an hugged them as tightly as she could. They did the same.
Something about being around them always made her stomach just burst into butterflies and it would flutter around.
They made her nervous, but a good nervous. The "I want to be the best I can for you" kind of nervous and honestly, she didn't mind.
They'd laughed and chatted until she couldn't stay awake anymore and had fallen asleep on Sasha's shoulder. As she drifted off to sleep, she could feel someone cover her with something. A blanket, probably.
She smiled a little as she feel asleep to Anne and Sasha's whispering.
When eyes fluttered open the next morning, she found herself lying in bed, Anne on her left, her hands wrapped around Marcy's arm, and Sasha on her right, her body barely touching Marcy's.
She craned her neck and found that it was still dark outside. She closed her eyes as she let sleep take her once more.
She had no nightmares for once in a long time.
With Anne and Sasha around, she never did.
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iamnehall · 3 years
I wrote angst. Because that's what everyone needs after today's episode.
Tag list: @scribicronus @mothicalspoken@detentiontrack @kara-melys @generalyunan @maritasdump @eeveearoace @waybrights@pomerian-in-disguise @sylsoddsandends
With Sasha, it was always a wild ride. Breaking rules for fun, running around the mall, and scare dares. Each one always turned into a fond memory and none had ever been dull. It was like being near a fierce fire. Scary, yes, and a very imminent threat of being burned always looming over, but that paled in comparison to the warmth and the light. ~ With Anne, it's a lot more calmer, but no less fun. Gaming sessions, group studies that almost always dissolved into them getting distracted, and makeovers, even the ones that ended in disaster. Each memory was like a glowing ball of happiness. It was like being out in the rain. It could get cold and get uncomfortable but it never did. The calm and the coolness always overwhelmed the negative aspects. ~ Marcy misses that. Even if she'll never get it back. She misses them, because to her, they were home. But she has no home to go to anymore. Heck, she doesn't even own her own body anymore. She doesn't have anything to her name. Not her girls, not her body, not her mind.
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iamnehall · 3 years
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I've said it once after TC, so I'm gonna say it again: Haley deserves a freaking 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 for the voice acting this episode. She went all out; the scream as she got possessed was the best part, imo. It was so bone chilling, yet so.. heartbreaking to witness/listen to; the entire scene was. Haley truly channels a scared, traumatized thirteen year old perfectly. *chef's kiss*!- IDFS Anon
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iamnehall · 3 years
Do you ever?
Wrote a little something different. Hope y’all like it.
Tag list: @scribicronus @iamthelordoftime @detentiontrack @kara-melys @hopediah @maritasdump @eeveearoace @pomerian-in-disguise @waybrights  @the-chaotic-lesbian @sylsoddsandends
Do you ever pine for someone? 
Like, not romantically, but platonically.
You don’t want to kiss them or anything. You want to just be with them. You know, hang out with them, talk to them about anything and everything. Like you want to see them and smile and get that warm feeling in your chest that you sometimes mistake for romantic attraction. You want to be friends with them so bad.
Because - look at them! - they’re so cool!
I don’t get it. This shouldn’t be hard. I can just go up to her and talk!
She’s so much fun to be around, even though I haven’t talked to her much. It comes so easily to her, talking to people. She’s great at tennis too, like have you seen her? 
The complete opposite of who I am. I can hardly look people in the eye. Talking is easy, but talking to people never comes naturally. Even on a good day, the most I can hold a conversation for is 5 minutes, maybe, with someone I don’t know.
Sasha thinks I’m being silly, that I should just go up to her and introduce myself. “What’s the worst that can happen?” is what she says. She’s right, but, well, look at us!
Maybe she’d actually hear me, that’s the worst that can happen.
She’s kind, athletic, friendly, and I’m a nerd who can’t keep her mouth shut. I want to go up to her, but every time I do, I freeze up.
Her name is Anne, I think. At least that’s what Sasha says. 
Maybe one day I’ll gather the courage to go talk to her.
Maybe at lunch.
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iamnehall · 3 years
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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iamnehall · 3 years
Happy Halloween to all my peeps!
Tag list: @scribicronus @iamthelordoftime @detentiontrack @kara-melys @hopediah @maritasdump @eeveearoace @pomerian-in-disguise @waybrights  @the-chaotic-lesbian @sylsoddsandends 
tw: blood
Every night in the dark, she sits there, a single mushroom lamp providing a flickering light, a dull green that barely reaches beyond her. She sits under it, picking up the diary, putting it down, and stuck in a loop. She doesn’t want to read any more than she has to. She knows this is wrong, but she can’t help it.
When she reads it, she feels like she can hear Anne, sitting next to her, recounting all her adventures with an excited glint in her eyes. Her realising how much these frogs mean to her and rambling on and on about them. She talks about them too, about how much she misses them. It’s almost like she’s right here with her.
But the more she reads, the more she realises that she never really knew Anne. No, she did, but she chose to look at her with how she perceived her to be, not how she was.
Sometimes, reading her diary is all that can get her to sleep. She’s too paranoid to let her guard down; the diary calms her a bit, makes her feel like her girl is beside her, right there. 
And somewhere in her head, she mourns Marcy, mourns her raven-haired friend for the fact that she’s alive, but there’s nothing she can do to help. But it never surfaces first.
The first face is always the brunette.
And as she stands before the monster that wears her face, she realises she’d never given her first place.
Sleep is a luxury she can’t seem to afford these days since most of them are spent researching a way to get back to Amphibia. She’s getting more desperate by the day.
Andrias’s invasion could begin any moment. The Plantars weren’t going to be able to survive in her world for much longer, and even if, by some miracle, they do, she doubts the authorities will let them roam free. 
But there’s another reason, one she won’t let herself dwell on for too long.
Yet, it’s her first thought every time she sees a mall. Every time she looks into Marcy’s journal, she can practically hear the jet-haired girl’s voice. And the echoes of Marcy’s voice remind her how much she’s lost.
So, she puts on a brave face and faces every day with a glimmering, albeit dwindling, source of hope.
Every little clue matters.
Which is why she’s memorised Marcy’s journal. It’s why she knows every thought of Marcy’s, everything from what she thought about her and Sasha to drawings and sketches of them. From amphibia’s species based caste system to indigenous fauna. It’s why she still goes through it every night.
She doesn’t do it because she wants to know why Marcy wanted to stay in Amphibia so bad. She doesn’t do it because she wonders how badly she had to have messed up to miss it. She doesn’t do it because she misses her.
I don’t.
She watches, horrified, at the monster who wears her friend’s face slashing at Sasha’s eye. She realises that the person she prayed would come back to her died a long time ago.
Even though her body has healed, she can still feel the pain. It’s usually a dull ache, but it turns into a sharp pain if she used to refuse to comply. Or she could before it took over. Now, she’s just a voice, that tiny part in her head that wanted out at one point, but now just stands by and watches, no matter how much it hurts.
She doesn’t have a choice.
And she has no one to blame but herself. She’s the one who gave up control.
So, she watches as her body moves, a blur, fast in a way she never was. She knows the blonde and brunette are important to her, but she can’t place who they are. She can’t remember their names no matter how hard she tries.
Maybe it’s the horror that breaks its control. She opens her eyes, the pain back, her chest feeling as if she’d been stabbed. It isn’t gone, but at least it’s not in control for now.
She remembers their names as she stares at the blood, unable to move. 
Anne. Sasha.
Blood flows down Sasha’s eye, and though the girl is still standing, she’s heaving as Anne covers her. She’s going to die like this.
She feels something slam against her head as she reaches forward to help. Anne draws her sword back, tears streaming down her face.
Darkness closes in as she falls, and she realises she’s lost them for good. 
And it’s all her fault. 
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iamnehall · 3 years
Welcome to study shenanigans with @pomerian-in-disguise​​ and myself:
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This the image she sent:
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iamnehall · 3 years
"You can call it too cut throat
I'm just lookin' out for myself"
Mum in bg : "sHuT uP, I'm trynna work here"
True therapy is screaming the lyrics of Heartstomper while your mum tells you to shut up
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